Were Muslim
Rulers Brute, Fanatic and Intolerant?
By Maqbool Ahmed Siraj
(The writer can be
reached at maqbool_siraj@rediffmail.com and debunkmyth@yahoo.co.in)
Certain historians working on projects to malign medieval Muslim rulers
have selectively highlighted the acts of brutality against conspirators.
Muslim rulers of medie-val India were primarily empe-rors as did the
rulers of their or previous ages.
They were autocrats in keeping with the political traditions then. Any
threat or challenge to their seat of power was dealt with a strong arm.
So they were unkind to their enemies, brute against the rebels and
warriors against the rival powers. If the challenge came from within the
royal family or clan, the response was in no way different. They did not
spare their parents, siblings or even offspring when they came in
between them and their power. All rebels and challengers were crushed
But when it came to wooing the people after having established their
power, they adopted all strategies of carrot and stick, inducement and
allurement and punishment and retribution. But certain historians
working on projects to malign medieval Muslim rulers have selectively
highlighted the acts of brutality against conspirators or military
action against rival kingdoms. For instance, much is said about killing
of three brothers by Aurangzeb, namely Dara Shikoh, Shuja and Murad. But
seen in the perspective of power struggle those days, such acts were not
unique in case of Aurangzeb alone. Mauryan emperor Ashok, glorified for
his rule, grabbed the throne after killing 99 of his brothers. He
ordered burning alive all the 500 women of his harem, because some of
them dubbed him ugly. He even ordered killing of 500 Brahmins opposed to
Buddhism.1 Such mayhems were not exclusive to Aurangzeb or Ashok.
History is replete with instances where emperors sought assassination of
challengers to their throne and annihilation of rivals and their
kingdoms. But in matters of day to day administration, these very
emperors could be seen as perfect epitomes of grace, decency,
compassion, piety and absolutely normal behaviour. They had mastered the
strategies to woo masses with a finesse that equalled their ferocity in
the warfare. Babur’s will provides a little help in giving us insight
into the methodology the founder of the Mughal empire employed in India.
Babur’s will
It says : My son take not of the following: Do not harbour religious
prejudice in your heart. You should dispense justice while taking note
of the people’s religious sensitivities, and rites. Avoid slaughtering
cows in order that you could gain a place in the heart of natives. This
will take you nearer to the people.
Do not demolish or damage places of worship of any faith and dispense
full justice to all to ensure peace in the country. Islam can better be
preached by the sword of love and affection, rather than the sword of
tyranny and persecution. Avoid the differences between the shias and
sunnis. Look at the various characteristics of your people just as
characteristics of various seasons.2
Akbar was prominent in making bridges with non-Muslims. He scrapped
jizyah, and jatra tax. He gave high positions to Bhagwan Das and Raja
Man Singh, both kings of Rajasthan.
Alauddin honoured Jain munis
Alauddin Khilji is today dubbed a ruler highly biased against Hindus.
But instances to the contrary are aplenty. He used to honour the Hindu
divines. He invited the Jain Muni from Karnataka Mahasen in his court
and conferred honour on him. He had provided free access to Digambar
Jain community leader Poornachandra of Delhi and Ramchandra Suri.3
Case against Tughlaq
A Hindu leader filed a petition in the chief qazi’s court against Sultan
Muhammad bin Tughlaq for murdering his brother without any reason. Qazi
ordered the Sultan to present himself in the Court. Mohammad bin tughlaq
sent word that he would be standing in the dock and there should be no
favour or special treatment be shown for him in the court. The Sultan
persuaded the plaintiff to accept Qisas and was thus acquitted. 4
Piety had nothing to do with power
Maligning of Muslims necessitates that rulers are shown to be rigid
followers of Islam. If Muslims rulers were to be rigid about the rituals
of Islam, some of them could have performed Hajj. None did. Because it
involved at least eight months of travelling outside their capital. They
could not risk their seat. In fact, when they wanted to get rid off some
officer, they forcibly sent him to Hajj by seeing him off Surat port
which served as the gateway to Makkah from India then. Emperor Akbar
thus exiled Bairam who was his foster mother’s husband and his attalik
(mentor or tutor) and advisor, to Makkah during early years of his rule.
In contrast, spiritual father of Sikhism and social reformer, Guru Nanak
performed Hajj and built a Gurdwara in Baghdad while returning, which
exists even today. All that means that piety guided their individual
behaviour as well as the statecraft till it helped the State project a
benign image of itself. But when a threat was perceived to the State, it
took a back seat.
Jehangir killed Guru Arjan Dev
It is true that Emperor Jehangir ordered execution of the fourth Sikh
guru Arjan Dev. The instance is presented in evidence of Mughal ruler’s
intolerance. Though he did not consider Arjan Dev a spiritual leader, he
never interfered with his missionary activities. But he ordered his
execution when the Emperor’s son Khusrow revolted against Jehangir and
went to Arjan Dev for his blessing near the bank of Bias river. Even
Historian Jadunath Sarkar who is quite biased against Mughal emperors,
has considered it a political act, not a communally motivated act.4
Jehangir imprisoned Mujaddid Alf Sani
Emperors did not discriminate between Hindus and Muslims if they felt
threatened from any quarter. Jehangir imprisoned Shaikh Ibrahim Baba
Afghani in the fort of Chunar (near Allahabad) and Mujaddad Alf Sani in
the fort of Gwalior because the people were increasingly flocking to
them for guidance. He saw a new pole of power emerging which he took as
a challenge to his rule. However, he later released Alf Sani and
conferred honours on him and included him in his courtiers.
