Islamic State Part 22 - The Crusaders
uploaded 09 Nov 2006
Chapter 41
One of the French learned writers Count Henri Decastri wrote in his book
entitled ‘Islam’ in 1896, "I cannot imagine what the Muslims would say if they
heard the tales of the mediaeval ages and understood what the Christian orators
used to say in their hymns; all our hymns even those which emerged before the
12th century emanated from one concept which was the cause of the crusades,
these hymns were filled with hatred towards the Muslims due to the total
ignorance of their religion. As a result of those hymns and songs, hatred
against that religion became fixed in people’s minds, and the erroneous ideas
deeply rooted, some of which are still carried nowadays. Everyone used to regard
the Muslims as polytheists, disbelievers, idol worshippers and apostates."
This is how the Christian clergy in Europe described the Muslims and their deen.
The allegations in the mediaeval ages were horrible and these were used to
incite the feelings of hatred and animosity against the Muslims. The Christian
world became affected and the crusader wars took place. After lasting two
centuries resulting in the defeat and the humiliation of the Christians, the
Muslims began to reconquer the West in the 15th century when the Islamic State
entered Constantinople. Then in the 16th century the Muslims swept across
southern and eastern Europe and carried Islam to its peoples. Millions of the
inhabitants of Albania, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria and other countries embraced Islam
in the process. Once again the crusader animosity was revived and the
Orientalist concept emerged, which was concerned at the time with resisting the
Muslim armies, halting the Islamic conquest and lessening the threat of the
Muslims. This deeply rooted animosity in the minds and hearts of the Europeans
prompted all Christians in Europe to send their missionaries to Muslim land in
the name of science and culture. The missions took the shape of schools,
clinics, associations and clubs. The Europeans devoted almost unlimited
resources and huge efforts to the missionary work. They combined their efforts
and methodology despite their differences in policy and interests. Peoples and
states were united behind the missionary effort since it was conducted by their
consuls, ambassadors, delegates and missionaries.
The crusader hatred harboured by the Westerners, especially in Europe and more
so by Britain, and their deeply rooted animosity and wicked malice were the
cause of our eventual humiliation in our homeland. General Allenby said in 1917
when he entered al-Quds,
"Only today the crusades have ended."
This was simply a genuine expression of what he really felt. It reflected the
hatred and malice he harboured and the same could be said about every European
that fought in the battles - cultural and military - against the Muslims, and
Allah (swt) says,
"Rank hatred has already appeared from their mouths; what their hearts conceal
is far worse." [TMQ 3:118]
What Allenby said was indeed most loathsome, and what his country, Britain,
harboured was even greater without a doubt; this goes without saying for every
This malice and hatred has existed ever since the days of the crusades and it is
still perpetuated today. What we face in terms of oppression, humiliation,
colonisation and exploitation - in addition to the political aspect - is in fact
an act of brutal revenge on the Muslims. Indeed it is particular to the Muslims.
Professor Leopold Weiss (Muhammad Asad) wrote in his book Islam at the
"Verily the renaissance, or the revival of science and European arts which owed
a great deal to Islamic and Arabic sources, used to be attributed to the
material contact between East and West. Europe has indeed benefited a great deal
from the Islamic world, but she never acknowledged or recognised this favour,
nor did she show any gratitude by easing her hatred to Islam, in fact this
hatred grew stronger and deeper over the years and at times reached
uncontrollable proportions. This hatred engulfed the popular feeling and was
triggered each time the word Muslim was mentioned. The hatred became a part of
their popular heritage until it took root in the heart and mind of every
European man and woman, and more astonishing though was that it remained alive
even after all the stages of cultural change that took place. Then came the era
of religious reform, when Europe became divided into sects, and each sect stood
in the face of other sects, armed to the teeth, ready for battle; however,
animosity towards Islam remained the same within every sect. Soon after, a time
came when religious fervour diminished but the hatred of Islam remained as
strong as ever, a clear example of this was delivered by the French philosopher
and poet Voltaire, although he was an arch enemy of Christianity and the Church
in the 18th century, he also was at the same time expressing his feelings of
hatred and arrogance towards Islam and the Messenger of Islam; after a few
decades, there came a time when the Western intellectuals began exploring
foreign cultures and looked upon them with some kind of sympathy and
open-mindedness, however when it came to Islam, the traditional disdain began
infiltrating their scientific researches in an extraordinary factional way; and
the wide gap which history dug up between Europe and the Islamic world remained
unbridged, then the contempt for Islam became an integral part of the European
It was on this basis that the missionary associations mentioned above were
established. Their aim was to preach the Christian religion and to arouse
suspicions in the Muslims about their deen, thereby leading them to hold it in
disdain within their hearts and to blame their own failures on it. On the other
hand, the aim of the associations was also political and the consequences were
in fact horrendous on both accounts until they reached unexpected proportions.
