December 16, 2007
By Stephen
A Canadian
Muslim teenager was murdered this week for trying to establish her own identity
by moving out of her family home and for reportedly defying her father’s command
to cover her head. Meanwhile, Canada’s largest daily newspaper, the Toronto
Star, disgracefully hid its own head in the sand.
Pakistani-Canadian Aqsa Parvez, 16, was strangled by her father in an honor
murder last Monday in the Toronto-area city of Mississauga. Refusing to wear the
Islamic hijab, Parvez, who was herself born in Pakistan, wanted to live the
normal lifestyle of a Canadian teenage girl, but ran into conflict with her
strict, religious father. One friend and schoolmate said the Canadian teenager
was afraid of her father and often came to school wearing bruises, the result of
his violence.
“She was scared of her father; he was always controlling her,” the friend told
the National Post, a Canadian national newspaper. “She wasn’t allowed to go out
or do anything.”
Nevertheless, the Grade 11 student, according to friends, would leave home
wearing the hijab but arrive at school in western-style clothes, having changed
on the way. This was part of her courageous desire to live her own life and
overcoming the fear in which she lived.
Despite the Canadian public’s disgust and outrage over this murder and in
contrast to Parvez’s courage, the Toronto Star avoided tackling head on the
issue of Muslim male intolerance and violence toward female family members who
wish to establish their independence and lead their own lives. Instead, the Star
published a story that, incredibly, accuses a supposedly racist Canadian society
for being equally responsible for the cultural “tension” in Muslim families
concerning the issue of head coverings. In the story, two young Muslim women say
some Muslim families do not want their daughters to wear the hijab because it
will make them “the targets of racism.” If only Aqsa Parvez could have lived in
such a family! Not surprisingly, no Muslim women or girls were interviewed who
are forced to wear the Islamic clothing.
But this unbelievable attempt to detract people’s attention from the real issue
of Muslim intolerance, even hatred, towards females’ desire for freedom and to
establish a moral equivalency between a tolerant Canadian society and an Islamic
culture that has seen dozens of Muslim women perish in honor killings in Western
Europe (48 in Germany alone between 1996 and 2006) should not come as a surprise
to anyone who has ever read the left-leaning Star.
The politically correct Star, you see, is Canada ’s paper of multiculturalism.
Hardly an issue ever comes out without the word "racism" appearing somewhere on
its pages. (multicultural societies always have racism as their rallying cry).
As a result of its support of, and belief in, the possibility of establishing a
multicultural country, left-wing media organs like the Star and the Canadian
Broadcasting Corporation will never deeply investigate any negative aspects of
cultures newly arrived in Canada. Such revelations, they fear, may damage their
unrealizable multicultural dream.
By the way, in the Star’s and CBC’s world, racism does not exist in the
newcomers’ cultures. And if it does, it is the fault of the host Canadian
society. In fact, the same day the blame-racist Canadian society story appeared,
a Toronto Star columnist wrote that English Canadians, one of the Canada’s two
founding peoples who now make up only about fifteen per cent of Toronto’s
population, do not welcome immigrants with enough love -- again the host
country’s fault.
Leftist Canadian women’s groups are also passengers in the same
see-no-evil-in-new-cultures, hear-no-evil-in-new-cultures boat as the Star,
since they also support multiculturalism. Their hypocrisy does not even allow
them to criticize and intervene to help oppressed Muslim females let alone
oppose the polygamy some Muslims are practicing here in Canada. For this,
western feminists are criticized by Muslim feminists both in Canada and in
Western Europe. These Muslim feminists say they can’t get over the fact that
western feminists pretend they care so much for the rights of women in some land
thousands of miles away but ignore the oppression of Third World women right in
their own societies. The silence of their western sisters, these Muslim
feminists point out, facilitates this oppression.
But if left-wing Canadian media ever investigates the Parvez killing properly,
they will most likely have to face some hard, cold and uncomfortable cultural
facts. While the refusal to wear the hijab has been reported to be a significant
contributing factor in her murder, the main reason for the brutal killing, they
may discover, is that the terrified Muslim teenager had moved out of her home
two weeks earlier and was living with a friend. In fact, one newspaper quoted
another of Aqsa’s friends who said her father threatened to kill her if she left
the family home. Moving out, western European social workers say, is a death
sentence for these woman. In a strict, religious Muslim family, no woman is
allowed to establish an identity of her own outside of her family, religion and
Aqsa Parvez’s death, they will learn, may also have been a family decision. The
high school student, one of eight children, lived, according to one newspaper
report, in a house with eleven other people in an extended family. Like the
Hatun Surucu murder in 2005 in Germany that awoke the people of that country to
the suffering of Muslim women in their midst, police are investigating Parvez’s
killing as a premeditated one that involved the concurrence of several family
members, possibly even including female ones.
After all, one newspaper reported Aqsa’s older sister used to spy on her at
school for the family and Aqsa only discarded the hijab after her sister had
graduated. The dead teenager had even established her own Facebook site with her
photo and uncovered hair on it accompanied by comments about popular culture.
Tragically, this also may have led to her demise as her non-traditional,
independent lifestyle was now visible to everyone.
Moreover, the unfortunate teenager was probably also, like Hatun Surucu, lured
to her death by her brother, possibly her favorite one. The police are currently
investigating this angle. The independent Surucu was lured to a bus stop to meet
a brother who murdered her to restore the family’s honor because she was “living
like a German.” Parvez was picked up by her brother at a bus stop, saying he
would bring her home to get a change of clothes, where she was then killed, for
living like a Canadian. At this point in time, the brother has been charged with
obstruction of justice.
What will probably be the most sickening discovery is that none of the people
involved in Aqsa’s killing will express any regret or remorse. On the contrary,
they will be happy because they believe they have restored their family’s honor
and will be respected for having done so by like-minded others in their
community who, like them, practice an anti-civilizational legal and cultural
apartheid in the country hosting them and their families. The Star will never
investigate why such people come to Canada and other western countries but never
really live here.
But unlike the Star, not everyone has their head in the sand. Tarek Fatah,
founder of the Canadian Muslim Congress, calls Parvez’s murder a blight on
Islam.“In my mind, this was an honor killing,” said Fatah, adding its going to
get worse before it gets better.
And as if he was talking directly to the Toronto Star, the Muslim community
leader also said there needs to be an honest debate about this murder and that
“the media should not just talk to the ones wearing head scarves but the ones
who do not want to.”
With or without the hijab on, Aqsa Parvez would only have nodded her agreement
with that.
FrontPage Magazine
The Intelligence Summit
Posted by
Muslims Against Sharia at
7:02 PM