on Holland
By Eeyore | September 19, 2008
If you read nothing
else today do read this. Lifted from The Gates Of Vienna
Eeyore for Vlad
The noted blogger Fjordman is filing
this report via Gates of Vienna.
For a complete Fjordman blogography, see The Fjordman Files. There is also a multi-index listing here.

Let us consider the case of the Netherlands.
Islamic practices there gain more and more public acceptance. There is talk of
making Islamic holidays public holidays because Holland is a “Judeo-Christian-Islamic”
society, whatever that is. There are plans for a Muslim-only hospital,
and former Justice Minister Piet
Hein Donner stated that the Dutch should give Muslims more freedoms to
behave according to their traditions: “For me it is clear: if two-thirds of the
Dutch population should want to introduce the Sharia tomorrow, then the possibility
should exist,” according to him. “It would be a disgrace to say: ‘That is not
The idea is by no means
far-fetched. Unofficial sharia courts have been operating for years in major
European cities and gradually gain official acceptance. In September 2008 it
was made known that British authorities will formally accept rulings of sharia
courts on certain matters. This means that Britain has not just culturally but
also legally surrendered to its new Muslim masters. The political elites will put
up no resistance whatsoever to continued Islamization.
Britain is one of the worst countries in the Western world, which
says a lot given how bad many others are, but it belongs to a growing group of
nations where the authorities have more or less surrendered to Islamic rule,
openly promote Islamic “culture”, and harass those who resist. One could add Sweden, the Netherlands,
Belgium, and probably France to the
list, which keeps growing. Norway,
Spain, Austria, Germany and others are not far
The Netherlands,
which for centuries was a haven for those seeking more freedom of thought, is
becoming an increasingly totalitarian society as a direct result of mass
immigration in general and Muslim immigration in particular. This is the reason
why the insightful Hans Janssen, Professor of Modern Islamic Ideology at Utrecht University, stated that a peaceful
society that wishes to remain existent “will have to find a way to defend
itself through non-peaceful means from people who are not peaceful.” According
to Jansen, Muslim fundamentalists frequently make threats, but Dutch media
remain silent
about them.

Public broadcaster NPS is producing a television programme with the objective
of giving the Dutch population a positive view of Muslims and other immigrant
groups. Meanwhile, in 2008 it was revealed that a policeman of Moroccan origins
in the Rotterdam
police corps has been unmasked as a spy for the Moroccan intelligence service.
He led a project that trained 57 Moroccan problem youngsters as ground
personnel for Rotterdam
Airport. The Public
Prosecutor’s Office (OM) decided not to prosecute him, allegedly because this
could potentially generate negative publicity about the “Multicultural”
society. Even after this was revealed, the policeman unmasked as a spy for a
foreign country continued working at Rotterdam Airport.
The airport management saw no reason to refuse him a job.
In contrast, the Dutch
Labor Party (PvdA) tried to muzzle a (then) member who was fighting for the rights of
Muslim apostates because they feared he would cause the party electoral damage.
As most other left-wing parties in the Western world, they get a
disproportionate number of immigrant votes. The man in question, the brave
ex-Muslim Ehsan Jami, in the spring of 2008 decided to close down his
organization of former Muslims who defy the traditional death penalty for
leaving Islam. He claims people are scared to join the organization because of
threats from Muslims.
Slotervaart, a Moroccan neighborhood in Amsterdam, has been plagued by riots and
arson. Just as in similar areas in Sweden,
France, England and
elsewhere, emergency personnel from the fire brigade and ambulance services are
at risk of physical attacks when they enter. Western Europe’s major cities have
become notorious for their rapidly expanding “no-go” zones, from Birmingham, London and
Bradford via Marseilles, Paris,
Antwerp and Brussels
to Copenhagen, Berlin
and Hamburg.
There are now many areas into which even the police dare not venture without
substantial backup. In certain urban areas the fire brigade and ambulance
services are reluctant to answer calls in Muslim neighborhoods, where “youths”
set fire to public buildings, and then lay an ambush for the fire brigade when
it arrives.
