How to Discover
Your Passion
These five
steps will help you find what you truly love to do.
By Debra
What do you do with your free time? Are you so motivated with your life's tasks
that you jump out of bed in the morning, eager to start your day? Does the word
"task" have a negative connotation for you?
The happiest and most successful people on this planet are those with a sense
of purpose, driven by their passions. But how does one go about discovering
what she's passionate about?
I've read a lot on this topic over the past 20 years or so and I have a certain
amount of personal life experience to back up what I’m about to say. So,
without further ado, here is my step-by-step process of how to discover your
1. Meditate. This might mean learning to meditate--it certainly did for
me. The best way to get to know yourself, who You truly are, is to get quiet
and listen to your inner being.
2. Observe your reactions. Take a week or so to examine and reflect on
your reactions to the things around you such as television shows, newspapers,
conversations, books you read, and any other stimuli that causes you to react
in a passionate way. If you come across something that has been of interest to you
for a long time, make a note of it.
3. Answer some questions. What are you really good at? What specific
quality do you possess that others may not? Whom do you admire? Why? Who do you
know that is doing something you would love to do? What's to keep you from
doing it? How could you make this world a better place?
4. Analyze your surroundings. What collections do you have in your home?
Do you collect old photographs? Do you have a green thumb? There are probably
many clues in your very own home or room that will provide the insight you're
looking for. We tend to hold on to things we love, so, what's in your closet?
5. Try it. You do not have to be certain about something before giving
it a try. Once you get involved in something, you'll either want to stay with
it and expand your knowledge, or you'll lose interest and move on to something
else. Keep in mind that our passions change throughout life. We are constantly
growing, expanding, and wanting more. Some passions remain the same for a long
time, and some come and go on a fairly predictable basis.
For example, my husband's passion for dentistry has remained strong for over 40
years. Some gardeners get excited about their passion in the spring, but tire
quickly as the weather warms up. Yet, every spring, they have a strong desire
to plant something. It's all good, you just have to know yourself well enough
to say, "Okay, since I only like gardening in the spring, I’ll plant
strawberries. That way, the harvest is over before my enthusiasm wanes."
Then, of course, there are some passions that may last for a few months or
years, and then fizzle. That's okay, too. Anything you attempt will get you
closer to discovering your long-term passion. And I fully believe that for some
people, their passion is constantly trying new things! I had a Life-coaching
session with an incredible woman a few months ago who knew herself well enough
to tell me, "I'm a starter. I like to start companies, get them up and
running, then sell them." She's done that several times and it works for
her. Her "problem" was figuring out what to do next!
When you find your passion, you find your reason for jumping out of bed in the
When you get in alignment with your inner being, you will feel exhilarated and
When your time is spent performing tasks related to something you are
passionate about, you do no "work," and you have a sense of vitality
that is wonderful beyond words.
So find your passion. The result is worth it. YOU are worth it.