The Deviance of Zakir Naik, the Indian.
Jazakum allau khayran, however calling a person a liar, is far different from calling a person Scum and Useless, my position remains the same though my brother, if you think a brother is an innovator, say so, say he fabricates hadith, say he have no regard for the sunnah, even say he lies on the messenger of allah SAS, but don't belittle him, remember you will never know his condition at the time of death neither yours, so show up his faults if you want but do it with respect. Is this same kind of treatment the same for the Kuffar and the Munafiq? are we suppose to treat with our neighbours and co workers like this. |
As I mentioned previously, using these names to scold and reprimand the innovators is from the Sunnah of the Prophet
. And I mentioned some statements of the Prophet
(in my post previous to the one where I mentioned 'itihzaa'), I will post it again for clarification:
I will mention a few words
, limiting myself to what I know and Allaah Jallaa wa 'Alaa has the best knowledge.
It is authentically reported from the Prophet
that he said concerning the Khawaarij: "They are the dogs of the Hell-Fire"
So due to their innovation, the Prophet
scolded them harshly with this particular wording. An interesting question to ask now is if the Khawaarij were innovators that were still considered to be Muslims or did their innovation take them out of the fold of Islaam?
In an authentic athar from 'Alee
, when he was asked concerning this, he said: "They flee from disbelief, and the hypocrites never mention Allaah except a little"
So 'Alee
indicated that generally they were not disbelievers neither were they hypocrites. (there were some sects amongst them who fell into disbelief however, for example, a sect amongst them who denied Suratu Yusuf)
Another example of this from the Prophet
is what by Al Haakim in Al Mustadrak and also At Tirmidhee and Abu Dawud in their Sunan collections, on the authority of Ibn 'Umar
that the Prophet
"The Qadariyyah are the Majoos of this Ummah. If they fall ill, do not visit them and if they die, do not pray over them (i.e. Salaatul Janaazah)."
The Majoos were those people who used to worship fire. So again we see the Prophet
using a name to reproach and reprimand this group of innovators.
Again we ask, were the Qadariyyah (those who rejected Qadr) Muslims? Imaam Abu Haatim Ar Raazee and his contemporary Abu Zur'ah Ar Raazee (rahimahumallah) mention in their Usoolul 'Itiqaadid Deen:
"And the Qadariyyah are misguided innovators. But whoever amongst them rejects that Allaah, the Mighty and Majestic, knows something before it occurs, then he is a disbeliever."
So, according to these two Imaams of the Salaf, amongst the Qadariyyah there were Muslims. (i.e. innovators who didn't fall into disbelief) but whoever held the belief mentioned by them above was deemed to be a disbeliever in Allaah.
Returning to the Khawaarij, it is authentically reported that Abu Umaamah
saw the heads of the Khawaarij being decapitated (i.e. the capital punishment). He approached them, saying to them: "You are the dogs of the Hell-Fire, and the worst of the creation and the worst of them in manners"
After this, there are many statements from the Salafus Saalih describing the innovators with scolding words such as these. An example of this is what one of the companions of Imaam Ahmad
mentioned in a treatise which is found in the book, 'Masaa'il Harb ibn Ismaa'eel al-Kirmaanee 'anil Imaam Ahmad' (Ibnul Qayyim
also quotes these words in his book Haadiul Arwaah):
"Whoever reviles the Companions of the Messenger of Allaah
, or a single one amongst them, or reduces their worth and status, or insults them or exposes their faults or criticises a single one amongst them, then he is an innovator, an extreme raafidhee, a khabeeth (vile and repugnant) and an opposer (mukhaalif) and Allaah will not accept from him any of his efforts nor his fair dealings..."
These words were used to describe the innovators because the innovators are not to be given any honour at all. And although it may seem hard to stomach sometimes, this is the way that the Salaf used to describe the innovators in their books. A modern day example is the book written by the Muhaddith, the 'Allaamah, Shaykh Muqbil ibn Haadee Al Waadi'ee
titled: "Iskaat Kalbil 'Aawee, Yusuf Al Qardhaawee" i.e. Silencing the Howling Dog, Yusuf Al Qardhaawee.
What I'm trying to indicate, if Allaah
facilitates that for me, is that this has a basis in the Sunnah of the Prophet
, and in the Sunnah of the Companions
and the 'Ulamaa of the Salaf in describing the innovators.
As for its application to individuals such as Hamza Yusuf, a sufee and a man who belittles Tawheed, then I don't know.
And Allaah knows better. |
So it is proven, at the very least, that addressing the innovators even though some of them may be Muslims, has a basis in the Sunnah in order to reprimand and reproach them for their innovation.
so show up his faults if you want but do it with respect |
As it relates to innovators, then they are to be treated with harshness. Shaykh 'Ubayd Al Jaabiree (hafidhahullah) from the Major Scholars, mentioned:
And then, if it found that the one who is in opposition to the truth (is upon) the fundamentals of the Sunnah, and his call is that of the Sunnah, and everything we find from him is Sunnah, then his mistake is refuted and rejected however he is not pursued any further due to this mistake, and his honour and standing are preserved with us.
But if we were to find that the one is opposition to the truth, was an innovator who does not give the Sunnah its due weight, and his foundations are built upon the principles of the people of innovation and misguidance, then he is refuted just as the other misguided innovators are refuted, and he is met with harshness and he is scolded, and he is warned against if this does not result in a greater evil..." |
And this is certainly not the way the non-muslims, neighbours or co-workers are dealt with because we have already mentioned that this is only applied to the innovators.
if you think a brother is an innovator, say so, say he fabricates hadith, say he have no regard for the sunnah, even say he lies on the messenger of allah SAS, but dont belittle him, remember you will never know his conditon at the time of death neither yours |
We also have to take into consideration that the innovators at the time of the Salaf like Jahm ibn Safwaan and others were called even more severe names than 'scum' and 'useless', they were called 'dajjaal' and 'khabeeth'. And the great Imaams of the Salaf (rahimahumullah) did not know what their conditions would have been like at the time of their death. They used such terms as a mean of warning against them and reprimanding them.
Also, when the Prophet
called the Khawaarij dogs, and he called the Qadariyyah Majoos (fire-worshippers), can it be said that he
was belittling them? Similarly, when Abu Umaamah
said that the Khawaarij were dogs and the worst of creation, can it be said that this too was belittling them? No, this was a way of scolding them for their wretched innovation.
And Allaah knows better.
'Abdullaah ibn Mas'ood radiallaahu 'anhu, said:"Follow and do not innovate, for you have been given that which is sufficient (the Sunnah) and every innovation is misguidance."
http://aa.trinimuslims.com/showthread.php?p=37963#post37963 |