The missionary movements were founded on the basis of wiping out Islam by
libelling it, by creating problems and misgivings about it and about its rules,
in order to come between the people and the way of Allah (swt), and to alienate
Muslims from their deen. Behind these missionary movements came the Orientalist
movements who had the same target and the very same objective.
Efforts and resources were unified throughout the whole of Europe and a crusade
was waged against Islam for the second time; this time it was a cultural war
which poisoned the mind by what they had distorted from the Islamic laws and
Islam’s high values, the poisoning of the young Muslim minds by what they
alleged about Islam and the history of the Muslims in the name of scientific
research and scientific fairness. It was in reality the cultural venom which was
far more dangerous than the crusader wars. The missionaries carried out the
spreading of their poisonous filth in the name of science and humanity. The used
to do it in the name of Orientalism. Professor Leopold Weiss wrote,
"The reality is that the first Orientalist of modern times were Christian
missionaries working in the Muslim countries, the distorted picture they
fabricated allegedly from Islamic teachings and history was expertly designed to
guarantee a negative reaction and influence the European opinion towards the
idol worshippers, i.e. the Muslims; however this twisted concept continued
despite the fact that Orientalist studies had been liberated from the missionary
influence, stripping the Orientalism from any religious and ignorant fervour
that would misguide it. As for the Orientalist’ hostility to Islam, this was an
inherited instinct and a natural characteristic derived from the effects of the
crusader wars."
This inherited animosity is the one that sparks the hatred in the hearts of
Westerners against the Muslims. It is the one that portrays Islam, even in
Muslim countries, to Muslims and non- Muslims as being the bogey of humanity, or
this demon which would destroy the progress of humanity. This is in fact to
conceal their real fear of Islam, for they know that if Islam were deeply
implanted in the hearts and minds of the people it would signal the end of the
hegemony of the disbelieving colonial powers over the Islamic world and the
return of the Islamic State to once again resume the carrying of the Message of
Islam to the world - and indeed it will return insha’Allah - for the sake of
humanity and the West itself. The work of the missionaries would eventually turn
into grief and sorrow for them; Allah (swt) says,
"The disbelievers spend their wealth in blocking the way of Allah, and will go
on spending still more of it. But in the end, these very efforts of theirs will
become a cause of their regret; and they will be overcome." [TMQ 8:36]
The inherited animosity is the one that supports any anti-Islamic movement. You
will find the Westerner exploring Taoism, Hinduism, Buddhism, or Communism
without any hatred or prejudice at all. Whereas, if he were to explore Islam
malice, hatred and contempt would soon appear despite the fact that Muslims were
defeated by the colonial disbelievers. The Western clergy - backed by the
colonialists - still actively conspire against Islam and they will never abate
from libelling Islam and the Muslims and from degrading Muhammad (saw) and his
Companions, or from injecting slander into the history of Islam and of the
Muslims. All this is to get their revenge and to strengthen the hold of the
Source: Serialisation - 'Islamic State', Hizb-ut-Tahrir