By M. Riaz Khan, PhD
[Dr. M. Riaz Khan is
Professor of Operations Management. He has served as Acting Chairman of
the Department of Manufacturing and Management Information Systems, and
also as Director of the Small Business Institute for many years in the
College of Management. He specializes in Operations Research and has
published extensively on quantitative modeling, capacity planning,
performance measurement, productivity, resource allocation, inventory
control, U.S. competitiveness in world trade, and a variety of small
business issues. He actively participates at national and international
professional conferences and regularly delivers his research papers.
Prof. Khan also serves as reviewer for national and overseas scholarly
journals, such as International Journal of Production Research, and is
currently on the Editorial. Board of the Journal of Business and
Entrepreneurship. Prior to joining the faculty at the University of
Massachusetts Lowell, Prof. Khan taught at the University of Maryland.
He has also taught at Clark University and Boston University. As a
visiting Professor, Dr. Khan has taught in Venezuela, Scotland, Germany,
and England. Prof. Khan holds a Ph.D. from the State University of New
Humanity has taken a very long time to understand the true position
of women. The social system of Islam brought about a revolution in
establishing this position. It started by recognizing woman as a free
person, capable and entitled to excelling spiritually and materially in
all fields and functions of life, like her male counterpart. Despite
many important distinctions between the genders for the enrichment of
human civilization, in the Islamic law, a woman is equal to man and is
just as liable for her actions. There is
no gender differentiation in rewarding for good work either: "… whoever
right, whether man or woman, and is a believer, will enter Paradise…"
(Qur'an, 40 : 40)
Likewise, Islam makes no distinction between secular duties and
religious functions either. All activities whether they concern
politics, economics or social endeavors, are Islamic duties; as prayers,
fasts or charitable acts are. It is, therefore, logical that men and
women are provided equal opportunities in public affairs, economics,
education, and other fields, so that they can discharge their
responsibilities appropriately within their
respective domain.
In every epoch of Islamic history, one sees Muslim women engaged in
profession that suited them, from a battle field combatant to a court
judge. Caliph Omar employed a lady, Shifa' bint 'Abdallah, as inspector
in the market at the capital Madinah. The same lady had taught Hafsah,
wife of the Prophet Muhammad (saw), how to read and write. Most
recently, Muslim women have been prime ministers and presidents of their
respective Muslim countries. Of course, Islam demands that a woman
should remain within defined guidelines. On the other hand, it does not
expect her to become
either an angel or a demon.
Under this Islamic doctrine, the Prophet (saw) encouraged women to
enlighten themselves with issues that affect life. His wife, Syeda
A'isha, was a very learned woman. During the period of the first four
Rightly Guided Caliphs, her advice, including on political matters, was
eagerly sought by the Caliphs. The entire Islamic scholarship still
regards her as an authority on the Islamic jurisprudence. It is she who
once proclaimed: "How praise-worthy are the women of Ansar that their
modesty does not prevent them from attempts at learning and the
acquisition of knowledge." Yet at
another occasion, she said: " May Allah have mercy on the women of Ansar!
When the Qur'anic verse relating to the wearing of jilbab (a long and
loose gown which covers a woman's body from neck to feet) was revealed
to the Prophet (saw), they tore off their big sheets of cloth and
covered themselves with their torn parts and in this state offered their
prayers behind the Prophet (saw) as silently as if crows were seated on
In the battle of Uhud, when the
disbelievers inflicted heavy injuries on the Prophet (saw) and the
Muslims, A'isha and another Muslim lady, Umm Salim, raised up their
gowns to the knees and helped the Muslim warriors. The Prophet's
daughter, Fatimah, dressed up his wounds and carried water to him. Umm 'Atiyyah
reports that she took part in seven battles with the Prophet (saw) and
helped the warriors with medicine and other supplies, and
dressed up their wounds.
