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 مَن يَهْدِ اللَّهُ فَهُوَ الْمُهْتَدِي وَمَن يُضْلِلْ فَلَن تَجِدَ لَهُ وَلِيًّا مُّرْشِدًا

He whom God guides, he alone has found the right way; whereas for him whom He lets go astray thou canst never find any protector who would point out the right way. (Glorious Quran - last part of verse 18:17)


If you are a truth seeker, if you are an unbiased researcher, if you are an honest person with unbiased mind, If you are an educated Christian or Muslim or non-Muslim or an Athesit, if you are in search of 100% truthful representation of Islam and Noble Quran about the Ascend/Descend matter of Eisa/Jesus Son of Mary (PBUH) and finally if you are not a STUBBORN; then you are reached at right place & this site is for you and:




I begin with the name of Allah Aleem UL-Khabir who has knowledge of every thing hidden and unhidden and knows even the secrets of hearts. Allah Jabbar o Matakabbar does not like liars and twisters of verses of Quran. He is Haq and likes truth. If any one twist the meaning of verses of Quran deliberately in order to strenghen his false believe or twist the meanings of verses in order to reconcile it with unauthentic reports and myth/fictions is a undoubtly a crimial in the court of Lord who's one name among most beautiful name is "Al-Adal" 


Kindly note this page is intended only for educated and unbiased (not for stubborns) Muslims, Christians and non-Muslims. As there is no way to convince an ignorant stubborn. Stubborn is like dead rock, upon which even if you throw tons of water daily, nothing is going to grow on it. U will be wasting your efforts and time.



My declaration


I swear my God / Allah Azzo Jal who also knows the secretes of hearts

I am a SUNNI MUSLIM.I beleive the Muhammad PBUH was the last Prophet and seal of all prophets. Any person who claim the prophethood/Nabi after Muhammad PBUH is UNDOUBTEDLY a BIGGEST LIAR of this world. I donot have any believe of any type on Mirza Ghulam Ahmed of Qadian/Ahmadis


Some reader will notice very big fonts and many color in this page and may feel that I am LIKE A SHOUTING person. If you think like this, you are also right; AS I am really shouting on the deaf ears of those imposter Mullas who are unintentionally spreading fiction of Christians and so working as agents of them; so are DEFACING ISLAM.








وَمَا مُحَمَّدٌ إِلاَّ رَسُولٌ قَدْ خَلَتْ مِن قَبْلِهِ الرُّسُلُ أَفَإِن مَّاتَ أَوْ قُتِلَ انقَلَبْتُمْ عَلَى أَعْقَابِكُمْ وَمَن يَنقَلِبْ عَلَىَ عَقِبَيْهِ فَلَن يَضُرَّ اللّهَ شَيْئًا وَسَيَجْزِي اللّهُ الشَّاكِرِينَ (3:144)


"& MUHAMMAD is only an apostle; all the [other] apostles have passed away before him: if, then, he dies or is slain, will you turn about on your heels? (Quran 3:144)


This verse stress on the mortality of the Prophet - & THAT OF ALL OTHER PROPHETS WHO PROCEDED HIM IN TIME (Dr. Muhammad Asad - The best unbiased & most qualified sunni Quran Translator)


Is there written in this verse: All the other apostles have passed away EXCEPT EISA/Jesus??????? ATTN: All Imposter????????


Should an impostor be allowed to change the meaning of this verse in order to reconcile it with the the forged hadiths those clearly are saying opposite to Quran??? 


Should we cut our legs to make a short pant fitable to our legs???


Was it difficult for Allah Azzo Jal to add at the end of aforementioned verse "EXCEPT EISA/JESUS"??? 


Should an impostor be allowed to make a disputed Hadiths superior to the verses of Quran???


Should an impostor be allowed to twist the actual meaning of word WAFA/Toufatani/Mout/Yamout (which mean death) to strengthen fictions???


Should an impostor be allowed to twist the actual meaning of word Rafa hu/Rafa' ana (which mean to exalt in ranks) to strengthen fictions???


Should an impostor be allowed to accept a few forged hadiths that goes against the verses of Quran, and reject many many authentic Hadiths and verses of Quran that clearly say that Jesus/Eisa has already been died on earth???



Should an impostor be allowed to ignore all principles of nature, metaphysics, spirituality, and science to strengthen his childish myths/fictions/made-up stories that Christian mothers used to tell their kids at  sleep-bed around 50-100  C.E and later on???



My Beloved WISE Brothers and Sisters!!!


Read below what high-learned Sunni Scholars has said about the Ascend/Descend of Jesus. Also read below the FULL TEXT of Islamic FATWA of AZHAR UNIVERSITY Egypt about the Ascend/Descend of Jesus/Eisa PBUH.


I leave it up to you to decide how u separate Truth from falsehood.


Regarding the matter of Ascend/Descend of Jesus PBUH, Muslims are divided into two groups 


1- Majority of Muslims have just basic and superficial knowledge of Islam and they are ignorant about many facts/truths and are following fictions from centuries that were created by christians centuries ago and follow their ignorant Mulla teachers regarding the fiction of Ascend/desend of JESUS. I do not mean here that all Muslim Mulla are ignorant but this is undeniable fact that Islam is mostly harmed by ignorant Mullas and christianity/Judaism is mostly currupted by their priests.


2- Other group of Muslims consist of high learned truthful scholars who have in depth knowledge of Quran and Authentic Sunna, and they donot believe on fictions.





In the ealy days of Islam, when many many chritsian and jews converted to Islam; they brought with them many tales and fictions of their fictitious religions. Theses fictions slowly were infused in Islam and finally found the way even to enter in Hadiths books especially that were prepared by Persian Imams/Mullas such as Bukhari. Theologians and historians know very well that from centuries, persia remained the hub of rumers and fictions.We are in general a society of extreme minds. When we hate some one, we throw him in abys, and when we love some one, we make him a superman/invincible etc. Many of Muslim Mullas now placed a label of Sahee on the some books of Hadiths as of Persian Mulla Bukari who has added some forged hadith in this book.


When these forged hadiths made a place in hadiths books as in Bukhari, then ignorant Mullas started to interpret the verses of Noble Quran according to these forged Hadiths in order to reconcile them. Despite there is  BASIC rule that is accepted by all MUhaddaseen that if any Hadith go against the verses of Quran MUST BE considered FORGED and MUST be rejected. But These imposter Mullas has given superiority to Forged Hadiths over Quran (AstaghFarullah).



Here I want to explain it by an example, how some imposter Mullas are twisting the meanings of verses of Glorious Quran in order to reinforce their childish fictions.:

"Let us say, u went to a market to buy a pant for you. When u weared it, u noticed that pant is much shorter than your legs. Now what is solution? The proper solution is, to not buy (reject) that pant. But if some imposter Mulla or his/her stubborn sutdent suggest u, O man! do not throw away the pant but cut your both legs 5 inches from down in order to fit the short pant. Will it be acceptable solution???".

These Impostor Mullas who say that Jesus went to Paradise with the mortal body of Flesh and bones are changing the meanings of verses of Noble Quran in order to make the forged hadith fitable to their fiction. Such imposter are UNDOUBTEDLY CRIMINALS AND MUNAAFIQS in the court of Allah Azzo Jal.



Besides, there are rules of Hadiths collection. One of that rule is:


The investigation for the authencity of Hadiths and sound chain of their narators in depth is mandatory only IF that hadiths are saying some thing about the CORE/FUNDAMENTAL DOCTRINE of Islam,and Teacher of Persiam Mulla Imam Bukhari is also fully agreed on this RULE set by Muhaddaseen.


Because, "to describe the age of Aisha (Radi Allah Anha) at the time of marriage, and to describe if Jesus was ascended or not", are not among the FUNDAMENTAL DOCTRINE of Islam; therefore according to rules set by Muhaddaseen, It was not essential to investigate the authencicity of hadith in DEPTH; so as a result of that raw filtering, some forged hadiths made their way to enter in the books of Hadiths, especially those that were prepared by persian Mullas/Imams. 


But when situation warants, any approved scholar or a team of approved scholars can investigate the health of the chain of narration to know that if that hadith is sound or unsound. Due to confusions when top class sunni scholars such as of Azhar University Egypt, Shaykh Hafiz Ibne Qayyam, 2nd Imam of Fiqa Imam Malik and many others investigated in depth; they clealy found that all hadiths that say that age of Aisha RA was 6 or 9 yr at the time of marriage are untrue; and all hadith that say Jesus was lifted to heavens with the mortal body of flesh and bones are unauthentic, came from almost one unrelaiable source & were spread in different books of hadiths, and were forged by hypocrites to deface Islam. For example the hadiths narrated by alegedly using the name of Abu Huraira about the ascend/desend of Jesus were forged by two hypocrites Wahåb bin Munnabba and Ka‘b Akbar.



Every pious person/Prophet including Jesus permanently ascends ONLY AND ONLY after death with spirtual body and NEVER EVER with the mortal body of flesh and bones. Spirtual world and our world is like light switch in your room. Either it is off or ON. U cannot keep the switch on and off at the same time. So to ascend to heavens permanently, U MUST DIE FIRST. Death frees u permanently from your beast (horse on which u were riding during your earthy life=ur mortal body of flesh and bones).U cannot escape from your cage permanently toward ascension unless your cage dies out. Know that! this is the truths of Truths but many people are fond of and even addicted of myths and fictions.


For example, following hadith was NEVER EVER SAID by Prophet Muhammad PBUH and was NEVER NEVER NEVER narated by Abu Huaira RA. But it is launched on their name by hypocrtites.


See the wording of following forged hadith:


Allah's Apostle said, "By Him in Whose Hands my soul is, son of Mary (Jesus) will shortly descend amongst you people (Muslims) as a just ruler and will break the Cross and kill the pig and abolish the Jizya (a tax taken from the non-Muslims, who are in the protection, of the Muslim government). Then there will be abundance of money and no-body will accept charitable gifts


In addition to the proof that  this is a forged report, u as a intelligent reader just see the wording of this forged hadith. Shortly Descend, Will Break CROSS, Will KILL the pigs:


So according to many stupid Mullas, Son of Mary will return again to kill swine/pigs & will break cross; and a Prophet who is already died (Please see the real but very rare picture of his grave at the end of this page) and buried in Sri Nagar will drop/descend again from skies. Why these Mullas want to bother son of Mary to accomplish this ridiculous task, which can be beautifully done by these stupid Mullas too. These impostor Mullas who have hijacked Islam can make house to house search in whole the world to break Crosses and can search swines/pigs in all the forests, sugarcan fields/farms and jungles of the whole world to kill that nasty beast. Why they want to deploy son of Mary for such a laborious, boring and ridiculous job???



Hadiths' Brief History:


My dear brothers and sisters!


Note that Prophet PBUH always emphasized to write down and memorize Quran, and never told any one in his life to write down hadiths. Apparently It was a strategy to not mixup verses of Quran with Hadith.As like Quran, the books of hadiths are not protected by Lord just like bible etc. So any book which is not protected may have errors regardless who wrote it.


TOO many forged hadiths were intentionally produced by the governments of Ummayads (Banu Ummyia) and Abassids (Banu Abbas) to gain political control over sects and people. For example shia sect did not like Aisha RA so they have forged many hadiths against her including the fuss of 6 or 9 yr age at the time of marriage. They have also produced some forgery against Ummar RA and Abu Bakkar RA, and even against "Kitab Allah". The traditions that say the age of Khadeeja RA was 40 year at the time of marriage with prophet Muhammad PBUH are also absolutely forged. In fact her age was almost same as of age of Prophet at the time of marriage and all circumstantial authentic historical evidence and other authentic hadiths prove it. This type of forgery was so high that ~200 years after the death of Prophet PBUH, when Persian Mulla Bukhari intended to gather Hadiths, he collected 3000000 hadith and found suspicious/rejected 99.2% of these hadiths. So when u scrutinize 3000000 diamonds in which 99.2% are fake diamonds; then there is VERY VERY Highy probability that some fake diamonds still may enter in your good baskets. The diamonds about the ascend/descend of Jesus are fake and were produced by hypocrites as mentioned above.


No doubt, Bukhari and other Hadiths Imams (Allah Ali-Ul-Kabir may sanctify their souls and forgive their disaserous mistakes of some forged hadiths) were honest in their work but were not angles or prophets. They were still men like u and me and could make mistakes. We have a lot benefitted from their books but let I tell u the naked truth that also Islam is defaced due to their highly destructive blunders which they have unintentially committed by adding forged hadiths in their books. For example I and many other Muslim scholars have spent 100's of hours at you tube and on other forums to tell non-muslims that Age of Aisha R.A was not 6 or 9 years as is mentioned in forged hadiths of Bukhari, and has spent years to tell my beloved Muslim brothers and sisters that Ascend/Descend of Eisa is myth created by Christians and is infused in Islam by forged Hadiths.Even this myth is not mentioned in oldest manually written copies of 4 bibles. This myth was added centuries later in bibles. and we can 100% prove this truth.


Hadith books especially those prepared by Persian Mullas like Bukhari, Ibne Maja , Muslim or other hv authenticity not more than 90%. First Book of Hadith MUWATTA from Arabic Imam Malik is comparatively the most authentic and is 98~99% reliable.Pls note that forged hadiths about Age of Aisha & Ascend/Descend of Jesus is not added in Muwatta by Imam Malik (2nd Fiqa Imam) of Madina Monawwara. However, still authenticity % of Persian origin Hadith books is much better than the Authenticity of Bibles (~ 50%).

Remember!!! there is only one book in this universe which is protcted by Lord and that is "Glorious Quran - 100% correct and will remain correct up to the end.





“As the Ulama of Islam had followed the Christians, in accepting that Jesus had gone up to heaven alive, before looking at the Quran, so they have tried to interpret some of the words in these verses to accord with their unsound belief.”
SIR SYED AHMED KHAN - Tafsir, vol. ii, p. 48



Shaikh Zakariya Idrees Oseni World League Journal, the monthly organ of the Rabita al-Islami, published from Makka in Saudi Arabia writes:

“Whatever be the case, the Islamic belief is that Jesus died a natural death after God had saved him from crucifixion. The stories of his ascension after he had been saved from crucifixion, which we find in some Arabic books, are obviously taken from Christian sources and should not be taken very seriously by Muslims with discerning minds"


Professor Imam Shaltut, Mufti Egypt, Top Most SUNNI SCHOLAR & Rector of world's most ancient & reputed Islamic university Al-AZhar Egypt hs said tht accord to Quran Jesus survived on CROSS but in later life he ws died naturaly & the hadiths abt Ascend/Descend were narrated by two hypocrites "Wahab bin Munnabba" & "Ba'ab Akbar".

Pls note tht this scholar is MOST QUALIFIED SUNNI SCHOLAR. No any half-learned stuborn Mulla can challenge his TOP MOST scholarship



I donot know who was that STUPID person who first time attached the word SAHIEE with hadiths book of Bukhari and with other some hadiths books especially those were collected/written by Persian Mullas. Hadith Imams has tried to their best to collect authentic hadiths but still hadith books are not free of forged hadiths like age of Aisha at the time of marriage 6 or 9 years, and childish fiction of ascend and descend of son of Mary. Persian Mulla Bukhari collected 300000 hadiths and found 99.2% forged. So how can u say a book 100% sahiee? Only Quran is 100% sahee my friend as is protected by Lord.


Know!!! that any book in this universe may have errors EXECEPT Glorious Quran which is protected by Lord.


Use hadiths just for help but donot deface meanings of verses of Quran in order to reconcile them with forged Hadiths.


Also note!!!


That Arabic Imam of Madina IMAM MALIK has neither mentioned the forged hadith of age of Aisha 6 or 9 years, nor the fiction of Ascend/desend of Jesus in his book MUWATTA.


IMAM MALIK, Knowledgeable Scholar of Madina predicted by the Prophet Muhammad PBUH, author of al-Muwatta’ "The Approved". Acordng to Imam Shafi, Muwatta is the soundest book on earth after the Quran, nearest book on earth to the Quran, most correct book on earth after the Quran, & most beneficial book on earth after the Quran DOES NOT HAVE ANY HADITH ABT ASCEND/DESCEND OF JESUS.  Imam Malik never believed on Ascend/Descend of Jesus. Note that there was no any Qadiani in the time of Imam Malik.




What DR. ALLAMA IQBAL - ONE OF THE BEST SUNNI BRAINS OF HIS TIME IN MUSLIM WORLD (also Ph.D in metaphysics in Iran) had said about ascend/descend of Jesus?

“I can only tell you what I believe. I consider the Hadith reports abt the Mahdi, the coming Messiah, and mujaddidiyya, to be derived from Persian & non-Arab conceptions. They hv no connection with Arab concepts or the true spirit of the Quran.
(Iqbal Nama, Part II, p. 231, Letter no. 87)




 Islamic Fatwa from AL-AZHAR UNIVERSITY Egypt


Reputation of Al-Azhar University


Al-Azhar is considered by most Sunni Muslims to be the most prestigious school of Islamic learning, and its scholars are seen as some of the most reputable scholars in the Muslim world. Among its stated objectives is the propagation of Islamic religion and culture and the Arabic language (the language of the Qur'an.) To that end, it maintains a committee of ulema (Islamic scholars) to judge on individual Islamic questions, a printing establishment for printing the Qur'an, and training (government-appointed) preachers in Islamic missionary work. (see more in wikipedia)




 مَن يَهْدِ اللَّهُ فَهُوَ الْمُهْتَدِي وَمَن يُضْلِلْ فَلَن تَجِدَ لَهُ وَلِيًّا مُّرْشِدًا

It clearly, though implicitly, appears in following Islamic FATWA that all who believe that Son of Mary was raised to Paradise alive with the mortal body of flesh and bones are liars/lunatic impostor and criminals in the court of Allah Azzo Jal. As they twist the meaning of Glorious Quran DELIBERATELY to strengthen their false believes which are in fact fictions created by Christians.  





A letter was received by the Senate of the Great Al-Azhar University of Cairo from Abdul Karim, from the Middle East, which contained an inquiry: Is Jesus dead or alive according to the Qur’ån and the Traditions of the Prophet? What do you think of a Muslim who does not believe that he is still alive and what about one who does not acknowledge him in case he comes to the world for the second time? This question was referred to the Senior Professor Shaikh Mahmud Shaltut, who later on became Rector of the University. The Fatwah is reproduced verbatim below.




“. . . Now, the Qur’ån mentions Prophet Jesus in reference to his fate at the hands
of his people in three chapters:


1. In the chapter The Family of ‘Imrån it is stated:
“But when Jesus perceived unbelief on their part, he said:

Who will be my helpers in Allåh’s way? The disciples said: We are helpers in Allåh’s way:We believe in Allåh and bear thou witness that we are submitting ones. Our Lord, we believe in that which Thou hast revealed and we follow the messenger, so write us down with those who bear witness. And they (the Jews) planned and Allåh (also) planned. And Allåh is the best of planners. When Allåh said: O Jesus, I will cause thee to die and exalt thee in My presence and clear thee of those who disbelieve and make those who follow thee above those who disbelieve to the Day of Resurrection. Then to Me is your return, so I shall decide between you concerning that wherein you differ.”2


2. In the chapter The Women Allah says:
“And for their saying: We have killed the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, the messenger of Allåh, and they killed him not, nor did they cause his death on the cross, but was made to appear to them as such. And certainly those who differ therein are in doubt about it. They have no knowledge about it, but only follow a conjecture, and they killed him not for certain: Nay, Allåh exalted him in His presence. And Allåh is ever Mighty, Wise”.3


3. And in the chapter The Food says Allåh:
“And when Allåh will say: O Jesus, son of Mary, didst you say to men, Take me and my mother for two gods besides Allåh? He will say: Glory be to Thee! it was not for me to say what I had no right to (say). If I had said it, Thou wouldst indeed have known it. Thou knowest what is in my mind, and I know not what is in Thy mind. Surely Thou art the great Knower of the unseen. I said to them naught save as thou didst command me: Serve Allah, my Lord and your Lord; and I was a witness of them so long as I was among them, but when Thou didst cause me to die Thou wert the watcher over them, and Thou art Witness of all things.1


These are the verses of the Holy Qur’an wherein all that Jesus experienced at the hands of his people is related.


