Will We Muslims ever rise above?
By Muhammad Ali
Do we have a plan to rise again?
Wrong Map can't lead us to right destination. Doesn't matter how
fast and cool ride we have.
If we need to reach right destination, we must have right map,
with right ride. Our Map is Quran and Sunnah and our ride is our intentions. It
is the only proven guarantee we have! We need to make paradigm shift.
All Muslim countries have dual agendas, i.e. hidden and stated,
and that will never allow them to cooperate and be united. I believe that main
thing that we all Muslims need to have is what is known as "Common Culture", A
strong culture in any society serves like an immune system in a body and that is
the only guarantee to unity and success and protection from foreign invasions.
For instance, Why Subcontinent had to be divided in to two countries? Why
Pakistan integrity is threatened by Balouchi, Punjabi, Sindhi and Pukhtoon
nationalist? The only agreeable answer comes to my mind is that, we don't have
common culture. and Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.S) has foreseen the importance of
unique common culture, and that’s why it is obligatory for all of us Muslims to
make Quran and Sunnah as a source to derive our values. But actual reality is,
we have ignored that golden rule and kneel ourselves to the foreign culture
which was bombarded on us through their media.
It is much obvious in recent times in our society, lavish living
style replaced simplicity, and materialism took upper hand over spirituality and
morality. Like pops in west only clerics have become the source of information
about religion, whereas, in Quran Allah says "This book has the signs for those
who believe". And "Belief" in something, means having a feeling that something
that can be trusted (true). So only those people can understand this book who
seeks guidance with sincerity from their heart. This Quran will give you signs,
I can guarantee from my personal experience. Inshallah!
We can't expect anything to change unless, change start from
within ourselves, to our families, to Nation and eventually Ummah.
I am confident that you will try to realize your actual values
and help others to understand this reality, because at micro level only
independent and at the same time at macro level interdependent nations have the