Protesting for the right and wrong reasons in
Monday, December 10, 2007
Lately, it
seems that our country is getting famous or infamous for the wrong reasons.
Malaysians seem to suddenly have developed an irrepressible urge to just go and
demonstrate on the streets of our nation and seem hell-bent on going down the
path to destruction without giving due thought as to whether what they are
protesting for is right or wrong?
We all surely have many grouses that we would like to get off our chests and
street protests is surely the most visible form of showing to the whole wide
world that so and so is not happy with the powers that be!
Hell, even I am bloody pissed off at Abdullah Badawi and his team of rhetoric
spewing, ass kissing , bullshit churning bunch of chaps who don't really deserve
whatever honorifics of titles before their names!
There is however a difference in the manner in which I go about my causes and
how some of our 'learned' folks today seem to be the lawbreakers of the day!
I am no armchair critic! When the situation calls for it , I would have no
qualms to be right there in any forum, debate or dialogue or even protest march
or facing up to the authorities if I have to!
When Karpal Singh made his statement about having to cross his dead body if
anyone dares to set up an Islamic State here in Malaysia, I didn't flinch from
facing up to the most vocal and established senior Opposition lawyer in the
country at the Forum Keadilan!
Who was I at the time when I faced the 'Lion of the Malaysian Courts'?
Just a very pissed off Muslim who didn't even have a blog or website at that
time way back in 1999 or even knew much about the internet!
Yet, deep in my heart, I had a boiling rage at this fellow who had the balls to
say what he had vehemently stated before a mass audience at the Batu Lanchang
Wet Market during the election roadshows that the DAP had held back then!
So, when I attended the Forum Keadilan and saw the golden opportunity to
question the man and take him to task about his clearly Islamophobic statement,
I was right there in front of the microphone before the Master of Ceremony, Chow
Kon Yeow (the present DAP MP for Tanjong) could even welcome the audience to ask
their questions to members of the joint DAP/PKR panel.
The rest is history.
I asked my question to Karpal and he
apologized for his statement and said that the DAP weren't anti -Islam perse but
just wanted to ensure that the rights of the Non Muslim Malaysians weren't
trodden upon , bla bla bla. It's all history now.
They do not have that much of a desire to migrate to the new towns and cities to
live for their choice is to be there in the jungle, keeping away from the
outside world save for a number of them now, with the help and assistance of the
Native People's Department @ Jabatan Hal Ehwal Orang Asli.
If the Malays had not emigrated from Sumatera, settled down in what came to be
known as Melaka, developed the port there and eventually turned it into the
thriving, rich, wealthy place it came to be and established the
Sultanate of Melaka, turning it into the
bastion of Malay Empire that drew traders and seafaring business folks like
Marco Polo and other historical figures of the past, does anyone even dare to
think that our forefathers would have bothered to come here and settle down
amongst the Malays?
Malacca's fame and tales of it's riches reached the West and the King of
Portugal sent his emissary Admiral Lopes de Sequiera to establish contacts with
the Sultanate of Melaka in 1509.
Had Melaka not been established by Parameswara, would the Sultanate of Melaka
come to have existed? Would this peninsular come to be known for its riches had
the Orang Asli's still be the only ones inhabiting this peninsular?
Vasco Da Gama and
Alfonso De Albuquerque have sailed all the
way from Portugal and conquered Melaka?
Would the Dutch and later the British and after them the Japanese and again the
British have bothered to have come and occupied and later robbed the people of
this peninsular had Melaka not come to have been established by
Parameswara and built to be what it was and
his descendants @ the Malays continue to be here if this peninsular was still as
it was before all that?
Go back in time and
read what the Malay Peninsular was before
the coming of Parameswara, the
Srivijaya Hindu Prince who escaped from
Palembang, Sumatera in 1402 and sailed across the Straits that is now known as
the Straits of Malacca, then surely one would not deny the current day Malays
claim that they are the ones who came to inhabit this peninsular and slowly
built up the place starting from Melaka and gradually turning it into a world
famous port and trading centre that eventually drew the foreign powers to come
invade it and set up shop here and squirreled away the bountiful riches from
this land that came to be known as the 'Golden Chersonese'.
This peninsular before the setting up of Melaka by Parameswara was nothing but a
jungle infested land that used to be the haunts of pirates and natives who did
not develop the land to be what it came to be by the coming of the prince from
Palembang, Sumatera in what is now known as the Republic of Indonesia.