In the last verse (from the chapter The Food) there is mention of an incident of the Hereafter when Allåh will ask Jesus concerning he and his mother being worshipped in the world. And Jesus in reply would say that he did not say aught to them except what God commanded him viz.,Worship Allåh Who is your God and my God; and he kept a watch over them, during the period of his stay among them and that he did not know what they did after “Allåh caused him to die.”


The word tawaffå is used in so many places of the Qur’an in the sense of death that it has become its foremost meaning. This word is used in a different sense only when there is a clear indication as to the other meaning: “Say: The angel of death, who is given charge of you, shall cause you to die;”2 “(As for) those whom the angels caused to die while they are unjust to themselves;”3 “And if thou couldst see when the angels will cause to die those who disbelieve,”4 “Our messengers cause him to die”;5 “And of you is he who is caused to die;”6 “Until death takes them away;”7 “Make me die in submission and join me with the righteous.”8


The word tawaffaytani in this particular verse primarily means natural death which is known to everybody. The Arabic-speaking people understand this and only this meaning of the word with reference to the context. Therefore, had there been nothing else to indicate the end of Jesus in this verse even then it would have been
improper and wrong to say that Prophet Jesus was alive, and not dead. There is no room for the view that the word wafåt here means the death of Jesusafter his descent from the heavens—a view held by some who think that Jesus is still alive in the heavens and would come down from there in the latter days. For, this verse clearly denotes the relation of Jesus with his own people and not with any other people of the latter days. The people of the latter age would admittedly be the followers of Muhammad and not of Jesus.


However, in the chapter The Women the words: “Nay: Allåh exalted him (Jesus) in His presence” have been interpreted by some, nay most of the commentators, as “raising him up to the heavens.” They observe that Allåh cast his likeness on someone else and Jesus himself was lifted up to the heavens with his body. He is alive there and will descend therefrom in the latter ages. Thereafter he would kill the swine and break the Cross. And they base their story:


Firstly, on those reports in which the descent of Jesus is mentioned after the (appearance of) Anti-Christ. But these reports are at variance with and contradictory to one another in their words and meanings. The difference is so great that there is no room for any reconciliation among them. The scholars of Hadith have plainly stated
this fact. Moreover they are reported by Wahåb bin Munnabba and Ka‘b Akbar, who were converts from the People of the Book. And their status is well known to critics of Traditions.


Secondly, on a report by Abu Huraira that mentions the descent of Jesus. If this report is proved to be true, even then it is only an isolated report. And there is a consensus of opinion of the scholars of Hadith that such isolated reports can neither be made the basis of a doctrinal belief, nor can they be trusted with regard to things unseen.


Thirdly, on the report about Mir‘åj (i.e., the Ascension of the Prophet to the heavens) which narrates that when the Prophet went up and began to have the gates of the heavens opened one after another and entered them as they were opened, he saw Jesus and his cousin John on the second heaven. For us, it is enough to prove the weakness of this evidence, that many interpreters of the Tradition have taken this contact of the Prophet with other prophets to be a spiritual phenomenon and not a physical one (vide Fata al-Båri, Zåd al-Ma‘ad, etc.)


Strangely enough they interpret the word rafa‘ in this verse in the light of the report concerning the Mi‘råj, and deduce therefrom that Jesus was also bodily raised up. And there are others who regard the meeting of the Prophet with Jesus to be a physical one on the basis of this verse, (i.e., Nay! Allåh exalted him in His presence).

Thus when these people interpret the Hadith they quote this verse to support their imaginary meaning of the Hadith; and while interpreting the verse they cite this Hadith to support their imaginary explanation of the verse. When we turn to the revealed words of God: “I will cause you to die and exalt you in My presence,” in the chapter The Family of ‘Imrån along with the words: “Nay! Allåh exalted him in His presence,” in the chapter The Women, we find that the latter verse fulfills the promise that was made in the former one. This promise was about the death and exaltation of Jesus Christ, and his exoneration from the false charges of the disbelievers. Thus even if the latter verse had mentioned just his rafa‘ towards God and had no reference to his death and exoneration from the false charges even then it should have been our duty to take note of all those matters that are referred to in the former verse; so that both the verses might be reconciled.


The actual meaning of the verse therefore is that Allah caused Jesus to die and exalted him and sanctified him against the charges of his enemies. Allåma Alwåsi has interpreted verse (inni mutawaffi ka) in many ways. The clearest of these interpretations is that “I will complete the lease of your life and will cause you to die and will not let those people dominate you who try to kill you.” For, completing the period of his life and causing him to die a natural death indicates that Jesus was saved from being slain and from the mischief of his enemies. Obviously rafa‘ after death cannot mean any physical ascension, but only exaltation in rank, especially when the words “I will clear you of those who disbelieve” are present along with it. This shows that it is a question of spiritual honour and exaltation.


The word rafa‘ has occured many a time in the Qur’an conveying this sense: e.g., “In houses which Allah has permitted to be exalte (turfa‘a);”1 “We exalt in dignity (narfau‘) whom We please;”2 “And We exalted (rafa‘na) for you your mention;”3 “And We raised him (rafanåhu) to an elevated state;”4 “Allah will exalt those of you who believe...;”5 etc. Thus the expressions “I will exalt you in my presence” and “Nay! Allah exalted him in His presence” would yield a sense similar to the one when we say “So and so met the Companionon High,” or “God is with us,” or “With the Powerful King.” All these expressions signify only shelter, protection and coming under His care. So one fails to understand how the word heaven is deduced from the word towards Him (ilaih). By God! it is an outrage on the plain exposition of the Quran. And such an offense is committed simply on account of belief in such stories and narratives which are devoid of accuracy, not to speak of their established unauthenticity.


Moreover, Jesus was merely an apostle and apostles before him had passed away. When the people of Jesus became hostile to him, he like other prophets, turned towards God and He saved him by His power and wisdom, and frustrated the plans of his enemies. The same point has been elaborated in the following verse: “When Jesus perceived unbelief on their part, he said: Who will be my helpers in Allåh’s way...”i.e., in this verse God says that His plans were more subtle and effective than the plans of the disbelievers. As against the measures of protection and security from God, the attempts of these people against the life of Jesus were frustrated.


In the verse: “When Allåh said: O Jesus! I will cause thee to die and exalt thee in My presence and clear thee of those who disbelieve,” Allåh gives the glad tidings that He will save Jesus from the machinations of his enemies and that ultimately their plottings will end in futility and that He will complete the period of his life till he dies a natural death neither being slain nor yet crucified and then He will exalt him in His presence.


These verses which relate to the fate of Jesus at the hands of his people will invariably yield this meaning to their reader provided he knows the practice of Allah to which He resorts for the protection of His prophets at the time of the aggression of enemies, and provided his mind is free from all those fictitious reports that can in no case be placed as an authority over the Holy Quran. Now, I cannot understand how the snatching of Jesus from the hands of his enemies and lifting him up to the heavens can be called a subtle plan and a better one when neither was it in their power nor in the power of anybody else to counter it. In fact, there can be one “plan” (makr) as against another plan when it is contrived in a parallel manner not deviating from the natural course of Allah in such matters. We have a parallel instance in what is said by the Quran with respect of the Holy Prophet: “And when those who disbelieved devised plans against you that they might confine you or slay you or drive you away; and they devised plans and Allåh too had arranged a plan; and Allåh is the best of planners.”1

To sum up:

1. There is nothing in the Holy Quran, nor in the sacred Traditions of the Prophet,
which endorses the correctness of the belief to the contentment of heart that Jesus
was taken up to heaven with his body and is alive there even now, and would descend therefrom in the latter days.

2. The Quranic verses about Jesus show that God had promised to cause him to die a
natural death, then to exalt him and save him from the mischief of the disbelievers
and this promise had certainly been fulfilled. His enemies could neither kill him nor
crucify him, but God completed the span of his life and then caused him to die.

3. Any person who denies his bodily ascent and his continuance in physical existence
in the heavens and his descent in the latter ages, does not deny a fact that can be
established by clear conclusive arguments. Thus he is not outside the faith of Islam
and it is absolutely wrong to consider him an apostate. He is perfectly a Muslim. If
he dies he dies the death of a believer and like believers his funeral prayer must be
said and he must be buried in the Muslim cemetery. His faith is decidedly faultless
in the eyes of God. And God knows the conditions of His servants. And as to the other part of the question (that is supposing Jesus returns to the world, how should a disbeliever in him be regarded) after the above statement of ours—this question does not arise at all. And God is the Best Knower.

Mahmud Shaltut

Mufti Egypt, Senior Professor, Rector Azhar Univerity Egypt







The Holy Prophet Muhammad said: “Had Moses or
Jesus been alive, they would have had to follow me.”
(Al-Yawaqit wal-Jawahir, p. 24; Fath al-Bayan, vol. 2,
p. 246; Tafsir Ibn Kathir, under verse 81 of Al-i Imran)

this is clear that Prohphet said, Jesus is died. 




What other top sunni high learned scholars has said about the ascend/desend of JESUS PBUH


Dr Muhammad Asad(the Most qualified and unbiased Sunni Quran transltor) writes in coments abt verse 4:157-158 as folow:


Nowhere in the Qur'an is dere any warant for the popular belief tht God hs "taken up" Jesus bodily, in his lifetime, into heaven. The expresion "God exalted him unto Himself" in the above verse denotes the elevation of Jesus to the realm of God's special grace - a blesing in which al prophets partake, as is evident from 19:57, where the verb rafa nahu ("We exalted him") is used with regard to the Prophet Idris




Prof Mustfa Al-Maraghi who was also the Rector of Al-Azhar University (Egypt), has writen in his Comentary on verse (Quran 3:55) The Jews who wanted, most maliciously, to inflict harm on Jesus, could not suceed in their plan. The meaning of the term tawaffa is death as usual; & the significance of raf’ is his spiritual exaltation aft death. The verse, therefore, means: I will cause you to die; & aft ur death, I will exalt you in My presence; just as the Most High God has said of Idris (Enoch)
Dr Ahmad Zaki Abu Shadi, a well-known scholar of Egypt, wrote in the Arabic magazine AlMuwahab of Argentine:
“When Jesus was placed in the tomb, his disciples took him away from there in the dark of the night, and lavished all care and treatment upon him in secret until he recovered. Then he fled away to the Eastern countries for the purpose of propagating his sublime teaching in safety, until God caused him to die”
In his last illness, during which he died, the Holy ProphetMuhammad entered the mosque with the support of two men to give the following address:
“O people! I have heard that you fear the death of your Prophet. Did any prophet before me live on so that I should be expected to live on amongst you? Listen! I am about to meet my Lord, and so will you. So I bid you to treat well the early muhajirs.”(Al-anwar-ul-Muhammadiyya min al-Muwahib al-Ladinya, Egypt, p. 317)
Shaikh Zakariya Idrees Oseni World League Journal, the monthly organ of the Rabita al-Islami, published from Makka in Saudi Arabia writes:

“Whatever be the case, the Islamic belief is that Jesus died a natural death after God had saved him from crucifixion. The stories of his ascension after he had been saved from crucifixion, which we find in some Arabic books, are obviously taken from Christian sources and should not be taken very seriously by Muslims with discerning minds.”
Maulana Zafar Ali Khan said: (A Strong opponent of Qadianis & high level suni scholar of his time)

“Belief in Jesus being still alive is not an Islamic belief. Many Muslims have rejected it.” (Newspaper Mujahid, 12 September 1935)
What DR. ALLAMA IQBAL Co-Founder of Pakistan - ONE OF THE BEST BRAINS OF HIS TIME IN MUSLIM WORLD had said about ascend/descend of Jesus?

“I can only tell you what I believe. I consider the Hadith reports abt the Mahdi, the coming Messiah, and mujaddidiyya, to be derived from Persian & non-Arab conceptions. They hv no connection with Arab concepts or the true spirit of the Quran.
(Iqbal Nama, Part II, p. 231, Letter no. 87)


“As the Ulama of Islam had followed the Christians, in accepting that Jesus had gone up to heaven alive, before looking at the Quran, so they have tried to interpret some of the words in these verses to accord with their unsound belief.”
SIR SYED AHMED KHAN - Tafsir, vol. ii, p. 48)

What a great scholar of his time Shaykh Hafiz Ibn Qayyim (1312 C.E.) had said:

“In the book Zad al-Ma‘ad by Hafiz Ibn Qayyim, may the mercy of Allah be upon him, it is written that what is said about Jesus being raised at the age of thirty three years is not supported by any authentic report which would make it binding to accept it. Shami said that it is as Ibn Qayyim has said, and that these are the traditions of the Christians.”
(Fath_ al-Bayan, vol. 2, p. 49)

Through out history Persia remained a big hub of different tale of different thoughts from many sects & religions. Reader should note that from FOUR Imams of Fiqa, Imam Malik (author of fist book of Hadith “Mowatta Imam Malik”) was the only Arabic Imam who was from Madina Monawwara (all others were non-Arab). Imam Malik never believed that Jesus was ascended/will descend. This is why he did not include any week tradition in “Mowatta” abt ascend/desend of Jesus

An Authentic Hadith with a very sound narration chain:

Hazrat Fatima, Allah be pleased with her, relates from the Holy Prophet:
“Jesus, son of Mary, lived to the age of 120 years.”
(Kanz al-‘Ummal, vol. vi, p. 120)

Please Note that Kanz al-‘Ummal - a hadith book was compliled by Islamic Imam/Scholar Ali ibn Abd-al-Malik al-Hindi (died 1590 CE/975 AH) & Qadianis were not existing in 1590 C.E).


The Holy Prophet Muhammad said: “Had Moses or
Jesus been alive, they would have had to follow me.”
(Al-Yawaqit wal-Jawahir, p. 24; Fath al-Bayan, vol. 2,
p. 246; Tafsir Ibn Kathir, under verse 81 of Al-i Imran)

this is clear that Prohphet said, Jesus is died.

Regarding Imam Malik, one of the four imams of jurisprudence
(fiqh), it is written:
“While most people believe that Jesus did not die,
Malik said that he died.”
(Majma‘ Bihar al-Anwar, vol. i, p. 286)
Abul Hasan Ali Hajwairi (Data Ganj Bakhsh)
He writes:
“The Messenger of Allah said that, on the night of the Mi‘raj, he saw Adam, Joseph, Moses, Aaron, Jesus and Abraham, in the heavens. Assuredly it was their souls.”
(Kashf al-Mah[1]jub, Chapter al-Kalam fir-ruh[1], p. 204).
Shaikh al-Islam Hafiz Ibn Qayyim Shams-ud-Din Abu Abdullah Muhammad ibn Abi Bakr,known as Hafiz Ibn Qayyim, wrote:


“As for what is related about the Messiah that he was raised up to heaven at the age of 33 years, there is no sound authority for this which one could turn to.”
(Zad al-Ma‘ad, vol. i, p. 20)
What a top most Egyptian sunni scholar Allama Al-Sayyid Rashid Raza said abt the ascend/Descend of Son of Mary:

What this famous disciple of Imam Mufti Muhammad Abduh (Egypt) writes about JESUS after survival from death on cross (Wa Ma Salabu):

“Hence Jesus’ escape to India and his death in that country is not against reason and sense.”

Quranic Commentary by Al-Sayyid Rashid Raza, part
vi, pp. 42, 43)
The former Mufti of Egypt and ex-Rector of the world famous al-Azhar University, Cairo, writes:

“There is no authority in the Quran or the Sunna which can satisfy the heart upon the belief that Jesus was taken up to heaven with his body and that he is still alive there and that he shall descend therefrom to earth in the last days.”

(Al-Fatawa, published by Al-Idara al-‘Ama lil-Saqafat
al-Islamiyya bil-Azhar, pp. 52-58)
What Ahmad Al-‘Ajuz has said abt the ascend/desend of Jesus:

This famous Lebanese scholar writes:

“Jesus certainly died on earth according to Allah’s words inni mutawaffi-ka which mean ‘I will cause you to die’ (mumitu-ka). Death (maut) is something that is bound to happen, as Allah said through Jesus’ tongue: ‘Peace be upon me the day I was born and the day I
(Signed: Ahmad al- ‘Ajuz)
Maulana Ubaidullah Sindhi, a famous religious scholar & nationalist leader wrote:

“Mutawaffi-ka means mumitu-ka [I will cause you to die] and what generaly prevails amongst the public abt Jesus’ life is a JEWISH & SABEAN FABLE. The source of Islam is the Quran, & in it there is not even one verse proving explicitly that Jesus did not die, & that he is alive & shall come down. How, then, can it be taken to be a fundamental Islamic belief ?”

(Ilham al-Rah_man fi-tafsir al-Qur’an, vol. ii, p. 49)
What a famous well known suni Islamic Scholar of IndoPak Maulana Abul Kalam Azad
has said abt the ascend and descend believe of Son of Mary:

This one of the greatest scholars of his time writes in “Naqsh Azad, page 102”:

“The belief [in Jesus being alive] by its nature is in EVERY WAY A CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE which has appeared in an Islamic guise.”
(Naqsh Azad, p. 102,

Pls do not tell me that your Mulla teacher or u are a bigger scholar than Abul Kalam Azad.
Wat the greatest suni brains of their time believe abt Ascend/desend of son of Mary:

Jamal-ud-Din Afghani, Allama Iqbal, and MANY OTHER thinkers believe that no Mahdi or Messiah will now descend from heaven.”
(Zamindar, Lahore, 27 July 1952)

Pls do not tell me that ur Mulla teacher or u have greater brains than Iqbal and Jamal Udin Afghani. If u do so, I will suggest u to get an immediate appointment in a good mental hospital. By the way, do not forget to take ur Mulla teacher with u toooooo.
The Holy Prophet said:

"May the curse of God be upon the Jews and the Christians who made the graves of their prophets into places of worship."

    (Bukhari, Kitab as-Salat, p. 296)
So prophet was aware that prophet of Christian is already died
Scholar Sutta in 115 C.E. wrote in Hindu book “Bhavishya Maha Purana” on p. 282, Parva III, Adhyaya II, Shalok 9-31:

One day King Shalewahin went to Kashmir. Dere he saw (wat apeared to be) a prince like person who was fair in color & wore white clothes. He asked him who was he & wat his religion was? He replied: It is love, truth & purity of heart. I am born of a woman & I am called “Isa Masih”. The king returned aft making obeisance to him. (Note: Name of Jesus in Quran is givn Isa)

Any one who is SINCERE in finding the truth about the real life of Jesus; MUST  read the very well known books "The Fifth Gospel" & “A Search for the Historical Jesus” of Professor Fida Hassnain Dr. Archaeology, D. Metaphysics Master of Divinity Doctor of Sufism, D. Litt, Dr. of Self Realization, Gem of Alter Medicines 2000 - Ph.D (A.M.); and another, ONE OF THE BEST BOOK on this topic "Jesus in Heaven on Earth" by Khwaja Nazir Ahmad (also avaliable free online in English & Urdu)

What Glorious Quran says abt S/O Mary is:

مَن يَهْدِ اللَّهُ فَهُوَ الْمُهْتَدِي وَمَن يُضْلِلْ فَلَن تَجِدَ لَهُ وَلِيًّا مُّرْشِدًا

1- He was not killed on the Cross (Crucify does not mean to put some one on cross but is TO KILL SOME ONE ON CROSS. See Oxford dic. WA MA SALABU (not killed on cross) Aft this hard trial, God exalted him in ranks (Rafa Hu)
2- He died later a natural death (Ymout, Tmout, Wafa, Touffataini)
3- Now from point 1 & 2 it is easy to derive that he lived a natural life between Survival & natural death. How Long? Quran is silent here but history speaks 100~120 yr


In verse 4:157:   SALABU=Crucify=TO kill some one on CROSS.
Reverse of SALABU is WA MA SALBU= Not CRUCIFIED=NOT KILLED ON CROSS. Allah has always tested & tried his friends. Even in the battle of Ohad the tooth of the Prophet was injured who is BEST of Humanity. Abrahim was tossed in fire & was saved. Jesus was fixed on cross, his feet were nailed & it seemed to Jews  he was died but in fact was in coma. Was treated by his fiends by ALOE VERA in tomb and on 3rd day he was brought out of tomb

In Verse 4:157 "WA MA QATALU & WA MA SALABU" is used.  Which mean "Esa was not killed, nor died on cross". Aparently one may think that WA MA QATALU was enough SO why Quran has also used the word WA MA SALABU? See so high eloquence of Quran that WA MA SALBU is used to ASSERT that he was tried to kill on CROSS but was not killed as Christian say, & Allah saved him from dieing on CROSS.  WA MA SALBU=NOT CRUCIFIED=NOT KILLED ON CROSS. (Crucify mean to KILL ON CROSS see oxford dictionary)

Ascend and descend idea is fiction of people of book that is infused in Islam. Our Half-Learned Mulla's, Moulveez and so called scholars with Doctoral degree are working unintentionally as agents of people of book and spreading their fiction from centuries because we have habit to follow even groundless and false traditions blindly. Enough is for a truth seeker the only protected book in this universe by Lord which is Glorious Quran. Take help from traditions but do not put them equal to Quran

No any sacred book is protected by Lord except last revelation Glorious Quran. So any other book in this word may have errors. No any book in this world is 100% SAHIH as the Quran is. Bukhari was a very pious Muslim Imam but was still not an angel/prophet. Now just use ur common sense that Buhkari collected 300000 Hadith & just have sorted out 2602 Hadith; which is even less than 1% of 300000. In other word 99% of hadith he found were forged. So how can u say any hadith book is 100% Sahih


In fact persian Mulla imam Bukhari has served Islam little but have defaced more by filling his book with some false hadiths unintentially such as age of Aisha 9 years at the time of marriage and ascend/descend fictions of Jesus. Arabic Imam Malik of Madina have not mentioned these both forged hadiths in his book Muwatta.