In mid-September 2008, the
bus service in the Dutch town of Gouda
announced it would not drive though the Oosterwei neighborhood. The decision came following
complaints from bus drivers who report that on their route through the
neighborhood they are being spit on, threatened and robbed by Moroccan youth,
who systematically kick against the buses as well.
It has earlier been
revealed that Moroccans, Turks and other Muslims in the Netherlands
receive direction from their home countries. Ethnic Turks have received
instructions from Turkey
on how to vote in Dutch elections.
Also in mid-September
2008, politician Geert Wilders said during a speech in Parliament that
Moroccans are colonizing the Netherlands.
According to Wilders, Moroccans didn’t come there to integrate, but “to
subjugate the Dutch” and rule over them. “We lose our nation to Moroccan scum
who go through life while abusing, spitting and molesting innocent people,”
Wilders stated. “They happily accept our dole, houses and doctors, but not our
rules and values”, he said. According to him there are “two nations.” The
cabinet’s nation is that of “climate hysterics and uncontrollable
Islamization.” The other nation, “my nation,” Geert Wilders said, “is that of
the people who have to foot the bill and are being robbed and threatened by
Islamic street terrorists.”
Seven minutes after the
speech began, “a technical error” occurred in the television broadcast which
was mysteriously solved the very second Wilders finished his speech. The state
TV is notoriously biased in their pro-Multicultural opinions and belief that Wilders
is evil.
- - - - - - - - -
As I wrote in my online essay “Democracy and the Media Bias”, in democratic societies the
press, the Fourth Estate, should supposedly make sure that the government does
its job properly as well as raise issues of public interest. In practice, we
now seem to have a situation where the political elites cooperate with the
media on making sure that some topics receive insufficient or unbalanced
attention while others are simply kept off the agenda altogether. Together they
form a new political class.
Before the rise of maverick politician Pim Fortuyn, the Dutch political scene had to a great
extent been a closed club whose members, regardless of party affiliation,
shared similar views in the widest possible sense. Most of the journalists
belonged to the same club. If the majority of the populace didn’t quite agree
with this elite on sensitive issues — and the most sensitive of them all was
Muslim immigration — this hardly mattered much. Since all those who were in
positions of power were in basic agreement, the will of the people could safely
be ignored. Journalists and rival politicians — notice how they worked in
lockstep — smeared Fortuyn as a dangerous “right-wing extremist.” Indirectly,
this led to his murder by a left-wing activist who stated that he killed him on
behalf of Muslims because he was “dangerous” to minorities.
Pim Fortuyn was
indirectly murdered by the political, cultural and media elites whereas
filmmaker Theo van Gogh was murdered by Muslims. MP Ayaan Hirsi Ali has been
driven from the country. The Islam-critical MP Geert Wilders is still there,
but he is subject to similar smears as Fortuyn was about being a racist,
receives daily threats from Muslims and not-so-subtle hints from the
establishment that he should tone down his criticism of Muslim immigration. The
Dutch spirit between 2001 and 2008 appears to have been broken, as things are
slowly returning to normal. The extended political elites are once again firmly
in control of public debate, and the embarrassing peasant rebellion has been
successfully struck down.
Perhaps Holland’s chance of
saving itself died with Fortuyn. I hope not. I have always loved the Netherlands,
and it would be extremely sad if a once-great nation that has spent so much
time and energy on keeping the sea out will be destroyed by a tidal wave of
sharia barbarism.
In May 2008 the
cartoonist writing under the pseudonym Gregorius
Nekschot became the first-ever cartoonist to be arrested in the modern
Western world. He was arrested at his home in Amsterdam and taken into custody for
interrogation, suspected of “publishing cartoons which are discriminating for
Muslims and people with dark skin.” At the same time, the city of Amsterdam developed
teaching material
warning children against the politics of the Islam-critical politician Geert
Wilders. MP Wilders called the campaign “sickening.”
movie Fitna from March 2008 produced strong reactions from Muslims on
a global basis and condemnations from dhimmi appeasers in the Western world.
Although the short film didn’t do anything other than quote the Koran and
statements by Muslim leaders, the United Nations Secretary-General Ban
Ki-moon condemned it as offensively anti-Islamic. “There is no
justification for hate speech or incitement to violence,” Ban said in a
statement. “The right of free expression is not at stake here.” The UN High
Commissioner for Human Rights Louise Arbour
joined in on condemning the tone and content of Fitna and noted that
the Dutch and others should prohibit any advocacy of racial or religious hatred
that constitutes incitement to discrimination or hostility. In plain words,
they should ban criticism of Islam.