I am sure that most of you have learned your History lessons well enough that
you don't need me to tell you about the various kingdoms of Majapahit, Pasai,
Those who cry foul today and accuse the Malays of robbing the Orang Asli's of
their lands need to be honest and see the realities before them!
Have you any idea of what the world would be today if not for the progress and
development of any one land mass by any tribe or people?
Arabia used to be a forsaken desert that many ancient civilizations bypassed
thinking that there's nothing to be gained by going to invade and occupy those
burning sands in those times!
The Roman Empire, the Persian Empire and many other great nations of those times
pooh poohed against any notion or ideas from their army generals to go invade
such desert lands because at that time, no one knew about the precious oil
deposits that to this day continues to be the source of the Middle East's wealth
and fountains of riches, transforming the desert nations to be amongst the most
thriving countries of today's world!
America used to be the land of the American Indians who lived in tepees and
waged wars against the various native tribes such as the Apaches, Comanches,
Sioux, and many other people who now live decimated and robbed of their rights
to own the largest and now, most powerful nation on Earth!
The coming of the 'Pilgrims' escaping the English Kingdom transformed the once
undeveloped country of the American Indians to be what it is today, home to some
of the most wealthiest people on Earth and whose economy still remains as a
measure of success and progress in the material world.
Before we even start to home in on the Malays and question their 'Ketuanan
Melayu' rights, we need to first be honest to ourselves and see the realities
before us and glance back into the past to be fair and come to accept that
things here in Malaysia aren't going to change overnight by us going out onto
the streets and brandish a bloody banner or poster decrying the injustice
prevalent before us?
Sure, we must protest and we have to protest but we also need to know as to
which cause and in what manner that we need to go about achieving that?
The current spate of protests that we have seen take place last month has surely
rocked our nation to it's foundation.
Everyone's aware of what the protest organizer's message was?
In my opinion, BERSIH's call for a fair and clean election come this next GE was
not wrong but they did break the law by marching without clearance from the
Malaysian Police, the Keepers of the nation's Law and Order.
Getting the permit must surely have been a real hassle as we all know that the
BN Government would surely not allow the PDRM to simply issue such a permit
which would enable the Opposition to gain a footing and challenge them in
winning over the people's hearts and minds in the process.
After 50 years of Independence from all the previous occupation of this
peninsular, only now have Malaysians come to a stage where they have no more
qualms about facing the security forces of this current regime which has been
calling the shots since 1957.
Whom are we to blame for the BN's arrogance and dictatorship? No one else but
the Malaysian voters.
When you elect and continue to elect a particular political party or coalition
over the years without giving any chance to the Opposition to show what they can
do, you fortify the belief in the prevalent coalition that they are
You can't blame the BN for what they have done and continue to do when you keep
returning them to power day in, day out!
'Power corrupts!' is a well known saying.
History has proven to us that this is no mere saying. Mankind has seen many such
proofs of the rich and powerful get sidetracked from their former principles of
fighting for justice and rights of the average citizen.
You see this happening to practically each and every individual whose fortunes
change overnight either by their own hard enterprise or by a fluke of chance.
Even in a spoof such as P.Ramlee's fictional movie of 'Ali Baba Bujang Lapok,
you see the character of Ali Baba played by Aziz Sattar change his way of
walking and style after coming into riches which he stole from the the gang of
Reality is that many politicians today are clear living proof of this saying
that power corrupts.
A classic example is Datuk Zakaria's 'Istana' in Pandamaran Klang which is still
standing undisturbed by the BN's State Government under Chief Minister Khir Toyo
who clearly practices double standards when it comes to demolishing squatter
homes and illegal religious establishments but doesn't even come close to the
palace of the corrupt politician amidst kampong houses?
So, whom do we blame for all this? Who else but the Malaysian voters who
continue to return the BN into power without fail, in each and every bloody GE
since Independence?
The Barisan Nasional have grown rich, fat, arrogant and powerful because of
Absolute power has even seen them forget the very principles of acknowledging
the grouses of the millions of the cuckolded Malaysian citizenry practically
over the last 5 decades!
Does anyone amongst the protesting Bar Council members, NGO's and other
organizations think that this situation is going to change overnight by holding
street protests and skirmishes with the FRU?
Think again.