If translation of versus of Quran are not TWISTED, It is clear like day light that Jesus survived crucifixion and spent his remainder time as a natural life and then he has natural death like most of all Prophets. Many many so called-scholars deliberately twist the meaning of word RAFA to reconcile it with unauthentic Hadiths. RAFA is used many times in Quran and its meaning is TO RAISE in RANKS, and not to lift BODY of some one. I am not Qadiani. Mohammad (PBUH) is last prophet.

Narrow-mindness is big disease. If you hate Mr X, and next day Mr X comes to u and says 4+4=8. Should u reject his claim only because u hate him??. I am not Qadiani but Qadiani's research about Tomb of Jesus in Roza Bal is 1000% correct. If u donot twist translation of Quran, It is not mentioned in Quran at all that Eisa ascended to heavens with his body. The hatdiths that say that he ascended and come again are BATAL/Zaeef and in fact not said by the Best of all humanity Mohammad (pbuh).

In order to open your eyes, please visit following links in FULL.

There is no doubt that Jesus is buried in Roza Bal, Srinagar Kashmir. Time will come when every wise person on this planet will recognize that this is truth. There is much more than enough biblical, Quranic, and historical evidence about this truth. But if some one sticks to his fictitious believes, even a century is not enough to convince that stubborn.

King Sargon II was king of Syrians & he attacked Jewish state about 722 BC. He captured every thing and forced 10 tribes to migrate to EAST what is called today Kashmir and Afghanistan. Though they all are now very sincere Muslims but still their marriage styles, eating habits, and names of their villages, name of their tribes, and DNA are exactly same as of Israeli Jews. So they were last sheep where Jesus went to preach and live to his end of life there.
In fact paradise is another dimension and it is out of question that any person with his physical body can go there. Human can visit paradise/other side (if God permits) only in 4 states: Aft death, during sleep, when near-to-death, and when a truthful believer Sufi is in ecstasy. In first case, spirit is out of body permanently,  in other 3 cases spirit (real person) is out of body temporarily. This is truth of the truths but even a century is not enough to convince a stubborn. O man No way.
From centuries there r mny forged fictions in some religion & sects such as Judaism, Christianity, Shia Muslims & others that some Prophets & Imams were ascended/lifted to Paradise/heavens with their bodies of flesh/bones. Let I tell the ABOSUTE TRUTH abt this matter to all over 6 billions sons & daughters of ADAM & EVE on this planet that NO ONE EVER WENT TO PARADISE WITH HUMAN BODY, & DIED PEOPLE NEVER EVER RETRURN TO THIS WORLD AS BABY DOES NOT RETURN TO WOMB OF HER MOTHER AFTER BIRTH
Mr “X” do not have direct physical evidence that he is son of MR “Z” and MRS “Z”. But still he believes that he is legitimate son. How? By indirect evidence of his dad and mom.  Just like, u know God by his attributes and his management he is running every thing and from scriptures / Prophets. Even with out digging the tomb, we have much more than enough Biblical Quranic and historical evidence that JESUS is buried in ROZA BAL Sri nagar Kashmir

No one dies for the sin of others and no one died for so EVER. He was saved from to be killed on cross with the WILL of Allah(Some say God) Almighty. He was resuscitated (not resurrected) from his tomb. Abt 80 pound Aloe Vera was used on his body (see Gospel). Aloe Vera is STRONG wound healing herb. He later immigrated to Srinagar (amng 10 lost tribes) & is burried there. He was a man and a Prophet of God. COME OUT of fictions and face truth.


To show false believe abt Jesus ascend/ascend as correct which is not, ignorant muslims and Mullas r sticking with fictions of ur masters Christians & so to satisfy ur false prestige even they r misinterpreting the translation of Quran DELIBERATELY. U r translating same word RAFA HU in different way for Eisa & Idris PBUH & for other prophets. Allah may drop his curse on who r DELIBERATELY misinterpreting Quran to satisfy there false prestige. Ascend/descend is never mentioned in Quran. See Translation of Muhammad Asad.

If U read different editions of old bibles, It becomes clear like SUN on the sky that Jesus was put on the Cross (a trail from Allah many times came on prophets) but he was not Killed on Cross/survived (Wa Ma Salabu in Noble Quran). He was in coma, later 80 lb Aloe Vera strong healing herb was used on his body, he was resuscitated. Later he & family secretly traveled to Lost 10 tribes of Jews (Kashmir Afghanistan). He lived ~100 yr and died in Srinagar.

To undrstand the case of CROSS, considr an example: Mr. X says, David is failed in Math’ EXAM. but Mr. Y says No, he is passed in EXAM. So  is conflict abt the matter PASS or FAIL, but there is no doubt in the existence of the PIVOT of this conflict which is EXAMINATION, & in the case of Eisa S/O Mary, PIVET of the matter is CROSS. So there is no doubt that he was on cross but conflict is, he was killed on CROSS (SALABU) or not killed on cross WA MA SALABU. So he was not killed on CROSS
In Verse 4:157 "WA MA QATALU & WA MA SALABU" is used.  Which mean "Esa was not killed, nor died on cross". Aparently one may think that WA MA QATALU was enough SO why Quran has also used the word WA MA SALABU? See so high eloquence of Quran that WA MA SALBU is used to ASSERT that he was tried to kill on CROSS but was not killed as Christian say, & Allah saved him from dieing on CROSS.  WA MA SALBU=NOT CRUCIFIED=NOT KILLED ON CROSS. (Crucify mean to KILL ON CROSS see oxford dictionary).
In verse 4:157:   SALABU=Crucify=TO kill some one on CROSS.
Reverse of SALABU is WA MA SALBU= Not CRUCIFIED=NOT KILLED ON CROSS. Allah has always tested & tried his friends. Even in the battle of Ohad the tooth of the Prophet was injured who is BEST of Humanity. Abrahim was tossed in fire & was saved. Jesus was fixed on cross, his feet were nailed & it seemed to Jews  he was died but in fact was in coma. Was treated by his fiends by ALOE VERA in tomb and on 3rd day he was brought out of tomb

If u take 300000 diamond & at the end after hard & very honest sort out, u say that just 2602 diamonds are real which is less than 1% of total 300000. So there is VERY HIGH PROBABILITY that even in 2602 diamonds, still there will be some fake diamonds. Hadith abt ascend/descend of Jesus is a fake diamond & is not mentioned in FIRST BOOK of Hadith Muwatta Imam Malik. Also that Hadith conflict with Quran, as Quran certify natural death of Jesus in later period after survival from death on cross

All historians say, Asma, the elder sister of Aisha, was ten years older than Aisha. Asma is reported to die in the 73 AH, when she was 100 years old. Now, obviously if Asma was 100 years old in the 73 AH, she shud hv bin 27 or 28 year old at the time of Migration to Medina (1 AH). If Asma was 27 or 28 years old at that time, Aisha should have been 17 or 18 years old at the same time. Thus, Aisha - if she got married in 1 AH or 2 AH - was between 18 to 20 years old at the time of her marriage. Hadith those say Aisha age was 9 years are BATIL/Daeef/False. In FACT AISHA was 23 years at the time of real marriage.

There r many forged hadiths in Bukhari & other Hadith books too, just like a major portion of all editions of Bibles are forged.  Quran is only PROTECTED BOOK. With surety, the hadiths in Bukhari that say Aisa was of 6-9 years  when married, & Jesus was ascended & will descend later were 100% forged by hypocrites (not Muslims from inside but Christians or Jews) to defame Islam. All historians agree that Aisha was of 18-23 age when marriage took place

According to centuries old made-up fictions, Jesus took a flight to Paradise with his human body & sat on the right hand of God & he died for the sins of Christians So they r free to do sins now & will descend to wars torn earth again!!!
But we hv full fledge UNDENIABLE AUTHENTIC HISTORICAL EVIDENCE to prove that he survived death on cross, fled to Kashmir & died at 120 age there. Any one can go to Srinagar Kashmir to visit his grave where he is buried Eastern-western as per Jews traditions.

Now reader MUST think "that Jesus told that he has been sent just for lost sheep (tribes) of Jews". So where were these 10 lost tribes at that time??. They were moved to Kashmir & Afghanistan in 741 BC by a Strong Syrian King. So after survival from cross JESUS went to lost tribes in Kashmir & lived there 120 years & is buried in Roza Bal Srinagar. How a dead person will drop gain to this earth as this mulla says?? Quran never says, he will drop again from paradise to earth.

A died person has NEVER NEVER NEVER ever returned & can NEVER NEVER NEVER return to this world again & this  is clearly said in Glorious Quran & in authentic Hadiths  “People who r died & buried never return to this world, just like after birth, baby does not return to the womb of her mother (read Hadith, Quran, Bible). Go & see Roza Bal in Srinagar; S/O Mary is buried there & his grave is Eastern-Western as per Jews tradition 2000 years ago. Do not follow fictions of DUMB pork eaters

1000000% TRUTH:

Glorious Quran VERY CLEARLY says: Jesus survived death on cross; then Lived a natural life, & finally died. Quran is silent abt the age of Jesus but ALL HIGHLY AUTHENTIC HISTORICAL sources tell us EXACTLY SAME as is mentioned in Quran. History tells, He went to lost tribes of Jews (Kashmris r lost 10 tribes Moved from Palestine to Kashmir 741 B.C by King Nebuchadnezzar), lived abt 120 years, & is buried in Sri Nagar. All Kashmiris and wise scholars know this TRUTH VERY WELL



Sikhs r one of the most misguided people on this planet regarding their religion. THIS IS TRUTH that cannot be denied that Baba Nanak was a GREAT SUFI MUSLIM, and during Mughal empire, renegade sikhs created a lot of troubles for Mughals so they punished them severely, because Mughals were Muslims, so since that day, they fabricated their new religion & created tussle with Muslims. After hundreds of yrs they stole poetry of mny Sufi Poets & made a book so called GRANTH

In last years of his life, Baba Nanak was always wearing a long gown, which still exists in Dera Nanak. When this Gown was unwrapped from mny mny wraps aft hundreds of yrs, It was found that inside of this gown was ONLY inscribed verses of Quran & famous verse called AIAT-UL-Kursi. This is 1000000% PROOF that Baba Nanak (God may sanctify his soul & keep him in superior levels of paradise) was a GREAT MUSLIM SUFI. BUT there is no way to convince a STUBBORN Sikh-- NO WAY MAN

A nonMuslim has to do nothing with MAKKA in Saudia Arabia, nor a nonMuslim is allowed to go there. Baba Nanak (God may sanctify his soul & keep him in superior level of Paradise) went to Makka for Hajj. Can a nonMuslim enter in Makka?? NO. Through out his life, he was always keeping Quran in his Pothi. He went to Caliph Baghdad Iraq & was rewarded by Caliph. WILL A MUSLIM CALIPH REWARD A NON-MUSLIM.??? If U R A WISE PERSON, FOLLOW Quran as Baba Nanak was a Muslim Sufi & follower of Quran

It bcoms 100% CLEAR tht Nanak ws a Great Muslim Sufi but stil some stuborn fools disputed abt this truth in his life & even aft his death. He ws a highly wise sage, so to make dis dispute 100% clear, bfore death he left his “ADVICE” tht preserve my CHOLA. Why?? He wanted to show TRUTH SEEKERS tht who he was. Wen CHOLA ws seen by a team of researchers in Dera Nanak, they found ONLY & ONLY Quran inscribed on chola. Now a Sikh with UNBIASED brain can understand EASILY wat Baba Nanak meant?

A team of scholars went to see chola, they unwrapped this chola of Nanak in front of mny sikh & other people. Finally every one saw on chola, only Islamic Kalama & Quran was writen. Can u deny TRUE INSPECTION of chola by Ahamdis? Note! THIS CHOLA  ALWYS REMAINED UNDER THE CONTROL OF SIKHS, SO U CANNOT SAY THT ANY MUSLIM HAD CHANGED IT. HV U ANY answer??? After inspection, true pics of chola, was posted on internet too & any one can see it. This is 100% proof tht he was a devoted Muslim?

Being a follower of Baba Nanak (as u sikh claims); surely u would like to see picture of chola of Baba Nanak that he always used up to end of his life. To see that chola.
Go to google and click on IMAGES. then type in search box "chola and nanak" with out quotations and enter. now click on top-left first & 2nd picture which will show u ONLY and ONLY QURANIC VERSES & Muslim kalama WRITTEN ON CHOLA OF GURU NANK. Nanak also went to Makka/Madina & did perfect hajj

Wen a person dies, his FINAL ADVICE is alwys takn as very important. Wat ws FINAL ADVICE of Baba Nanak??? It was: "PRESERVE MY CHOLA (GOWN)". By doing so, this wise sage IN FACT told to his followers wat path they should folow aft his death. When chola/cloak was inspected by a team of researchers, ONLY & ONLY QURAN WAS FOUND INSCRIBED ON THE CHOLA. So it is clear like SUN ON THE SKY tht he told his folower to folow Quran aft his death. But dere is no way to convince a foolish stubborn beast.



 Let I tell Trillion% truth to My Sweet and Beloved CHRISTIANS friends tht acording to ur faith, Jesus ws ascended alive with body of blood/flesh/bones to Paradise & sat on the right hand of God & This is a corner stone and core of your faith.

But it hs bin proved by irrefutable & undeniable highly authentic historic evidence, study of copies of all oldest bibles & Glorious Quran (final protected book of God) tht Jesus lived a long life aft failed crucifixion (Wa Ma Salabu) & is buried in RozaBal Kashmir. So ur God/Son of God is dead. Sorry! U R Godless now; I know this is not a good news for u. U have to find another God now!!! Even many many high learned Christian university professor know about this TRUTH which I have told you.


But a wise person who have believe on one GOD and believes that Jesus PBUH was not more than a God's Prophet and was died like all other prophet died on earth, should not worry. One GOD of such a wise person is alive for ever and will never die and GOD never dies, only his creature dies, and this was the teaching of un-forged aramaic Bibles, Tora, Pslam, other all scripture and Final scripture of GOD "QURAN", and all prophets from Adam to Muhammad (PBUT). WORSHIP ONLY AND ONLY ONE GOD and DONOT ASSOCIATE ANY ONE WITH GOD.


My beloved Atheist, Jew, Christian, Budd,Muslim and all Non-Muslim Brothers and sisters


All Prophets of God has preached same one message which is core of Islam, It is:


 The best and my most honest advice for u all is: Follow Quran sincerely and u will go to paradise with the mercy of Allah (one God of Universe). Quran is final protected revelation of God. A single word is not changed in it from 1500 yearss and will NEVER change as Allah has said repeatedly "I am Gatherer and protector of this Final revelation" 


He writes:
“The Messenger of Allah said that, on the night of the Mi‘raj, he saw Adam, Joseph, Moses, Aaron, Jesus and Abraham, in the heavens. Assuredly it was their souls.”

(Kashf al-Mah[1]jub, Chapter al-Kalam fir-ruh[1], p. 204).


This clearly tells us that Miraaj Sharif was spiritually and in Paradise Jesus PBUH is present in spiritual form and not with body of flesh and bones as Christians and many ignorant Muslims believe. Spirit (real person) of all prophets/saints/pious persons is raised/elevated to paradise permanently ONLY AND ONLY AFTER PERMANENT DEATH, and temporarily during sleep, near-to-death condition and during ecstasy of true Muslim Sufi (not a "Mulhad" who claim to be sufi). A true sufi is who follow Quran and authentic sunna strictly.



Wat Imam Hasan RA s/o Caliph Ali RA said abt natural death of Son of Mary:

Imam Hasan RA, recounting the events relating to the death of Hadhrat Ali RA, stated,

"he (Ali) died during the 27th night of the month of Ramadan, the same night that the spirit of Jesus s/o Mary was raised to heaven." (Tabaqat Ibn Sa'ad, vol III Page 26).

Note: Aft death, spirit of every prophet & pious person is raised to heaven/paradise & body of flesh and bones is buried on earth. SO JESUS WAS DIED ON EARTH




Know! and remember firmly that Miraaj Sharif was also spirtual and not with physical body of Prophet Mohammad PBUH the chief of all prophets and last Prophet - the best among humans (Refer to Quranic commentry of Muhammad Asad). How close a wife is to his husband is not a hidden fact from any one. Aysha Siddiqa (Umma-Tul-Momaineen Wife of Prphet Muhammad said the Miraaj was spirual). Spirit has millions trillians times more powers, vision, and speed than flesh and bones made physical body. It has no physical and time limits. A spirit can see and visit places in less than a minute, which can not be visied by physical body in years. Allah is Latif-Ul-Khabir. He does the tasks in most efficiant and optimum & optimized way. Now If you want to go to Mecca, U can ride on a donkey and go there, or aslo u can go there by air. but which is efficient and optimum route?


During Miraaj, Prophet Mohammad (Best of humanity) met with Adam, Moses,Jesus, Ibrahim and other prophets who are all died with natural death. So how can the Prophet meet at same place with EISA in his Phyical Body? It is matter of common sense to understand. Two persons in a physcal body can have a meeting in this world and two people in spiritual body can have a meeting in paradise. It is non-sense to assume that a Person with physical body had a meeting with other person in spiritual body in paradise or a Person with spiritual body had a meeting with other person in physical body in paradise or two persons/Prophets with their physical bodies have a meeting in paradise. Any human physical body made of flesh and bones can not exist in an other dimension such as in paradise. Paradise is another dimension. Moses PBUH wished to see Allah Almighty at Mountain of Sinai. Allah told Moses, you are not able to see me. Then what happened? I expect u know it already. Moreover I expect you have grasped the concept what I want to tell you about.


Regarding Quran-Ul-Majeed, if u read it with unbiased mind and unbiased translation (such as by Muhammad Asad), you will realize that Quran-Ul-Hakim says that EISA son of Mary PBUH was put on the cross but survived [note that in English "Crucifixion" and in Arabic "SALABU" mean to KILL some one on CROSS (see oxford dictionary)], and so "WA MA SALBU" mean, to not be able to kill some one on the CROSS).  


To understand the case of CROSS, consider an example: Mr. “X” says, David is failed in Maths’ EXAMINATION but Mr. “Y’ says No, he is passed in EXAMINATION. So both have completely opposite opinion about the matter PASS or FAIL, but there is no doubt in the existence of the PIVOT of this conflict. In their case PIVET is EXAMINATION, and in the case of Eisa S/O Mary, PIVET of the matter is CROSS. So there is no doubt that he was on cross but conflict is, he was killed on cross (SALABU) or not killed on cross WA MA SALABU).  So Allah Azzo Jal have said in Glorious Quran that Eisa did not die on the CROSS – WA MA SALABU. 


