Women Bashing and Islam
By Dr. Ibrahim B. Syed
Islamic Research Foundation International, Inc.
Louisville, KY
In September 2005, an Imam who wrote a book
on how to beat one’s wife without leaving marks on her body, was ordered
by a judge in Spain to study the country’s constitution.
The judge told Mohamed Kamal Mustafa, an Imam of a mosque in the
southern resort of Fuengirola, to spend six months studying three
articles of the constitution and the universal declaration of human
Mr. Mustafa was sentenced to 15 months in jail and fined about $ 2,600
last year after being found guilty of inciting violence against women.
A judge released him after 22 days in jail
on the condition that he undertook a re-education course. The Spanish
government has set up a commission to find ways for the Muslim community
to regulate itself. A central recommendation is that the imams should
speak Spanish and have basic knowledge of human rights and Spanish law.
In his book “Women in Islam,” published
four years ago, Mr. Mustafa, the Imam wrote that verbal warnings
followed by a period of sexual inactivity could be used to discipline a
disobedient wife. If that failed, he argued that, according to Islamic
law, beatings could be sensibly administered.
“The blows should be concentrated on the
hands and feet using a rod that is thin and light so that it does not
leave scars or bruises on the body,” he wrote.
MR. MUSTAFA’S LESSONS, which he must pay for, will be taught by teachers
from Malaga University.
According to La Vanguardia newspaper, he will have to study articles 10,
14 and 15 of the Spanish constitution. The first two address “the
dignity of a person and inviolable rights” and states “all Spaniards are
equal before the law.”
The third one states, “The moral and physical integrity of a person in
no case can be submitted to torture nor inhuman or degrading punishments
or treatment.”
In the Qur’an, Surah 4: 34 reads:
“Men are the {qawwam} of women, because Allah has given the one more
than the other, and because they support them from their means.
Therefore the righteous women are {qanitat}, and guard in the husband’s
absence what Allah would have them guard. As to those women on whose
part ye fear {nushooz}, admonish them first, then refuse to share their
beds, and finally {adriboo} them; but when they {ataa:} to you, then
seek not against them means of annoyance: For Allah is Most High, great
above you all.”
Is the husband superior and the wife is
Throughout in the Noble Qur’an,
Allah emphasizes that men and women are equal for Him – Allah will judge
them in exactly the same way. It is hard to believe if a verse would
contradict this equality. But is that really the case here? The Arabic
word used is {qawwam}, an intensive form of {qaim}, meaning: ‘to take
care of, to stand up for, to look after’. Therefore, does this verse say
that men are superior to women? Not at all. It says: men must look after
women. In Islam, men are obliged to financially provide for their wife
and children. They have to pay for their housing, clothing, food,
medicines, etc. That is what {qawwamoona} means: men must take care of
Beating One’s wife?
The verse instructs a husband
whose wife causes problems in their marriage to first talk to her about
it, then leave the marital bed, then {adriboo} his wife - and all this
in view of pursuing reconciliation as is evident from the subsequent
verse 4:35.
The Arabic word used here, {adriboo},
from the root {d-r-b}, has several dozens of meanings, such as: ‘to
beat’, but also: ‘to forsake, to avoid, to separate, to leave, to part’.
In Surah, Al- Nur, 24:2, describes
what should be done in case of adultery:
“The woman and the man guilty of adultery or fornication, - flog each of
them with a hundred stripes...” (Noble Qur’an 24:2)
This verse establishes the principle that for men and women, equal
actions lead to equal punishment. In case of adultery men and women must
receive equal punishment; surely there is no reason why they should be
treated differently for any lesser marital problem.
Suppose {adriboo} means: ‘to beat’.
In this case, verse 4:34 says that when a wife causes a problem in the
marriage, her husband should first talk to her about it, then leave the
bed, then beat her and all of this in view of increasing his chances of
a reconciliation. On the emotional level, this certainly does not sound
like a very promising course of action. If one follows the principle of
‘equal behaviour leads to equal punishment’ then when a husband causes a
problem in the marriage, his wife can beat him. At which he could invoke
verse 4:34 to beat her again, so that the result would be a perpetual
physical fight between spouses! Surely, this makes no sense at all. And
indeed, it is not what Allah prescribes for the situation where a
husband causes a rift, as will be explained in a moment.
Suppose {adriboo} means: ‘to forsake, to avoid’, possibly, as Mohammed
Abdul Malek suggests: ‘to separate, to part’.
Then Verse 4:34 says that when a wife causes a problem in the
marriage, her husband should first talk to her about it, then leave
their bed (forsaking his sexual satisfaction), then avoid her even more
(not talking to her anymore, leaving the room when she enters it, and
possibly even leaving the house for a while), in order to prevent things
from getting worse, and on the contrary to let things cool down and
create enough space in view of increasing chances of a reconciliation.
This sounds like a very logical chain of events.
Also, application of the general rule of
verse 24:2 (‘equal actions, equal punishment’) now means that when a
husband causes a marital problem, his wife should forsake a few of her
rights, avoid her husband in increasing ways, and try to work towards a
reconciliation. And yes, that is precisely what verse 4:128 says:
“If a wife fears cruelty or desertion on her husband’s part, there is no
blame on them if they arrange an amicable settlement between themselves”
(Glorious Qur’an 4:128)
Understanding {adriboo} as ‘to forsake, to (gradually) avoid (more and
more), possibly eventually leave altogether’, clearly makes sense when
relating several verses to one another.
Prophet’s Example
Beating a wife, would contradict
hadiths of the Noble Prophet who repeatedly said: “Do not beat believing
women!” It would also contradict the Noble Prophet’s instructions about
anger – which he explained to originate from Satan and which he
described as “a living coal on one’s heart”. One should not act upon
ones anger, lest one would do things and regret later. When a person is
angry while standing, “sit down”, the Prophet (pbuh) said. And if one is
still angry even in the sitting position, then one should lie down.
Interpreting this verse as allowing a husband to beat his wife, surely
contradicts these rulings on anger.
Furthermore, Allah says in the Noble Qur’an that one must meet bad
behaviour with something that is better, not with something that is
worse, in order to turn a hostile situation into a friendly one:
“Nor can goodness and Evil be equal. Repel (Evil) with what is better:
Then will he between whom and thee was hatred become as it were thy
friend and intimate!” (Noble Qur’an 41:13). Therefore the word
{adriboo} cannot really have meant “to beat”, can it? It must mean
something that is better than causing problems, and avoiding the
Based on the foregoing, interpreting {adriboo} as ‘to beat’, causes
several internal conflicts with the meaning of other Qur’anic verses and
ahadith, while interpreting it as ‘gradually forsaking, more and more
and possibly leaving altogether’, is a much more logical interpretation
that is entirely consistent with the interpretation of other rules in
the Glorious Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Noble Prophet Muhammad.
Return to obedience?
When the problem is solved, and the
wife is committed to the marriage again, then the husband is advised not
to keep using the incident against her and to consider the incident
closed. And the Noble Qur’an advises that when one of the partners
causes a marriage problem, the other should gradually avoid the person
who causes the problem, in order to save the marriage - irrespective of
who started the strife (4:34, 4:128)