Logic, Reason, and the
Spirit of Inquiry
By Dr. Mohammad Omar
[The author is an associate professor
of economics and finance at Upper Iowa University. Homepage: http://www.globalwebpost.com/farooqm;
When posting the message "Just
a dose of Muslim Irrationality!" I mentioned that I got it from the
Internet. However, I forgot to mention that the title is mine and I also
forgot to include in my comment that this is probably more a dose of
"generic" religious "irrationality," as it can fit into any religious
framework. Indeed, there is good indication that this one probably was
not originated by any Muslim. Of course, I could be wrong.
It is noteworthy that there was a time in the history of Muslims when
good skills in logic were quite important in the curriculum under which
many of our famous Islamic scholars received their education. But these
days, like many other lopsided conditions, Muslims have little
appreciation for logic or reasoning.
Understanding and attitude of some Muslims are even bigger stumbling
block. For example, on another forum, one of the Islam-advocates, whose
comments without any humility sometimes stir up others to attack Islam,
made the following comment:
"We the Muslims have taken Qur'an for granted as the authentic
revelation from Allah (SWT). No arguments, no logic and no philosophy.
The only thing is we have to understand it and be guided accordingly."
I don't know where (m) any of you stand on this matter, but to the best
of my understanding, the above comment is just the opposite to what
Islam teaches. And, when we engage in public discussions, with vigor and
conviction in regard to such lopsided views, it is no wonder that there
are many who would rather let us have the Qur'an and Islam and they
would happily seek or settle for something else.
One of the most compelling dimensions of the Qur'an is to frequently
engage us in reasoned dialog as it poses questions after questions and
provoke us to think and reason with the Qur'an. Consider, for examples,
the following:
Say: "See you? - If your stream be some morning lost (in the underground
earth), who then can supply you with clear-flowing water?" 67/30
You might find the two books of Dr. Jeffrey Lang (Struggling to
Surrender and Even Angels Ask) quite pertinent and enlightening in this
Indeed, sometimes having doubt, even after proclaiming faith, is neither
unnatural nor unIslamic. That "no arguments, no logic and no philosophy"
attitude or concept is simply alien to Islam or the Qur'an. Demanding
proof and use of one of the primary human faculty - reasoning - are
essential Islamic, prophetic, and Qur'anic dimensions. The faculty of
reasoning never becomes redundant: not while searching for truth, and
not after we believe that we have found the truth. Those who do not
employ the faculty of reasoning may grab the very first candidate that
claims to be the truth, and if that candidate is embraced without
appropriate scrutiny, in all likelihood, whatever was embraced will be
upheld regardless whether it was really the truth in the first place or
not. That is why logic and reason are never unwanted or disposable for
Muslims. Islam simply teaches us to use those adequately and PROPERLY.
May I beg your indulgence to read the following verse about Ibrahim (a),
who even AFTER attaining Prophethood, asked Allah:
"Behold! Abraham said: 'My Rabb! SHOW ME, how You give life to the
dead.' He said: 'Do you not then believe?' He said: 'Yes! But to satisfy
my own understanding.' He said: 'Take four birds, tame the to turn to
you; put a portion of them on every hill, and call to them; they will
come to you (flying) with speed. Then know that God is Exalted in Power,
Wise.'" [2/al-Baqara/260]
This is the foundation of Islamic spirit of inquiry, search for truth,
pursuit of knowledge, and understanding. We are, of course, not
prophets. Genuine search for truth does not begin by taking things for
granted, but by our effort to learn and verify. In this process,
occasional doubts are very natural. As far as Islamic validity of what I
am suggesting, let no one tell you any differently, because this is what
the Prophet (s) himself has said:
Allah's Apostle said, "We have MORE right to be in doubt than Abraham
when he said, 'My Lord! Show me how You give life to the dead.' He said,
'Do you not believe?' He said, 'Yes (I believe) but to be stronger in
Faith.' (2/al-Baqarah/260)" [Sahih al-Bukhari, Vol. 6, #61]
We need to be particularly careful when we engage in public discussions
about these matters where non-Muslims, atheists, doubters, and all other
sorts of people - who are not necessarily bad people - are involved.
Indeed, in terms of human quality, many of them are probably better than
many of us.