Who Will Guard the 'Guardians of the Faith'?
By Dr. Farish A. Noor
Dr. Farish A. Noor is a Malaysian
political scientist and human rights activist. He has taught at the
Centre for Civilizational Dialogue, University of Malaya and the
Institute for Islamic Studies, Frie University of Berlin. He is
currently associate fellow at the Institute for Strategic and
International Studies (ISIS), Malaysia. He worked at
the Centre for Modern Orient Studies (ZMO),
Berlin. He is the author of New Voices of Islam (Leiden:
ISIM, 2002), The Other Malaysia: Writings on Malaysia's Subaltern
Histories (Kuala Lumpur: Silverfish, 2002), and Islam
Embedded: The Historical Development of the Pan-Malaysian Islamic Party,
1951-2003 (Kuala Lumpur: MSRI, 2003).
Life is indeed full of pitiful and ridiculous ironies. Having just
returned from Europe (last night) after a conference on the distorted
image of Islam in the West, I am preparing to leave for another
conference abroad where I will once again talk about the negative
stereotyping and misunderstandings concerning Islam and Muslims in the
world media. It seems that since the fateful events of 11 September 2001
I have spent most, if not all, of my time trying to convince people that
Islam is a religion of peace, brotherhood and tolerance.
But when I woke up this morning, I discovered reports in the internet
that some Ulama in Malaysia have taken exception to some of the comments
I have made about them and that some of them now accuse me of 'insulting
Islam' in the process. The person who has spent his whole academic
career trying to promote a positive image of Islam is now being labeled
a 'traitor' to Islam, by a handful of Ulama who hope to monopolize the
discourse of Islam all to themselves!
This ironic turn of events raises some puzzling questions: Just when did
criticizing the inconsistencies and contradictions of a handful of
self-appointed guardians of the faith amount to 'attacking Islam'
itself? As far as this writer is concerned, to condemn obscurantism,
bigotry, intolerance, fanaticism, extremism and militancy among some
quarters of the Muslim world may well be the best - if not only - way of
defending and protecting Islam itself from those who want to hijack it
for clearly political reasons.
One is also saddened to see that as the Ulama grow ever weary and
defensive in the face of growing assertiveness and independence among
many thinking Muslims, their own defence is to claim that all who oppose
them happen to oppose Islam itself- a tactic that has sadly been tried
and tested many times over in the history of the Muslim world.
(Thankfully without much success, as there are still millions of
liberal-thinking Muslims in the world, despite the Pharisees among us.)
Rather than talk about my own private situation, I would like to make a
few comparisons with other such cases in the Muslim world today: In many
other countries like Pakistan, Sudan, Egypt, Iran and Nigeria, we have
witnessed the rise of an increasingly defensive, introverted and
exclusivist form of Islam. This is another kind of Islam that we here in
the Malay world are not really accustomed to. It is one based on
intolerance of difference and alterity; one which willfully and
deliberately isolates itself from external currents of thought and
culture; and one which inculcates in the hearts and minds of its
followers the belief that they alone are correct, pure, upright and
All those who oppose this form of thinking are called 'traitors',
'heretics', 'infidels' and are summarily expelled beyond the pale of
society. In many Muslim countries today, scores of progressive Muslim
thinkers, academics and activists find themselves at the receiving end
of the barbed accusations of the Ulama who wish to keep the doors of
ijtihad (rational interpretation) closed and exclusive to themselves
alone. Thus we hear of countless Muslim academics and intellectuals who
have been accused of 'insulting Islam' or betraying their faith just
because they had the temerity to confront the Ulama and their teachings.
In Pakistan, a professor of medicine is facing the death penalty- simply
because he correctly stated that the Prophet Muhammad was a man who had
normal physical needs like anybody else. (Incidentally, the Prophet
himself never claimed to be anything else than a man with ordinary human
needs too.) Before the debate proceeds any further, some crucial points
need to be repeated here once again:
Islam is an egalitarian creed that recognizes no essential hierarchy
between individuals. The universal message of Islam was sent to mankind
as a whole and not to a select grouping only. The emergence of the Ulama
- now with their costumes and accessories - is a later phenomenon which
has no basis in Islam. The creation of the Ulama as an institution of
power and politics which has become normalized is itself a case of the
'invention of tradition' and how history and customs have been
instrumentally used by the Ulama to serve their own ends. Sadly, it is
the ordinary Muslims who have lost out the most, and many of them no
longer feel they have the right to speak up against the Ulama, even when
they are in the right.
Secondly, we Muslims need to rescue the message of Islam from the grip
of both religious and political elites who want to turn it into a
political ideology to suit their own ends. As more and more Ulama turn
to politics (some would say that the Ulama have themselves become closet
politicians) and more and more parties adopt an Islamist outlook, we
need to ensure that Islam remains free from the contaminating influence
of realpolitik considerations. Now, more than ever, we Muslims need to
speak out and show ourselves and the world that we are not captives of a
handful of men who speak the language of the middle-ages.
Thirdly, we also need to educate ourselves more about Islam and to
recognize the various discursive strategies that are used by the Ulama
to keep Islam solely in their possession. Accusations of 'betraying
Islam', 'insulting Islam' and 'attacking Islam' have been the weapons of
the Ulama for centuries. Are we prepared to sit by and allow this sad
state of affairs to continue and to let our religion remain under the
monopoly of people we did not even elect to represent us?
Islam, as I have stated time and again, is simply too important to be
left in the hands of the Ulama. While it is true that not every Muslim
is an expert on Islamic law, theology and history, this does not mean
that we do not have the right to speak and ask questions about it. On
the contrary, it is because the discourse of Islam is open that we all
need to understand more about it and contribute to our common
understanding of it. Ordinary Muslims and non-Muslims have every right
to speak and write about Islam and to contest each others'
interpretations. It was this open atmosphere of free rational enquiry
which made Islamic culture and civilisation one of the greatest in the
world, and we can rekindle this spirit of intellectual enterprise if we
put our minds to it.
The one thing we cannot and must never do is to allow Islam to grow
fossilized and ossified, frozen in time and in its interpretation,
thanks to the conservative elements in its midst. Let us show to the
world that there is more to Islam than what many of us imagine, that it
is more than a religion of bearded Mullahs and Ulama who will stop at
nothing to keep the Muslims in check for their own purposes. The Ulama
may have helped to guard and preserve the integrity of the discourse of
Islam in the past, but today their role has to be taken up by the Muslim
Ummah as a whole. That is the only way that Islam will become the living
religion of all Muslims, rather than a private domain to be guarded by a
handful of self-appointed guardians of the faith whom we did not even
choose. |