1, 2, 3's Of
Marital Life
By Sahar Abdu
Islam Online, Cairo
My beloved
brother came to me so depressed. I tried very hard to help him and to
comprehend the source of his depression and misery. I have often felt his pain
with my experience in marital relationships. My brother is a newlywed. He
worries about his failure to solve his marital problems and daily clashes with
his wife. I felt his pain as well as his wife's. Neither of them had the chance
to fully understand how to be a husband or wife. I told him that Allah SW has
made us in constant need, with our physical, emotional and financial needs.
However, the emotional needs are the most important of these. Allah SW says in
the holy Quran it is He (SWT), "Who provides them with food against hunger
and with security against fear (of danger)."
these emotional needs is very important to the establishment of a stable
martial life and family. These needs include:
The Need For
This is by far the most important type of need. Unfortunately, couples have a
tendency overlook it. The need for love in its general meaning is vital for the
continuation of the marital life. Therefore, couples should renew their love
continuously. The following are some of the methods that nurture love between
husbands and wives:

not make comparisons between the engagement period and the marriage. It
is just unfair. Both have their own conditions. Couples frequently worry
about the absence in their marriage of the intense emotions they felt during
engagement. They forget that these feelings mature into other types of love
and express themselves in much more mature ways.

not surrender to life's problems and burdens. Marital life can get
complicated, especially when children enter the picture. Couples feel the
real everyday pressures of caring for their children, their homes and their
spouses. It is easy to become overwhelmed and forget to smile or laugh.

not use other couples as the standard for yourselves. Husbands and wives
should absolutely refrain from making any comparisons with other couples. For
instance, the husband must not tell his wife so and so is better than you,
nor could she tell him so and so is better than you. It offends him or her.
And it is not always the case that the other couples situation is what it

forgiving of each other's shortcomings. Couples should look past minor
failings and concentrate instead on the positive. The focus should be on good
deeds and the encouragement of anything that promotes harmony, respect and

Life is already complicated enough. Couples should work to simplify it for
one another. The home should be a sanctuary from the stresses of life. The
actions of the Prophet PBUH are a guide to us in this regard.

your love. Couples should express their love to each other by all means
possible. They should nurture this love, strengthen it and enjoy it.
Unfortunately, some cultures do not promote the male's explicit expressions
of love because they associate manhood with toughness. Our Prophet (PBUH)
again was the most compassionate and loving husband. His gentleness with his
wives is also a guide to our relationships. This expression may be needed
more and more when the wife goes through difficult physical times, like pregnancy
or delivery. A loving touch, a gentle word, a smile, or a comforting word are
often all it takes to assure the other side of your love, support and
The Need For
The type of freedom needed here is a comprehensive freedom in all aspects of
life. It includes:

freedom. The husband should always give his wife some money to spend it
whenever she feels necessary, even if his income is limited. Women need to
feel secure financially. This is why Islam mandated the dowry to women.

of independent opinion. Both sides should not impose their own opinions
on the other. They should respect the independence of the other and respect
the difference in their views. Viewing the spouse's opinion as silly or
belittling it in any way does not contribute to a healthy marital

freedom within the guides of the Shari'a. Men should have full confidence
in their wives when they seek to go to school, visit family, visit friends or
seek a job as long as both sides are performing their duties toward
themselves and toward the family. Both should realize the need for
restrictions on these freedoms. However, the margin of freedom should be
The Need For
Husbands and
wives need the assistance of each other to succeed in anything they do, even if
it is simple matter. No one ought to ridicule what the other is doing, but
encourage the other to be their best.
The Need For
Daily routine needs to be broken sometimes. There is a need for a walk, a trip,
a change in the house decoration, going to the park, to the zoo, etc. These
activities renew life and provide it with energy and continuity.
Sexual Needs
Sex is natural and both sides should work hard to fulfill the needs of the
other. Couples should not shy from admitting the existence of some sexual
problems. There is no harm in that. Both should work on them and seek sexual
fulfillment. Statistics have shown that 70% of marital problems are of sexual
In conclusion
my dear brothers and sisters, if love and compassion exists between couples,
they should be able to solve any problem facing them. I pray to Allah SWT to
grant all couples happiness and prosperity. Let us all remember that life is so
short and we should enjoy it