I have given this a.m example because many of our muslim brothers understand that WA MA SALBU means to not put some one on cross. NO my brethren! The meaning of WA MA SALABU means to not kill some one on cross. Please refer to the meaning of crucifixion in oxford dictionary. Besides, before using the word WA MA SALABU, Quran-Ul-Hakim has used the word WA MA QATALU (to kill some one by any method). So to use the word WA MA SALABU after the word WA MA QATALU has a great mystery which asserts that he was on cross but not crucified – not killed on cross.

Later Noble Quran tells us about the natural death of JESUS in many versus EXPLICITLY using word WAFA, Tmout, moot, TouAffatani etc. Please do not twist the meanings of these well known and well understood Arabic words in order to reconcile it with unauthentic Hadiths.


So it is clear in Quran-Ul-Hakim as the SUN is clear on the sky that Eisa son of Mary (PBUH) survived crucifixion with WILL of Allah Almighty who has aslo the beautiful names of Al-Qaadar & Al-Muqtadir, and Jesus PBUH lived a normal life later after survival(Saint Iraneous old Church father) writes, that JESUS lived arround 100 years of age). There is more than enough evidence in history too that he immigrated (so secretly that even he changed his name to Yuz Asaf so Romans and Jews should not be able to arrrest him again) from Jerusalem towars EAST after survival with his close family members. Hindu's 3000 old books, Persian, Budh, Russian and Kashmiris history books show CLEARLY by mentioning the name of Eisa s/o Mary that he finally lived in 10 lost tribles of Jews in Srinagar(Kashmiris and Afghanis).


Even ascend of Jesus PBUH is not mentioned in oldest manually written Bibles. Read below:


ONE OF THE GREATEST SCHOLARS of Bibles Dr. Constantine von Tischendorf, who aft having personally examined the original hand written copies of the oldest available Four Gospels hv quoted:

“tht the texts for the physical ascension of Jesus to heaven or Jesus being carried by the angels to heaven, are lacking in these ancient documents. The texts tht are found within the published copies of the circulating gospels on the subject of the physical ascension of Jesus hv been added centuries later"




Saint Irenaeus (120 C.E) Old church father, writes in his book “Against heresies” age of Jesus ~100 year.



My brothers and sisters!!!

 مَن يَهْدِ اللَّهُ فَهُوَ الْمُهْتَدِي وَمَن يُضْلِلْ فَلَن تَجِدَ لَهُ وَلِيًّا مُّرْشِدًا

Death of Jesus/Eisa PBUH on the earth does not reduce his satus from prophethood, He is still one of the greatest Prophets of God. Even the last/Chief of all prophets Muhammad PBUH was died on this earth and is buried on this earth. All prophets used to live and then were died on earth. It is childish to believe that a person/prophet can go to paradise alive with the mortal body of flesh and bones. A pious person/Prophet/Saint only goes to paradise PERMANENTLY after death. (But an empty headed ignorant stupid mulla will find some way to escape from this truth that is given in this verse. He may twist this VERY CLEAR verse of Quran in order to stregthen his fiction of Ascend and Descend of Jesus PBUH.)


Just this single verse of Noble Quran is MORE THAN ENUF to prove that ESA/Jesus was died on earth like all other prophets.


Folowing verse of Quran is 1000000% prove tht like al othr prophets EISA is also died:


"& MUHAMMAD is only an apostle; all the [other] apostles have passed away before him: if, then, he dies or is slain, will you turn about on your heels? (Quran 3:144)


This verse stress on the mortality of the Prophet - & THAT OF ALL OTHER PROPHETS WHO PROCEDED HIM IN TIME (Dr. Muhammad Asad - The best unbiased & most qualified sunni Quran Translator)


Is dere written in this verse: All the other apostles have passed away EXCEPT EISA???



Important Note:

 مَن يَهْدِ اللَّهُ فَهُوَ الْمُهْتَدِي وَمَن يُضْلِلْ فَلَن تَجِدَ لَهُ وَلِيًّا مُّرْشِدًا


What I have posted here is 100% undeniable/Irrefutable PROOF that Eisa/Jesus AS was not ascended. He is died on earth. But If some one stick to fictions, surely even a million scholars & a century is not enuf to convince tht stubborn.


A stubborn is like dead rock, on which grows nothing even if u throw tons of water upon it daily. U will waste ur time.


Pls note that I am a strictly sunni muslim. But I am folower of TOP Suni scholars who like many ignorant Mullas do not deliberately twist the verses of Noble Quran in order to reconcile them with fake hadiths  of Ascend/descend of Jesus PBUH.




If you are not a stubborn (as I expect) but are an unbiased intelligent researcher with bright open/unbiased mind then u will find the core principle of this matter in following two paragraphs. What is given in following two paragraph is UNIVERSAL TRUTH:




 مَن يَهْدِ اللَّهُ فَهُوَ الْمُهْتَدِي وَمَن يُضْلِلْ فَلَن تَجِدَ لَهُ وَلِيًّا مُّرْشِدًا


In fact paradise is another dimension and it is out of question that any person with his physical body can go there. Human can visit paradise/other side (if God permits) only in 4 states: Aft death, during sleep, when near-to-death, and when a truthful believer Sufi is in ecstasy. In first case, spirit is out of body permanently,  in other 3 cases spirit (real person) is out of body temporarily. This is truth of the truths but even a century is not enough to convince a stubborn. O man No way.



From centuries there r mny forged fictions in some religion & sects such as Judaism, Christianity, Shia Muslims & others that some Prophets & Imams were ascended/lifted to Paradise/heavens with their bodies of flesh/bones. Let I tell the ABOSUTE TRUTH abt this matter to all over 6 billions sons & daughters of ADAM & EVE on this planet that NO ONE EVER WENT TO PARADISE WITH HUMAN BODY, & DIED PEOPLE NEVER EVER RETRURN TO THIS WORLD AS BABY DOES NOT RETURN TO WOMB OF HER MOTHER AFTER BIRTH






  وَمَا مُحَمَّدٌ إِلاَّ رَسُولٌ قَدْ خَلَتْ مِن قَبْلِهِ الرُّسُلُ أَفَإِن مَّاتَ أَوْ قُتِلَ انقَلَبْتُمْ عَلَى أَعْقَابِكُمْ وَمَن يَنقَلِبْ عَلَىَ عَقِبَيْهِ فَلَن يَضُرَّ اللّهَ شَيْئًا وَسَيَجْزِي اللّهُ الشَّاكِرِينَ (3:144)


"& MUHAMMAD is only an apostle; all the [other] apostles have passed away before him: if, then, he dies or is slain, will you turn about on your heels? (Quran 3:144)


This verse stress on the mortality of the Prophet - & THAT OF ALL OTHER PROPHETS WHO PROCEDED HIM IN TIME (Dr. Muhammad Asad - The best unbiased & most qualified sunni Quran Translator)


Is there written in this verse: All the other apostles have passed away EXCEPT EISA/Jesus???



Allah Azzo Jal who has also one beautiful name "AL-HAADI" among the most beautiful 99 name; may show me and you the right path and true knowledge - Amin



 "I (JESUS) was sent only to the lost sheep (lost tribes) of the house of Israel". Bible Matthew 15:24 


Now we see where did go the lost tribes of Israel after attack by Syrian king 722 B.C. and again when attacked by Babylon King Nebuchadnezzar (Bakhat Nasar) 586 B.C ??? Authentic History tells us WITH SURETY: Kashmir. For authentic proof, read a free online GREAT book at following link:



 Sarcophagus above the grave of Jesus son of Mary PBUH in Roza Bal Srinagar Kashmir



 Actual Grave is under this sarcophagus which is also sown below


 Tomb of Jesus PBUH (Roza Bal - inside view of actual grave under sarcophagus, Srinagar, Kashmir

(My Brothers/Sisters, this is 1000000% Truth)


This is real (but very rare) picture of Grave of Jesus/Isa PBUH apparently hidden under sarcophagus sown above. This 2000 years old Grave is in ROZABAL Kashmir EASTERN-WESTERN like Jews traditions. Muslim and Muslims in Kashmir do not bury Eastern-Western but in Northern-Southern.

Attached to the grave are foot print that clearly show nail driven in his feet; that show the buried person was tried on cross. He is Son of Mary who survived death on cross (as is mentioned in Glorious Quran - WA MA SALABU - NOT KILLED ON CROSS) and secretly fled to lost 10 tribes of Jews in Kashmir. Lived there 120 years and died there. Syrian King deported lost 10 tribes of Jews 722 BC and again Babylon King Nebuchadnezzar (Bakhat Nasar) in 586 BC. Read authentic History.


Recent claim of a Jew So called archaeologist that tomb of Jesus is in Israel Talpiot Tomb is CRUDE Forgery and have an political agenda behind it. There is no biblical, and historical nor true/honest archaeological evidence to prove that false claim. Presently read what one of the greatest Scholar and renown highly honest archaeologist Dr Fida Husnain say about this forgery of Talpiot Tomb:


To read What Dr Fida Husnain says about Talpiot tomb alleged forgery, please visit following link:  The best thing for u is to read free online following book to realize the truth:


   Footprints near the tomb of Jesus PBUH in Roza Bal, Srinagar  Kashmir

 Foot print that clearly show nail driven in his feet; that show the buried person was tried on cross. He is Son of Mary who survived death on cross (as is mentioned in Glorious Quran - WA MA SALABU - NOT KILLED ON CROSS) and secretly fled to lost 10 tribes of Jews in Kashmir. Lived there 120 years and died there. Syrian King deported lost 10 tribes of Jews 722 BC and again Babylon King Nebuchadnezzar (Bakhat Nasar) in 586 BC. Read authentic History



An Authentic Hadith with a very sound narration chain:

Hazrat Fatima, Allah be pleased with her, relates from the
Holy Prophet:

“Jesus, son of Mary, lived to the age of 120 years.”

(Kanz al-‘Ummal, vol. vi, p. 120)

Please Note that Kanz al-‘Ummal - a hadith book was compliled by Islamic Imam/Scholar Ali ibn Abd-al-Malik al-Hindi (died 1590 CE/975 AH) & Qadianis were not existing in 1590 C.E)


 After Surviving death on cross (As Noble Quran Says WA MA SALBU - Not died on cross), Jesus secretely travelled to Kashmir by this route with his close family members. If u go to following link and click on each red dot given in map, then u will be able to read detail of AUTHENtIC HISTORICAL, Biblical, and Quranic evidence on each red dot location. Very interesting. So please go to following link.


Following is the picture of Green tomb of Prophet Muhammad PBUH, Chief of all Prophets, Last Prophet, Seal of all Prophets, best of all humanity, the best life model for a pious person, Sent by God as a mercy for whole universe (Jesus PBUH was sent ONLY and ONLY for Lost 10 tribes of Israel and It is written in all copies of Bibles). However all prophets were human beings made of mortal body of flesh and bones and all prophets were died on earth like all other humans dies, like u will die one day and I will die one day.

If Chief of all prophets [who is predicted in world's all scriptures from book of Adam to Quran very clearly (but stubborns do not believe)] can die on this earth then what is problem if Son of Mary is also died on this earth???



  إِنَّ اللَّهَ وَمَلَائِكَتَهُ يُصَلُّونَ عَلَى النَّبِيِّ يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا صَلُّوا عَلَيْهِ وَسَلِّمُوا تَسْلِيمًا (33:56)

 (Glorious Quran verse #: 33:56) Verily, God and His angels bless the Prophet: [hence,] O you who have attained to faith, bless him and give yourselves up [to his guidance] in utter self-surrender!



 Graves in Kashmir Valley


If we read bible book of Deuteronomy, It becomes crystal clear that in fact promised land  for Jews in the time of Moses A.S was Kashmir and never ever the Palestine as Jews claim.  In the bible book of Deuteronomy all that 4 or 5 points about geographical location of grave of Moses A.S are pinpointed are EXACTLY EXACTLY EXACTLY in Kashmir with same names and location (not in Palestine). Even Jews all books admit that Moses never entered in the land of Palestine. Even temple of Solomon A.S is still existing in Kashmir. There is no any solid authentic historical evidence that wailing wall in Jerusalem is a part of destroyed temple of Solomon. If we read authentic history we realize that In fact Kashmir's first word Kash is from Cush. Cush was a son of Noh A.S Noh is also buried in Kashmir. Even Ibrahim A.S was from this area and later went to Arab lands/Mekka Muazzama with Haajra  R.A. Kashmir remained central point for old humans and many many prophets.  


The traveling Arab historian El Bironi in the 12th century wrote, "In the past, permission to enter Kashmir was given only to Jews."


The history of the Kashmiris is shrouded in mystery as is the history of other people in that region. Most Kashmir researchers are of the opinion that many inhabitants of Kashmir are descendants of the Lost Tribes who were exiled in 722 BCE. They wandered along the Silk Road into the countries of the East, Persia and Afghanistan until they reached the Kashmir valley and settled there. Others say the wanderings began approximately 300 years later. The wanderers settled in Kashmir, kept their traditions until they were converted to Islam when the spread of Islam reached the valley. The priest Kitro in his book, the General History of the Mughal Empire, said that the Kashmir people are the descendants of the Israelites. For Sure, Kashmiris are by origin Jews. This is 100% truth.


"I (JESUS) was sent only to the lost sheep (lost tribes) of the house of Israel". Bible Matthew 15:24 

(and Kashmiris are lost 10 tribes of Israelis. After survival death on cross, he secretely immigrated to Kashmir after changing his name to Yuz Asaph so that should not be arrested by Romans/Jews priests again, preached there for a long time and died at the age of ~120 yr and is buried in Roza Bal Srinagar Kahmir) Read this great book for 100% authentic proof:



 The truth

"Eisa/Jesus (Peace Be Upon Him) was neither ascended nor wil so descend" is not the product of Ahmadis. Frm centuries authentic historical books, Noble Quran, & frm authentic Hadith, It is 100% clear abt dis truth. Ahmadis are just one party in this matter. Ahamadis/Qadianis are just 150 years old, whether this truth is 2000 years old tht Eisa AS was not ascended. But if some one sticks to fictions, no one can stop him. Mny mny TOP MOST Suni Scholars know abt this truth tht Ascend/descend is fiction of Christians.  

Know that! 2+2 is always equal to 4 even said by a Budh, Jew, Christian, Qadiani/Ahmadi or by a Muslim. Truth is always truth and it has no boundaries of sects and dogmas. You cannot escape from a truth by saying, Oh this is a propaganda of Jews, Christians, Budhs or Qadianis






Allah Azzo Jal (GOD Almighty) many time test sincerity of his friends


To understand the case of CROSS, considr an example: Mr. X says, David is failed in Math’ EXAM. but Mr. Y says No, he is passed in EXAM. So  is conflict abt the matter PASS or FAIL, but there is no doubt in the existence of the PIVOT of this conflict which is EXAMINATION, & in the case of Eisa S/O Mary, PIVET of the matter is CROSS. So there is no doubt that he was on cross but conflict is, he was killed on CROSS (SALABU) or not killed on cross WA MA SALABU. So he was not killed on CROSS according to Quran, Bibles, and Authentic history.

Conc. Son of Mary, Glorious Quran uses the word WA MA QATALU & again WA MA SALABU. Which mean he was neither killed by any of method nor was killed on CROSS. Refr to Oxford Dictionry. Crucify mean to KILL SOMEONE ON CROSS (in Arabic SALABU) TO NOT BE ABLE TO KILL SOME ONE ON CROSS WILL BE IN ARABIC (reverse of crucify) WA MA SALABU. SO he was tried on CROSS but was not killed on cross, was in coma (but it appeared to them like he was dead) & later resuscitated (not resurrected as some believe).

People who are good reader of authentic history know very well that not every one used to die on cross. It was not only son of Mary (PBUH) who survived death on cross (Wa Ma Salabu - according to Glorious Quran) but some others used to survive too.

We have many proofs in present scientific world that a person was declared dead by a team of top class medical doctors (Roman soldier was not technologically more advance or a bigger doctor than doctors of our time). He was sent to freezing morgue for three days and after 3 days when doctor brought his body for postmortem, he opened his eyes right before postmortem and survived and lectured later for a long time in American universities and hv died a natural death later.

In verse 4:157:   SALABU=Crucify=TO kill some one on CROSS.
Reverse of SALABU is WA MA SALBU= Not CRUCIFIED=NOT KILLED ON CROSS. Allah has always tested & tried his friends. Even in the battle of Ohad the tooth of the Prophet was injured who is BEST of Humanity. Abrahim AS was tossed in fire & was saved, Job suffered acute disease for a long time and remained patient/never complained and was finally recovered, BIG Fish was ordered to swallow Younas AS (Jonah) and after he repented was freed after 3 days and later lived a life and died naturally ON EARTH - NOT ASCENDED, Noh was badly teased by evil people, Yahya (John the Baptist) AS were even murdered by evil people and Jesus was fixed on cross, his feet were nailed & it seemed to Jews  he was died but in fact was in coma. Was treated by his fiends by ALOE VERA-one of the most potent healing herb for injuries (read bible) in tomb and on 3rd day he was brought out of tomb.

Even God has HARD tested his Friends/Saints like Muslim SUFI MASTER Mansur Hallaj Who used to pray every night hundreds of units pray to Almighty God and always praised God and Last Prophet.

As a result of misunderstanding by some state-Paid scholars (who used to have JUST superficial knowledge of Islam); he was cut into pieces but after that each piece was loudly saying ALLAH (GOD); then they burned these pieces and threw them in River DAJLA near Baghdad where war is going on now a days.

Father Ptinno in Italy refused to follow some fictions created by church, he was drowned alive in sea.

A medical university student near Rome told that It is not necessary to ask God some thing through Church priest as per their made up rules and any one can ask God directly. Now what inquisition of Church had done with this martyr?? In human history It is not easy to find such an barbarous example of punishment:

Tons of oil was boiling in a big container and he was kept standing in front of that container. He was told that u will be thrown in that boiling oil ALIVE if u do not deny what u have said. THIS one of the GREATEST TRUE CHRISTIAN martyrs refused again, so was thrown ALIVE in boiling oil and inquisition members were watching that.

Allah (GOD) many many time test/take exam of sincerity who claim they love GOD (friends of GOD). Death is big misery in our sights of humans, but if God allow u to go behind the curtain, u will see, death is nothing more than to walk away from one room to another, from where u can never return to the first room.


Again my Final Declaration:



I swear my God / Allah Azzo Jal who also knows the secretes of hearts


I am a SUNNI MUSLIM.I beleive the Muhammad PBUH was the last Prophet and seal of all prophets. Any person who claim the prophethood/Nabi after Muhammad PBUH is UNDOUBTEDLY a BIGGEST LIAR of this world. I donot have any believe of any type on Mirza Ghulam Ahmed of Qadian/Ahmadis



 مَن يَهْدِ اللَّهُ فَهُوَ الْمُهْتَدِي وَمَن يُضْلِلْ فَلَن تَجِدَ لَهُ وَلِيًّا مُّرْشِدًا

He whom God guides, he alone has found the right way; whereas for him whom He lets go astray thou canst never find any protector who would point out the right way. (Glorious Quran - last part of verse 18:17)





(I highly recommend that you please visit following links in FULL)

This site has a sea of authentic info about this subject. I highly recommend that u visit this site IN FULL  as an open minded UNBIASED Reseracher (not as a stubborn Mulla or priest). Thanks

If you wish to a read a very truthful book about the life of Jesus from A to Z with 100's of authentic references; then do not miss to read this book.  This is free online book in pdf format. Though there are many other very good books on this subject but I have never found a book so well researched with hundreds of authentic references. I highly recommend that u please read this book. 

Islamic Research Foundation International, Inc. Go to this Sunni Islamic site and read about Son of Mary 

If any muslim or a non-Muslim brother/sister wish to know the 100% truth about the actual age of Aisha RA (Wife of Prophet Muhammad PBUH) at the time of marriage; then please visit this link. U will not get better authentic information at internet than what is given in this pdf file. thanks

This link provide u some info about authenticity of Hadiths in General. Good to read.