Khadijat-ul Kubra was a devoted wife, a life time companion and a
staunch supporter of the Prophet (saw). When he received the first
revelation in the cave as Prophet of Allah, he rushed trembling to her
and said: "I fear for my life." She provided him the comfort and
strength by saying: "Allah will never debase you, you speak the truth."
She then became the first ever to accept Islam and committed all her
resources to support her husband in his
mission of Islam.
Contemporary American society is generally concerned about
race-relations, declines in social and moral values, domestic violence,
economic disparity, job security, and other social issues. But for many
parents it is the future of their children and the direction in which
they are headed that is most worrisome. The primary mission of education
has always been to nurture the personality of a child and to reinforce
basic values on which social and
economic structure of society is founded. Unfortunately, the ability of
schools to accomplish this mission has markedly diminished in recent
Campuses are being used as the grounds for re-enacting the episodes many
youngsters experience in their homes or view on television. For these
youth, and those under their influence, the campus environment only
facilitates a destructive progression of their adolescence rather than a
healthy maturation. Cognitively and emotionally, the adolescence is the
most fertile period of human life. This can be transformed into a
critical thinking or a
retarding behavior, depending on what role models and conditions are
provided. Instead, it is the drugs, guns, and violence among the youth
that make the news these days. Some believe that this is the inevitable
result of unrelenting obscenity, lewdness and desecrate expositions,
promoted in print, movies, television programs, and even in the sports.
Today, the youth frequently choose their heroes from the show models,
movie stars and the sport figures; not on the basis of their exemplary
character or high moral standards, but for their flashy and lustrous
life style. These personalities provide no content to the social and
moral enrichment of the society, nor do they provide any incentive for
achievements in life or academic excellence. They only heighten the peer
pressure to conform to the popular culture of smoking, drinking,
dancing, intermingling, taking trips to movie theaters and other
hang-out places, plus many other counter-productive activities. Yet, the
kids faithfully look up to them as their role models. They are not
attracted at all by those who, for instance, have made contributions to
the literature, humanities, politics, international relations, science,
and technology. Their attitude, behavior, and general outlook towards
life is drastically skewed under the influence of the characters they
imitate. For many marginal kids, the unfortunate outcome of this
deviance is a slippery slope, whose bottomless pit is a mire of
callousness and desire.
The predicament of Muslim youth, particularly female, is manifold. They
have to resist the temptations, which are nothing but a norm to their
peers. Clearly their imperative is to preserve their Islamic identity
and maintain their moral sanctity. Combating the alienating stereotype
and prejudice against Muslims, however, makes their dichotomous
experience in schools and at workplaces even more formidable.
Ironically, to add to this, there is also a calculated effort in the
western Europe and the U.S. for the derailment of young Muslim minds. In
his book, Some to Mecca Turn to Pray, (England), for example, the author
Mervyn Hiskett articulates that Islam in the west should be discouraged.
He proposes a comprehensive de-Islamization process for Muslim youth and
blatantly recommends that mosques should no longer be allowed to be
built. He further alerts that American experience shows that
assimilation takes place more readily when Muslims are un-mosqued.
Hiskett's policy prescriptions continue stressing that young Muslim
women be forced to adopt a culture of sexual and family anarchy for the
disintegration of the Muslim community. The feelings expressed by
Hiskett are shared by other writers and are echoed in many schools as
well that the Muslim youngsters attend. It is widely acknowledged that
Islam has many virtues for a sound social and moral order. The greatest
asset that Muslim children have to restrain themselves is their Islamic
vision that guides them how to exercise their freedom of choice. The
children cannot, however, be expected to remain immune to their external
environment and use righteously this freedom without a sustained source
of re-invigoration of their Islamic behavior as the only sensible way
for a decent life. Without appropriate motivation, nothing that needs to
be achieved can be pursued. Laws and regulations can neither enlighten
the thinking process of a person nor can they control one's social
behavior. It is a discerning conscience that shapes an individual's
attitude and behavior. A full appreciation and deep understanding of
moral values, delicately implanted in the minds of the Muslim youth, is
an essential part of comprehensive education and character building.
