The Mother of All Scandals
By Eric Margolis
06/20/07 "ICH" -- -- Anyone who wants to understand what really goes on in the
Mideast should have a look at the scandal that erupted earlier this month over
the outsized character of Prince Bandar of Saudi Arabia.
Bandar has long been a renowned mover, shaker, and charmer. As Saudi ambassador
to the US, the influential Bandar schmoozed official Washington for two decades.
He became an intimate of the Bush family. He invested at least $60 million in
Saudi funds in the Carlyle Corp., in which the Bush family has important
interests. Equally significant, Prince Bandar was a particular favorite at the
CIA, where he was long considered one of its prime Mideast "assets."
Bandar flew in his own personal Airbus A-340 painted in the colors of his
favorite US football team, and threw lavish parties in his $135 million Aspen
house and in Washington. He was Mr. SaudiAmerica. Congress, the media, and the
rest of official Washington hailed Bandar as the kind of "good Arab" with whom
the US was happy to do business.
After leaving Washington, Bandar returned home to become the highly influential
head of national security and chief foreign policy advisor to Saudi Arabia's
King Abdullah. Bandar's father, Crown Prince Sultan, is the nation's powerful
defense minister and next in line to the throne. Many Saudi observers believed
Bandar was being positioned to sit one day on the throne of Saudi Arabia.
On top of all this, Bandar is also a marketing genius.
The UK Guardian newspaper and BBC recently revealed that Bandar personally
received over US $2 billion in "marketing fees" from the British defense firm
BAE as part of the huge, 1985 al-Yamamah arms deal. Al-Yamamah means dove in
Arabic. Charges of massive corruption over the Al-Yamamah deal have swirled for
years. But even for the rich Saudis, $2 billion is a lot of money. That's twice
what Washington's most important Arab ally, Egypt, was given.
For the Saudi royals, Britain's outgoing PM Tony Blair, and Washington, the
"dove" and Bandar's $2 billion worth of payola have become one big albatross.
During the 1980's, Saudi Arabia sought to buy modern US warplanes. But the US
pro-Israel lobby blocked the sale, costing the loss of billions in sales by US
industry and 100,000 American jobs. The Reagan Administration advised the Saudis
to go buy their warplanes from Britain.
Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher was only too happy have the British defense
firm, known today as BAE, sell the Saudis 120 Tornado strike aircraft, Hawk
trainers, military equipment, and lucrative training and maintenance programs
worth some $90–100 billion and the 100,000 jobs America lost. Over their
operational lives of 20 or so years, warplanes consume six times their original
cost in spare parts. These supply contract also went to BAE and other British
industrial firms.
The Saudis could barely operate the modern military equipment they bought from
the US, Britain, and France. Their military forces were a big zero. Most of it
stayed in storage, or was operated by foreign mercenaries. The Saudi arms deals
were really about buying military protection from the western powers.
All arms sales to the west's Mideast clients routinely include 10–15%
"commissions" to heads of state, generals, and their cronies. These funds are
traditionally channeled through middlemen, the flamboyant Adnan Kashoggi being
the most notorious.
Kickbacks, rechristened "marketing fees," were of course expected in the Al-Yamamah
deal. But Bandar's $2 billion set a record for size and venality. Thatcher
ordered Bandar's payments carefully hidden from public gaze. They remained so
until recent years when British and American government investigators began
questioning secret, multi-million dollar payments to Prince Bandar routed from
the UK to the shady Riggs Bank in Washington. Before it was shut down after a
series of scandals, Riggs had become one of the favorite handlers of "black"
money for pro-US autocratic regimes.
When Britain's Serious Fraud Office began probing BAE's secret payoffs to
Bandar, Tony Blair sanctimoniously ordered the investigation shut down for
"national security" reasons. The Saudis threatened to cancel their arms deals
with Britain if payoff charges were made public by HM's government. Blair was
trying to sell the Saudis BAE's new, high-tech Eurofighter. He blocked similar
investigations by OECD, the international anti-bribery watchdog agency which was
also closing in on the Saudi money trail.
Bandar denies any wrongdoing, claiming the "marketing" funds all went into a
legitimate Defense Ministry account and were properly accounted for and audited.
