Jesus and Mary Magdalene Today there are in circulation hundreds of articles, dozens
of books and a similar number of videos and TV documentaries trying to convince
their readers and viewers with more and more New Evidence to establish that
there was an intimate relationship between Jesus and Mary Magdalene. Several
of them go further and seek to provide conclusive evidence that they were
married and had a son. The majority of their viewers and readers come from
religious backgrounds. However, one crucial fact that they have overlooked is
that they DO HAVE comprehensive support within the Old Testament, the
Canonical Gospels and the Qur'an. Yes... The Jewish Bible that was written and was in
circulation centuries before the birth
of Jesus and Mary Magdalene has in clear and unambiguous terms explained
that the one who will "render himself
as a guilt offering" and will be "put
to grief and bruised" will have a long life and see his offspring. Meaning that prophesized individual, if he was Jesus, he
was not celibate. Yes... Jesus had himself alluded to the fulfillment of that
biblical prophecy... Apostle Luke records in his
Gospel what Jesus had foretold his disciples: "For I tell you, that this
which is written must be fulfilled in me, 'And he was reckoned with
criminals'; for that which refers to me has
its fulfillment." Luke 22:
37 The cross-references in most
Bibles have recorded that Jesus was referring to Chapter
53 from the Book of Isaiah. Below is an eye-opening passage
- Verse 10 - from that Chapter 53: "But the Lord was pleased to
bruise him, putting him to grief; if he would render himself as a guilt
offering, he will see his offspring. God will prolong his days, and the good pleasure of the Lord
will prosper in his hand." Recent researches indicate that
after his nailing to the Cross (the tragedy and sorrow that was
witnessed by Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene) the DAYS OF JESUS were
prolonged and that HISTORICAL REAL JESUS passed his Final Days with Mary
Magdalene in France (Read Bloodline of the Holy
Grail by Laurence Gardner ISBN 0-7607-0735-9 - Barnes & Noble, New York
or The Jesus Papers by Michael Baigent - Harper Collins Publishers, San Francisco for the Historical
Details) Moses was married and had
offspring... Why Not Jesus? "If you believed Moses, you
would believe me, for he wrote about me. But if you do not believe what
he wrote, how will you believe what I say?" Words spoken by Jesus, John 5:
46-47. The Cross Reference takes us to
Deuteronomy 18: 15 which reads: "The Lord your God will
raise up for you a prophet like me from among your own people; you shall heed such a
prophet." See also 18: 18. To negate that concept of Jesus
was like Moses amounts to negating both, Jesus
and Moses The denial of the New Testament as
well as the Old Testament... "If you abide in my words,
you are truly my disciples: and you will know the Truth, and
the Truth will make you FREE." John 8:
31-32. The entire episode of JESUS FORGIVES AN ADULTEROUS
WOMAN John Chapter 8 verses 1 to 11 does not appear in the older
manuscripts of the New Testament. Was there NOT a serious conspiracy
behind this INJECTED EPISODE? The world famous painter
Leonardo Da Vinci probably knew that the historical Jesus
was married to Mary Magdalene and that the life of Jesus was
prolonged by God as prophesized by Isaiah... The
Church could re-written the Gospel texts concerning Mary
Magdalene The
Apostle and Author of a discovered Gnostic Gospel, but could
not re-paint the fresco on a Church wall... LORD GOD IS
masterpiece divine painting by Leonardo Da Vinci, painted in 1498 on the wall
of 'Santa Maria delle Grazie Church in Milan, Italy, has started a significant
Jesus controversy.
Dan Brown's book 'The Da
Vinci Code' and the leading USA television
network ABC's documentary (in 2003) 'Jesus, Mary and Da Vinci', assert that JESUS CHRIST WAS MARRIED TO THE DISCIPLE SITTING ON HIS
APOSTLES - MARY MAGDALENE... Yes.. The Qur'an (Koran) that was revealed after the historical Jesus had lived his life upon
this earth also reveals that the Prophets who came before Muhammad too were
married and had offspring like Moses, Noah and Abraham. There is no
indication, directly or even remotely, that Jesus - the son of Mary, was
an exception... Please read the following verses
from the Qur'an (Koran)... "And, truly, We sent
messengers before thee (O' Muhammad), and We appointed for them
wives and offspring..." Qur'an 13 :38 Even before thy time, (O'
Muhammad) We never sent (as Our Messengers)
any but (mortal) men, whom We
inspired - hence; If you do not know this, ask
those who possess the earlier Message. and neither did We endow them
with bodies that ate no food, nor were they exempt from
death. Qur'an 21: 7-8. And never have We granted life
everlasting to any mortal before thee... Qur'an 21: 34 Note: There not a SINGLE VERSE within the Qur'an for
the Second Coming of Jesus from heaven and yet many misguided Muslims who
prefer to place their faith in "man-made documents" rather than the
Revealed Verses of the Qur'an are waiting for Jesus to return! Note: The Canonical Gospels confirm that prior to Jesus being
nailed to his Cross, he was flogged and made to walk a long distance carrying
his own wooden Cross. On the way the fatigued and exhausted Jesus stumbled.
While nailed to the Cross, the disciples made Jesus drink a mixture of vinegar
and medicines. All these made him lose consciousness for a short period. His
legs were not broken and the large amount of his body weight was carried by his
unbroken legs. The stretched out arms on the cross, allowed Jesus to breath
easily. The next day being Jewish Sabbath Jesus was lowered from the cross
before the sunset. His disciple(s) laid him in a Rock Tomb and wrapped the
unconscious body with bandages and herbs. The following day, the fully rested,
recouped and resuscitated Jesus saw Mary Magdalene in the Garden. Mary was told
to inform the disciples that he was going to a pre-arranged location in Galilee
and meet them. After the meeting, as a safeguard, the disciples spread the news
that their Master - Teacher Jesus was physically taken up into the sky by two
angels and that they saw that happening with their own eyes. Since Jesus and
Mary Magdalene had left the country, his enemies and persecutors who although
did not believe this circulating news could do no more than to punish the
followers. WAS THERE A MASTER PLAN OF THE LORD GOD BEHIND IT? Not with standing what has
been discovered, depicted and demonstrated in this century, the denial of a
basic fact that JESUS WAS MARRIED is a denial of the OLD TESTAMENT, CANONICAL
OF JESUS -his crucifixion,
resurrection, ascension and celibacy- (2003) by Akbarally Meherally This research study judiciously
draws together documentary evidence from the Old Testament, the Canonical and
Gnostic Gospels, the Nag Hammadi Library, the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Qur'an.
Upon extensive investigations, from theses texts emerges a well-synthesized
image of an identifiable Jesus - a Messiah logically engaging to both, Christians with open minds and Muslims who do not doubts
the Revealed Words of their Creator, Sustainer and Judge. -- MARY THE SINFUL WOMAN? -- THINK: Would Mary the Mother of
Jesus, bring along with her a "Sinful Woman" to witness the guilt-offering of her beloved son? Read excerpts from the article MARY MAGDALENE SAINT OR SINNER? TIME Aug. 11, 2003. "Today, enraged women
are up-in-arms to restore Mary to her honorable status"
and much more... To read the book 'Rediscovering
the Realities of Jesus' in the .pdf format visit http://www.mostmerciful.com/realities-jesus1.pdf http://www.mostmerciful.com/jesus-and-mary-magdalene.htm |
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