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 مَن يَهْدِ اللَّهُ فَهُوَ الْمُهْتَدِي وَمَن يُضْلِلْ فَلَن تَجِدَ لَهُ وَلِيًّا مُّرْشِدًا

He whom God guides, he alone has found the right way; whereas for him whom He lets go astray thou canst never find any protector who would point out the right way. (Glorious Quran - last part of verse 18:17)


If you are a truth seeker, if you are an unbiased researcher, if you are an honest person with unbiased mind, If you are an educated Christian or Muslim or non-Muslim or an Athesit, if you are in search of 100% truthful representation of Islam and Noble Quran about the Ascend/Descend matter of Eisa/Jesus Son of Mary (PBUH) and finally if you are not a STUBBORN; then you are reached at right place & this site is for you and:




I begin with the name of Allah Aleem UL-Khabir who has knowledge of every thing hidden and unhidden and knows even the secrets of hearts. Allah Jabbar o Matakabbar does not like liars and twisters of verses of Quran. He is Haq and likes truth. If any one twist the meaning of verses of Quran deliberately in order to strenghen his false believe or twist the meanings of verses in order to reconcile it with unauthentic reports and myth/fictions is a undoubtly a crimial in the court of Lord who's one name among most beautiful name is "Al-Adal" 


Kindly note this page is intended only for educated and unbiased (not for stubborns) Muslims, Christians and non-Muslims. As there is no way to convince an ignorant stubborn. Stubborn is like dead rock, upon which even if you throw tons of water daily, nothing is going to grow on it. U will be wasting your efforts and time.



My declaration


I swear my God / Allah Azzo Jal who also knows the secretes of hearts

I am a SUNNI MUSLIM.I beleive the Muhammad PBUH was the last Prophet and seal of all prophets. Any person who claim the prophethood/Nabi after Muhammad PBUH is UNDOUBTEDLY a BIGGEST LIAR of this world. I donot have any believe of any type on Mirza Ghulam Ahmed of Qadian/Ahmadis


Some reader will notice very big fonts and many color in this page and may feel that I am LIKE A SHOUTING person. If you think like this, you are also right; AS I am really shouting on the deaf ears of those imposter Mullas who are unintentionally spreading fiction of Christians and so working as agents of them; so are DEFACING ISLAM.








وَمَا مُحَمَّدٌ إِلاَّ رَسُولٌ قَدْ خَلَتْ مِن قَبْلِهِ الرُّسُلُ أَفَإِن مَّاتَ أَوْ قُتِلَ انقَلَبْتُمْ عَلَى أَعْقَابِكُمْ وَمَن يَنقَلِبْ عَلَىَ عَقِبَيْهِ فَلَن يَضُرَّ اللّهَ شَيْئًا وَسَيَجْزِي اللّهُ الشَّاكِرِينَ (3:144)


"& MUHAMMAD is only an apostle; all the [other] apostles have passed away before him: if, then, he dies or is slain, will you turn about on your heels? (Quran 3:144)


This verse stress on the mortality of the Prophet - & THAT OF ALL OTHER PROPHETS WHO PROCEDED HIM IN TIME (Dr. Muhammad Asad - The best unbiased & most qualified sunni Quran Translator)


Is there written in this verse: All the other apostles have passed away EXCEPT EISA/Jesus??????? ATTN: All Imposter????????


Should an impostor be allowed to change the meaning of this verse in order to reconcile it with the the forged hadiths those clearly are saying opposite to Quran??? 


Should we cut our legs to make a short pant fitable to our legs???


Was it difficult for Allah Azzo Jal to add at the end of aforementioned verse "EXCEPT EISA/JESUS"??? 


Should an impostor be allowed to make a disputed Hadiths superior to the verses of Quran???


Should an impostor be allowed to twist the actual meaning of word WAFA/Toufatani/Mout/Yamout (which mean death) to strengthen fictions???


Should an impostor be allowed to twist the actual meaning of word Rafa hu/Rafa' ana (which mean to exalt in ranks) to strengthen fictions???


Should an impostor be allowed to accept a few forged hadiths that goes against the verses of Quran, and reject many many authentic Hadiths and verses of Quran that clearly say that Jesus/Eisa has already been died on earth???



Should an impostor be allowed to ignore all principles of nature, metaphysics, spirituality, and science to strengthen his childish myths/fictions/made-up stories that Christian mothers used to tell their kids at  sleep-bed around 50-100  C.E and later on???



My Beloved WISE Brothers and Sisters!!!


Read below what high-learned Sunni Scholars has said about the Ascend/Descend of Jesus. Also read below the FULL TEXT of Islamic FATWA of AZHAR UNIVERSITY Egypt about the Ascend/Descend of Jesus/Eisa PBUH.


I leave it up to you to decide how u separate Truth from falsehood.


Regarding the matter of Ascend/Descend of Jesus PBUH, Muslims are divided into two groups 


1- Majority of Muslims have just basic and superficial knowledge of Islam and they are ignorant about many facts/truths and are following fictions from centuries that were created by christians centuries ago and follow their ignorant Mulla teachers regarding the fiction of Ascend/desend of JESUS. I do not mean here that all Muslim Mulla are ignorant but this is undeniable fact that Islam is mostly harmed by ignorant Mullas and christianity/Judaism is mostly currupted by their priests.


2- Other group of Muslims consist of high learned truthful scholars who have in depth knowledge of Quran and Authentic Sunna, and they donot believe on fictions.





In the ealy days of Islam, when many many chritsian and jews converted to Islam; they brought with them many tales and fictions of their fictitious religions. Theses fictions slowly were infused in Islam and finally found the way even to enter in Hadiths books especially that were prepared by Persian Imams/Mullas such as Bukhari. Theologians and historians know very well that from centuries, persia remained the hub of rumers and fictions.We are in general a society of extreme minds. When we hate some one, we throw him in abys, and when we love some one, we make him a superman/invincible etc. Many of Muslim Mullas now placed a label of Sahee on the some books of Hadiths as of Persian Mulla Bukari who has added some forged hadith in this book.


When these forged hadiths made a place in hadiths books as in Bukhari, then ignorant Mullas started to interpret the verses of Noble Quran according to these forged Hadiths in order to reconcile them. Despite there is  BASIC rule that is accepted by all MUhaddaseen that if any Hadith go against the verses of Quran MUST BE considered FORGED and MUST be rejected. But These imposter Mullas has given superiority to Forged Hadiths over Quran (AstaghFarullah).



Here I want to explain it by an example, how some imposter Mullas are twisting the meanings of verses of Glorious Quran in order to reinforce their childish fictions.:

"Let us say, u went to a market to buy a pant for you. When u weared it, u noticed that pant is much shorter than your legs. Now what is solution? The proper solution is, to not buy (reject) that pant. But if some imposter Mulla or his/her stubborn sutdent suggest u, O man! do not throw away the pant but cut your both legs 5 inches from down in order to fit the short pant. Will it be acceptable solution???".

These Impostor Mullas who say that Jesus went to Paradise with the mortal body of Flesh and bones are changing the meanings of verses of Noble Quran in order to make the forged hadith fitable to their fiction. Such imposter are UNDOUBTEDLY CRIMINALS AND MUNAAFIQS in the court of Allah Azzo Jal.



Besides, there are rules of Hadiths collection. One of that rule is:


The investigation for the authencity of Hadiths and sound chain of their narators in depth is mandatory only IF that hadiths are saying some thing about the CORE/FUNDAMENTAL DOCTRINE of Islam,and Teacher of Persiam Mulla Imam Bukhari is also fully agreed on this RULE set by Muhaddaseen.


Because, "to describe the age of Aisha (Radi Allah Anha) at the time of marriage, and to describe if Jesus was ascended or not", are not among the FUNDAMENTAL DOCTRINE of Islam; therefore according to rules set by Muhaddaseen, It was not essential to investigate the authencicity of hadith in DEPTH; so as a result of that raw filtering, some forged hadiths made their way to enter in the books of Hadiths, especially those that were prepared by persian Mullas/Imams. 


But when situation warants, any approved scholar or a team of approved scholars can investigate the health of the chain of narration to know that if that hadith is sound or unsound. Due to confusions when top class sunni scholars such as of Azhar University Egypt, Shaykh Hafiz Ibne Qayyam, 2nd Imam of Fiqa Imam Malik and many others investigated in depth; they clealy found that all hadiths that say that age of Aisha RA was 6 or 9 yr at the time of marriage are untrue; and all hadith that say Jesus was lifted to heavens with the mortal body of flesh and bones are unauthentic, came from almost one unrelaiable source & were spread in different books of hadiths, and were forged by hypocrites to deface Islam. For example the hadiths narrated by alegedly using the name of Abu Huraira about the ascend/desend of Jesus were forged by two hypocrites Wahåb bin Munnabba and Ka‘b Akbar.



Every pious person/Prophet including Jesus permanently ascends ONLY AND ONLY after death with spirtual body and NEVER EVER with the mortal body of flesh and bones. Spirtual world and our world is like light switch in your room. Either it is off or ON. U cannot keep the switch on and off at the same time. So to ascend to heavens permanently, U MUST DIE FIRST. Death frees u permanently from your beast (horse on which u were riding during your earthy life=ur mortal body of flesh and bones).U cannot escape from your cage permanently toward ascension unless your cage dies out. Know that! this is the truths of Truths but many people are fond of and even addicted of myths and fictions.


For example, following hadith was NEVER EVER SAID by Prophet Muhammad PBUH and was NEVER NEVER NEVER narated by Abu Huaira RA. But it is launched on their name by hypocrtites.


See the wording of following forged hadith:


Allah's Apostle said, "By Him in Whose Hands my soul is, son of Mary (Jesus) will shortly descend amongst you people (Muslims) as a just ruler and will break the Cross and kill the pig and abolish the Jizya (a tax taken from the non-Muslims, who are in the protection, of the Muslim government). Then there will be abundance of money and no-body will accept charitable gifts


In addition to the proof that  this is a forged report, u as a intelligent reader just see the wording of this forged hadith. Shortly Descend, Will Break CROSS, Will KILL the pigs:


So according to many stupid Mullas, Son of Mary will return again to kill swine/pigs & will break cross; and a Prophet who is already died (Please see the real but very rare picture of his grave at the end of this page) and buried in Sri Nagar will drop/descend again from skies. Why these Mullas want to bother son of Mary to accomplish this ridiculous task, which can be beautifully done by these stupid Mullas too. These impostor Mullas who have hijacked Islam can make house to house search in whole the world to break Crosses and can search swines/pigs in all the forests, sugarcan fields/farms and jungles of the whole world to kill that nasty beast. Why they want to deploy son of Mary for such a laborious, boring and ridiculous job???



Hadiths' Brief History:


My dear brothers and sisters!


Note that Prophet PBUH always emphasized to write down and memorize Quran, and never told any one in his life to write down hadiths. Apparently It was a strategy to not mixup verses of Quran with Hadith.As like Quran, the books of hadiths are not protected by Lord just like bible etc. So any book which is not protected may have errors regardless who wrote it.


TOO many forged hadiths were intentionally produced by the governments of Ummayads (Banu Ummyia) and Abassids (Banu Abbas) to gain political control over sects and people. For example shia sect did not like Aisha RA so they have forged many hadiths against her including the fuss of 6 or 9 yr age at the time of marriage. They have also produced some forgery against Ummar RA and Abu Bakkar RA, and even against "Kitab Allah". The traditions that say the age of Khadeeja RA was 40 year at the time of marriage with prophet Muhammad PBUH are also absolutely forged. In fact her age was almost same as of age of Prophet at the time of marriage and all circumstantial authentic historical evidence and other authentic hadiths prove it. This type of forgery was so high that ~200 years after the death of Prophet PBUH, when Persian Mulla Bukhari intended to gather Hadiths, he collected 3000000 hadith and found suspicious/rejected 99.2% of these hadiths. So when u scrutinize 3000000 diamonds in which 99.2% are fake diamonds; then there is VERY VERY Highy probability that some fake diamonds still may enter in your good baskets. The diamonds about the ascend/descend of Jesus are fake and were produced by hypocrites as mentioned above.


No doubt, Bukhari and other Hadiths Imams (Allah Ali-Ul-Kabir may sanctify their souls and forgive their disaserous mistakes of some forged hadiths) were honest in their work but were not angles or prophets. They were still men like u and me and could make mistakes. We have a lot benefitted from their books but let I tell u the naked truth that also Islam is defaced due to their highly destructive blunders which they have unintentially committed by adding forged hadiths in their books. For example I and many other Muslim scholars have spent 100's of hours at you tube and on other forums to tell non-muslims that Age of Aisha R.A was not 6 or 9 years as is mentioned in forged hadiths of Bukhari, and has spent years to tell my beloved Muslim brothers and sisters that Ascend/Descend of Eisa is myth created by Christians and is infused in Islam by forged Hadiths.Even this myth is not mentioned in oldest manually written copies of 4 bibles. This myth was added centuries later in bibles. and we can 100% prove this truth.


Hadith books especially those prepared by Persian Mullas like Bukhari, Ibne Maja , Muslim or other hv authenticity not more than 90%. First Book of Hadith MUWATTA from Arabic Imam Malik is comparatively the most authentic and is 98~99% reliable.Pls note that forged hadiths about Age of Aisha & Ascend/Descend of Jesus is not added in Muwatta by Imam Malik (2nd Fiqa Imam) of Madina Monawwara. However, still authenticity % of Persian origin Hadith books is much better than the Authenticity of Bibles (~ 50%).

Remember!!! there is only one book in this universe which is protcted by Lord and that is "Glorious Quran - 100% correct and will remain correct up to the end.





“As the Ulama of Islam had followed the Christians, in accepting that Jesus had gone up to heaven alive, before looking at the Quran, so they have tried to interpret some of the words in these verses to accord with their unsound belief.”
SIR SYED AHMED KHAN - Tafsir, vol. ii, p. 48



Shaikh Zakariya Idrees Oseni World League Journal, the monthly organ of the Rabita al-Islami, published from Makka in Saudi Arabia writes:

“Whatever be the case, the Islamic belief is that Jesus died a natural death after God had saved him from crucifixion. The stories of his ascension after he had been saved from crucifixion, which we find in some Arabic books, are obviously taken from Christian sources and should not be taken very seriously by Muslims with discerning minds"


Professor Imam Shaltut, Mufti Egypt, Top Most SUNNI SCHOLAR & Rector of world's most ancient & reputed Islamic university Al-AZhar Egypt hs said tht accord to Quran Jesus survived on CROSS but in later life he ws died naturaly & the hadiths abt Ascend/Descend were narrated by two hypocrites "Wahab bin Munnabba" & "Ba'ab Akbar".

Pls note tht this scholar is MOST QUALIFIED SUNNI SCHOLAR. No any half-learned stuborn Mulla can challenge his TOP MOST scholarship



I donot know who was that STUPID person who first time attached the word SAHIEE with hadiths book of Bukhari and with other some hadiths books especially those were collected/written by Persian Mullas. Hadith Imams has tried to their best to collect authentic hadiths but still hadith books are not free of forged hadiths like age of Aisha at the time of marriage 6 or 9 years, and childish fiction of ascend and descend of son of Mary. Persian Mulla Bukhari collected 300000 hadiths and found 99.2% forged. So how can u say a book 100% sahiee? Only Quran is 100% sahee my friend as is protected by Lord.


Know!!! that any book in this universe may have errors EXECEPT Glorious Quran which is protected by Lord.


Use hadiths just for help but donot deface meanings of verses of Quran in order to reconcile them with forged Hadiths.


Also note!!!


That Arabic Imam of Madina IMAM MALIK has neither mentioned the forged hadith of age of Aisha 6 or 9 years, nor the fiction of Ascend/desend of Jesus in his book MUWATTA.


IMAM MALIK, Knowledgeable Scholar of Madina predicted by the Prophet Muhammad PBUH, author of al-Muwatta’ "The Approved". Acordng to Imam Shafi, Muwatta is the soundest book on earth after the Quran, nearest book on earth to the Quran, most correct book on earth after the Quran, & most beneficial book on earth after the Quran DOES NOT HAVE ANY HADITH ABT ASCEND/DESCEND OF JESUS.  Imam Malik never believed on Ascend/Descend of Jesus. Note that there was no any Qadiani in the time of Imam Malik.




What DR. ALLAMA IQBAL - ONE OF THE BEST SUNNI BRAINS OF HIS TIME IN MUSLIM WORLD (also Ph.D in metaphysics in Iran) had said about ascend/descend of Jesus?

“I can only tell you what I believe. I consider the Hadith reports abt the Mahdi, the coming Messiah, and mujaddidiyya, to be derived from Persian & non-Arab conceptions. They hv no connection with Arab concepts or the true spirit of the Quran.
(Iqbal Nama, Part II, p. 231, Letter no. 87)




 Islamic Fatwa from AL-AZHAR UNIVERSITY Egypt


Reputation of Al-Azhar University


Al-Azhar is considered by most Sunni Muslims to be the most prestigious school of Islamic learning, and its scholars are seen as some of the most reputable scholars in the Muslim world. Among its stated objectives is the propagation of Islamic religion and culture and the Arabic language (the language of the Qur'an.) To that end, it maintains a committee of ulema (Islamic scholars) to judge on individual Islamic questions, a printing establishment for printing the Qur'an, and training (government-appointed) preachers in Islamic missionary work. (see more in wikipedia)




 مَن يَهْدِ اللَّهُ فَهُوَ الْمُهْتَدِي وَمَن يُضْلِلْ فَلَن تَجِدَ لَهُ وَلِيًّا مُّرْشِدًا

It clearly, though implicitly, appears in following Islamic FATWA that all who believe that Son of Mary was raised to Paradise alive with the mortal body of flesh and bones are liars/lunatic impostor and criminals in the court of Allah Azzo Jal. As they twist the meaning of Glorious Quran DELIBERATELY to strengthen their false believes which are in fact fictions created by Christians.  





A letter was received by the Senate of the Great Al-Azhar University of Cairo from Abdul Karim, from the Middle East, which contained an inquiry: Is Jesus dead or alive according to the Qur’ån and the Traditions of the Prophet? What do you think of a Muslim who does not believe that he is still alive and what about one who does not acknowledge him in case he comes to the world for the second time? This question was referred to the Senior Professor Shaikh Mahmud Shaltut, who later on became Rector of the University. The Fatwah is reproduced verbatim below.




“. . . Now, the Qur’ån mentions Prophet Jesus in reference to his fate at the hands
of his people in three chapters:


1. In the chapter The Family of ‘Imrån it is stated:
“But when Jesus perceived unbelief on their part, he said:

Who will be my helpers in Allåh’s way? The disciples said: We are helpers in Allåh’s way:We believe in Allåh and bear thou witness that we are submitting ones. Our Lord, we believe in that which Thou hast revealed and we follow the messenger, so write us down with those who bear witness. And they (the Jews) planned and Allåh (also) planned. And Allåh is the best of planners. When Allåh said: O Jesus, I will cause thee to die and exalt thee in My presence and clear thee of those who disbelieve and make those who follow thee above those who disbelieve to the Day of Resurrection. Then to Me is your return, so I shall decide between you concerning that wherein you differ.”2


2. In the chapter The Women Allah says:
“And for their saying: We have killed the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, the messenger of Allåh, and they killed him not, nor did they cause his death on the cross, but was made to appear to them as such. And certainly those who differ therein are in doubt about it. They have no knowledge about it, but only follow a conjecture, and they killed him not for certain: Nay, Allåh exalted him in His presence. And Allåh is ever Mighty, Wise”.3


3. And in the chapter The Food says Allåh:
“And when Allåh will say: O Jesus, son of Mary, didst you say to men, Take me and my mother for two gods besides Allåh? He will say: Glory be to Thee! it was not for me to say what I had no right to (say). If I had said it, Thou wouldst indeed have known it. Thou knowest what is in my mind, and I know not what is in Thy mind. Surely Thou art the great Knower of the unseen. I said to them naught save as thou didst command me: Serve Allah, my Lord and your Lord; and I was a witness of them so long as I was among them, but when Thou didst cause me to die Thou wert the watcher over them, and Thou art Witness of all things.1


These are the verses of the Holy Qur’an wherein all that Jesus experienced at the hands of his people is related.