Few believe him. The only "marketing" effort in the arms deal was payola to high
Saudi officials. If the funds were legit, why all the secrecy and money
laundering? Were the payments simply western "baksheesh" for Bandar and his
clan? Were they to help him against his main power rival, Prince Turki Faisal,
who is not seen as amenable to US and British interests as Bandar?
Could the billions have been used for covert operations, possibly with US
participation? One recalls the Reagan years when money from Israel's secret
sales of US arms to Iran were used to finance the Nicaraguan Contras.
The most significant effect of this revolting scandal is being felt in the
Muslim world. One of the major reasons for the fast-spreading influence of
militant Islamic groups like Hezbullah, Hamas, and Taliban has been their
success in uprooting the Muslim world's endemic corruption and nepotism. We are
so used to Islamists being demonized as "terrorists" that their highly effective
and popular social accomplishments are rarely noted. In fact, their appeal and
popularity is based primarily on their welfare and incorruptibility.
Islamic militants insist the west exploits their nations by keeping deeply
corrupt regimes in power. In exchange for protection from their own people and
neighbors, and fabulous wealth, these authoritarian Arab regimes – always termed
"moderates" by western media – sell oil on the cheap to the west and do its
bidding. US-installed governments in Lebanon, Palestine, Iraq, Somalia, and
Afghanistan are all noted for egregious corruption, including secret payoffs
from Washington to their leaders.
No wonder Prince Bandar was always so amiable and accommodating. Or that he
managed to fly out a planeload of Saudis the day after 9/11 when all US flights
were grounded. Or that the Bush administration was trying to position the always
amenable prince as the next Saudi monarch.
The Bandar scandal is hugely embarrassing for Blair and Bush, who claim to be
leading a crusade to bring democracy and good government to the benighted Muslim
world. It starkly confirms Islamists' accusations that the west promotes
corruption. And it dramatically exposes the dirty underbelly of the west's
much-vaunted "special relationship" with the Saudi royal family.
June 19, 2007
Eric Margolis, contributing foreign editor for Sun National Media Canada, is the
author of War at the Top of the World.
The Mother of All Scandals
By Eric Margolis
06/20/07 "ICH" -- -- Anyone who wants to understand what really goes on in the
Mideast should have a look at the scandal that erupted earlier this month over
the outsized character of Prince Bandar of Saudi Arabia.
Bandar has long been a renowned mover, shaker, and charmer. As Saudi ambassador
to the US, the influential Bandar schmoozed official Washington for two decades.
He became an intimate of the Bush family. He invested at least $60 million in
Saudi funds in the Carlyle Corp., in which the Bush family has important
interests. Equally significant, Prince Bandar was a particular favorite at the
CIA, where he was long considered one of its prime Mideast "assets."
Bandar flew in his own personal Airbus A-340 painted in the colors of his
favorite US football team, and threw lavish parties in his $135 million Aspen
house and in Washington. He was Mr. SaudiAmerica. Congress, the media, and the
rest of official Washington hailed Bandar as the kind of "good Arab" with whom
the US was happy to do business.
After leaving Washington, Bandar returned home to become the highly influential
head of national security and chief foreign policy advisor to Saudi Arabia's
King Abdullah. Bandar's father, Crown Prince Sultan, is the nation's powerful
defense minister and next in line to the throne. Many Saudi observers believed
Bandar was being positioned to sit one day on the throne of Saudi Arabia.
On top of all this, Bandar is also a marketing genius.
The UK Guardian newspaper and BBC recently revealed that Bandar personally
received over US $2 billion in "marketing fees" from the British defense firm
BAE as part of the huge, 1985 al-Yamamah arms deal. Al-Yamamah means dove in
Arabic. Charges of massive corruption over the Al-Yamamah deal have swirled for
years. But even for the rich Saudis, $2 billion is a lot of money. That's twice
what Washington's most important Arab ally, Egypt, was given.
For the Saudi royals, Britain's outgoing PM Tony Blair, and Washington, the
"dove" and Bandar's $2 billion worth of payola have become one big albatross.
