Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
By Dr. Latif Hussain S.
[The man who had a vision
to take his nation forward on modern lines. The contributions of the man called
Sir Syed Ahamad Khan]
Sir Syed Ahmad Khan (1817-1898)
emerged a leading theologian and philosopher of modern
world, who magnificently contributed to the intellectual development of 19th
century India. His deep vision culminated in the form of ‘the Aligarh Movement’
the aim of which was to prepare Muslims, to imbibe the scientific
spirit of the
modern times and climes. It also addressed itself to the task of preparing
Muslims for
the adoption of the modern socio-political institutions of the West in
accordance with the need of the day. As a sincere and enlightened leader of his
times he firmly realized the inevitability of a religious world-view and value
system and unavoidability of philosophical method and scientific temper. For him
philosophy and science were the most relevant fields of human endeavour. The
Aligarh Movement was mainly based on these essential elements of spiritual
enlightenment and material progress.
In the history of Islamic Renaissance Sir Syed Ahmad Khan stands out prominently
as a creative thinker, reformer and a dynamic force against conservativism,
irrationalism, superstition, inertia and religions obscurantism. A vibrant mind
and a man of great moral courage, Sir Syed could understand the value of
traditions and modernity both. In the process of modernisation of
Islamic art
and thought, Sir Syed’s contribution deserves special mention and appreciation.
He was instrumental in underlining the significance and relevance of both
material progress and
spiritual growth
with a view to leading a balanced and judicious life. As one of the greatest
social reformers of nineteenth century, Sir Syed’s ideas and practices proved to
be a turning point in reshaping the destiny of the entire Muslim community
across the globe. However, the impact of his vision and mission on south-Asian
Muslims is simply immeasurable.
The most crucial and contemporarily relevant contribution of Sir Syed was to
work out a reconciliation between
Islam and
Western Science. For Sir Syed, there was no conflict between advancing
scientific research of the West and the tenets of Din (religion) as advanced by
the Holy Qur’an. There was nothing in the Qur’an which militates against natural
scientific advances. Accordingly, he asked Muslims to liberate themselves from
the fetters of medievalism and traditionalism. They must go in for the
appropriation of fully-fledged scientific research with a view to achieving
sociopolitical progress and economic prosperity. Only scientific research and
technological sophistication could deliver Muslims from their current
civilisational impasse.
Sir Syed, through his indomitable courage of convictions inspired Muslims for an
onward march to modernity. He virtually lifted them from the depths of
despondency. He emphasized on Muslims being firmly rooted in their cultural
heritage, surely anchored on the Qur’anic beliefs and values and yet being open
to scientific research and technological progress.
Like Ibn Rushd, Sir Syed worked out a reconciliation between religion and
philosophy also and emphasized that philosophy was essential to understanding
religion. Both are complementary to each other. He also addressed himself to the
task of working out reconciliation between the intellectualism of the West and
the traditionalism of the East.
Sir Syed emerged as a great intellectual mentor for the Muslims to guide them in
various walks of life through the Aligarh Movement. As a social reformer,
political leader, and religious thinker, he gave an optimistic direction to
Indian Muslims. Besides, he was a moralist, a rationalist and a humanist of
highest order. As a creative thinker his contributions to the fields of
Sociology, Political Science, Theology, Philosophy and Jurisprudence were of
exceptional merit and sophistication. Besides his invaluable contributions to
these areas of great significance, his primary interest and concern remained
focused on building an institution like the M.A.O. College, later Aligarh Muslim
University, which aimed at eradicating ignorance, intolerance, apathy and
superstition from Muslim community. Visualizing the aims and objectives of the
M.A.O. College in 1875, while requesting Lord Lytton to lay the foundation stone
of the college, he firmly declared:
“From the seed that we sow today, there may spring up a mighty tree whose
branches, like those of the Banyan of the soil, shall in their turn strike firm
roots into the earth and themselves send forth new and vigorous sapling; that
this College may expand into a University whose sons shall go forth throughout
the length and breadth of the land to preach the gospel of free inquiry, of
large-hearted tolerance and of pure morality.”
The Aligarh Movement, embedded in Sir Syed’s vision and mission, has equal
relevance today because the Muslim community and the nation at large still need
to be rebuilt in various fields of human endeavour. However, apart from
educational efforts which Muslims of India must accelerate in order to withstand
the pressures of a hypercompetitive world, the relevance of Sir Syed is in
emulating his example with a view to resolving the questions pertaining to the
world-view and value-system of Muslims across the globe. There is virtually a
civilizational clash between the technologically advanced Euro-American
Christians and ideologically confused Afro-Asian Muslims. What British
colonialists did to Indian Muslims during 1857-58 rebellion is being done to
Muslims by American neocolonialists on the global plane. The Euro-American lords
are there operating on the global plane. The Muslims are also pitted against
them across the globe. Under this scenario Sir Syed’s Aligarh Movement may be
proved to be instrumental in providing with the new directions of mutual
understanding and progress.
The great task undertaken by the founder of the Aligarh Muslim University, needs
to be reassessed, reassured and reconstructed under the objectives of the
Aligarh Movement so that we may be able to pay homage to our great
leader-philosopher for his deep vision, endless efforts and dedication towards
the betterment of the community in particular and humanity in general. Thus, the
most important and relevant contribution of Sir Syed in today’s world would be
to cultivate an atmosphere of mutual inter-cultural and inter-religious
dialogue, understanding and human dignity so that the peoples of different
faiths could work in unison to promote goodwill, harmony, love and service to
humanity at large. Sir Syed’s vision and mission in the form of the Aligarh
Movement can intrinsically pave the way towards this direction.
(Dr. Latif Hussain S. Kazmi is Associate Professor Department of Philosophy,
Aligarh Muslim University)