July 19, 2008
Salat al-kusoof
(solar eclipse Prayer) is sunnah mu’akkadah (confirmed sunnah)
for both male and female believers. It is better to offer it congregationally
in the mosque. Its time is from the beginning of the eclipse till it clears
away. There is no adhan for the Prayer, but it should be announced, as
stated earlier, with “as-salatu jami`ah.” According to the hadith, narrated
by `A’ishah (may Allah be pleased with her), salat al-kusoof is
two rak`ahs; however, the worshiper bows twice in each rak`ah
instead of once. In the first rak`ah, after
al-Fatihah, one recites a long or short surah. One then says “allahu
akbar” and bows down in a long bowing. As one rises up, one says: “sami`
Allahu liman hamidah, rabbana lakal-hamd.” One then says “Allahu akbar”
and bows down a second time but not so long. As one rises up one says, “sami`
Allahu liman hamidah, rabbana lakal-hamd.” As one resumes standing straight,
one says “allahu akbar” and then falls down in prostration. One begins
the second rak`ah by saying “allahu akbar” The second rak`ah
should be observed like the first one. After the Prayer, the imam may give a
guiding sermon. Salat al-khusoof
(lunar eclipse Prayer) is the same as salatal-kusoof (solar eclipse
Prayer). The recital of al-Fatihah may be performed aloud or silently. Excerpted from: www.usc.edu SalatAl-Kusoof(The Eclipse Prayer) Ruling: Most of the people of knowledge regard it as a confirmed sunnah
(mu’akkadah). Imam Abu Hanifah said it was obligatory (wajib),
while imam Malik regarded it as equal to salat al-jumu`ah (Friday
Prayer) in importance. Form: The eclipse Prayer consists of two rak`ahs. Various
forms of the rak`ahs have been narrated, but the most authentic hadiths
indicate that each rak`ahhas two standings (qiyam), two instances
of recitation from the Qur’an (qira’ah), two bowings (ruku`), and
two prostrations (sujud). This is the view of the majority of the people
of knowledge, including Imams Malik, Shafi`i, and Ahmad. The number of ruku`
in each rak`ah has also been narrated as three, four, or more; the
Hanafi scholars prefer only one ruku`, just as for the daily Prayers.
However, the most authentic hadiths support the majority view, given
above. Congregation: The sunnah is for the Prayer to be held in
congregation in the mosque, although individuals who cannot reach the
congregation may pray alone. Women may pray at home or attend the congregation. Khutbah (sermon): The imam gives this after the
congregational Prayer, based on the admonition of the Messenger of Allah, part
of which is quoted at the beginning of this article. The sermon is recommended
according to Imam ash-Shafi`i and the majority of the other imams of Hadith,
while the Hanafi scholars say that the sermon is not part of the Eclipse
Prayer. They regard the Prophet’s admonition as a general reminder and not a
formal sermon. If delivered, the sermon should contain praise of Allah, the two
testimonies of faith, and reminders about Paradise and the Fire. Timing: The time for the Eclipse Prayer lasts throughout the
eclipse. The Prayer must be started during the eclipse, although it can end
after the eclipse is over. The sermon is delivered after the Prayer, whether or
not the eclipse is still in progress. After the eclipse, the requirement and
time for the Prayer no longer exists and therefore it is invalid to pray salatal-kusoof
outside the time of the eclipse. Imams Abu Hanifah and Ahmad have stipulated
that the Eclipse Prayer cannot be held during times when Prayer is normally
reprehensible, i.e., when the sun is rising or setting over the horizon, or
when it reaches its zenith. Other imams say that the recommendation of the
Eclipse Prayer takes precedence over these discouraged times. Length: The Eclipse Prayer should be longer than normal daily,
weekly, or annual Prayers. The Eclipse Prayer performed by the Prophet (peace
and blessings be upon him) was extremely long: it started soon after the
beginning of the eclipse and ended after the eclipse was over. His Prayer
included four instances of recitation from the Qur’an, with the first and
longest of them being reckoned as “about as lengthy as surat
al-Baqarah.” Further, the qiyam, ruku` and sujud were
described as longer than any others seen performed by him. However, the imam
should as always bear in mind the capabilities of his congregation, and the
Prayer should not be prolonged excessively for the old and weak amongst them.
There is no requirement to prolong the Prayer throughout the eclipse, nor to
pray extra rak`ahs. The two-rak`ahs Prayer is made as long as is
reasonable, and the remainder of the eclipse is spent in supplication, general
mention and remembrance of Allah (including recitation of the Qur’an), and
giving charity. Detailed Description of the
Prayer 1. There is no Adhan or Iqamah
for the Prayer, although the Prayer can be announced by calling, “As-Salatu
Jami`ah” (“The congregation is gathering for Prayer”). 2. The imam begins the Prayer
with takbir, as usual, followed by recitation of Surat Al-Fatihah and
one or more further surahs. The recitation can be loud (majority view) or
silent. 3. The imam does ruku`
with takbir, as usual. 4. The imam rises from ruku`
saying "Sami` Allahu liman hamidah," followed by the usual dhikr. 5. Remaining in the standing
posture, the imam again recites Surat Al-Fatihah and one or more other surahs. 6. The imam goes into ruku`
with takbir. 7. The imam rises from ruku`
saying “Sami` Allahu liman hamidah,” followed by the usual dhikr. 8. The imam performs the two
prostrations as usual, except that the prostrations should be lengthy, as
should be the sitting between them. 9. The imam rises for the second rak`ah,
which is performed in the same manner as the first. 10. Hence there are a total of
four of each of the following: standing straight (with recitation), bowing
down, and prostrating. The sunnah is for each standing straight, bowing down,
and prostration to be shorter than the previous one. Excerpted, with slight
modifications, from: www.witness-pioneer.org
The Muslim reaction to lunar
and solar eclipses can be summarized as follows: 1. Solar and lunar eclipses are reminders of the Day of
Judgment, when the sun, moon, and stars will all lose their light. [When the
sight is dazed, and the moon is buried in darkness, and the sun and moon are
joined together: Man will say on that day, ‘Where is the refuge?’]
(Al-Qiyamah 75: 7-10) 2. Being a reminder of the Last Day, the eclipse is a time
for Prayer, charitable acts, and generally remembering Allah and seeking His
forgiveness. 3. To believe that heavenly bodies (sun, moon, planets,
stars) have power over events and people’s fates and fortunes is to reject
Allah by ascribing partners to Him. [And among His Signs are the night and
the day, the sun and the moon. Prostrate neither to the sun nor to the moon,
but prostrate to Allah who created them, if it is truly Him you worship.]
(Fussilat 41: 37) Thus, one cannot worship God by worshiping creation—whether
the devotions are offered to nature, heavenly bodies, idols, or human beings.
The worship of something or someone created in whatever form, Muslims consider
to be an underlying error of many groups active in the UK, from pagans, Druids
and New Age cultures (for whom the eclipse is a sacred event) to the numerous
Christian denominations. The popular but false, empty faith in astrology, so
widespread in the popular press, is also condemned in Islam. Islam teaches
people to constantly turn to the Source of all events: Allah. Posted by Moon at 1:28 PM http://moon-of-africa.blogspot.com/2008/07/salaah-of-eclipse.html |
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