During the 1980's, Saudi Arabia sought to buy modern US warplanes. But the US
pro-Israel lobby blocked the sale, costing the loss of billions in sales by US
industry and 100,000 American jobs. The Reagan Administration advised the Saudis
to go buy their warplanes from Britain.
Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher was only too happy have the British defense
firm, known today as BAE, sell the Saudis 120 Tornado strike aircraft, Hawk
trainers, military equipment, and lucrative training and maintenance programs
worth some $90–100 billion and the 100,000 jobs America lost. Over their
operational lives of 20 or so years, warplanes consume six times their original
cost in spare parts. These supply contract also went to BAE and other British
industrial firms.
The Saudis could barely operate the modern military equipment they bought from
the US, Britain, and France. Their military forces were a big zero. Most of it
stayed in storage, or was operated by foreign mercenaries. The Saudi arms deals
were really about buying military protection from the western powers.
All arms sales to the west's Mideast clients routinely include 10–15%
"commissions" to heads of state, generals, and their cronies. These funds are
traditionally channeled through middlemen, the flamboyant Adnan Kashoggi being
the most notorious.
Kickbacks, rechristened "marketing fees," were of course expected in the Al-Yamamah
deal. But Bandar's $2 billion set a record for size and venality. Thatcher
ordered Bandar's payments carefully hidden from public gaze. They remained so
until recent years when British and American government investigators began
questioning secret, multi-million dollar payments to Prince Bandar routed from
the UK to the shady Riggs Bank in Washington. Before it was shut down after a
series of scandals, Riggs had become one of the favorite handlers of "black"
money for pro-US autocratic regimes.
When Britain's Serious Fraud Office began probing BAE's secret payoffs to
Bandar, Tony Blair sanctimoniously ordered the investigation shut down for
"national security" reasons. The Saudis threatened to cancel their arms deals
with Britain if payoff charges were made public by HM's government. Blair was
trying to sell the Saudis BAE's new, high-tech Eurofighter. He blocked similar
investigations by OECD, the international anti-bribery watchdog agency which was
also closing in on the Saudi money trail.
Bandar denies any wrongdoing, claiming the "marketing" funds all went into a
legitimate Defense Ministry account and were properly accounted for and audited.
Few believe him. The only "marketing" effort in the arms deal was payola to high
Saudi officials. If the funds were legit, why all the secrecy and money
laundering? Were the payments simply western "baksheesh" for Bandar and his
clan? Were they to help him against his main power rival, Prince Turki Faisal,
who is not seen as amenable to US and British interests as Bandar?
Could the billions have been used for covert operations, possibly with US
participation? One recalls the Reagan years when money from Israel's secret
sales of US arms to Iran were used to finance the Nicaraguan Contras.
The most significant effect of this revolting scandal is being felt in the
Muslim world. One of the major reasons for the fast-spreading influence of
militant Islamic groups like Hezbullah, Hamas, and Taliban has been their
success in uprooting the Muslim world's endemic corruption and nepotism. We are
so used to Islamists being demonized as "terrorists" that their highly effective
and popular social accomplishments are rarely noted. In fact, their appeal and
popularity is based primarily on their welfare and incorruptibility.
Islamic militants insist the west exploits their nations by keeping deeply
corrupt regimes in power. In exchange for protection from their own people and
neighbors, and fabulous wealth, these authoritarian Arab regimes – always termed
"moderates" by western media – sell oil on the cheap to the west and do its
bidding. US-installed governments in Lebanon, Palestine, Iraq, Somalia, and
Afghanistan are all noted for egregious corruption, including secret payoffs
from Washington to their leaders.
No wonder Prince Bandar was always so amiable and accommodating. Or that he
managed to fly out a planeload of Saudis the day after 9/11 when all US flights
were grounded. Or that the Bush administration was trying to position the always
amenable prince as the next Saudi monarch.
The Bandar scandal is hugely embarrassing for Blair and Bush, who claim to be
leading a crusade to bring democracy and good government to the benighted Muslim
world. It starkly confirms Islamists' accusations that the west promotes
corruption. And it dramatically exposes the dirty underbelly of the west's
much-vaunted "special relationship" with the Saudi royal family.
June 19, 2007
Eric Margolis, contributing foreign editor for Sun National Media Canada, is the
author of War at the Top of the World.