In the last verse (from the chapter The Food) there is mention of an incident of the Hereafter when Allåh will ask Jesus concerning he and his mother being worshipped in the world. And Jesus in reply would say that he did not say aught to them except what God commanded him viz.,Worship Allåh Who is your God and my God; and he kept a watch over them, during the period of his stay among them and that he did not know what they did after “Allåh caused him to die.”


The word tawaffå is used in so many places of the Qur’an in the sense of death that it has become its foremost meaning. This word is used in a different sense only when there is a clear indication as to the other meaning: “Say: The angel of death, who is given charge of you, shall cause you to die;”2 “(As for) those whom the angels caused to die while they are unjust to themselves;”3 “And if thou couldst see when the angels will cause to die those who disbelieve,”4 “Our messengers cause him to die”;5 “And of you is he who is caused to die;”6 “Until death takes them away;”7 “Make me die in submission and join me with the righteous.”8


The word tawaffaytani in this particular verse primarily means natural death which is known to everybody. The Arabic-speaking people understand this and only this meaning of the word with reference to the context. Therefore, had there been nothing else to indicate the end of Jesus in this verse even then it would have been
improper and wrong to say that Prophet Jesus was alive, and not dead. There is no room for the view that the word wafåt here means the death of Jesusafter his descent from the heavens—a view held by some who think that Jesus is still alive in the heavens and would come down from there in the latter days. For, this verse clearly denotes the relation of Jesus with his own people and not with any other people of the latter days. The people of the latter age would admittedly be the followers of Muhammad and not of Jesus.


However, in the chapter The Women the words: “Nay: Allåh exalted him (Jesus) in His presence” have been interpreted by some, nay most of the commentators, as “raising him up to the heavens.” They observe that Allåh cast his likeness on someone else and Jesus himself was lifted up to the heavens with his body. He is alive there and will descend therefrom in the latter ages. Thereafter he would kill the swine and break the Cross. And they base their story:


Firstly, on those reports in which the descent of Jesus is mentioned after the (appearance of) Anti-Christ. But these reports are at variance with and contradictory to one another in their words and meanings. The difference is so great that there is no room for any reconciliation among them. The scholars of Hadith have plainly stated
this fact. Moreover they are reported by Wahåb bin Munnabba and Ka‘b Akbar, who were converts from the People of the Book. And their status is well known to critics of Traditions.


Secondly, on a report by Abu Huraira that mentions the descent of Jesus. If this report is proved to be true, even then it is only an isolated report. And there is a consensus of opinion of the scholars of Hadith that such isolated reports can neither be made the basis of a doctrinal belief, nor can they be trusted with regard to things unseen.


Thirdly, on the report about Mir‘åj (i.e., the Ascension of the Prophet to the heavens) which narrates that when the Prophet went up and began to have the gates of the heavens opened one after another and entered them as they were opened, he saw Jesus and his cousin John on the second heaven. For us, it is enough to prove the weakness of this evidence, that many interpreters of the Tradition have taken this contact of the Prophet with other prophets to be a spiritual phenomenon and not a physical one (vide Fata al-Båri, Zåd al-Ma‘ad, etc.)


Strangely enough they interpret the word rafa‘ in this verse in the light of the report concerning the Mi‘råj, and deduce therefrom that Jesus was also bodily raised up. And there are others who regard the meeting of the Prophet with Jesus to be a physical one on the basis of this verse, (i.e., Nay! Allåh exalted him in His presence).

Thus when these people interpret the Hadith they quote this verse to support their imaginary meaning of the Hadith; and while interpreting the verse they cite this Hadith to support their imaginary explanation of the verse. When we turn to the revealed words of God: “I will cause you to die and exalt you in My presence,” in the chapter The Family of ‘Imrån along with the words: “Nay! Allåh exalted him in His presence,” in the chapter The Women, we find that the latter verse fulfills the promise that was made in the former one. This promise was about the death and exaltation of Jesus Christ, and his exoneration from the false charges of the disbelievers. Thus even if the latter verse had mentioned just his rafa‘ towards God and had no reference to his death and exoneration from the false charges even then it should have been our duty to take note of all those matters that are referred to in the former verse; so that both the verses might be reconciled.


The actual meaning of the verse therefore is that Allah caused Jesus to die and exalted him and sanctified him against the charges of his enemies. Allåma Alwåsi has interpreted verse (inni mutawaffi ka) in many ways. The clearest of these interpretations is that “I will complete the lease of your life and will cause you to die and will not let those people dominate you who try to kill you.” For, completing the period of his life and causing him to die a natural death indicates that Jesus was saved from being slain and from the mischief of his enemies. Obviously rafa‘ after death cannot mean any physical ascension, but only exaltation in rank, especially when the words “I will clear you of those who disbelieve” are present along with it. This shows that it is a question of spiritual honour and exaltation.


The word rafa‘ has occured many a time in the Qur’an conveying this sense: e.g., “In houses which Allah has permitted to be exalte (turfa‘a);”1 “We exalt in dignity (narfau‘) whom We please;”2 “And We exalted (rafa‘na) for you your mention;”3 “And We raised him (rafanåhu) to an elevated state;”4 “Allah will exalt those of you who believe...;”5 etc. Thus the expressions “I will exalt you in my presence” and “Nay! Allah exalted him in His presence” would yield a sense similar to the one when we say “So and so met the Companionon High,” or “God is with us,” or “With the Powerful King.” All these expressions signify only shelter, protection and coming under His care. So one fails to understand how the word heaven is deduced from the word towards Him (ilaih). By God! it is an outrage on the plain exposition of the Quran. And such an offense is committed simply on account of belief in such stories and narratives which are devoid of accuracy, not to speak of their established unauthenticity.


Moreover, Jesus was merely an apostle and apostles before him had passed away. When the people of Jesus became hostile to him, he like other prophets, turned towards God and He saved him by His power and wisdom, and frustrated the plans of his enemies. The same point has been elaborated in the following verse: “When Jesus perceived unbelief on their part, he said: Who will be my helpers in Allåh’s way...”i.e., in this verse God says that His plans were more subtle and effective than the plans of the disbelievers. As against the measures of protection and security from God, the attempts of these people against the life of Jesus were frustrated.


In the verse: “When Allåh said: O Jesus! I will cause thee to die and exalt thee in My presence and clear thee of those who disbelieve,” Allåh gives the glad tidings that He will save Jesus from the machinations of his enemies and that ultimately their plottings will end in futility and that He will complete the period of his life till he dies a natural death neither being slain nor yet crucified and then He will exalt him in His presence.


These verses which relate to the fate of Jesus at the hands of his people will invariably yield this meaning to their reader provided he knows the practice of Allah to which He resorts for the protection of His prophets at the time of the aggression of enemies, and provided his mind is free from all those fictitious reports that can in no case be placed as an authority over the Holy Quran. Now, I cannot understand how the snatching of Jesus from the hands of his enemies and lifting him up to the heavens can be called a subtle plan and a better one when neither was it in their power nor in the power of anybody else to counter it. In fact, there can be one “plan” (makr) as against another plan when it is contrived in a parallel manner not deviating from the natural course of Allah in such matters. We have a parallel instance in what is said by the Quran with respect of the Holy Prophet: “And when those who disbelieved devised plans against you that they might confine you or slay you or drive you away; and they devised plans and Allåh too had arranged a plan; and Allåh is the best of planners.”1

To sum up:

1. There is nothing in the Holy Quran, nor in the sacred Traditions of the Prophet,
which endorses the correctness of the belief to the contentment of heart that Jesus
was taken up to heaven with his body and is alive there even now, and would descend therefrom in the latter days.

2. The Quranic verses about Jesus show that God had promised to cause him to die a
natural death, then to exalt him and save him from the mischief of the disbelievers
and this promise had certainly been fulfilled. His enemies could neither kill him nor
crucify him, but God completed the span of his life and then caused him to die.

3. Any person who denies his bodily ascent and his continuance in physical existence
in the heavens and his descent in the latter ages, does not deny a fact that can be
established by clear conclusive arguments. Thus he is not outside the faith of Islam
and it is absolutely wrong to consider him an apostate. He is perfectly a Muslim. If
he dies he dies the death of a believer and like believers his funeral prayer must be
said and he must be buried in the Muslim cemetery. His faith is decidedly faultless
in the eyes of God. And God knows the conditions of His servants. And as to the other part of the question (that is supposing Jesus returns to the world, how should a disbeliever in him be regarded) after the above statement of ours—this question does not arise at all. And God is the Best Knower.

Mahmud Shaltut

Mufti Egypt, Senior Professor, Rector Azhar Univerity Egypt







The Holy Prophet Muhammad said: “Had Moses or
Jesus been alive, they would have had to follow me.”
(Al-Yawaqit wal-Jawahir, p. 24; Fath al-Bayan, vol. 2,
p. 246; Tafsir Ibn Kathir, under verse 81 of Al-i Imran)

this is clear that Prohphet said, Jesus is died. 




What other top sunni high learned scholars has said about the ascend/desend of JESUS PBUH


Dr Muhammad Asad(the Most qualified and unbiased Sunni Quran transltor) writes in coments abt verse 4:157-158 as folow:


Nowhere in the Qur'an is dere any warant for the popular belief tht God hs "taken up" Jesus bodily, in his lifetime, into heaven. The expresion "God exalted him unto Himself" in the above verse denotes the elevation of Jesus to the realm of God's special grace - a blesing in which al prophets partake, as is evident from 19:57, where the verb rafa nahu ("We exalted him") is used with regard to the Prophet Idris




Prof Mustfa Al-Maraghi who was also the Rector of Al-Azhar University (Egypt), has writen in his Comentary on verse (Quran 3:55) The Jews who wanted, most maliciously, to inflict harm on Jesus, could not suceed in their plan. The meaning of the term tawaffa is death as usual; & the significance of raf’ is his spiritual exaltation aft death. The verse, therefore, means: I will cause you to die; & aft ur death, I will exalt you in My presence; just as the Most High God has said of Idris (Enoch)
Dr Ahmad Zaki Abu Shadi, a well-known scholar of Egypt, wrote in the Arabic magazine AlMuwahab of Argentine:
“When Jesus was placed in the tomb, his disciples took him away from there in the dark of the night, and lavished all care and treatment upon him in secret until he recovered. Then he fled away to the Eastern countries for the purpose of propagating his sublime teaching in safety, until God caused him to die”
In his last illness, during which he died, the Holy ProphetMuhammad entered the mosque with the support of two men to give the following address:
“O people! I have heard that you fear the death of your Prophet. Did any prophet before me live on so that I should be expected to live on amongst you? Listen! I am about to meet my Lord, and so will you. So I bid you to treat well the early muhajirs.”(Al-anwar-ul-Muhammadiyya min al-Muwahib al-Ladinya, Egypt, p. 317)
Shaikh Zakariya Idrees Oseni World League Journal, the monthly organ of the Rabita al-Islami, published from Makka in Saudi Arabia writes:

“Whatever be the case, the Islamic belief is that Jesus died a natural death after God had saved him from crucifixion. The stories of his ascension after he had been saved from crucifixion, which we find in some Arabic books, are obviously taken from Christian sources and should not be taken very seriously by Muslims with discerning minds.”
Maulana Zafar Ali Khan said: (A Strong opponent of Qadianis & high level suni scholar of his time)

“Belief in Jesus being still alive is not an Islamic belief. Many Muslims have rejected it.” (Newspaper Mujahid, 12 September 1935)
What DR. ALLAMA IQBAL Co-Founder of Pakistan - ONE OF THE BEST BRAINS OF HIS TIME IN MUSLIM WORLD had said about ascend/descend of Jesus?

“I can only tell you what I believe. I consider the Hadith reports abt the Mahdi, the coming Messiah, and mujaddidiyya, to be derived from Persian & non-Arab conceptions. They hv no connection with Arab concepts or the true spirit of the Quran.
(Iqbal Nama, Part II, p. 231, Letter no. 87)


“As the Ulama of Islam had followed the Christians, in accepting that Jesus had gone up to heaven alive, before looking at the Quran, so they have tried to interpret some of the words in these verses to accord with their unsound belief.”
SIR SYED AHMED KHAN - Tafsir, vol. ii, p. 48)

What a great scholar of his time Shaykh Hafiz Ibn Qayyim (1312 C.E.) had said:

“In the book Zad al-Ma‘ad by Hafiz Ibn Qayyim, may the mercy of Allah be upon him, it is written that what is said about Jesus being raised at the age of thirty three years is not supported by any authentic report which would make it binding to accept it. Shami said that it is as Ibn Qayyim has said, and that these are the traditions of the Christians.”
(Fath_ al-Bayan, vol. 2, p. 49)

Through out history Persia remained a big hub of different tale of different thoughts from many sects & religions. Reader should note that from FOUR Imams of Fiqa, Imam Malik (author of fist book of Hadith “Mowatta Imam Malik”) was the only Arabic Imam who was from Madina Monawwara (all others were non-Arab). Imam Malik never believed that Jesus was ascended/will descend. This is why he did not include any week tradition in “Mowatta” abt ascend/desend of Jesus

An Authentic Hadith with a very sound narration chain:

Hazrat Fatima, Allah be pleased with her, relates from the Holy Prophet:
“Jesus, son of Mary, lived to the age of 120 years.”
(Kanz al-‘Ummal, vol. vi, p. 120)

Please Note that Kanz al-‘Ummal - a hadith book was compliled by Islamic Imam/Scholar Ali ibn Abd-al-Malik al-Hindi (died 1590 CE/975 AH) & Qadianis were not existing in 1590 C.E).


The Holy Prophet Muhammad said: “Had Moses or
Jesus been alive, they would have had to follow me.”
(Al-Yawaqit wal-Jawahir, p. 24; Fath al-Bayan, vol. 2,
p. 246; Tafsir Ibn Kathir, under verse 81 of Al-i Imran)

this is clear that Prohphet said, Jesus is died.

Regarding Imam Malik, one of the four imams of jurisprudence
(fiqh), it is written:
“While most people believe that Jesus did not die,
Malik said that he died.”
(Majma‘ Bihar al-Anwar, vol. i, p. 286)
Abul Hasan Ali Hajwairi (Data Ganj Bakhsh)
He writes:
“The Messenger of Allah said that, on the night of the Mi‘raj, he saw Adam, Joseph, Moses, Aaron, Jesus and Abraham, in the heavens. Assuredly it was their souls.”
(Kashf al-Mah[1]jub, Chapter al-Kalam fir-ruh[1], p. 204).
Shaikh al-Islam Hafiz Ibn Qayyim Shams-ud-Din Abu Abdullah Muhammad ibn Abi Bakr,known as Hafiz Ibn Qayyim, wrote:


“As for what is related about the Messiah that he was raised up to heaven at the age of 33 years, there is no sound authority for this which one could turn to.”
(Zad al-Ma‘ad, vol. i, p. 20)
What a top most Egyptian sunni scholar Allama Al-Sayyid Rashid Raza said abt the ascend/Descend of Son of Mary:

What this famous disciple of Imam Mufti Muhammad Abduh (Egypt) writes about JESUS after survival from death on cross (Wa Ma Salabu):

“Hence Jesus’ escape to India and his death in that country is not against reason and sense.”

Quranic Commentary by Al-Sayyid Rashid Raza, part
vi, pp. 42, 43)
The former Mufti of Egypt and ex-Rector of the world famous al-Azhar University, Cairo, writes:

“There is no authority in the Quran or the Sunna which can satisfy the heart upon the belief that Jesus was taken up to heaven with his body and that he is still alive there and that he shall descend therefrom to earth in the last days.”

(Al-Fatawa, published by Al-Idara al-‘Ama lil-Saqafat
al-Islamiyya bil-Azhar, pp. 52-58)
What Ahmad Al-‘Ajuz has said abt the ascend/desend of Jesus:

This famous Lebanese scholar writes:

“Jesus certainly died on earth according to Allah’s words inni mutawaffi-ka which mean ‘I will cause you to die’ (mumitu-ka). Death (maut) is something that is bound to happen, as Allah said through Jesus’ tongue: ‘Peace be upon me the day I was born and the day I
(Signed: Ahmad al- ‘Ajuz)
Maulana Ubaidullah Sindhi, a famous religious scholar & nationalist leader wrote:

“Mutawaffi-ka means mumitu-ka [I will cause you to die] and what generaly prevails amongst the public abt Jesus’ life is a JEWISH & SABEAN FABLE. The source of Islam is the Quran, & in it there is not even one verse proving explicitly that Jesus did not die, & that he is alive & shall come down. How, then, can it be taken to be a fundamental Islamic belief ?”

(Ilham al-Rah_man fi-tafsir al-Qur’an, vol. ii, p. 49)
What a famous well known suni Islamic Scholar of IndoPak Maulana Abul Kalam Azad
has said abt the ascend and descend believe of Son of Mary:

This one of the greatest scholars of his time writes in “Naqsh Azad, page 102”:

“The belief [in Jesus being alive] by its nature is in EVERY WAY A CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE which has appeared in an Islamic guise.”
(Naqsh Azad, p. 102,

Pls do not tell me that your Mulla teacher or u are a bigger scholar than Abul Kalam Azad.
Wat the greatest suni brains of their time believe abt Ascend/desend of son of Mary:

Jamal-ud-Din Afghani, Allama Iqbal, and MANY OTHER thinkers believe that no Mahdi or Messiah will now descend from heaven.”
(Zamindar, Lahore, 27 July 1952)

Pls do not tell me that ur Mulla teacher or u have greater brains than Iqbal and Jamal Udin Afghani. If u do so, I will suggest u to get an immediate appointment in a good mental hospital. By the way, do not forget to take ur Mulla teacher with u toooooo.
The Holy Prophet said:

"May the curse of God be upon the Jews and the Christians who made the graves of their prophets into places of worship."

    (Bukhari, Kitab as-Salat, p. 296)
So prophet was aware that prophet of Christian is already died
Scholar Sutta in 115 C.E. wrote in Hindu book “Bhavishya Maha Purana” on p. 282, Parva III, Adhyaya II, Shalok 9-31:

One day King Shalewahin went to Kashmir. Dere he saw (wat apeared to be) a prince like person who was fair in color & wore white clothes. He asked him who was he & wat his religion was? He replied: It is love, truth & purity of heart. I am born of a woman & I am called “Isa Masih”. The king returned aft making obeisance to him. (Note: Name of Jesus in Quran is givn Isa)

Any one who is SINCERE in finding the truth about the real life of Jesus; MUST  read the very well known books "The Fifth Gospel" & “A Search for the Historical Jesus” of Professor Fida Hassnain Dr. Archaeology, D. Metaphysics Master of Divinity Doctor of Sufism, D. Litt, Dr. of Self Realization, Gem of Alter Medicines 2000 - Ph.D (A.M.); and another, ONE OF THE BEST BOOK on this topic "Jesus in Heaven on Earth" by Khwaja Nazir Ahmad (also avaliable free online in English & Urdu)

What Glorious Quran says abt S/O Mary is:

مَن يَهْدِ اللَّهُ فَهُوَ الْمُهْتَدِي وَمَن يُضْلِلْ فَلَن تَجِدَ لَهُ وَلِيًّا مُّرْشِدًا

1- He was not killed on the Cross (Crucify does not mean to put some one on cross but is TO KILL SOME ONE ON CROSS. See Oxford dic. WA MA SALABU (not killed on cross) Aft this hard trial, God exalted him in ranks (Rafa Hu)
2- He died later a natural death (Ymout, Tmout, Wafa, Touffataini)
3- Now from point 1 & 2 it is easy to derive that he lived a natural life between Survival & natural death. How Long? Quran is silent here but history speaks 100~120 yr


In verse 4:157:   SALABU=Crucify=TO kill some one on CROSS.
Reverse of SALABU is WA MA SALBU= Not CRUCIFIED=NOT KILLED ON CROSS. Allah has always tested & tried his friends. Even in the battle of Ohad the tooth of the Prophet was injured who is BEST of Humanity. Abrahim was tossed in fire & was saved. Jesus was fixed on cross, his feet were nailed & it seemed to Jews  he was died but in fact was in coma. Was treated by his fiends by ALOE VERA in tomb and on 3rd day he was brought out of tomb

In Verse 4:157 "WA MA QATALU & WA MA SALABU" is used.  Which mean "Esa was not killed, nor died on cross". Aparently one may think that WA MA QATALU was enough SO why Quran has also used the word WA MA SALABU? See so high eloquence of Quran that WA MA SALBU is used to ASSERT that he was tried to kill on CROSS but was not killed as Christian say, & Allah saved him from dieing on CROSS.  WA MA SALBU=NOT CRUCIFIED=NOT KILLED ON CROSS. (Crucify mean to KILL ON CROSS see oxford dictionary)

Ascend and descend idea is fiction of people of book that is infused in Islam. Our Half-Learned Mulla's, Moulveez and so called scholars with Doctoral degree are working unintentionally as agents of people of book and spreading their fiction from centuries because we have habit to follow even groundless and false traditions blindly. Enough is for a truth seeker the only protected book in this universe by Lord which is Glorious Quran. Take help from traditions but do not put them equal to Quran

No any sacred book is protected by Lord except last revelation Glorious Quran. So any other book in this word may have errors. No any book in this world is 100% SAHIH as the Quran is. Bukhari was a very pious Muslim Imam but was still not an angel/prophet. Now just use ur common sense that Buhkari collected 300000 Hadith & just have sorted out 2602 Hadith; which is even less than 1% of 300000. In other word 99% of hadith he found were forged. So how can u say any hadith book is 100% Sahih


In fact persian Mulla imam Bukhari has served Islam little but have defaced more by filling his book with some false hadiths unintentially such as age of Aisha 9 years at the time of marriage and ascend/descend fictions of Jesus. Arabic Imam Malik of Madina have not mentioned these both forged hadiths in his book Muwatta.


