July 6, 2008

Qatar has a hijabi-fashionista in Her Royal Highness
Sheikha Moza bint Nasser Al Missned---this woman totally rocked red Gaultier
Couture at Bastille Day in Paris and in hijab outshone the perrenially-chick
Parisians. Okay, so her turban-esque pill-box hats are not perfect hijab (her
ears and neck AND hairline often show and some of her suits are fitted) but at
least she is making a gesture towards hijab and I think that is beneficial for
her people. She is also not afraid to be photographed in abaya, and this I also
find good for myself. She is not one of those princesses who are saying hijab
is only for the visit the masjid. She knows it is an Islamic requirement enough
to not reject it before her people. Maybe Vogue will never picture this lady as
it has done Rania of Jordan, but I want to.

Posted by Alixianna at 7:20 PM 

Labels: Shiekha Moza bint Nasser Al Missned of Qatar
*~Ange~* said...
even though she isn't 100% hijabified, it's great to see that she is still
fashionable but extremely modest. As a leader of an Islamic Nation i think it
would be better for her to be covered properly, as she is in the public eye and
therefore an instant role model for muslimahs.
but all in all i think she looks great and very stylish...

*~Ange~* said...
salam (again)
by the way i think she looks best in the black abaya. its so classy and stylish...
i think it really is the islamic version of the western classic little black

Aalia, a chaser of Jannah said...
I think she is
looks the best in the abaya. Did u know that one of her sons has refused to be
seen with her because she goes against the traditional Qatari custom of not
being veiled properly?

Alixianna said...
I think she
looks beautiful, masha'Allah, in the abaya. %100 glam.

Viking Daughter said...
Honestly, she
looks so elegant in her abaya. Simplicity is best.
Mash'allah, a woman with class.
Great post.