Hijab under attack
06-10-08, 09:56 PM
Western and secularists among Muslim societies – are paranoid of the word ‘Hijab (headscarf)’ – not that it’s an Islamic requirement for the female Believers – but because it’s a symbol of ‘modesty’, which scare the hell out of the people, who want to use female gender as an object of sexual pleasure and commercial commodity. Therefore, the ‘war on Hijab’ is not limited to some western countries (France, Germany, Denmark, etc.) but also in several Muslim nation states (Turkey, Tunis, etc.)
The word "Hijab" appeared in Holy Qur’an seven times - five of them as "Hijab" and two times as "Hijaban," – (Holy Qur’an 7:46, 33:53, 38:32, 41:5, 42:51, 17:45 & 19:17)
Historically –Hijab was not invented by Muslims – but was observed by the women of several ancient civilizations. Any student of the Jewish traditions or religious books will see that headscarf for the Jewish woman is encouraged by the Rabbis and religious leaders. Religious Jewish women still cover their heads most of the time - especially in the Synagogues, weddings, and religious festivities. Christian women cover their heads in many religious occasions while the Nuns cover their heads all the time. After the Dawn of Islam - The Arabs of all religions, Jews, Christians and Muslims used to wear ‘Hijab’, not because of Islam, but because of tradition. In Saudi Arabia, even most of men cover their heads, not because of Islam but because of tradition.
Holy Qur’an doesn’t prescribe a definite style Hijab or Purdah – except that both men and women should cover those parts of their bodies, which could become sexual attraction for the opposite gender. The dress, however, must be loose and long for modesty purposes. Its various styles found in various Muslim nation-states – are the product of their local cultures and personal choice.
After the abolition of Ottoman Khilafat by General Kemal Pasha (a Crypto Jew) in the 1920s – Islam was gradually separated from the political domain. Kemalist Turkey became the first Muslim nation-state to ban ‘Hijab’ in government and education sectors. It’s still one of the most debated issues between the general population (99% of which is Muslim) and the ruling secular elites, who are supported by the powerful pro-USrael military establishment. In contrary to that Turkey is the only Muslim country where a local version of the pornographic magazine, Playboy, was published and its Articles 440/441 of Penal Code, concerning punishment for adultery (3 years) were annulled in 1998.
Islamic activists have always been on the receiving end of such anti-Islam Kemalist mafia. In 1997 – the Refah (Welfare) Party was banned for lifting ban on Adhan in Arabic (in 1928) and Hijab (in 1997). In June 23, 2001 – Fazilat (Virtue) Party was banned for the so-called ‘threat to Turkey’s secularist society’. This time the government prosecutor demanded that Party’s 102 MPs (550-member Parliament) be dismissed and its top leaders be banned from taking part in elections for the next 10 years.
On February 9, 2008, Turkish Parliament with Islamists MPs in clear majority – voted (441 in favor with 109 against) to ‘ease’ the ban on wearing Hijab in Universities. According to BBC – “two-thirds of all Turkish women cover their heads, meaning thousands have been missing out on the opportunity to attend college.”
Hijab is an obligatory code of dress in Islam. AKP, however, has assured the military establishment, EU and Washington that it is fully committed to secularism and the headscarf (‘basortusu’ in Turkish language) reform will only be applicable to University students.
The First Lady (wife of Turkish President Abdullah Gul) wears Hijab and had been pro-Hijab activist.
http://www.muslimhiphop.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=3524 |