If translation of versus of Quran are not TWISTED, It is clear like day light that Jesus survived crucifixion and spent his remainder time as a natural life and then he has natural death like most of all Prophets. Many many so called-scholars deliberately twist the meaning of word RAFA to reconcile it with unauthentic Hadiths. RAFA is used many times in Quran and its meaning is TO RAISE in RANKS, and not to lift BODY of some one. I am not Qadiani. Mohammad (PBUH) is last prophet.

Narrow-mindness is big disease. If you hate Mr X, and next day Mr X comes to u and says 4+4=8. Should u reject his claim only because u hate him??. I am not Qadiani but Qadiani's research about Tomb of Jesus in Roza Bal is 1000% correct. If u donot twist translation of Quran, It is not mentioned in Quran at all that Eisa ascended to heavens with his body. The hatdiths that say that he ascended and come again are BATAL/Zaeef and in fact not said by the Best of all humanity Mohammad (pbuh).

In order to open your eyes, please visit following links in FULL.

There is no doubt that Jesus is buried in Roza Bal, Srinagar Kashmir. Time will come when every wise person on this planet will recognize that this is truth. There is much more than enough biblical, Quranic, and historical evidence about this truth. But if some one sticks to his fictitious believes, even a century is not enough to convince that stubborn.

King Sargon II was king of Syrians & he attacked Jewish state about 722 BC. He captured every thing and forced 10 tribes to migrate to EAST what is called today Kashmir and Afghanistan. Though they all are now very sincere Muslims but still their marriage styles, eating habits, and names of their villages, name of their tribes, and DNA are exactly same as of Israeli Jews. So they were last sheep where Jesus went to preach and live to his end of life there.
In fact paradise is another dimension and it is out of question that any person with his physical body can go there. Human can visit paradise/other side (if God permits) only in 4 states: Aft death, during sleep, when near-to-death, and when a truthful believer Sufi is in ecstasy. In first case, spirit is out of body permanently,  in other 3 cases spirit (real person) is out of body temporarily. This is truth of the truths but even a century is not enough to convince a stubborn. O man No way.
From centuries there r mny forged fictions in some religion & sects such as Judaism, Christianity, Shia Muslims & others that some Prophets & Imams were ascended/lifted to Paradise/heavens with their bodies of flesh/bones. Let I tell the ABOSUTE TRUTH abt this matter to all over 6 billions sons & daughters of ADAM & EVE on this planet that NO ONE EVER WENT TO PARADISE WITH HUMAN BODY, & DIED PEOPLE NEVER EVER RETRURN TO THIS WORLD AS BABY DOES NOT RETURN TO WOMB OF HER MOTHER AFTER BIRTH
Mr “X” do not have direct physical evidence that he is son of MR “Z” and MRS “Z”. But still he believes that he is legitimate son. How? By indirect evidence of his dad and mom.  Just like, u know God by his attributes and his management he is running every thing and from scriptures / Prophets. Even with out digging the tomb, we have much more than enough Biblical Quranic and historical evidence that JESUS is buried in ROZA BAL Sri nagar Kashmir

No one dies for the sin of others and no one died for so EVER. He was saved from to be killed on cross with the WILL of Allah(Some say God) Almighty. He was resuscitated (not resurrected) from his tomb. Abt 80 pound Aloe Vera was used on his body (see Gospel). Aloe Vera is STRONG wound healing herb. He later immigrated to Srinagar (amng 10 lost tribes) & is burried there. He was a man and a Prophet of God. COME OUT of fictions and face truth.


To show false believe abt Jesus ascend/ascend as correct which is not, ignorant muslims and Mullas r sticking with fictions of ur masters Christians & so to satisfy ur false prestige even they r misinterpreting the translation of Quran DELIBERATELY. U r translating same word RAFA HU in different way for Eisa & Idris PBUH & for other prophets. Allah may drop his curse on who r DELIBERATELY misinterpreting Quran to satisfy there false prestige. Ascend/descend is never mentioned in Quran. See Translation of Muhammad Asad.

If U read different editions of old bibles, It becomes clear like SUN on the sky that Jesus was put on the Cross (a trail from Allah many times came on prophets) but he was not Killed on Cross/survived (Wa Ma Salabu in Noble Quran). He was in coma, later 80 lb Aloe Vera strong healing herb was used on his body, he was resuscitated. Later he & family secretly traveled to Lost 10 tribes of Jews (Kashmir Afghanistan). He lived ~100 yr and died in Srinagar.

To undrstand the case of CROSS, considr an example: Mr. X says, David is failed in Math’ EXAM. but Mr. Y says No, he is passed in EXAM. So  is conflict abt the matter PASS or FAIL, but there is no doubt in the existence of the PIVOT of this conflict which is EXAMINATION, & in the case of Eisa S/O Mary, PIVET of the matter is CROSS. So there is no doubt that he was on cross but conflict is, he was killed on CROSS (SALABU) or not killed on cross WA MA SALABU. So he was not killed on CROSS
In Verse 4:157 "WA MA QATALU & WA MA SALABU" is used.  Which mean "Esa was not killed, nor died on cross". Aparently one may think that WA MA QATALU was enough SO why Quran has also used the word WA MA SALABU? See so high eloquence of Quran that WA MA SALBU is used to ASSERT that he was tried to kill on CROSS but was not killed as Christian say, & Allah saved him from dieing on CROSS.  WA MA SALBU=NOT CRUCIFIED=NOT KILLED ON CROSS. (Crucify mean to KILL ON CROSS see oxford dictionary).
In verse 4:157:   SALABU=Crucify=TO kill some one on CROSS.
Reverse of SALABU is WA MA SALBU= Not CRUCIFIED=NOT KILLED ON CROSS. Allah has always tested & tried his friends. Even in the battle of Ohad the tooth of the Prophet was injured who is BEST of Humanity. Abrahim was tossed in fire & was saved. Jesus was fixed on cross, his feet were nailed & it seemed to Jews  he was died but in fact was in coma. Was treated by his fiends by ALOE VERA in tomb and on 3rd day he was brought out of tomb

If u take 300000 diamond & at the end after hard & very honest sort out, u say that just 2602 diamonds are real which is less than 1% of total 300000. So there is VERY HIGH PROBABILITY that even in 2602 diamonds, still there will be some fake diamonds. Hadith abt ascend/descend of Jesus is a fake diamond & is not mentioned in FIRST BOOK of Hadith Muwatta Imam Malik. Also that Hadith conflict with Quran, as Quran certify natural death of Jesus in later period after survival from death on cross

All historians say, Asma, the elder sister of Aisha, was ten years older than Aisha. Asma is reported to die in the 73 AH, when she was 100 years old. Now, obviously if Asma was 100 years old in the 73 AH, she shud hv bin 27 or 28 year old at the time of Migration to Medina (1 AH). If Asma was 27 or 28 years old at that time, Aisha should have been 17 or 18 years old at the same time. Thus, Aisha - if she got married in 1 AH or 2 AH - was between 18 to 20 years old at the time of her marriage. Hadith those say Aisha age was 9 years are BATIL/Daeef/False. In FACT AISHA was 23 years at the time of real marriage.

There r many forged hadiths in Bukhari & other Hadith books too, just like a major portion of all editions of Bibles are forged.  Quran is only PROTECTED BOOK. With surety, the hadiths in Bukhari that say Aisa was of 6-9 years  when married, & Jesus was ascended & will descend later were 100% forged by hypocrites (not Muslims from inside but Christians or Jews) to defame Islam. All historians agree that Aisha was of 18-23 age when marriage took place

According to centuries old made-up fictions, Jesus took a flight to Paradise with his human body & sat on the right hand of God & he died for the sins of Christians So they r free to do sins now & will descend to wars torn earth again!!!
But we hv full fledge UNDENIABLE AUTHENTIC HISTORICAL EVIDENCE to prove that he survived death on cross, fled to Kashmir & died at 120 age there. Any one can go to Srinagar Kashmir to visit his grave where he is buried Eastern-western as per Jews traditions.

Now reader MUST think "that Jesus told that he has been sent just for lost sheep (tribes) of Jews". So where were these 10 lost tribes at that time??. They were moved to Kashmir & Afghanistan in 741 BC by a Strong Syrian King. So after survival from cross JESUS went to lost tribes in Kashmir & lived there 120 years & is buried in Roza Bal Srinagar. How a dead person will drop gain to this earth as this mulla says?? Quran never says, he will drop again from paradise to earth.

A died person has NEVER NEVER NEVER ever returned & can NEVER NEVER NEVER return to this world again & this  is clearly said in Glorious Quran & in authentic Hadiths  “People who r died & buried never return to this world, just like after birth, baby does not return to the womb of her mother (read Hadith, Quran, Bible). Go & see Roza Bal in Srinagar; S/O Mary is buried there & his grave is Eastern-Western as per Jews tradition 2000 years ago. Do not follow fictions of DUMB pork eaters

1000000% TRUTH:

Glorious Quran VERY CLEARLY says: Jesus survived death on cross; then Lived a natural life, & finally died. Quran is silent abt the age of Jesus but ALL HIGHLY AUTHENTIC HISTORICAL sources tell us EXACTLY SAME as is mentioned in Quran. History tells, He went to lost tribes of Jews (Kashmris r lost 10 tribes Moved from Palestine to Kashmir 741 B.C by King Nebuchadnezzar), lived abt 120 years, & is buried in Sri Nagar. All Kashmiris and wise scholars know this TRUTH VERY WELL



Sikhs r one of the most misguided people on this planet regarding their religion. THIS IS TRUTH that cannot be denied that Baba Nanak was a GREAT SUFI MUSLIM, and during Mughal empire, renegade sikhs created a lot of troubles for Mughals so they punished them severely, because Mughals were Muslims, so since that day, they fabricated their new religion & created tussle with Muslims. After hundreds of yrs they stole poetry of mny Sufi Poets & made a book so called GRANTH

In last years of his life, Baba Nanak was always wearing a long gown, which still exists in Dera Nanak. When this Gown was unwrapped from mny mny wraps aft hundreds of yrs, It was found that inside of this gown was ONLY inscribed verses of Quran & famous verse called AIAT-UL-Kursi. This is 1000000% PROOF that Baba Nanak (God may sanctify his soul & keep him in superior levels of paradise) was a GREAT MUSLIM SUFI. BUT there is no way to convince a STUBBORN Sikh-- NO WAY MAN

A nonMuslim has to do nothing with MAKKA in Saudia Arabia, nor a nonMuslim is allowed to go there. Baba Nanak (God may sanctify his soul & keep him in superior level of Paradise) went to Makka for Hajj. Can a nonMuslim enter in Makka?? NO. Through out his life, he was always keeping Quran in his Pothi. He went to Caliph Baghdad Iraq & was rewarded by Caliph. WILL A MUSLIM CALIPH REWARD A NON-MUSLIM.??? If U R A WISE PERSON, FOLLOW Quran as Baba Nanak was a Muslim Sufi & follower of Quran

It bcoms 100% CLEAR tht Nanak ws a Great Muslim Sufi but stil some stuborn fools disputed abt this truth in his life & even aft his death. He ws a highly wise sage, so to make dis dispute 100% clear, bfore death he left his “ADVICE” tht preserve my CHOLA. Why?? He wanted to show TRUTH SEEKERS tht who he was. Wen CHOLA ws seen by a team of researchers in Dera Nanak, they found ONLY & ONLY Quran inscribed on chola. Now a Sikh with UNBIASED brain can understand EASILY wat Baba Nanak meant?

A team of scholars went to see chola, they unwrapped this chola of Nanak in front of mny sikh & other people. Finally every one saw on chola, only Islamic Kalama & Quran was writen. Can u deny TRUE INSPECTION of chola by Ahamdis? Note! THIS CHOLA  ALWYS REMAINED UNDER THE CONTROL OF SIKHS, SO U CANNOT SAY THT ANY MUSLIM HAD CHANGED IT. HV U ANY answer??? After inspection, true pics of chola, was posted on internet too & any one can see it. This is 100% proof tht he was a devoted Muslim?

Being a follower of Baba Nanak (as u sikh claims); surely u would like to see picture of chola of Baba Nanak that he always used up to end of his life. To see that chola.
Go to google and click on IMAGES. then type in search box "chola and nanak" with out quotations and enter. now click on top-left first & 2nd picture which will show u ONLY and ONLY QURANIC VERSES & Muslim kalama WRITTEN ON CHOLA OF GURU NANK. Nanak also went to Makka/Madina & did perfect hajj

Wen a person dies, his FINAL ADVICE is alwys takn as very important. Wat ws FINAL ADVICE of Baba Nanak??? It was: "PRESERVE MY CHOLA (GOWN)". By doing so, this wise sage IN FACT told to his followers wat path they should folow aft his death. When chola/cloak was inspected by a team of researchers, ONLY & ONLY QURAN WAS FOUND INSCRIBED ON THE CHOLA. So it is clear like SUN ON THE SKY tht he told his folower to folow Quran aft his death. But dere is no way to convince a foolish stubborn beast.



 Let I tell Trillion% truth to My Sweet and Beloved CHRISTIANS friends tht acording to ur faith, Jesus ws ascended alive with body of blood/flesh/bones to Paradise & sat on the right hand of God & This is a corner stone and core of your faith.

But it hs bin proved by irrefutable & undeniable highly authentic historic evidence, study of copies of all oldest bibles & Glorious Quran (final protected book of God) tht Jesus lived a long life aft failed crucifixion (Wa Ma Salabu) & is buried in RozaBal Kashmir. So ur God/Son of God is dead. Sorry! U R Godless now; I know this is not a good news for u. U have to find another God now!!! Even many many high learned Christian university professor know about this TRUTH which I have told you.


But a wise person who have believe on one GOD and believes that Jesus PBUH was not more than a God's Prophet and was died like all other prophet died on earth, should not worry. One GOD of such a wise person is alive for ever and will never die and GOD never dies, only his creature dies, and this was the teaching of un-forged aramaic Bibles, Tora, Pslam, other all scripture and Final scripture of GOD "QURAN", and all prophets from Adam to Muhammad (PBUT). WORSHIP ONLY AND ONLY ONE GOD and DONOT ASSOCIATE ANY ONE WITH GOD.


My beloved Atheist, Jew, Christian, Budd,Muslim and all Non-Muslim Brothers and sisters


All Prophets of God has preached same one message which is core of Islam, It is:


 The best and my most honest advice for u all is: Follow Quran sincerely and u will go to paradise with the mercy of Allah (one God of Universe). Quran is final protected revelation of God. A single word is not changed in it from 1500 yearss and will NEVER change as Allah has said repeatedly "I am Gatherer and protector of this Final revelation" 


He writes:
“The Messenger of Allah said that, on the night of the Mi‘raj, he saw Adam, Joseph, Moses, Aaron, Jesus and Abraham, in the heavens. Assuredly it was their souls.”

(Kashf al-Mah[1]jub, Chapter al-Kalam fir-ruh[1], p. 204).


This clearly tells us that Miraaj Sharif was spiritually and in Paradise Jesus PBUH is present in spiritual form and not with body of flesh and bones as Christians and many ignorant Muslims believe. Spirit (real person) of all prophets/saints/pious persons is raised/elevated to paradise permanently ONLY AND ONLY AFTER PERMANENT DEATH, and temporarily during sleep, near-to-death condition and during ecstasy of true Muslim Sufi (not a "Mulhad" who claim to be sufi). A true sufi is who follow Quran and authentic sunna strictly.



Wat Imam Hasan RA s/o Caliph Ali RA said abt natural death of Son of Mary:

Imam Hasan RA, recounting the events relating to the death of Hadhrat Ali RA, stated,

"he (Ali) died during the 27th night of the month of Ramadan, the same night that the spirit of Jesus s/o Mary was raised to heaven." (Tabaqat Ibn Sa'ad, vol III Page 26).

Note: Aft death, spirit of every prophet & pious person is raised to heaven/paradise & body of flesh and bones is buried on earth. SO JESUS WAS DIED ON EARTH




Know! and remember firmly that Miraaj Sharif was also spirtual and not with physical body of Prophet Mohammad PBUH the chief of all prophets and last Prophet - the best among humans (Refer to Quranic commentry of Muhammad Asad). How close a wife is to his husband is not a hidden fact from any one. Aysha Siddiqa (Umma-Tul-Momaineen Wife of Prphet Muhammad said the Miraaj was spirual). Spirit has millions trillians times more powers, vision, and speed than flesh and bones made physical body. It has no physical and time limits. A spirit can see and visit places in less than a minute, which can not be visied by physical body in years. Allah is Latif-Ul-Khabir. He does the tasks in most efficiant and optimum & optimized way. Now If you want to go to Mecca, U can ride on a donkey and go there, or aslo u can go there by air. but which is efficient and optimum route?


During Miraaj, Prophet Mohammad (Best of humanity) met with Adam, Moses,Jesus, Ibrahim and other prophets who are all died with natural death. So how can the Prophet meet at same place with EISA in his Phyical Body? It is matter of common sense to understand. Two persons in a physcal body can have a meeting in this world and two people in spiritual body can have a meeting in paradise. It is non-sense to assume that a Person with physical body had a meeting with other person in spiritual body in paradise or a Person with spiritual body had a meeting with other person in physical body in paradise or two persons/Prophets with their physical bodies have a meeting in paradise. Any human physical body made of flesh and bones can not exist in an other dimension such as in paradise. Paradise is another dimension. Moses PBUH wished to see Allah Almighty at Mountain of Sinai. Allah told Moses, you are not able to see me. Then what happened? I expect u know it already. Moreover I expect you have grasped the concept what I want to tell you about.


Regarding Quran-Ul-Majeed, if u read it with unbiased mind and unbiased translation (such as by Muhammad Asad), you will realize that Quran-Ul-Hakim says that EISA son of Mary PBUH was put on the cross but survived [note that in English "Crucifixion" and in Arabic "SALABU" mean to KILL some one on CROSS (see oxford dictionary)], and so "WA MA SALBU" mean, to not be able to kill some one on the CROSS).  


To understand the case of CROSS, consider an example: Mr. “X” says, David is failed in Maths’ EXAMINATION but Mr. “Y’ says No, he is passed in EXAMINATION. So both have completely opposite opinion about the matter PASS or FAIL, but there is no doubt in the existence of the PIVOT of this conflict. In their case PIVET is EXAMINATION, and in the case of Eisa S/O Mary, PIVET of the matter is CROSS. So there is no doubt that he was on cross but conflict is, he was killed on cross (SALABU) or not killed on cross WA MA SALABU).  So Allah Azzo Jal have said in Glorious Quran that Eisa did not die on the CROSS – WA MA SALABU. 


