Where are we now Part III - Getting close to men or women of power
Thu, 05/15/2008 - 10:52 — Anonymous
I would draw you attention to the Project, the Muslim Brotherhood plan to take over the world, this is not the full document as I have not been able to locate it but it does give you a feel
The Project – Muslim Brotherhood
Point of Departure 1: To know the terrain and adopt a scientific methodology for its planning and execution.
Point of Departure 2: To demonstrate proof of the serious nature of the work.
Point of Departure 3: To reconcile international engagement with flexibility at a local level.
Point of Departure 4: To reconcile political engagement and the necessity of avoiding isolation on one hand, with permanent education and institutional action on the other.
Point of Departure 5: To be used to establish an Islamic State; parallel, progressive efforts targeted at controlling the local centres of power through institutional action.
Point of Departure 6: To work with loyalty alongside Islamic groups and institutions in multiple areas to agree on common ground, in order to "cooperate on the points of agreement and set aside the points of disagreement".
Point of Departure 7: To accept the principle of temporary cooperation between Islamic movements and nationalist movements in the broad sphere and on common ground such as the struggle against colonialism, preaching and the Jewish state, without however having to form alliances. This will require, on the other hand, limited contacts between certain leaders, on a case by case basis, as long as these contacts do not violate the [shariah?] law. Nevertheless, one must not give them allegiance or take them into confidence, bearing in mind that the Islamic movement must be the origin of the initiatives and orientations taken.
Point of Departure 8: To master the art of the possible on a temporary basis without abusing the basic principles, bearing in mind that Allah's teachings always apply. One must order the suitable and forbid that which is not, always providing a documented opinion [? "Il faut ordonner le convenable et interdire le blâmable, tout en donnant un avis documenté"]. But we should not look for confrontation with our adversaries, at the local or the global scale, which would be disproportionate and could lead to attacks against the dawa or its disciples.
Point of Departure 9: To construct a permanent force of the Islamic dawa and support movements engaged in jihad across the Muslim world, to varying degrees and insofar as possible.
Point of Departure 10: To use diverse and varied surveillance systems, in several places, to gather information and adopt a single effective warning system serving the worldwide Islamic movement. In fact, surveillance, policy decisions and effective communications complement each other.
Point of Departure 11: To adopt the Palestinian cause as part of a worldwide Islamic plan, with the policy plan and by means of jihad, since it acts as the keystone of the renaissance of the Arab world today.
Point of Departure 12: To know how to turn to self-criticism and permanent evaluation of worldwide Islamic policy and its objectives, of its content and its procedures, in order to improve it. This is a duty and a necessity according to the precepts of sharia.
To demonstrate proof of the serious nature of the work.
a- Elements:
Clarity of the principal objectives of the dawa in the eyes of all, as well as clarity of the temporary objectives, necessitates exploitation, channelling and orientation of the energies.
Devote sufficient effort to the service of the workers [for Allah] and coordinate their efforts to the sole and same objective.
Devote sufficient time.
Spend money to the extent possible.
Exploit all the energies of the workers to the service of the dawa, each at his level (the criterion of efficiency, given that each must be devoted to the task to which he's assigned).
Mobilise the greatest possible number of supporters and officials.
Collect money efficiently, control expenses and invest in the general interest.
c- Suggested missions:
Carry out a survey of workers (appropriate men and appropriate location)
Establish schedules with the hours of workers and specialists and use their efforts with good judgement and on time (appropriate effort at the right time).
An engagement with economic institutions adequate to support the cause financially.
The Movement should take every care in its future planning to ensure that a number of competent individuals work full-time in all the strategic and important positions, particularly in the fields of science, knowledge, education, information and mass media, politics and planning. The Movement should not remain dependent only on part-time volunteering by persons who have their own jobs that monopolize their time, leaving only snatches on which no major undertaking can be based.
"However, this does not go against the presence of volunteers who devote some of their time and effort to the Movement for Allah's sake, for such contributions are vitally important and greatly useful, as the volunteer base is expansive. All members of the Movement are even supposed to be volunteers working without pay, except for those who have to work full-time for the interest of the Call.