There are already
examples where small Dutch websites have been prosecuted for carrying readers’
comments critical of Islam and Muslims, thus setting a legal precedent for the
suppression of free speech on the Internet. This despite the fact that far more offensive
material is routinely posted on Islamic online forums and is never subjected to
any punishment. Similar developments are taking place in other European
countries. This is encouraged not only by national authorities but by EU
officials, who have expressed their desire to “regulate” blogs and similar
websites more because they are often more critical of Multiculturalism, mass
immigration and general EU policies than are the mainstream media.
What this means is that Dutch authorities are giving in to
demands from Islamic countries and kneel at the feet of their new Muslim
masters. There can be no doubt that there is considerable political pressure on
the police and others to enforce Multicultural speech codes and silence
dissenters among the natives. Since we see clearly that Muslims can post
negative remarks about the natives, but the natives are not allowed to post
negative remarks about Islamic culture, this means that the natives are de
facto second-rate citizens in their own country. This is coincidentally the
status that they are supposed to have according to sharia, which means that the
authorities are now enforcers of Islamic law.
Some observers say that
the political elites in Western Europe are
“powerless” to stop street violence. But they are aggressive in suppressing
criticism of continued mass immigration, which indicates that they are not so
much powerless as actively hostile to the natives.

In Brussels, Belgium, gangs of Muslim immigrants
harass the natives on a daily basis. We have had several recent cases where
native girls have been gang raped by immigrants in the heart of the EU capital,
yet when the natives wanted to protest against the Islamization of their
continent on September 11th 2007, the demonstration was banned by the Socialist
mayor of Brussels,
whose ruling party is heavily infiltrated by Muslims. Those who attempted to
carry on with a peaceful protest were arrested by the police.
Dozens of
boys and girls have been systematically abused, intimidated and molested by a
group of older boys in the Utrecht
neighbourhood of Overvecht. Children aged 8, 9 and 10 have been dragged into
bushes and coerced into performing sexual acts on boys a few years older. Most
of the children involved are of Moroccan background. A municipal council member
said that the problems are not being addressed. “This has been going on for
almost a year. People just talk and talk and talk. And nothing is done,” she
In March 2007, native
Dutch residents of the city of Utrecht
rioted to protest against harassment by Muslim youths and government inaction
to stop this. The authorities immediately suppressed the riots by sealing off
the area and installing surveillance cameras to control Dutch non-Muslims, but
they have done virtually nothing to address the underlying problem of violence
from immigrant gangs. The case is far from unique.
Such incidents
demonstrate that the authorities throughout Western Europe
are now dedicated to implementing continued mass immigration and Multiculturalism
no matter what the natives think. If they object, they will be silenced. The
Dutch voted “no” by a very large margin to the proposed EU Constitution that
will formally dismantle their country, as did Irish and French voters, but they
are simply ignored. At the same time, the EU elites obediently respond to calls
from Islamic countries to ban “stereotypes and prejudice” targeting Islam.
European political elites implement the agendas of our enemies and ignore the
interests of their own people. They are thus collaborators and traitors and
should be treated accordingly.
The interesting
question is this: Are the elites merely appeasing Islam, which they certainly
are doing, or are they actively promoting and expropriating it for their own
ends? As Iranian ex-Muslim Ali Sina puts it in his excellent book Understanding Muhammad : “Islam was an instrument of
domination. After Muhammad, others used his cult for the very same purpose.”
Maybe this is happening in the EU as well?
Ali Sina rejects the
Multicultural concept that all cultures (except European culture, which is evil
and should be eradicated) are worth keeping:
“If any culture needs to be preserved, it is the Western,
Helleno-Christian culture. It is this culture that is facing extinction. It is
to this culture alone that we owe the Enlightenment, Renaissance, and
democracy. These are the foundations of our modern world. It would be a
terrible mistake not to preserve this culture. If we do nothing, we face a
future where democracy and tolerance will fade and Islam’s more primitive
instincts will subjugate humanity. All cultures are not made equal… Islam is
not a culture. It is the antithesis of culture. It is barbarity, savagery and
incivility. Islamic civilization is an oxymoron, while Islamic terrorism is
redundancy. We owe our freedom and modern civilization to Western culture. It
is this culture that is now under attack and needs protection.”