Jehangir married Rajput princesses
Jehangir married a number of Rajput women. First of such wives was
Manbai, sister of Raja Mansingh. Second was Jagat Gusain, daughter of
Raja Uday Singh. Another was Karamsi, daughter of Raja Keshavdas
Rathore. Lahore Raja Darya Labhas’ daughter, daughter of Jaisalmer Raval
Bhim, and daughter of Jagat Singh who was son of Raja Mansingh. These
matrimonies were aimed at cultivating political alliances. However it
will be quite fair to accept that while Rajput wives in Mughal household
were quite common, there are hardly any evidences of Mughal princesses
being married outside the Mughal households. Jehangir also built a
temple in his palace which was meant for his Rajput mother, Rajput wife
and their friends.
Rajput-Muslim clash
Jehangir used to keep Rajputs in good humour. In one of his army’s
expeditions to South, his commander Mahabat Khan was leading the army
comprising leading Rajput chieftains and Syed chieftains. Among Rajputs,
Raja Gridhar was a leading chieftain while Syed Kabeer was a leading
figure among Sadath chieftains. On some petty issue, a rift came about
between Rajputs and Sadaths. It snowballed into a full scale skirmish in
which 26 Rajput chieftains and four Sadath leaders were killed. Raja
Gridhar lost his sons. Mahabat Khan perceived the gravity of the
situation and immediately went to condole the death of Raja Gridhar.
This greatly defused the situation. Jehangir ordered the arrest of Syed
Kabeer. He was executed in qisas for the sons of Raja Gridhar.6
Attending Hindu discourses
Jehangir used to go to the Hindu sanyasis and attend their
discourses (Haqeeqat and Maarafat). He mentions his meeting with
Chadroop near Ujjain. He climbed a very difficult ascent to reach his
small cave and spent some hours with him to exchange views on philosophy
and mentioned this in his Tazuk e Jahangiri. Chadroop was a real
mendicant who had completely renounced the world and its pleasures.
Later Chadroop shifted to Mathura and when Jehangir learnt about it, he
visited him several times. It so happened that when people knew about
Chadroop’s proximity with the emperor, they began to approach him for
several recommenda-tions.
Once Hakim Beg, co-brother of Jehangir (Noor Jehan’s sister’s husband)
was appointed at Mathura. He did not like Chadroop. So he ill-treated
the mendicant. When Jehangir learnt about it, he dismissed Hakim Beg and
seized his jagir and withdrew his titles.
Jehangir imprisoned his son
Imperial policies of favour or punishment revolved round the question of
power. It is evident from how Jehangir loved his Rajput wife and
punished his son. Jehangir’s most beloved wife was Manbai, daughter of
Raja Bhagwandas. When she entered the royal harem, she took the name
‘Shah Begum’. She bore prince Khusrow and princess Sultan Begum. Khusrow
wanted to directly inherit the throne of Akbar and therefore raised the
banner of revolt. This very seriously hurt Shah Begum who was wife of
Jehangir for 30 years. She consumed a big quantity of opium and died
while Jehangir was on a hunting expedition. When Jehangir learnt about
it, he did not eat for four days. When Khusrow was defeated, he was
condemned to lifelong imprisonment, though not a very severe captivity.
No rechristening
Today we have this spectacle of changing the names of town and cities.
There are demands for renaming Allahabad as Prayag and Ahmedabad as
Karnavati. But Aurangzeb forbade his military commander Ameer Hassan
from rechristening the Fort of Brahampuri in Deccan as ‘Islampuri’. He
reprimanded his qazis when they decreed that Hindu prisoners from
conquest of Satara (now in Maharashtra) to be converted to Islam and
Muslim prisoners to be incarcerated for three years. Following conquest
of Golconda Fort and the surrender of Qutb Shahi sultanate, Aurangzeb
received a complaint from a Brahmin family that the Shivalinga image
from their house had been stolen. The complainant woman said that her
husband was not eating since then and was on the verge of death. She
suspected the hand of some Muslim families. Aurangzeb ordered his
officials to search and restore the image and in the event of failure,
to subject the entire village to punitive action. The image was found
and the culprits were punished.
Notes and references
1-Om Prakash Prasad, Aurangzeb, Ek Nai Drishti, Khuda Baksh Oriental
Public Library, 1994, p. 10-11
2-Titus, Indian Islam, a copy of this will is preserved in State Library
of Bhopal
3- K. M. Panicker, A Survey of India
4- Safarnama-e-Ibne Batuta, page 137-38
5- History of Aurangzeb, vol. 3, page 306-9
6- Tazk e Jehangiri, page 383
7- Maasir al Umraa, page 67