Husband sent to prison for veil attack
Saturday, July 26, 2008
A man who had
hit his wife in a parking lot and fractured her nose, because she had rolled up
her veil due to the heat, was sentenced to two years in prison, 18 months of
which are suspended, in a court in Marseilles.
The prosecution demanded eight months in prison, three of which to be
Ali Nassakh (30), of Algerian nationality, was placed in detention.
A passerby alerted authorities after seeing the young woman's bloodied face.
She burst into tears when he husband testified that she had banged her head on
a car parked nearby.
The young woman claimed compensation. To the investigators she had said she had
explained to her husband that "in our religion the husband doesn't have a
right to tell his wife to do what he wants."
Source: Figaro
jdamn13 said...
Sadly, she's
wrong when she says that "in our religion the husband doesn't have a right
to tell his wife to do what he wants." Actually he not only has every
right to order her around like slave and use her as a work-animal, but he has
the right to rape and beat her ad infinitum with complete impunity. He owns her
outright and she is, for all intents and purposes, his sex slave/pack animal.
He paid his John fee and she signed/whored her life away. Where he messed up
was when he beat her head, which is haram. That's the only Islamic line he
crossed.July 27, 2008 12:47 AM
Hi jdamn13,
I'd like to point you to a previous comment where you said:
They don't have to live by those 3rd-world Dark-Age standards in the free
But in this case, when a woman tries to do so, you tell her she can't.
July 27, 2008 6:37 AM HYPERLINK
Esther, I
believe you missed the ironic/satirical point in jdam13's comment. Loosen up,
July 27, 2008 8:51 AM HYPERLINK ""Esther
I realize that
jdamn13 did not mean that husbands have a right to abuse their wives. However I
think he did mean that this is a right in Islam.
Therefore, when a Muslim woman says that it isn't - why try to prove her wrong?
Do you want everybody to live according to the strictest interpretation of
Do you want Christians and Jews to live according to the strictest
interpretation of their ancient holy books?
July 27, 2008 9:03 AM HYPERLINK ""tsarbomba
Esther, c'mon
girl! I interpretted the 'entire' thing as a satirical jab. Where do you feel
he went from satire to serious? Apparently I missed that.
July 27, 2008 10:42 AM HYPERLINK ""Daphne
I did not see
any satire in the post. Muslims believe the koran to be the authentic voice of
god. And the authentic voice of god is to scourge wives who disobey.
Most christians & jews do not accept the Bible as the literal word of god.
Even though christian & jewish fundamentalists do.
In islam every muslim is a fundamentalist. You cannot be a muslim if you do not
believe the koran to be the literal word of god. OK 99% of muslims.
July 27, 2008 3:42 PM HYPERLINK ""grainnewale
said... This post has been removed by a blog administrator. July 27, 2008 10:20 PM HYPERLINK
Hi Daphne,
You cannot be a muslim if you do not believe the koran to be the literal word
of god.
Said who?
You cannot be a Jew if you do not believe the Torah was given to the Jewish
people on Mount Sinai. Every religious Jew affirms this belief every day. What
does that have to do with a literal belief?
Mohammed abrogates verses of the Koran in the Koran itself. In other words,
Mohammed himself was aware that was was good yesterday is not good today. What
else do you need to go from there to a non-literal, deeper understanding?
July 28, 2008 11:47 PM HYPERLINK ""Daphne
Islam has
nothing without the Koran. People can believe in the teachings of Jesus without
believing he is the son of god. They can believe in forgiving the adulteress,
giving the thief your coat when he steals your cloak, the good samaritan,
turning the other cheek etc without believing they are the word of god. Just
good principles to live by.
Without the Koran what has islam got? A set of principles that make nazism seem
moderate. Islam's only justification is that this brutality is the express wish
of god. Remove the Koran from Islam and it falls apart as the teachings of a
ruthless megalomaniac.
