Can a Woman Be a
Leader of Muslims?-Part 3
By Fatima Mernissi
Hazrath Aisha (RA), who often used to accompany the Prophet (Pbuh) on
military expeditions, knew the procedure for the negotiations that took
place before the military occupation of a city.
For each Hadith of the Sahih, al-’Asqalani gives us the historical
clarification: the political events that served as background, a
description of the battles, the identity of the conflicting parties, the
identity of the transmitters and their opinions, and finally the debates
concerning their reliability - everything needed to satisfy the
curiosity of the researcher.
On what occasion did Abu Bakra recall these words of the Prophet (Pbuh),
and why did he feel the need to recount them? Abu Bakra must have had a
fabulous memory, because he recalled them a quarter of a century after
the death of the Prophet (Pbuh), at the time that the caliph Ali retook
Basra after having defeated Aisha (RA) at the Battle of the Camel.
Before occupying Basra, A’isha went on pilgrimage to Makkah where she
learnt the news of the assassination of Uthman (RA) at Madinah and the
naming of Ali as the fourth caliph. It was while she was in Makkah that
she decided to take command of the army that was challenging the choice
of ‘Ali. Days and days of indecision then followed. Should she go to
Kufa or Basra? She needed to have an important city with enough
provision to aid her cause and let her set up her headquarters. After
numerous contacts, negotiations, and discussions, she chose Basra. Abu
Bakra was one of the notables of that city and, like all of them, in a
difficult position. Should he take up arms against Ali, the cousin of
the Prophet and the caliph, challenged maybe, but legitimate, or should
he take up arms against A’isha, the, wife of the Beloved of God? If one
realises, moreover, that he had become a notable in that Iraqi city,
which was not his native city, one can better understand the extent of
his unease.
So why was he led to dig into his memory and make the prodigious effort
of recalling the words that the Prophet was supposed to have uttered 25
years before? The first detail to be noted - and it is far from being
negligible, is that Abu Bakra recalled his Hadith after the Battle of
the Camel. At that time, Aisha’s situation was scarcely enviable. She
was politically wiped out: 13,000 of her supporters had fallen on the
field of the battle. Ali had retaken the city of Basra, and all those
who had not chosen to join Ali’s clan had to justify their action. This
can explain why a man like Abu Bakra needed to recall opportune
traditions, his record being far from satisfactory, as he had refused to
take part in the civil war. Not only did he refrain from taking part,
but like many of the Companions who had opted for non-participation, he
had made his position known officially.
A’isha, who often used to accompany the Prophet on military expeditions,
knew the procedure for the negotiations that took place before the
military occupation of a city and had conducted matters correctly.
Before besieging the city, she had sent messengers with letters to all
the notables of the city, explaining to them the reasons that had
impelled her to rebel against Ali, her intentions, and the objectives
that she wanted to attain, and finally inviting them to support her. It
was a true campaign of information and persuasion, a preliminary
military tactic in which the Prophet excelled. And Aisha was going to
use the mosque as the meeting place for a public discussion to inform
the population before occupying the city. Abu Bakra was thus contacted
from the beginning in his capacity as a notable of the city.
A’isha did not take this course of action only because of faithfulness
to Muhammad’s methods. There was a more important reason. This was the
first time since the death of the Prophet that the Muslims found
themselves on opposite sides in a conflict. This was the situation that
Muhammad had described as the worst possible for Islam: fitna, civil
war, which turned the weapons of the Muslims inward instead of directing
them, as Allah wished, outward, in order to conquer and dominate the
world. So Aisha had to explain her uprising against Ali. She reproached
him for not having brought the murderers of Uthman, the assassinated
third caliph, to justice. Some of those who had besieged Uthman and
whose identity was known were in Ali’s army as military leaders. Many
Muslims must have thought like ‘A’isha, because a large part of the city
of Basra welcomed her, giving her men and weapons. After driving out the
governor who represented Ali, Aisha set up her headquarters in Basra,
and with her two allies, Talha and al-Zubair, members of the Quraysh
tribe like herself, she continued her campaign of information,
negotiation, and persuasion through individual interviews and speeches
in the mosques, pressing the crowds to support her against the “unjust”
caliph. It was year 36 of the Hejira (AD 656), and public opinion was
divided: should one obey an “unjust” caliph (who did not punish the
killers of ‘Uthman), or should one rebel against him and support Aisha,
even if that rebellion led to civil disorder?
Thus the decision not to .participate in this civil war was not an
exceptional one, limited to a few members of the elite. The mosques were
full of people who found it absurd to follow leaders who wanted to lead
the community into tearing each other to pieces. Abu Bakra was not in
any way an exception. When he was contacted by ‘A’isha, Abu Bakra made
known his response to her: he was against fitna. He is supposed to have
said to her (according to the way he told it after the battle):
“It is true that you are our umm (mother, alluding to her title of
“Mother of Believers,” which the Prophet bestowed on his wives during
his last years), it is true that as such you have rights over us. But I
heard the Prophet say: “Those who entrust power (mulk) to a woman will
never know prosperity.”
Although, as we have just seen, many of the Companions and inhabitants
of Basra chose neutrality in the conflict, only Abu Bakra justified it
by the fact that one of the parties was a woman. According to al-Tabari’s
account, Basra, after ‘A’isha’s defeat, lived through many days of
understandable anxiety. Was Ali going to take revenge on those who had
not supported him one of whom was Abu Bakra? “In the end Ali proclaimed
a general amnesty to all those who threw down their arms. He announced
on the day of the battle that those who returned to their homes would be
spared. Ali spent some days on the battlefield; he buried the dead of
both sides and said a common funeral prayer for them before returning to
the city.
What is surprising to the modern reader who leafs through the chronicles
of that famous Battle of the Camel is the respect that the people,
whatever their position towards the war, showed to Aisha. Very rare were
the occasions on which she was insulted -and even then it was never by
one of the political leaders, but by some of the ordinary people.
(To be continued)