Why Did
Muhammad Have So Many Wives?
Sahar El-Nadi
I have a
question regarding marriage and the wives of Muhammad. Why is it that, if Islam
only permits up to four wives, and even then does not encourage it, Muhammad
took nine wives? Also, one of his wives was only seven years old when he married
her, and nine when he consummated the marriage, according to your Web site. This
seems to me akin to child molestation!
Also, one
of his children was not from one of his wives, but from one of his "right-hand
possessions" to quote your own Web site. Why is a woman called a possession? Is
this a concubine? Why did he have intercourse outside of wedlock? Weren't nine
women enough for him? Muhammad's own lifestyle seems to contradict the very
teachings Islam claims regarding marriage and women.
Thank you for
the ongoing dialogue with our page. We enjoy bouncing ideas back and forth with
you, as it seems you're researching Islam diligently.
Women are often brought into the picture when discussing Islam because their
status — if not studied thoroughly and objectively — is severely misunderstood.
Under those inaccurate assumptions, Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him)
is often accused of practicing and encouraging unjust treatment of women, while
the truth is actually the opposite — as I hope you will see after reading this
I'm encouraged by your thoughtful, questioning nature to attempt to crystallize
the true picture of this great man. Let's take an objective peek into his life,
to examine whether or not Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) is that
repelling womanizer. But first let's go a little further back in history to look
at the domestic lives of other prophets preceding Muhammad and what their
Scriptures tell us about their stance towards the polygamy issue:
Other Prophets Practiced Polygamy
The fact that
only Muhammad is accused of polygamy is rather surprising, since this is a
privilege enjoyed by prophets before him. Their wives and concubines came in
great numbers, too! The Torah, the Bible, and the Qur'an tell of some of them;
the rest are not mentioned so we don't know, but among the ones who were
polygamous we can count Prophets Ibrahim (Abraham), Ya`qub (Jacob), Dawud
(David), and Sulayman (Solomon). The Scriptures talk of polygamy as a "favor"
bestowed upon them from the Lord.
First Kings
11:1-3 indicates that King Solomon had 700 hundred wives and 300 hundred
concubines! In sealing treaties in ancient days, it was customary for a lesser
king to give his daughter in marriage to the greater king. Every time a new
treaty was sealed, Solomon ended up with yet another wife. These wives were
considered "tokens of friendship" and "sealed" the relationship between the two
kings. (Reasoning from the Scriptures on 1 Kings)
Scripture indicates that David also acquired wives and concubines, David's
blessings, including his wives, were given to him as a result of God's favor (2
Sam. 5:12-13; 12:8; D & C 132:39). Scriptural records say that the Lord did
command some of his ancient saints to practice plural marriage. Abraham, Isaac,
and Jacob—among others (D & C 132)—conformed to this ennobling and exalting
principle; the whole history of ancient Israel was one in which plurality of
wives was a divinely accepted and approved order of matrimony. Those who entered
this order at the Lord's command, and who kept the laws and conditions
appertaining to it, have gained for themselves eternal exaltation in the highest
heaven of the celestial world. (Mormon Doctrine of Plural Marriage p.
Didn't Invent Polygamy but Only Regulated It—in Favor of Women!
From the above accounts, we can clearly see that Prophets—including
Muhammad—were allowed to be more polygamous than their followers, not just for
carnal reasons, but for political and religious reasons pertaining to their
call. Consequently, it is groundless to wonder why Muslims can't marry 12 wives
like their prophet, just as it is groundless to wonder why Jews and Christians
can't marry 700 like theirs! Islam didn't invent polygamy; Islam only made
polygamy more humane, instituting equal rights for all wives. And even so,
Muslim women are not forced to accept this and may put a condition against it in
their marriage contract.
The Qur'an Is the Only Holy Book That Actually Says "Marry Only One"
Images of
"sheikhs with harems" are not consistent with Islam, as, in fact, the general
rule in Islam is monogamy not polygamy. the Qur'an says what means:
women of your choice, two, or three, or four; but if ye fear that ye shall not
be able to deal justly (with them), then only one.}* (An-Nisaa' 3:3)
Polygamy in
Islam is not recommended; it is only permitted under certain guidelines.
