Why do some women
want to use burka or hijab?
posted by Kirsten N.
Thursday, November 16, 2006
I have borrowed this
from the blogg of “mechanical crowds”
This woman gives the western world, by her story, the reason for why some women
in the Arab world prefer to use Hijab, veil, burka … call it what you want, but
they want to cover, so no one can see if the person under is a young beautiful
darling or an old, dirty, tooth-less grandma.
I am from Zaqaziq, and until recently I thought that I was one of the few people
who went through unusual personal experiences of sexual harassment, which I
suffered from since I was little…. No, since I was very little. I will not
forget the first time this happened when I was walking on the street on Eid as
well. I was about 15 at the time. I was walking with my cousin, who is 3 years
my elder, and with my aunt in the middle. A group of at least 15 young men
blocked our way in a busy main road that was well lit. Suddenly they divided
into 2 groups and approached us from the both sides. We found ourselves
encircled in fury of holding, touching, groping, and probing accompanied by
dirty words and vulgar language describing what each one of them was doing or
wanted to do to us.I never forgot, and never will, my feelings at the time. It
was the first time I was touched in those parts of my body, and the first time I
heard the words that were spoken, which I never imagined would ever be said to
me. The strange thing is that there were a lot of people on the street that saw
the act but walked on minding their own business. What is this? Where is honor?
Where is the Egyptian manliness, dignity, and altruism that we’ve been hearing
about since the day we were born? My only experience of this is weak and
superficial gentlemanliness that was mostly closer to flirting than anything
else. So it wasn’t just for the sake of it, and it might have been all because I
am not ugly. (is that a crime???)Anyways, I never thought I would ever see a day
worse than this, or get harassed any more awful than this. After a short time,
these harassments started repeating again: an animal on a bike would touch me
from behind and sometimes the front as he quickly goes by, very dirty looks from
shopkeepers, taxi drivers, and neighbors. Oh and what do you know about
neighbors? I grew older and body changed, but I always thought that it was a
good thing not something to be ashamed of ,or a source of harassment that my
young mind and life-loving heart did not comprehend. I got scared of walking on
the streets and started making rules on what I should and shouldn’t do to
protect myself from their hungry eyes and hungry hands.No going out on the
street with tight jeans or a shorter shirt. No going out at all in the streets
where the youth hang out for hours, which are well known in my small town. No
need to put make-up or do my hair or pay too much attention to my looks. Why
would I do that and for whom? Even my girlfriends’ thoughts became dominated by
the stinky, radical, male-inspired ideas of the necessity of covering (hijab)
the woman because she is a source of temptation that must be hidden. Maybe
that’s from what they experienced too and maybe it’s from their ignorance and
stupidity. I hated their disapproving looks at me when I wore something elegant
that suits my age, personality, and taste and maybe even drew attention
moderately and with modesty (what’s wrong with that?). I hated their silly
remarks as if I was wearing what the belly dancers wore and not a normal jeans
and shirt.I changed the way I dress, and I neglected the way I look, yet I
started to be experience a new type of harassment. What was strange was that
some of it was worse than before, but I didn’t give up. I came up with a theory,
which at the time I thought was brilliant. I lived in a small town that was
surrounded by small villages. So I shouldn’t really take my liberty in wearing
what I want as every place has it’s stature. I don’t even need to go on the
street, as it’s no longer the place for people who want to maintain their
self-respect. It’s enough that I used taxis to go to my friends’ houses or any
other closed place. I hated the street, the people, and my looks, and I was on
the verge of real depression until I decided to change my life and move to my
uncle’s place in Cairo.Yes, Cairo is bigger and the peasants are less and the
harassments are less. No, sorry, they’re different but not less. I won’t be
touched in every street but I can buy a 150LE ticket for live western band,
meaning the people are mostly well-off and educated, and still get harassed by
large numbers as if there was an implied agreement between the youth to do so. I
would feel a touch in a sensitive area and turn to that direction to shout and
fight but find a very cool and innocent response from the man. All the men
around him would have the same reaction as if I was crazy and nothing happened.
And when I look ahead someone else would touche me and the same thing repeats
over and over again. I change my spot but another animal or animals would harass
me in the same way as if it’s a group sex party not a concert. Now I want a
response to my question. What should I do? Should I not go out? Should I not go
to live shows? Should I not walk on the street? Should I not swim when I go to
Alexandria? What do I do? Hide? The stray dogs and cats walk go on the streets
with no trouble! Are the women in Egypt now lower than cats and dogs? Forget
that, someone tell me what happened to the people? Did religion and morals
become just superficial facades that have no base, importance, or meaning? Do
men in Egypt really believe that sexual harassment and rape are earned rights?
And is this a retarded male ideology or sexual suppression, or anger or what
exactly? Someone tell me, what happened to Egypt?
You can also read this blogg, if you have interest