As I put it in my essay
“The Welfare State is Dead, Long Live the Welfare State“,
Americans say “In God we trust.” Is the welfare state, on some deep,
subconscious level, a substitute for God? An omnipresent State instead of an
omnipresent God? Europeans lost belief in God in Auschwitz
and the trenches of WW1. We no longer trust in God, so we put our trust in the
State, to create a small oasis of security on a continent that has had such a
turbulent history.
The slogan is “security
from cradle to grave.” But right now the welfare state clearly does not provide
financial or physical security in much of Western Europe,
at least not for the natives. It pays for more cradles to Muslim immigrants
while it leads some of the natives prematurely to their graves. Taxes are a
form of disguised jizya, the poll tax paid by submissive non-Muslims
under Islamic rule, taken from us and given to those who colonize our lands.
The welfare state
breeds passivity and obedience to the state’s agenda since so many are
dependent upon it for their livelihoods. For rulers, this can be quite useful.
The stated purpose of the welfare state is to alleviate poverty, but we should
remember that a powerful state bureaucracy which deals with all aspects of life
leaves a great deal of power to those on top of that bureaucracy, ruling people
who have been pacified and emasculated by decades of state indoctrination and
interference in their private lives. I suspect one of the reasons why Europeans
put up with a powerful EU bureaucracy running much of Europe’s
affairs is that we have already been accustomed to this on a national level.
My advice to Westerners in general is to arm themselves
immediately, first of all mentally with knowledge of the enemy and pride in
their own culture and heritage, but also physically with guns and the skills to
use them. Friedrich Nietzsche stated in the nineteenth century that “God is
dead.” In the early twenty-first century it would be fair to say that “The
State is dead,” the replacement God in which we placed our trust after the
other God died.
Every single day we get
more evidence that the authorities are totally incapable of protecting any
semblance of security and freedom for its citizens. The only thing the state
still seems to be capable of doing is indoctrinating our children with hatred
of their own civilization and taking away our money so that it can be given to
those who colonize our countries and abuse our children, verbally and

My bet is still on Britain,
or possibly Denmark, as the
first Western country to face a civil war due to Muslim immigration, but the Netherlands is
a potential candidate as well. I just wonder whether the Dutch are already a
broken nation, mentally speaking. Their political elites have chosen formal
surrender and will enforce sharia and ban everybody disagreeing with this as “extremists”.
Native Dutchmen will either have to fight back or leave their country behind
and watch it die from a distance, as a significant number of them have already
What is happening in Western Europe now is a textbook case of a situation
where the social contract is no longer upheld. The natives pay extremely high
tax rates to nation states that no longer protect their borders and are both
unwilling and incapable of upholding a bare minimum of law and order. The laws
are in any case no longer passed with our interest in mind, but by dedicated
Multiculturalists and Globalists specifically hostile to our interests. The
European Union is the very definition of tyranny.
As John Locke says in
the Second Treatise on Government:
The reason why men
enter into society is the preservation of their property, and the end why they
choose and authorize a legislative is that there may be laws made, and rules
set, as guards and fences to the properties of all the members of the society,
to limit the power and moderate the dominion of every part and member of the
society… whenever the legislators endeavor to take away and destroy the
property of the people, or to reduce them to slavery under arbitrary power,
they put themselves into a state of war with the people… By this breach of
trust they forfeit the power the people had put into their hands for quite
contrary ends, and it devolves to the people, who have a right to resume their
original liberty, and, by the establishment of a new legislative, (such as they
shall think fit) provide for their own safety and security, which is the end
for which they are in society.
Thomas Jefferson stated that “I hold it, that a little
rebellion, now and then, is a good thing, and as necessary in the political
world as storms in the physical.” He also said that “Laws that forbid the
carrying of arms… disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to
commit crimes…. Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for
the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for
an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man.”
We would do well to
heed those words.
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