The life objective of every Muslim is to seek the pleasure of Allah
(SWT). The Muslim elders are responsible to get this message across and
see that the youngsters are aware of the limits to which they must
adhere. These limits are to be respected, out of love and fear of Allah
(swt) for their own good. A sharp conscience, that constantly reminds
one of Allah's presence and of the accountability to Him, is the
description of a Muslim in action. Only such a character is capable of
coping with social and moral dilemmas.
Admittedly, one can not deny the many positive aspects of western life.
But social and moral pressures of this society are so enormous that many
young Muslim women, like their male counterparts, are drifting away to
non-Islamic patterns of behavior. This is because they are shaping their
lives, like their mainstream peers, in the molds of the big name models,
singers, film actresses, feminine activists, etc. These so- called
models have no concept of a morally disciplined life, which is essential
for a balanced social order. This presents a very perplexing dichotomy
for many bright Muslim women. To dress and behave strictly as a Muslim
in school or at workplace, for example, is seen as a barrier to being in
the social American mainstream for success. This concern is genuine and
serious as the future prospects of Islam in the west largely depend on
what judgment the new generation makes at this juncture. This judgment
may be influenced favorably by offering Islamic alternatives and
bringing in focus what is worth pursuing in life as a Muslim and who to
emulate in that pursuit.
For Muslim women, there are numerous role models in Islam to follow, as
noted earlier. Allah (SWT) quotes a few cases of those women who He has
condemned and, therefore, must be rejected, and those who He has exalted
and are worthy of emulating: "Allah cites for the disbelievers the
example of the wives of Noah and Lot. They were married to Our two
righteous devotees, but they were unfaithful to them, and even (the
apostles) could not avail them anything against Allah; and it was said
to them: Enter Hell with those (who are condemned) to enter it."
(Qur'an, 66: 10) These women are the wives of Prophets who opposed their
husbands in their efforts to reform a corrupt society. On the contrary,
they collaborated with enemies who were resisting a social and moral
change for improvement. They were disgraced, and even their relationship
with apostles could not save them from Allah's wrath. Similarly, some
women with sublime characters have been praised by Allah (swt): "And
Allah presents the example of Pharaoh's wife for those who believe, when
she prayed: O Lord, build r me a house in Presence, and save me from
Pharaoh and his work, and save me from a wicked people. And of Mary,
daughter of 'Imran, who guard her chastity, so that we breathed into her
a life by Our will, and she believed the words of her Lord and His
Books, and was obedient to Allah." (Qur'an, 66: 11,12) Here one woman is
wife of Pharaoh, an enemy of Allah (SWT), who played god and oppressed
his people and rejected the invitation of Prophet Musa to submit to
Allah (SWT). She accepted Musa as Prophet of Allah (SWT) and became a
believer. Allah (SWT) granted her a place in Paradise right in this
world. Even her husband's rebellion against Allah could not overpower
her determination to reach out to her Creator. The other is Mary, the
mother of Prophet Isa. She was not any body's wife, but, because of her
trust in Allah and spotless piety, Allah (SWT) granted her the
characteristics of a Prophet, even though she was not a Prophet.
These four characters have been presented to set standards for Muslim
women seeking a life of honor and dignity in this world and a place in
Paradise. From these cases, it is very clear that every individual is
free to adopt any particular life style, but is accountable for how this
freedom is exercised. Neither any affiliation is of any avail, nor any
degree of external pressure can overturn a person's determined pursuit
of moral excellence. A behavioral conformation to what Islam demands of
a believer is an assurance of Allah's pleasure and a life of grace that
will continue beyond this life span. The Prophet (S) says that, among
the women, Asia (Pharaoh's wife) and Maryam bint 'Imran are perfect
women (Bukhari & Muslim). Then they should also be perfect role models
for Muslim young women to emulate.