The Editor
PO BOX 1825
Member, IRFI
(The author of this article is the Editor in Chief of Al-Balaagh, a
bi-monthly published from Lenasia, South Africa. He is a widely known Muslim
writer, author of several books, and a journalist. In August 2001 he received an
Award of Honor for his 50 years of extraordinary service in the cause of Islam.
He has written more than 30,000 letters in 50 years at the rate of 3 to 5
letters a night - to various people around the world, answering their queries,
or thanking them for something).
- The Prophet never urinated in
a standing position.(Masnad Hanbal, 6/136, 192, 213)
- The Prophet urinated in a
standing position. (Bukhari, 4/60, 62)
- A group from Ureyneh and
Uqayleh tribes came to the Prophet, and he advised them to drink urine of
camels. Later on, when they killed the Prophet’s shepherd, the Prophet seized
them, gouged out their eyes, cut their hands and legs, and left them thirsty
in the desert. (Bukhari, 56/152, Masnad Hanbal, 3/107, 163)
- I am the most honorable
messenger; on the Day of Judgement only I will think of my people. (Bukhari,
- Do not make any distinction
among the messengers; I am not even better than Jonah. (Bukhari, 65/4, 5;
Hanbal, 1/205, 242, 440)
- Bad luck is in the woman, the
horse, and the home. (Bukhari, 76/53)
- If a donkey, a black dog or a
woman passes in front of a praying person, his prayer is nullified. (Bukhari
8/102; Hanbal, 4/86)
- The Prophet gave permission to
kill children and women in war. (Bukhari, Jihad 146, Abu Dawood 113)
- The earth is carried on a
giant bull; when it shakes its head, then an earthquake occurs. (Ibn
Katheer 2/29; 50/1)
- Leaders have to be from the
Quraish tribe. (Bukhari, 3/129, 183; 4/121; 86/31)
- You shall kill all black dogs,
because they are devils (Hanbal, 4/85; 5/54)
- To prove His identity, God
opened his legs and showed the Prophet His thigh. (Bukhari, 97/24);
- The parchment on which the
verse about stoning to death for adultery was written, was eaten and abrogated
by a goat. (Ibn Maajah, 36/1944; Hanbal, 3/61; 5/131, 132, 183; 6/269)
- A tribe of monkeys arrested an
adulterous monkey and stoned it to death, and I helped them. (Bukhari,
63/27). (Obviously the monkeys never heard or read that the verse regarding
stoning to death for adultery was abrogated because a goat had eaten it –
otherwise that poor, adulterous monkey would have been spared the death
penalty! Some monkey business!! Editor, AL-BALAAGH)
- When the Prophet died, his
armour had been pawned to a Jew for several pounds of barley. (Bukhari,
34/14, 33, 88; Hanbal 1/300; 6/42, 160, 230)
- The punishment for cutting the
fingers of a woman is to pay her: 10 camels for one finger; 20 camels for two
fingers; 30 camels for three fingers, and 20 (twenty) camels for four fingers.
(Hanbal, 2/182; Muwatta, 43/11)
- The Prophet had been bewitched
by a Jew, and for several days he did not know what he was doing. (Bukhari,
59/11; 76/47; Hanbal 6/57; 4/367)
- Do not eat or drink with your
left hand, because Satan eats and drinks with the left hand. (Hanbal,
2/8, 33)
- The Prophet said: Do not write
down anything from me except the Qur’an. Whoever has written down anything,
must destroy it. (Muslim, Zuhd 72; Hanbal 3/12, 21, 39)
- The Prophet ordered Amr Ibn
Aas to write everything that he (the Prophet) speaks. (Hanbal, 2/162)
- Umar (RA) said: Qur’an is
enough for us. Do not write down anything from the Prophet. (Bukhari,
Jihad 176; Jizya 6; Maghazi 83; Muslim, Wasiyya
20, 21, 22)
Comment: If you want to check the references presented above, please
note that after the name of each Hadith collection, the first number is the
number of the book (Chapter), and second number is the number of Hadith. For
instance, 152nd Hadith in the 56th book of Bukhari is
expressed as: Bukhari 56/152. In a few references, however, the name of the book
(chapter) is given instead of its number, such as Bukhari, Jihad 176.
The above are a few – VERY few! – Hadith samples
which the mullahs – our so called “ulama” – accept as their second religious
source of Islamic Law! The ENTIRE Hadith literature is full of such
contradictions, inanities, scatology, absurdities, absolutely ridiculous
statements, falderals (foolish nonsense), and uncalled for attacks on the pure,
spotless, snow-white character of our Beloved Rasoolullah(S).
When the
true scholars of Islam and lovers of the Prophet (S) write in defense of his
honor, escutcheon and dignity, and who just CANNOT stomach these types of
NONSENSICAL Hadith that ridicule him, then these scholars are branded as
“Munkir-e-Hadith” (Rejecter of Hadith), “Mulhid”, “Kaafir”, “Qadiyani”, “Jahannamee”,
etc., etc., by our so-called “maulanas” ! YAA LAL ‘AJAB!
Courtesy: AL-BALAAGH
VOL. 25 NO. 2 MAY/JUNE 2000