"However, it is necessary when selecting full-time workers that they should be of various specializations that complement each other, so as to cover all specializations and plug every hole without concentrating on certain specializations at the expense of others, for there has never been undue expenditure without a right wasted in another place.
"Money should be no problem in this respect, for spending money for this purpose is one of the best ways for seeking Allah's pleasure. The necessary funding can be obtained from the resources of zakat (compulsory religious tax) sadaqat, (supererogatory spending for charity), awqaf (religious trusts) and similar funds.
"The interest generated by capital deposited in local and foreign banks may even be spent for this purpose, and we should not shrink from using it on the basis that it comes from a haram source, for it is haram only against the depositor of the capital but halal for use in promoting Islamic interests, at the forefront of which comes the full-time employment of workers for the Islamic movement.
"Faithful workers should not be reluctant to accept an adequate pay that equals what their counterparts draw in other places, so that they may continue to work with satisfaction and not grumble because of the low pay they get. What should count is fair payment, with the reward being neither too generous nor too meager.
"However, it is necessary to choose elements and put the right man in the right place, without favoring this or that, as competence and honesty alone should be the criteria for selection (Truly the best of men for you to employ is the [man] who is strong and trusty) [Surat Al-Qasas: 26]."
Reconcile international engagement with flexibility at the local level.
a- Elements:
To define the guidelines that everyone [worldwide] must follow.
To leave a margin that provides sufficient flexibility at the local level for the issues that do not conflict with the general lines of the global Islamic policy.
b- Procedures:
The Movement, at a global level, will define the Islamic domain and issues in a general way which will require the engagement of all according to previously defined priorities.
The local leadership will define local issues that come within their prerogative, according to the principle of flexibility and according to previously defined priorities.
c- Suggested Missions
Worldwide Islamic engagement for a total liberation of Palestine and the creation of an Islamic state is the mission which falls to the global leadership.
To establish a dialogue at a local level with those who work for the cause according to the global political lines of the Movement. It is up to the local leadership to define the shape of that dialogue.
To reconcile political engagement with the necessity of avoiding isolation, on the one hand, with permanent education and institutional work on the other.
a- Elements
Liberty to function politically in each country according to local circumstances, without however participating in a process which makes a decision which would be contrary to the texts of Sharia.
To invite everyone to take part in parliament, municipal councils, labour unions and other institutions of which the membership is chosen by the people in the interest of Islam and of Muslims.
To continue to educate individuals and generations and to guarantee the training of specialists in various areas according to a previously designed plan.
To construct social, economic, scientific and health institutions and penetrate the domain of the social services, in order to be in contact with the people and to serve them by means of Islamic institutions.
b- Procedures
To study the varied political environments and the probabilities of success in each country.
To plan specialised study missions which will concentrate on useful areas such as communications, the history of Islam, etc.
To conduct feasibility studies concerning various institutions and create them according to priorities established in each country.
c-Suggested Missions
To conduct studies relating to the experiences of political islam and to draw lessons from them.
To give an Islamic policy perspective on the pressing questions of the day.
To keep questions of local importance such as issues concerning workers, unions, etc. within an Islamic framework.
To create a certain number of economic, social, health care and educational institutions, using available means, to serve the people within an Islamic framework.
To dedicate ourselves to the establishment of an Islamic state, in parallel with gradual efforts aimed at gaining control of local power centers through institutional action.
a- Elements
To channel thought, education and action in order to establish an Islamic power on the earth.
To influence centres of power both local and worldwide to the service of Islam.
b- Procedures
To prepare a scientific study on the possibility of establishing the reign of God throughout the world according to established priorities.
To study the centres of power, both local and worldwide, and the possibilities of placing them under influence.
To conduct a modern study on the concept of support for the dawa and Islamic law, and more particularly on the men of influence in the State and the country.
c- Suggested Mission
To draw up an Islamic Constitution in light of efforts deployed up to now.
To draw up Islamic laws, civil laws, etc.
To work within various influential institutions and use them in the service of Islam.
To use the work of economic, social, and other specialised Islamic institutions.
