Hijab or veil show islamic social ineptness?
Does the
wearing of the hijab or veil by Islamic females show us the inadequacy of their
Why do they hide their bodies and faces from the world?
Why do these females show a lack of confidence in their fellow humans, a disdain
lack of trust of other males beyond their family circle?
Is it because their males are socially inept?
Is it because their males cannot look at any female (who is not related to them
as mother or sister) without losing control of their very basest urges?
Are these males nothing more than lascivious lust in the flesh and beyond
trusting by a civilized, society that can allow a female to both appreciated for
all of her natural beauty and at the same time feel safe in the company of any
Should we of the more civilized nations condemn such extremes of dress and
refuse to allow the practice of wearing such outfits in public? A head scarf
only being allowed if it worn in a chic and alluring manner
One Islamic Woman's Opinion
Islamic law
provides women with a plethora of rights, from the right to financial autonomy
(the right to make and keep her own earnings, own property, barter, trade, sell,
obtain or grant loans, etc); the right to be maintained financially in a
marriage (according to Islamic law, the man has the responsibility to provide
for the needs of the family; if the woman chooses to work, she is not obliged to
spend a single penny for the maintenance of the household; if she does, it is
considered charity); the right to inherit; the right to seek an education; the
right to consent to her marriage (no marriage is valid without a woman's consent
in Islamic law); the right to a dowry or marital gift (this belongs to the woman
alone, not to her parents or husband); the right to participate in the political
affairs of her country; the right to vote; etc. While Muslim women owned
property, inherited property and established endowments as far back as the 7 th
century and throughout Islamic history, let's not forget that in our own
country, the United States of America, it was not until 1839 that the first
state, Mississippi, granted women the right to hold property in their own name,
but only with their husband's permission.
Despite all of this, the greatest beef some feminist critics have with Islam is
the hijab – the mandatory covering of a woman's hair and body. Although
religious scholars ascertain that this is a Fard or religious obligation, it is
ultimately each woman's prerogative to decide whether or not she will cover her
hair. No one – not a father, husband, or bother – can ever force a woman to
cover against her will, or that in fact violates the Quranic spirit of "let
there be no compulsion in religion."
I have personally decided to wear the hijab and I relish in the freedom the
hijab gives me, the freedom from having my body exposed as a sex object or from
being judged on a scale of 1-10 by strange men who have no right to know what my
body or hair look like. For Muslim women, the hijab is a form of modesty,
security and protection, shifting the focus of attention from a woman's physical
attraction, or lack thereof, to the personality that lies beneath. By forcing
people to look beyond her physical realm, a woman is valued for her intellect,
personality and merit.
More importantly, however, is that I wear my hijab for God. My belief in God and
my ultimate accountability before God is the driving force of my behavior in
life. My desire to be with God in the hereafter motivates me to make certain
sacrifices even if they might make me unpopular or elicit ridicule by others.
Even if others perceive me as a victim of patriarchy or as oppressed or
uneducated due to my hijab, I recognize that my happiness, success and destiny
in this life and the next are in the hands of God alone, not anyone else's.
coverage of most of their body is kind of along the lines of no sex before
marriage in Christian society.
Basically in their culture from my understanding, is that those parts of the
female body are to be reserved for their husband's pleasure and "worship"
perhaps, not to be exposed to other men who they do not know.
Think of it as what occurred in the 1950's in US culture and abroad where women
were practically in Ronald McDonald suits when they went to the beach, and where
exposing anything above the ankle was indecent exposure.
So in other words, Western culture isn't that far ahead of their culture, if you
want to look at it that way, as it was not even 50 years ago where similar
practices were being used here.
And for
pretty well the same reasons, women were chattels and man could not be trusted
to think with anything but what is between his legs . It shows a lack of self
control and lack of recognition of a female as another and equal human being