The only exception to this may be the Sufis. But they constitute less than 1%
of muslims.
Monotheism is a dangerous set of beliefs. It believes in a fuhrer dictating
laws to a passive people. Christianity was similar in the past and Judaism was
also similar. But changes in circumstances, notably the basic humanity of the
teachings of Jesus and the many persecutions of Jews I believe both those
religions and their followers have adapted. Can Islam adapt? I don't think so
as long as they believe the Koran is the literal word of god. And without the
Koran Islam has the principles of a thug.
As for abrogation. That just shows the emptiness of islam. Can anyone really
believe in a god so fickle that he changes his mind from one day to the next? A
god who is supposed to be omniscient. Islam would be laughable if it waa not so
July 29, 2008 2:22 AM HYPERLINK ""Esther
Hi Daphne,
Neither you nor I will bring about any changes in Islam, but I don't think that
it's completely impossible either.
The Koran is full of injunctions to 'be good', btw, for anybody who wants to
follow it. Even the cases where Mohamed exhorts his followers to fight for
their religion, which he does quite emphatically, could be understood in a
non-literal sense.
For example, in Judaism the injunction to wipe out the Canaanites or Amalekites
was understood differently in different time periods. Today, most Jews feel
uncomfortable with them and just ignore it, or see it as fighting the 'ultimate
evil'. In any case, we know that these peoples do not exist today. Just as the
peoples who lived in the 7th century do not exist today.
Can anybody believe in a God that changes his mind every day? You tell me. I'm
a Jew, so I don't believe God changed his mind the first time. It's up to the
Christians and Muslims to debate whether he changed his mind only once, twice
or three times.
I don't think the debate should be about what is logical or not. God says quite
clearly in the Bible to kill people who desecrate the Sabbath. Moses went to
God and asked him and that was God's decision. Is it logical to say that a
court who kills more than one person in seventy years is considered a 'bad' court?
I don't know, but that's the Jewish attitude. This attitude was decided upon
when Jews had such courts. Today, the attitude is that courts today don't have
that power at all. Why? No good reason, I think.
Jews have their own country, and they can reinstate whatever religious laws
they want. The question is not what do the religious laws say, but how do the
believers see them.
It is the responsibility of religious believers to follow a moral lifestyle, to
reject terrorism and hate. It is of course much easier in Judaism (which states
that the law is up to man) and Christianity (where there are no day-to-day
religious injunctions), but that doesn't mean that Islam can just shrug this
responsibility off. This is what must change by Muslims. Everything else, is
really excuses.
July 29, 2008 2:57 AM HYPERLINK
man who had hit his wife in a parking lot and fractured her nose, because she
had rolled up her veil due to the heat, was sentenced to two years in prison,
18 months of which are suspended, in a court in Marseilles. ... Posted
byMuslims Against Sharia Permalink:July 27, 2008 11:59 AM h
The women who was denied citizenship in
France spoke out this week, saying she had been misrepresented in the media. Are Muslim European women
oppressed? Two articles about French and British
Muslim women claim they are merely looking … Posted byEsther Permalink:July 27,
2008 8:58 AM Another
Muslim tough guy beating on a woman...... A man who had hit his wife in a
parking lot and fractured her nose,
because she had rolled up her veil due to the heat, was sentenced to two years
in prison, 18 months of which are
... Posted byAndrew Fell Permalink:July 26, 2008 6:22 PM
557f28. Is this the future of women in the USA under Shariah? A man who had hit his
wife in a parking lot and fractured
her n those, because she had rolled
up her veil due to the heat, was sentenced to two years in ... Posted byallysonrt Per
malink:July 26, 2008 6:20 PMThe woman needed to be disciplined for her transgr ession:.
A man who had hit his wife in a parking lot and
fractured her nose, because she had rolled up her veil due to the heat, w as sentenced to two years in prison,
18 months of which ... Posted byGateway Pundit Permalink:July 26, 2008 4: 6:39 PM