Muslim Community Should Rise to the Occasion
By Moin Moon Khan
Chicago, IL
recently issued religious edict “fatwa”* by numerous American Islamic
organizations may result in a far-reaching impact, depending upon how
passionately it is implemented by them.
Since the
9/11 tragedy, several American Muslim organizations have released
denunciations against violence in this form. However, the most
significant element of this document is the support from the
constellation of all the major Muslim organizations * Fiqh Council of
North America, Muslim American Society, Council of Islamic Relations (CAIR),
Islamic Society of North America, and Muslim Public Affairs Council as
well as an endorsement from the local Council of Islamic Organizations
of Greater Chicago.
standing up against earlier fatwas issued by Al Qaeda and their
supporting outfits, American Muslims are upstaging irresponsible
rhetoric being generated outside the United States. In the same sprit,
peace-loving American Muslims are developing their own unique identity
that will distinguish them from Muslims growing up in Al Qaeda cells
elsewhere in the world. This declaration puts American Muslims in direct
confrontation against radical Islamists.
to say, immediately following 9/11, American Muslims should have started
this battle of rhetoric and ideas. However, it is certainly appropriate
to say it is better to be late than never. But, if this condemnation is
purely a reaction to the mainstream news media’s criticism that Muslims
have not been doing enough to oppose suicide bombings, the effect of
this fatwa will evaporate before the next bombings takes place anywhere
in North America.
pronouncement can work as an insurance contract for American Muslims
from any future backlash only if they display their disdain against
Islamic terrorists as ferociously as Pakistan’s President Pervaiz
Musharraf has exhibited.
Musharraf, American Muslims have to wage a spiritual battle against Al
Qaeda and other Islamic terrorist groups. On Fridays, sermons of
moderation should reverberate in all the mosques of the United States.
preaching against infidel, if any, must cease. The culture of negativity
needs to be challenged. Seminars on the issue of tolerance, patriotism,
excellence, inspiration, and civic duties could help enlighten local
Muslims (particularly next generation Muslims) and make them more
vigilant to any unscrupulous activities. Muslim organizations can
encourage their members to report to their officers of any group that
advocates hatred. Islamic institutions could call FBI agents and find
out ways how to monitor such wrongful activities or the institutions
could develop their own internal policing system. They can also partner
with local law enforcement agencies in order to avoid any mistrust.
Islamic centers can hold classes on anger management, stress
containment, and counseling as they organize free health care
diagnostics. They can encourage their patrons to volunteer for local
PTAs, fire departments, Fourth of July commissions, zoning boards,
planning committees, advisory councils, and numerous other civic
activities can prove that there is no umbilical cord between suicide
bombers and American Muslims, and can reinforce American Muslims’ claim
that they are doing whatever is necessary to do. As a result, it could
silence the Islamophobic elements of this country that are certainly
fanning hatred against Muslims and alienating a few Muslims who are on
the radical fringes. Furthermore, instead of being on the receiving end
(by the accusation of being silent and soft against violence), American
Muslims can ask Muslim bashers: Are they hearing what Muslims are
In order
to establish themselves as a positive element in the United States,
American Muslims have to demonstrate their commitment to the safety and
security of this country of George Washington, Albert Einstein, and
Muhammad Ali is as solidly as any US Marine’s. However, their loyalty to
this country (where their children were born and some of their parents
are buried) does not result in naďve acceptance of all the US foreign
policy objectives and adventures that are generating most of the
anti-American sentiments in the Muslims worldwide.
there is a dilemma for the majority of Muslims in accepting policies of
unilateralism, regime change, and continuous covert and overt, as well
as dejure and defacto occupations of Muslim lands on one pretext or
another as is happening in Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar,
Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Chechnya, and Iraq. They believe this is not a
war of civilizations or cultures or religions, but, undoubtedly, they
perceive it a battle of land, oil, and hegemony and not a benevolent
attempt to spread democracy.
Muslims can also take comfort in the fact that vast majorities of
Americans, Britons, and Spaniards as well as various other people of the
West do not support the occupation of Muslim lands. They have
overwhelmingly sympathized with Muslims’ frustration with the foreign
policies of their own Western governments. Major anti-war rallies were
held in these countries and not in the capitals of the Muslim World
where the so-called Islamic governments suppress them as brutally as the
coalition forces that are allegedly wreaking havoc. In recent
parliamentary and presidential elections in Britain and the United
States, a vast majority of citizens voted for candidates who opposed the
Iraq invasion despite the fact that there was a kind of consensus on the
Afghanistan incursion. Anti-war candidates lost. But in democracies,
people’s mandates are respected. In the civilized world, bullets do not
change governments. The strategy of an eye for an eye does not bring
desired results for anybody. It simply delays the truce and endangers
the peace process. Opposing public policies is a legitimate democratic
act, but killing innocent people is immoral, illegitimate, and
can learn lessons from the people of other faiths on how they have kept
their image intact despite setbacks. Admittedly, non-Muslims of the West
waged major fratricidal wars against each other on numerous times in the
last century that notably include WWI, WWII and the Holocaust, Vietnam
and Korean wars, and Bosnian ethnic cleansing. Atomic, chemical, and
Hydrogen weapons were developed, sold to others, and used on two cities
of Japan and numerous towns all over the world. Non-Muslims colonized
most of the world in the name of spreading religion. It’s also true that
despite these cataclysmic events, their religions were not called
violent or demonized as it is happening with Muslims and Islam.
in their defense, Christians and Jews have also invented many medicines
that we all use to cure ourselves, developed machineries, technologies,
and vehicles, established the League of Nations, United Nations,
International Monetary Fund, and European Union, made peace among
themselves and helped others to negotiate, created the Internet,
explored space, etc. Their academic and scientific contributions are
evident from the number of Nobel prizes they have received. Among them
were the top inventors, innovators, discoverers, and pioneers in the
last two centuries. In combating AIDS, TB, illiteracy, and recently at
the time of Tsunami disaster, they have outnumbered all other religions’
and particularly Muslims who are living in the West, have to develop
similar contrasting levels of excellence and benevolence to downplay the
image of radical Islam. Most of the Muslim population went into the 20th
century nearly as powerless as they were while entering the 21st
century. In the recent G-8 summit, there was not a single Muslim seen on
the stage. In the list of 10 prominent industrial countries, no Muslim
nation’s name is appearing.
It is
easy to get frustrated and disappointed, resulting in radicalization.
However, American Muslims, who have tasted and reaped the benefits of a
peaceful pluralistic society, should work tirelessly to help produce
leaders like Mandela and King. The peers of these men also thought of
violence as an alternative but these leaders took a high moral ground.
Similarly, the leadership of the American Muslim community should rise
to the occasion.
Khan can be reached at moonkhan2020@gmail.com Visit his website at