To loyally work alongside Islamic groups and institutions in various areas and in agreement on a common ground in order to "cooperate on points of agreement and put aside points of disagreement".
a- Elements
To coordinate the Islamic work in a single direction as will permit the laying of the foundations of the growth of Muslim society and dedication to the power of God on Earth.
For each to work according to his capacities in his chosen field and to master it, with loyalty and coordination of effort.
b- Procedures
To study the true nature of Islamic movements, to evaluate their experiences and draw up plans to initiate collaboration among them.
To avoid creating new Islamic movements in a country which already has one; there will be but one movement, serious and complete.
c- Suggested missions
To coordinate the efforts of all those working for Islam, in each country, and to establish good contact with them, whether they work in individuals or in groups.
To reduce the differences that exist between workers for Islam and to resolve their conflicts according to sharia.
"The Islamic Movement should consider itself at the beck and call of every Islamic cause, responding to every cry for help wherever that cry may come from.
"It should stand with Eritrea in its jihad against the unjust Marxist Christian regime that wants to swallow it and keep it as a colony under its rule, with its people as the serfs of the land in feudal systems.
"It should stand by Sudan against the treacherous Christian racist rebellion that wants to impose its racist fanaticism on all the territories of Sudan to remove it from the Muslim Nation and the Arab World.
"It should support the Muslims of the Philippines against the biased Christian regime that seeks to annihilate them, leaving only those who accept the life of slaves who can do nothing to help either themselves or others.
"It should help the Muslims of Kashmir in their struggle for self-determination, until they attain annexation to Pakistan or gain autonomy, so as to foil the conspiracy of the Indian imperialism which is trying to obliterate the province's Muslim identity through non-religious education and encouragement of sin and drug addiction to turn it into a base of conspiracy on Pakistan and the Muslim World as a whole.
"It should support the Muslims of Somalia against the tyrants who kill scholars, persecute the religious and hunt down anyone with religious or intellectual tendencies."
"The Islamic Movement should have good information on all these movements. It should have some sort of presence among their readerships and ranks. It must also work incessantly for their unity and solidarity in order to close the gaps in their ranks and remove their minor disagreements for the sake of greater goals."
Note in particular the Fourth Point of Departure , c-Suggested Mission and the Fifth Point of Departure, b-Procedures and C-Suggested Mission. David Cameron and the Tory Party
All well and good, now shall we have look at someone in the UK, who seems to say the right things, seems to be an acceptable Muslim face, seems to be well integrated, but the question I have to ask is she really what she appears to be bearing in mind that she is a member of the Tory party, but is also part of a Marxist party and is a Muslim, the contradictions are just amazing, wouldn’t you think that this just ties in so much with someone do the following:
• To work within various influential institutions and use them in the service of Islam.
• To study the centres of power, both local and worldwide, and the possibilities of placing them under influence.
• To conduct a modern study on the concept of support for the dawa and Islamic law, and more particularly on the men of influence in the State and the country.
• To give an Islamic policy perspective on the pressing questions of the day.
So let us have a brief look at Munira Mirza, she is close to David Cameron and was recently sent by him to keep Boris in check in London, note that Boris has actually said that Islam is the problem, though political expediency made him retract those comments.
This is one comment in an article on the Guardian
Although there is some support for sharia, we should be wary of seeing this as automatic qualification for the label "extremist".
But she also said this
Moreover, multicultural policies have encouraged ethnic-minority groups to believe they are in need of special recognition. As your article states, they are more likely to "feel they have less in common with non-Muslims than their parents do". Paradoxically, by insisting on engaging with Muslims as a separate group, the authorities make many of them feel even more excluded.
Please note this article:
A glamorous young Muslim woman is the latest Cameron favourite to be parachuted in to keep a close eye on Johnson. Munira Mirza, who argues that racism in the UK is greatly exaggerated, is to serve as a cultural adviser to the mayor.
She is the third member of his new team to have worked for Policy Exchange, the organisation behind many of the policies adopted by Cameron’s Conservatives.
Mirza’s appointment will also be viewed as an attempt to neutralise any accusations that Johnson is racist, especially as he seeks to slash grants to fringe ethnic groups, many of which received lavish funding from Livingstone.