Permission to practice polygamy is not associated with mere satisfaction of
passion. It is, rather, associated with compassion toward widows and
Before the Qur'an was revealed, there was no upper limit for polygamy, and many
men had more than four wives. Islam put an upper limit of four wives, permitting
a man to marry more than once, only on the condition that he deal justly with
all of them. Yet the same verse points out:
*{Ye are
never able to be fair and just as between women}* (Al-Nisaa' 3:129)
Therefore polygamy is not a rule but an exception.
Why Is the Exception of Polygamy Allowed in Islam?
The exception is made for many reasons, but let's note only one here, addressing
your concern that Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) "had intercourse
outside of wedlock."
In Western society, it is common for a man to have mistresses or multiple
extra-marital affairs. Women in this case are degraded to mere sex objects with
absolutely no rights; they're usually on the losing end of such liaisons. The
same society, however, cannot accept a man having more than one wife so that
women can retain their lawful rights and lead an honorable, dignified, and
respectable life.
If every adult American man married only one woman, there would still be more
than 25 million women in the United States who would not be able to get
husbands, at least considering that—according to latest statistics—10 percent of
the American population is gay! That's close to 30 million people!
Thus the only option for a woman who cannot find a husband is either to marry a
married man or to become "public property." Islam gives women the honorable
position by permitting the first option and disallowing the second. At least one
of the reasons Islam has permitted limited polygamy is to protect the modesty of
Islam's Straightforward Approach in Problem Solving
In Islam, problems are supposed to be faced and solved—not ignored! So, rather
than requiring hypocritical compliance, Islam provides legitimate and clean
solutions to the problems of individuals and societies. There is no doubt that
the second wife legally married and treated kindly is better off than a mistress
without any legal rights. Through practical example, Prophet Muhammad as the
guide of Muslims has set the applicable rules for this aspect of human relations
in order not to leave anything for speculation.
Stages of the Prophet's Married Life
First, let's remember that Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him)
led a life supported only by the bare minimum of necessities. His wives were not
idly wasting away the hours in a luxurious harem but led a life of labor and
sacrifice, while he was mostly busy away from home overseeing his numerous
duties as a Prophet. So, obviously, lust was not a factor, as he wasn't even at
home most of the time. Further, most of his marriages occurred at an age when
lust is not a major factor in any man's life:
1. He remained single until age 25.
2. From age 25 to 50 he was faithful to only one wife, Khadijah, who bore all
his children except one. She was 15 years older than him, with children from two
previous marriages. She was his greatest ally when he received the Call at age
40 until she died when he was 50 years old. He remained in love with her until
he died and often talked of his life with her with great nostalgia.
3. Between
ages 50 and 52 he remained unmarried and mourning his late beloved wife. He
lived alone with his daughters.
4. Between
ages 53 and 60 he married all his other wives for many noble reasons detailed
below. It's unimaginable for a man to suddenly turn lustful at this age,
especially as he was constantly traveling, with bloodthirsty enemies on his
5. At age
60, Allah revealed to him verse preventing him from marrying any more until he
died, which was at age 63. The Qur'an says what means:
*{It is not
lawful for you (to marry other) women after this, nor to change them for other
wives.}* (Al-Ahzab 33:52)
for the Prophet's Marriages
We can categorize all his marriages under two aspects of his personality:
- Muhammad the man who needed a loving wife, children, and a
stable home, so he married Khadijah and remained with only her for 20 years
until she died.
- Muhammad the Prophet who married the other wives for reasons
pertaining to his duty to deliver the Message to the world. Those particular
women were carefully selected, not just haphazardly "acquired" for carnal
reasons, as suggested. Here are some of the reasons for which Muhammad married:
1. To pass on Islam to the next generations as a practical legacy
Prophet Muhammad is the only prophet without any privacy, and with a
meticulously preserved tradition in speech and actions in all minute details of
his public and private life. Preserved in the sharp minds of his wives and his
Companions, those narrations comprise the "daily life manual" for Muslims to
follow until the end of time. The fact that Islam was spread on the shoulders of
women and preserved in their hearts is a great honor to the females of this
Ummah. The books of authentic Hadith attribute more than 3,000 narrations and
Prophetic traditions to his wives alone.