I have given this a.m example because many of our muslim brothers understand that WA MA SALBU means to not put some one on cross. NO my brethren! The meaning of WA MA SALABU means to not kill some one on cross. Please refer to the meaning of crucifixion in oxford dictionary. Besides, before using the word WA MA SALABU, Quran-Ul-Hakim has used the word WA MA QATALU (to kill some one by any method). So to use the word WA MA SALABU after the word WA MA QATALU has a great mystery which asserts that he was on cross but not crucified – not killed on cross.

Later Noble Quran tells us about the natural death of JESUS in many versus EXPLICITLY using word WAFA, Tmout, moot, TouAffatani etc. Please do not twist the meanings of these well known and well understood Arabic words in order to reconcile it with unauthentic Hadiths.


So it is clear in Quran-Ul-Hakim as the SUN is clear on the sky that Eisa son of Mary (PBUH) survived crucifixion with WILL of Allah Almighty who has aslo the beautiful names of Al-Qaadar & Al-Muqtadir, and Jesus PBUH lived a normal life later after survival(Saint Iraneous old Church father) writes, that JESUS lived arround 100 years of age). There is more than enough evidence in history too that he immigrated (so secretly that even he changed his name to Yuz Asaf so Romans and Jews should not be able to arrrest him again) from Jerusalem towars EAST after survival with his close family members. Hindu's 3000 old books, Persian, Budh, Russian and Kashmiris history books show CLEARLY by mentioning the name of Eisa s/o Mary that he finally lived in 10 lost tribles of Jews in Srinagar(Kashmiris and Afghanis).


Even ascend of Jesus PBUH is not mentioned in oldest manually written Bibles. Read below:


ONE OF THE GREATEST SCHOLARS of Bibles Dr. Constantine von Tischendorf, who aft having personally examined the original hand written copies of the oldest available Four Gospels hv quoted:

“tht the texts for the physical ascension of Jesus to heaven or Jesus being carried by the angels to heaven, are lacking in these ancient documents. The texts tht are found within the published copies of the circulating gospels on the subject of the physical ascension of Jesus hv been added centuries later"




Saint Irenaeus (120 C.E) Old church father, writes in his book “Against heresies” age of Jesus ~100 year.



My brothers and sisters!!!

 مَن يَهْدِ اللَّهُ فَهُوَ الْمُهْتَدِي وَمَن يُضْلِلْ فَلَن تَجِدَ لَهُ وَلِيًّا مُّرْشِدًا

Death of Jesus/Eisa PBUH on the earth does not reduce his satus from prophethood, He is still one of the greatest Prophets of God. Even the last/Chief of all prophets Muhammad PBUH was died on this earth and is buried on this earth. All prophets used to live and then were died on earth. It is childish to believe that a person/prophet can go to paradise alive with the mortal body of flesh and bones. A pious person/Prophet/Saint only goes to paradise PERMANENTLY after death. (But an empty headed ignorant stupid mulla will find some way to escape from this truth that is given in this verse. He may twist this VERY CLEAR verse of Quran in order to stregthen his fiction of Ascend and Descend of Jesus PBUH.)


Just this single verse of Noble Quran is MORE THAN ENUF to prove that ESA/Jesus was died on earth like all other prophets.


Folowing verse of Quran is 1000000% prove tht like al othr prophets EISA is also died:


"& MUHAMMAD is only an apostle; all the [other] apostles have passed away before him: if, then, he dies or is slain, will you turn about on your heels? (Quran 3:144)


This verse stress on the mortality of the Prophet - & THAT OF ALL OTHER PROPHETS WHO PROCEDED HIM IN TIME (Dr. Muhammad Asad - The best unbiased & most qualified sunni Quran Translator)


Is dere written in this verse: All the other apostles have passed away EXCEPT EISA???



Important Note:

 مَن يَهْدِ اللَّهُ فَهُوَ الْمُهْتَدِي وَمَن يُضْلِلْ فَلَن تَجِدَ لَهُ وَلِيًّا مُّرْشِدًا


What I have posted here is 100% undeniable/Irrefutable PROOF that Eisa/Jesus AS was not ascended. He is died on earth. But If some one stick to fictions, surely even a million scholars & a century is not enuf to convince tht stubborn.


A stubborn is like dead rock, on which grows nothing even if u throw tons of water upon it daily. U will waste ur time.


Pls note that I am a strictly sunni muslim. But I am folower of TOP Suni scholars who like many ignorant Mullas do not deliberately twist the verses of Noble Quran in order to reconcile them with fake hadiths  of Ascend/descend of Jesus PBUH.




If you are not a stubborn (as I expect) but are an unbiased intelligent researcher with bright open/unbiased mind then u will find the core principle of this matter in following two paragraphs. What is given in following two paragraph is UNIVERSAL TRUTH:




 مَن يَهْدِ اللَّهُ فَهُوَ الْمُهْتَدِي وَمَن يُضْلِلْ فَلَن تَجِدَ لَهُ وَلِيًّا مُّرْشِدًا


In fact paradise is another dimension and it is out of question that any person with his physical body can go there. Human can visit paradise/other side (if God permits) only in 4 states: Aft death, during sleep, when near-to-death, and when a truthful believer Sufi is in ecstasy. In first case, spirit is out of body permanently,  in other 3 cases spirit (real person) is out of body temporarily. This is truth of the truths but even a century is not enough to convince a stubborn. O man No way.



From centuries there r mny forged fictions in some religion & sects such as Judaism, Christianity, Shia Muslims & others that some Prophets & Imams were ascended/lifted to Paradise/heavens with their bodies of flesh/bones. Let I tell the ABOSUTE TRUTH abt this matter to all over 6 billions sons & daughters of ADAM & EVE on this planet that NO ONE EVER WENT TO PARADISE WITH HUMAN BODY, & DIED PEOPLE NEVER EVER RETRURN TO THIS WORLD AS BABY DOES NOT RETURN TO WOMB OF HER MOTHER AFTER BIRTH






  وَمَا مُحَمَّدٌ إِلاَّ رَسُولٌ قَدْ خَلَتْ مِن قَبْلِهِ الرُّسُلُ أَفَإِن مَّاتَ أَوْ قُتِلَ انقَلَبْتُمْ عَلَى أَعْقَابِكُمْ وَمَن يَنقَلِبْ عَلَىَ عَقِبَيْهِ فَلَن يَضُرَّ اللّهَ شَيْئًا وَسَيَجْزِي اللّهُ الشَّاكِرِينَ (3:144)


"& MUHAMMAD is only an apostle; all the [other] apostles have passed away before him: if, then, he dies or is slain, will you turn about on your heels? (Quran 3:144)


This verse stress on the mortality of the Prophet - & THAT OF ALL OTHER PROPHETS WHO PROCEDED HIM IN TIME (Dr. Muhammad Asad - The best unbiased & most qualified sunni Quran Translator)


Is there written in this verse: All the other apostles have passed away EXCEPT EISA/Jesus???



Allah Azzo Jal who has also one beautiful name "AL-HAADI" among the most beautiful 99 name; may show me and you the right path and true knowledge - Amin



 "I (JESUS) was sent only to the lost sheep (lost tribes) of the house of Israel". Bible Matthew 15:24 


Now we see where did go the lost tribes of Israel after attack by Syrian king 722 B.C. and again when attacked by Babylon King Nebuchadnezzar (Bakhat Nasar) 586 B.C ??? Authentic History tells us WITH SURETY: Kashmir. For authentic proof, read a free online GREAT book at following link:



 Sarcophagus above the grave of Jesus son of Mary PBUH in Roza Bal Srinagar Kashmir



 Actual Grave is under this sarcophagus which is also sown below


 Tomb of Jesus PBUH (Roza Bal - inside view of actual grave under sarcophagus, Srinagar, Kashmir

(My Brothers/Sisters, this is 1000000% Truth)


This is real (but very rare) picture of Grave of Jesus/Isa PBUH apparently hidden under sarcophagus sown above. This 2000 years old Grave is in ROZABAL Kashmir EASTERN-WESTERN like Jews traditions. Muslim and Muslims in Kashmir do not bury Eastern-Western but in Northern-Southern.

Attached to the grave are foot print that clearly show nail driven in his feet; that show the buried person was tried on cross. He is Son of Mary who survived death on cross (as is mentioned in Glorious Quran - WA MA SALABU - NOT KILLED ON CROSS) and secretly fled to lost 10 tribes of Jews in Kashmir. Lived there 120 years and died there. Syrian King deported lost 10 tribes of Jews 722 BC and again Babylon King Nebuchadnezzar (Bakhat Nasar) in 586 BC. Read authentic History.


Recent claim of a Jew So called archaeologist that tomb of Jesus is in Israel Talpiot Tomb is CRUDE Forgery and have an political agenda behind it. There is no biblical, and historical nor true/honest archaeological evidence to prove that false claim. Presently read what one of the greatest Scholar and renown highly honest archaeologist Dr Fida Husnain say about this forgery of Talpiot Tomb:


To read What Dr Fida Husnain says about Talpiot tomb alleged forgery, please visit following link:  The best thing for u is to read free online following book to realize the truth:


   Footprints near the tomb of Jesus PBUH in Roza Bal, Srinagar  Kashmir

 Foot print that clearly show nail driven in his feet; that show the buried person was tried on cross. He is Son of Mary who survived death on cross (as is mentioned in Glorious Quran - WA MA SALABU - NOT KILLED ON CROSS) and secretly fled to lost 10 tribes of Jews in Kashmir. Lived there 120 years and died there. Syrian King deported lost 10 tribes of Jews 722 BC and again Babylon King Nebuchadnezzar (Bakhat Nasar) in 586 BC. Read authentic History



An Authentic Hadith with a very sound narration chain:

Hazrat Fatima, Allah be pleased with her, relates from the
Holy Prophet:

“Jesus, son of Mary, lived to the age of 120 years.”

(Kanz al-‘Ummal, vol. vi, p. 120)

Please Note that Kanz al-‘Ummal - a hadith book was compliled by Islamic Imam/Scholar Ali ibn Abd-al-Malik al-Hindi (died 1590 CE/975 AH) & Qadianis were not existing in 1590 C.E)


 After Surviving death on cross (As Noble Quran Says WA MA SALBU - Not died on cross), Jesus secretely travelled to Kashmir by this route with his close family members. If u go to following link and click on each red dot given in map, then u will be able to read detail of AUTHENtIC HISTORICAL, Biblical, and Quranic evidence on each red dot location. Very interesting. So please go to following link.


Following is the picture of Green tomb of Prophet Muhammad PBUH, Chief of all Prophets, Last Prophet, Seal of all Prophets, best of all humanity, the best life model for a pious person, Sent by God as a mercy for whole universe (Jesus PBUH was sent ONLY and ONLY for Lost 10 tribes of Israel and It is written in all copies of Bibles). However all prophets were human beings made of mortal body of flesh and bones and all prophets were died on earth like all other humans dies, like u will die one day and I will die one day.

If Chief of all prophets [who is predicted in world's all scriptures from book of Adam to Quran very clearly (but stubborns do not believe)] can die on this earth then what is problem if Son of Mary is also died on this earth???



  إِنَّ اللَّهَ وَمَلَائِكَتَهُ يُصَلُّونَ عَلَى النَّبِيِّ يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا صَلُّوا عَلَيْهِ وَسَلِّمُوا تَسْلِيمًا (33:56)

 (Glorious Quran verse #: 33:56) Verily, God and His angels bless the Prophet: [hence,] O you who have attained to faith, bless him and give yourselves up [to his guidance] in utter self-surrender!



 Graves in Kashmir Valley


If we read bible book of Deuteronomy, It becomes crystal clear that in fact promised land  for Jews in the time of Moses A.S was Kashmir and never ever the Palestine as Jews claim.  In the bible book of Deuteronomy all that 4 or 5 points about geographical location of grave of Moses A.S are pinpointed are EXACTLY EXACTLY EXACTLY in Kashmir with same names and location (not in Palestine). Even Jews all books admit that Moses never entered in the land of Palestine. Even temple of Solomon A.S is still existing in Kashmir. There is no any solid authentic historical evidence that wailing wall in Jerusalem is a part of destroyed temple of Solomon. If we read authentic history we realize that In fact Kashmir's first word Kash is from Cush. Cush was a son of Noh A.S Noh is also buried in Kashmir. Even Ibrahim A.S was from this area and later went to Arab lands/Mekka Muazzama with Haajra  R.A. Kashmir remained central point for old humans and many many prophets.  


The traveling Arab historian El Bironi in the 12th century wrote, "In the past, permission to enter Kashmir was given only to Jews."


The history of the Kashmiris is shrouded in mystery as is the history of other people in that region. Most Kashmir researchers are of the opinion that many inhabitants of Kashmir are descendants of the Lost Tribes who were exiled in 722 BCE. They wandered along the Silk Road into the countries of the East, Persia and Afghanistan until they reached the Kashmir valley and settled there. Others say the wanderings began approximately 300 years later. The wanderers settled in Kashmir, kept their traditions until they were converted to Islam when the spread of Islam reached the valley. The priest Kitro in his book, the General History of the Mughal Empire, said that the Kashmir people are the descendants of the Israelites. For Sure, Kashmiris are by origin Jews. This is 100% truth.


"I (JESUS) was sent only to the lost sheep (lost tribes) of the house of Israel". Bible Matthew 15:24 

(and Kashmiris are lost 10 tribes of Israelis. After survival death on cross, he secretely immigrated to Kashmir after changing his name to Yuz Asaph so that should not be arrested by Romans/Jews priests again, preached there for a long time and died at the age of ~120 yr and is buried in Roza Bal Srinagar Kahmir) Read this great book for 100% authentic proof:



 The truth

"Eisa/Jesus (Peace Be Upon Him) was neither ascended nor wil so descend" is not the product of Ahmadis. Frm centuries authentic historical books, Noble Quran, & frm authentic Hadith, It is 100% clear abt dis truth. Ahmadis are just one party in this matter. Ahamadis/Qadianis are just 150 years old, whether this truth is 2000 years old tht Eisa AS was not ascended. But if some one sticks to fictions, no one can stop him. Mny mny TOP MOST Suni Scholars know abt this truth tht Ascend/descend is fiction of Christians.  

Know that! 2+2 is always equal to 4 even said by a Budh, Jew, Christian, Qadiani/Ahmadi or by a Muslim. Truth is always truth and it has no boundaries of sects and dogmas. You cannot escape from a truth by saying, Oh this is a propaganda of Jews, Christians, Budhs or Qadianis






Allah Azzo Jal (GOD Almighty) many time test sincerity of his friends


To understand the case of CROSS, considr an example: Mr. X says, David is failed in Math’ EXAM. but Mr. Y says No, he is passed in EXAM. So  is conflict abt the matter PASS or FAIL, but there is no doubt in the existence of the PIVOT of this conflict which is EXAMINATION, & in the case of Eisa S/O Mary, PIVET of the matter is CROSS. So there is no doubt that he was on cross but conflict is, he was killed on CROSS (SALABU) or not killed on cross WA MA SALABU. So he was not killed on CROSS according to Quran, Bibles, and Authentic history.

Conc. Son of Mary, Glorious Quran uses the word WA MA QATALU & again WA MA SALABU. Which mean he was neither killed by any of method nor was killed on CROSS. Refr to Oxford Dictionry. Crucify mean to KILL SOMEONE ON CROSS (in Arabic SALABU) TO NOT BE ABLE TO KILL SOME ONE ON CROSS WILL BE IN ARABIC (reverse of crucify) WA MA SALABU. SO he was tried on CROSS but was not killed on cross, was in coma (but it appeared to them like he was dead) & later resuscitated (not resurrected as some believe).

People who are good reader of authentic history know very well that not every one used to die on cross. It was not only son of Mary (PBUH) who survived death on cross (Wa Ma Salabu - according to Glorious Quran) but some others used to survive too.

We have many proofs in present scientific world that a person was declared dead by a team of top class medical doctors (Roman soldier was not technologically more advance or a bigger doctor than doctors of our time). He was sent to freezing morgue for three days and after 3 days when doctor brought his body for postmortem, he opened his eyes right before postmortem and survived and lectured later for a long time in American universities and hv died a natural death later.

In verse 4:157:   SALABU=Crucify=TO kill some one on CROSS.
Reverse of SALABU is WA MA SALBU= Not CRUCIFIED=NOT KILLED ON CROSS. Allah has always tested & tried his friends. Even in the battle of Ohad the tooth of the Prophet was injured who is BEST of Humanity. Abrahim AS was tossed in fire & was saved, Job suffered acute disease for a long time and remained patient/never complained and was finally recovered, BIG Fish was ordered to swallow Younas AS (Jonah) and after he repented was freed after 3 days and later lived a life and died naturally ON EARTH - NOT ASCENDED, Noh was badly teased by evil people, Yahya (John the Baptist) AS were even murdered by evil people and Jesus was fixed on cross, his feet were nailed & it seemed to Jews  he was died but in fact was in coma. Was treated by his fiends by ALOE VERA-one of the most potent healing herb for injuries (read bible) in tomb and on 3rd day he was brought out of tomb.

Even God has HARD tested his Friends/Saints like Muslim SUFI MASTER Mansur Hallaj Who used to pray every night hundreds of units pray to Almighty God and always praised God and Last Prophet.

As a result of misunderstanding by some state-Paid scholars (who used to have JUST superficial knowledge of Islam); he was cut into pieces but after that each piece was loudly saying ALLAH (GOD); then they burned these pieces and threw them in River DAJLA near Baghdad where war is going on now a days.

Father Ptinno in Italy refused to follow some fictions created by church, he was drowned alive in sea.

A medical university student near Rome told that It is not necessary to ask God some thing through Church priest as per their made up rules and any one can ask God directly. Now what inquisition of Church had done with this martyr?? In human history It is not easy to find such an barbarous example of punishment:

Tons of oil was boiling in a big container and he was kept standing in front of that container. He was told that u will be thrown in that boiling oil ALIVE if u do not deny what u have said. THIS one of the GREATEST TRUE CHRISTIAN martyrs refused again, so was thrown ALIVE in boiling oil and inquisition members were watching that.

Allah (GOD) many many time test/take exam of sincerity who claim they love GOD (friends of GOD). Death is big misery in our sights of humans, but if God allow u to go behind the curtain, u will see, death is nothing more than to walk away from one room to another, from where u can never return to the first room.


Again my Final Declaration:



I swear my God / Allah Azzo Jal who also knows the secretes of hearts


I am a SUNNI MUSLIM.I beleive the Muhammad PBUH was the last Prophet and seal of all prophets. Any person who claim the prophethood/Nabi after Muhammad PBUH is UNDOUBTEDLY a BIGGEST LIAR of this world. I donot have any believe of any type on Mirza Ghulam Ahmed of Qadian/Ahmadis



 مَن يَهْدِ اللَّهُ فَهُوَ الْمُهْتَدِي وَمَن يُضْلِلْ فَلَن تَجِدَ لَهُ وَلِيًّا مُّرْشِدًا

He whom God guides, he alone has found the right way; whereas for him whom He lets go astray thou canst never find any protector who would point out the right way. (Glorious Quran - last part of verse 18:17)





(I highly recommend that you please visit following links in FULL)

This site has a sea of authentic info about this subject. I highly recommend that u visit this site IN FULL  as an open minded UNBIASED Reseracher (not as a stubborn Mulla or priest). Thanks

If you wish to a read a very truthful book about the life of Jesus from A to Z with 100's of authentic references; then do not miss to read this book.  This is free online book in pdf format. Though there are many other very good books on this subject but I have never found a book so well researched with hundreds of authentic references. I highly recommend that u please read this book. 

Islamic Research Foundation International, Inc. Go to this Sunni Islamic site and read about Son of Mary 

If any muslim or a non-Muslim brother/sister wish to know the 100% truth about the actual age of Aisha RA (Wife of Prophet Muhammad PBUH) at the time of marriage; then please visit this link. U will not get better authentic information at internet than what is given in this pdf file. thanks

This link provide u some info about authenticity of Hadiths in General. Good to read.



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I have posted truth for wise people


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