Mirza believes race relations policies based on multicultural ideas have been divisive. While the official party line remains that Johnson is his own man, the Tory high command is leaving nothing to chance.
Munira is very clever. She is rather glam, to be frank. And she is a key member of the Revolutionary Communist Party.
For a trainspottery follower of fringe politics, this is very cool. I can think of no other occasion on which a nominally revolutionary communist party has infiltrated a right wing political party. In reality, the RCP aren’t enormously “revolutionary” or “communist”. They’re sort of controversialist libertarians with a love of GM foods, and a strong love of Westphalian notions of national sovereignty. However, they started life as a split from the Socialist Workers’ Party.
When I discussed the involvement with centre-right Policy Exchange with Munira some time ago, she was rather droll. Munira’s line was that it was the Tory Party who were infiltrating the RCP: not the other way round.
Now we have a Communist in the Tory party, which is rather interesting in that the ideological gymnastics of that means that can we take her at face value, is there more to her then a keen wit and the fact that she is attractive too.
And one more link to check out
Hilary Clinton and the Democrat Party
There was rumours about Clinton having a lesbian affair with an aide and who or what is this aide, I don’t think that Hilary is a lebian but there is something interesting in this, let’s have a little look shall we, her name is Huma Abedin, I draw your attention to this:
Which gets at another facet of the cult of Huma: She’s something of a mystery, even to the people who have worked in her proximity for years. Very little is publicly known about her, which of course leaves plenty to talk about. And the rumors abound. According to various accounts from Huma acquaintances interviewed for this story: She’s Lebanese, she’s Jordanian, she’s Iranian, she’s 26, she’s 36, she has two children, she lives with the Clintons. “No one knows anything about her,” said one political aide. “She’s like Hillary’s secret weapon.” “She is an unbelievably feminine and gentle person, but at the same time she can accomplish so much,” offered Mr. de la Renta. He recalled that she had great style, but hastened to point out that “she’s a Muslim” and “she’s very conservative.”
The back story, as it were, begins 32 years ago in Kalamazoo, Mich., where Ms. Abedin, who declined to participate in this article, lived until the age of 2. Her family then relocated to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, where she lived until returning to the States for college. She attended George Washington University. Her father, who died when she was 17, was an Islamic and Middle Eastern scholar of Indian decent. He founded his own institute devoted to Western-Eastern and interfaith understanding and reconciliation and published a journal focusing on Muslim minorities living in the diaspora. Her mother, a renowned professor in Saudi Arabia, is Pakistani.
I freely admit that this is only two people in two large entities, but two very bright attractive women who say the right things, are both devout Muslims and who appear to be well integrated within their societies regardless of Islam, who better to get close to men of power and place them under influence. Note that they are both seen as rising stars and are trusted. Of course they could just be two talented attractive people who are doing well and who just happen to be Muslims.
And we should not forget the Muslim male Hesham Islam working as an aide to Gordon England Deputy Secretary of Defense, who was very influential, in fact so much so that he managed to oust a contractor Stephen Coughlin who was educating people in the US defense administration on the real nature of Islam.
I will draw your attention to this: http://www.investigativeproject.org/article/596
Later on after this article we find that Mr Islam had fabricated his history especially in regards to supposed incidents where he said that he was bombed in Cairo by Israel when that never happened and some murky story about being on a ship which was supposedly sunk by Israel. In fact he turns out to have been a member of the Muslim Brotherhood, what a surprise...
And what about other countries, well in France we have Rachia Dati, again a smart attractive Muslim close to the man in power.
My intention was to do a look across various countries in the West and compare the levels of infiltration based on the Project and I will try to do that next, however I came across the story on Munria Mirza's appointment to London and wanted to draw your attention to the way that the Project seems to be or may be being implemented, this is not to say that either Rachia Dalti or Munira Mirza or Huma Abedin are definately members of the MB, but Hersham Islam was and I leave you to draw your own conclusion from this and how the Project is being implemented
http://www.recycledart.org/uk-politics/where-are-we-now-part-iii-getting-close-men-or-women-power |