2. To cement the relations of the budding nation
In a tribal society, it was customary to seal treaties through marrying into
tribes. Muhammad's closest Companions later became the four caliphs who led
Islam at the critical stage after his death. Two of them were the fathers of his
wives `A'ishah (daughter of Abu Bakr) and Hafsa (daughter of `Umar); the other
two married his daughters (`Uthman married Ruqayyah and Zainab in succession,
and `Ali married Fatimah).
3. To teach Muslims compassion with women
He taught them to be compassionate not just to the young and beautiful maidens,
but more so to the weak and destitute widows, divorcees, orphans, and elderly
women. Islam teaches that women are to be respected, protected, and cared for by
their men folk. They're not to be cast out to face a harsh life alone while able
men around them just pity them and do nothing to help, or worse, use their
weakness to take them as mistresses!
4. To offer a practical role model to Muslims until the end of time
Although many believing women often approached Muhammad offering him themselves
in marriage, he politely turned down their offers. Most of his wives after the
death of Khadijah were old, devoid of beauty, and previously married, except
`A'ishah, who was the only young virgin. He married from other nations and
religions; some were the daughters of his worst enemies, and his marriage to one
woman won all her people into Islam. Regardless of his neutral feelings towards
many of them, he was a model example of equal justice and kindness to them all,
and he would never discriminate among them.
Who Were the Prophet's Wives?
Prophet Muhammad married 12 wives in his life. When he died he had 9 wives. They
have a very special status in the hearts of Muslims as the "Mothers of the
Believers," as the Qur'an instructs, and they are the source of a great amount
of wisdom which they learned while living close to such a great man. Perhaps
you'd like to research a bit to find their beautiful stories, so here are their
names: Khadijah bint Khuwaylid, Sawdah bint Zam'ah, `A'ishah bint Abi Bakr,
Hafsah bint `Umar ibn Al-Khattab, Zaynab bint Khuzaymah, Umm Salama, Zaynab bint
Jahsh, Juwayriah bint Al-Harith, Umm Habibah, Safiyah bint Huyay ibn Akhtab,
Maymunah bint Al-Harith, Maria the Copt.
Can We Consider His Marriage to `A'ishah a Case of Child Molestation?
To answer your speculation, let's continue our objective trip into the past.
Obviously, when traveling back in time 1400 years to examine a lifestyle we
never witnessed, it is unfair to apply our present day standards, so let's
listen to the experts. Authentic historical records prove that the social
traditions of the time and place—regardless of religion—considered Arab females
as women as soon as their menstrual cycles began. The custom was to give
daughters in marriage at that age. This was practiced by all dwellers in Arabia
before Islam: pagans, disbelievers, Jews, and others. It's a fact that female
menstruation in hot climates starts much earlier than in cold climates, so
females in Arabia matured as early as 8 or 9; they also aged earlier than other
It's a neglected fact that before she was married to Muhammad, `A'ishah had
been engaged to an infidel, Jubair ibn Mus'ab ibn Ady. Her fiancé broke the
engagement on the basis of religious difference. So her father, Abu Bakr, agreed
to give her hand in marriage to the Prophet.
The Great Wisdom in Selecting `A'ishah in Particular as a Young Wife
`A'ishah (may Allah be pleased with her) came from a house famous for learning
and memorizing great quantities of knowledge; her father was a live encyclopedia
of Arab tribal pedigrees and poetry. She inherited his ability, and in her
young, intelligent, receptive mind, she preserved a precious portion of Islam
she learned during seven years of marriage, for 47 years after the death of the
Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) and she taught thousands of men
worldwide their religion as she had learned it firsthand from the Prophet. To
our present day, she is considered among the most prominent Islamic scholars,
and she holds extremely high esteem in the hearts of all Muslims as such and as
"the beloved of the Prophet," who often mentioned her as the human he loved the
most on the face of this earth. With her, he built a model Muslim home for
Muslims to strive to imitate forever.
Was Maria the Copt a Slave, a Concubine, or a Wife of the Prophet?
