No Answer
By Mohammad
Yousuf Naqash
We first
need to reform our own selves, to cleanse ourselves of immorality. In Islam this
is the highest degree of Jihad
Being a universal religion based on values such as tolerance, patience,
compassion, brotherhood, nobility and civility, Islam cannot be blamed for
savagery and terrorism.
Armed offensive conflict is not the answer to the problems confronting the
world. Islamic principles show us the right path in this regard. As a matter of
fact, Islam totally rejects extremism in whatsoever form and manifestation. We
need to make a difference and draw a clear line between right and wrong and
choose between the Islamic and the non-Islamic. Masked faces with double
standards within our community have to be identified, exposed and isolated so as
to help stop misinterpretation and misrepresentation of Islam.
It is wrong to argue that Islam allows for ruthless, offensive war. This
argument has no footing. Illiteracy about Islamic teachings and vested interests
within our community have given the likes of Al-Qaeda and the Taliban to exploit
Islam and give it a bad name. The Holy Qur’an and the Sirah and Sunnah (the life
and sayings) of the Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) allow violence to the extent of
self-defence and in such an event they prescribe certain norms and conditions
whose observance is obligatory. Firstly, the struggle (or what in Arabic
language is called Jihad) should be against those who carry out massacres and
cause damage to Muslims. Secondly, it should be against those who conspire to
destabilize or overthrow an Islamic state, using military might. Thirdly, the
defense should not inflict any type of damage to non-combatants, including the
elderly, the ailing, women, children and those who surrender to or seek refuge
with the Muslims. Fourthly, there must be no damage to property, animals,
plantations and orchards. Fifthly, those arrested and imprisoned should not be
subjected to third-degree methods for confession. Prisoners of all types should
be treated well and humanely.
Being a universal religion based on values such as tolerance, patience,
compassion, brotherhood, nobility and civility, Islam cannot be blamed for
savagery and terrorism. No such inhuman act can be justified or considered as
legitimate in any way, regardless of who perpetrates it and on what pretext it
is done. People with Muslim names who perpetrate crimes against humanity on the
pretext of safeguarding Islam are actually damaging the Islamic cause, which
upholds peaceful mutual co-existence of human beings, irrespective of religion
and ideology. It is un-Islamic to seek to effect reformation of society and
conversion of non-Muslims by force. Everyone has the right to follow and
preserve his or her own religion, but not the right to force it on others.
Muslims have the right to work for a genuine Islamic state, provided the
majority favors this, but one’s political ideology cannot be forced on others.
This must be done through convincing others, using persuasive arguments and
other peaceful methods, devoid of any type of threat.
We first need to reform our own selves, to cleanse ourselves of immorality. In
Islam this is the highest degree of Jihad. Yet, we often forget this, and with
all our evils and ills and vested interests intact within, seek to take up the
second degree of Jihad, armed struggle, forgetting the major Jihad relates to
motivation by argument, dialogue and peaceful persuasion. Our quest for
self-interest takes us towards inhuman intentions and actions. As is said, every
action has its reaction, and so we face the wrath of others in return and also
the damage and desecration of our religion. What purpose do our men serve for
Islam by killing innocents in India, America, or elsewhere? Islam forbids us
such in human acts directed against innocent civilians and non-combatants.
Such a mindset reflects jingoistic extremism and revengeful madness, not the
Islamic values and objectives. True, there must be reaction to oppression, but
it should be directed only against those who are directly involved and
responsible for this oppression, and that too it should be strictly defensive,
not offensive, reaction. And in reacting through self-defence, strict observance
of a code of conduct in conformity with Islamic principles is mandatory.
Certain non-Muslim forces are in occupation of some Muslim countries and
territories and have let loose a reign of terror there. This is a bitter
reality. But this does not justify Muslims acting against non-combatant citizens
of these countries. Whatever the provocations by non-Islamic governments and
ideologies against Islam and Muslims, Islam considers the killing of civilians
and non-combatants irrespective of religion and ideology a dreadful sin, indeed
the most heinous crime after polytheism. That this can never be condoned is the
word of Allah Almighty. To take revenge against oppression, some Muslims have
resorted to suicidal attacks and grenade blasts that cause naked death and
destruction. Where does Islam allow such inhuman and savage acts in the name of
Jihad? This is obviously a gross violation of Islam. Despite this, we witness
these un-Islamic, inhuman and intolerable incidents occurring daily, in which
hundreds and thousands get killed. This misguided understanding of Islam
developed by some people with Muslim names needs to be countered to project and
demonstrate Islam in its right perspective.
True, conspiring against Islam and Muslims is the persistent policy of certain
non-Islamic governments and ideologies. However, many Muslims mishandle their
reaction to this and seek to take recourse to only violence for a way out and
for their salvation from subjugation and persecution, avoiding peaceful means
like dialogue, arguments and protests. It is here that we get confronted with
more problems due to our own willful misinterpretation of Islam. Such a devilish
behavior and attitude gives a pretext to non-Islamic governments and ideologies
to carry forward their ill-intentions against Muslims and Islam.
It is unfortunate to note that we are doing the reverse of what has been
commanded to us by Allah Almighty and demonstrated by the Prophet Muhammad
(Pbuh). We Muslims are mainly responsible for undermining the importance of
Islam due to our own misdeeds and un-Islamic blunders.
(The writer is Chairman, Islamic Political Party (JK), Head, Human Rights
Committee, Hurriyat Conferenc, Rajbagh, Srinagar, Kashmir, Email: