Sayyidina Rumi q.s on Sama', Music and His Seven Pieces of Advice
What is Sama', do you know?
It is the hearing the sound of 'yes', Of separating one from himself and reaching the Lord,
Seeing and knowing the state of the Friend, And hearing, through the divine veils, the Secrets of the Lord.
What is Sama', do you know?
Being ignorant of existence and tasting eternity in the ultimate mortality.
What is Sama'. do you know?
Struggling with the carnal soul, fluttering on the ground like a half-slain hen.
What is Sama', do you know?
Feeling the cure of Prophet Jacob a.s,and sensing the arrival ofProphet Joseph a.s from the scent of a shirt
What is Sama', do you know?
Like the staff of Prophet Moses a.s, it is swallowing all the tricks of the Pharaoh's magicians.
What is Sama' do you know?
Opening the heart like Shams-i Tabrizi (an excellent devotee), and seeing the Divine light.
'Music is the nutrition of the souls of the Servants of the Lord,
Since, in music, there is hope of reaching God.'
Seven Pieces of Advice
by Khwaja Hazrati Mawlana Jalaluddin Rumi
In Generosity and Helping Others, be like the River
In Compassion and Grace, be like the Sun
In Concealing Others' Faults, be like the Night
In Anger and Fury, be like the Dead
In Modesty and Humility, be like the Soil
In Tolerance, be like the Ocean
Either appear as you are or be as you appear
http://thedivinewisdoms.blogspot.com/2008/03/sayyidina-rumi-qs-on-samamusic-and-his.html |