Slavery already existed long before Islam. It was a system whereby a human
captured in wars or kidnapped could be sold as a "possession." That term applied
to both sexes, not to women only. In some cultures slaves were considered
subhuman and treated brutally. In Europe, for example, Romans threw Christian
slaves to the lions while the public cheered; female slaves were thought to have
no souls and were tortured mercilessly; slaves lived in degrading conditions;
both sexes were forced to offer sexual favors to their masters; and as
"possessions" they had no choice, no will, and no rights.
Islam recognized the human rights of slaves and encouraged Muslims to set slaves
free. Islam prohibited adultery and homosexuality, and prevented forcing female
slaves into sexual acts against their will. Islam encouraged educating them,
setting them free, then legally marrying them and giving them their moral and
financial rights. The reward for this—as mentioned in Prophetic Hadith—is
eternal residence in Paradise.
Maria was not a concubine; she was a slave owned by Egypt's Christian governor,
who offered her and her sister Serine—among other presents—as a "gift of good
will" to the Prophet in reply to his envoys inviting him to Islam. On her way
from Egypt to Madinah, she was curious to learn about "her new master" and
listened to his Companions talk about him. As a result, she became Muslim before
meeting Muhammad. Scholars' opinions vary of her status afterwards; here is the
opinion I support:
One of the prominent Al-Azhar scholars, Sheikh Abdul Majid Subh, states:
"Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), instead of taking
concubines, entered into lawful marriages based on reason and wisdom. Maria the
Copt was given to him as a present, but rather than taking her as a concubine,
the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) married her, thus elevating her
status by marriage."
Women's Rights in Islam Surpass Modern Systems
If women in
the Muslim World today don't have their rights, it is not because Islam didn't
give them rights. Alien traditions have overshadowed the teachings of Islam,
either through ignorance or the impact of colonialism. Most of the so-called
modern reforms in the status of women appeared after the West abandoned religion
for secularism. Those in the West who claim to follow the Judeo-Christian
tradition really follow the values of Western liberalism.
In England and America less than fifty years ago, a woman could not buy a house
or car without the co-signature of a male "guardian"! In Contrast, Islamic Law
guaranteed rights to women over 1400 years ago that were unheard of in the West
until the 1900s.
Numerous verses of the Qur'an state that men and women are equal in the site of
Allah; the only thing that distinguishes people in His site is their level of
Islam teaches that a woman is a full person under the law, and is the spiritual
equal of a male. Women have the right to own property, to operate a business,
and to receive equal pay for equal work. Women are allowed total control of
their wealth. They cannot be married against their will, and they are allowed to
keep their own name when married. They have the right to inherit property and to
have their marriage dissolved in the case of neglect or mistreatment. Islam does
not consider woman an "evil temptress," and thus does not blame woman for
Original Sin (a doctrine that Islam rejects). Women in Islam participate in all
forms of worship that men participate in.
Prophet Muhammad's mission stopped many of the horrible practices against women
that were present in the society of his time. He actually harnessed the
unrestricted polygamy of the Arabs of the time, and put many laws in place to
protect the well-being of women. In his Farewell Sermon just weeks before his
death, he summarized the teachings of Islam to the believers in a final
farewell. His last words were "Be kind to women!"
Thank you and please keep in touch.
* This article was originally published in Ask
About Islam page,
click here to read the original.
Sahar El-Nadi
studied Islam in depth until high school in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. She graduated
with highest honors from university in Cairo, majoring in archaeology, ancient
history and culture. She worked in many people-related careers in parallel for
the first 10 years after graduation, including presenting public events and TV
programs, compiling and teaching training courses in communication and cross
cultural issues for professionals, image consulting for public speakers and
delivering orientation lectures for first-time visitors to the Middle East. She
developed a career in journalism, creative writing and editing in both Arabic
and English, focusing particularly on communication and cross-cultural issues
from an Islamic perspective. She traveled to 25 countries worldwide and
published many travel articles, exploring cultural issues. She is an avid reader
in all branches of Islamic creed and knowledge, including history, culture,
sciences and the sciences of Qur'an, hadith and Islamic creed. She has a long
experience in the dynamics of multinational e-communities on the internet.
Currently, she is focusing on utilizing modern interpersonal skills to serve the
image of Islam in various media channels.