The only way to see any change in the people's political awareness and realizing
their rights and privileges of citizenship here in Malaysia is through
Educate the Malaysians about their rights and introduce such forums and hold it
for free to the general Malaysian public.
Proper and correct political awareness of the average Malaysian public is not
achieved by way of engaging in coffeeshop debates but through a proper concerted
effort of continuous education and stages of delivering the right info and
dissemination of knowledge about political facts and fiction to the masses.
Rome was not built in a day and so is the human mindset. Realization about this
and that takes place only gradually in time and over the years.
Evolution of any one person's awareness of any one thing takes place only
through the passage of time and not as in an instant as what the organizers of
the recent street protests seem to have expected?
As lawyers and educated individuals, members of the Malaysian Bar Council surely
ought to have known better than to expect the current political status quo in
Malaysia to change overnight as if rubbing an 'Aladdin's Lamp' of 'holding
street protests, rallies and marches and expecting the normally complacent
general Malaysian populace to be with them, battling against the BN incumbents?
I am sorry to say that I don't see this happening, not now or even in the next
GE or after this.
Let's be realistic and consider for a moment. How many percent of the Malaysian
populace are made up of those who oppose the BN as strongly as the ones who
participated in the BERSIH rally or even the latest HINDRAF thingy?
Compare that with the number of Malaysians in the country? 26 million over
Malaysians compared with an average of a 100,000 over unhappy Malaysians.
Where is the winning factor? Not a bloody chance to change anything, overnight
is there?
So, to me as a Malaysian citizen and registered voter plus being a Malaysian
blogger, I choose to see things in the bigger perspective and state right here
that if the fighters for this rights and that rights consisting of the members
of the Malaysian Bar Council, Opposition parties, NGO's, etc. hope to see change
take place here in our country, then by all means they need to start getting to
terms with what's the real deal here right now!
All these people need to stir awake from whatever political utopia they have
clouding their judgments at the moment and go about achieving such change by
preparing to educate the public through a masterplan of Malaysian political
renaissance about the consequences of the people returning into power, a regime
such as the incumbents again and again in each GE that has taken place in this
Now, the next most annoying question is whether the opposition have it in them
to offer us a better alternative government?
I have yet to identify any one individual in any opposition party to whom I can
gladly throw in my support and rally for the fella to lead this nation!
I am not saying that I won't support the Opposition but sorry to say that until
and unless I see a true blue proponent of all that we are looking for in a
political leader who has what it takes to lead us out of the Malaysian political
doldrums, I would have no options but to just vote for whichever candidate who
stands for election at my constituency where I naturally won't cross the ballot
paper for anyone who is against Islam! Straight to the point.
Regarding the different measures being taken by the BN against members of the
Opposition and handling their beloved Deputy UMNO Youth Chief with kid gloves
who protested just in more about the same vitriolic manner against Condoleeza's
visit, doesn't that speak volumes about the integrity or lack of it in the
present Malaysian Prime Minister who clearly has proven that to him double
standards is just part and parcel of his modus operandi?
Do as I say and not do as I do, eh?
I hope that what I shared above is understood for what I meant exactly and not
misconstrued as being my endorsement of the present regime.
Give us a better lineup of capable Malaysian political leaders and not just
another bunch of rhetoric spewers under a different label and we will consider
supporting them failing which, history will just keep on repeating itself as it
has always done here in Malaysia.
Right now, the BN's awesome government machinery has started to be put into
action and they are gunning for all those who dared oppose them!
RTM has lodged a police report against
Malaysiakini for publishing reports about
Minnal.fm Indian radio deejays who got the
sack or suspended for taking part in the Hindraf illegal rally on November the
Yesterday's illegal march by lawyers has seen many of them arrested and charged
for assembling without a permit!
Don't these lawyers know better than to mess with the Be End?
As it is, the Be End will end all protests and marches against them by
unleashing their mighty arsenal of 'Yes Tuan! Baik Tuan! Menurut Perintah Tuan!
' kaki's.
Be prepared to see some members of the Malaysian Bar behind bars. The real
thing, I'm afraid.
That goes part and parcel with the 'fight for freedom'. Right now, we are seeing
a 'Festival of Human Rights' in practice on our nation's streets. Sadly, the
only admission seems to be into jail.
What a way to go,eh?
Did I hear, 'Malaysia Boleh'?
Must be. There are just millions of Abdullah Badawi fans on the loose.