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Khutbah Prep: How to memorize Qur'an





This Friday, in sha Allah, I shall be giving the Khutbah. During the week I was asked to address the Hifdh school boys and girls, so I said, 'why not join the khutbah and the khatirah together so that more people could benefit.'

As well, because a lot of AlMaghrib students are memorizing Surat AlBaqarah for the upcoming class "Breach of Covenant", i thought it timely to give advice on how to memorize.


So, here are the points i'm looking for. You are welcome to help me out in the research and, in sha Allah, take a chunk of reward for all those who read the khutbah and subsequently memorize Qu'ran because of your encouragement.


What I need regarding the topic:

1. Verses of Qur'an.

2. Hadith

3. statements of the companions

4. Something point form

5. Interesting stats

6. non-Muslim quotes

7. a folktale

8. poetry (Arabic or English)

9. a misconception and it's answer

10. Argue why a topic like this should concern Muslims


Insha Allah, I think this task will be very enjoyable and all of us will learn a lot! Warreenee Shatartak. 


Muhammad Alshareef


This section is a gift from me to you -- advice related to the method of memorization of Qur'an and revision and what that entails.


1- Be free from the 2 hadaths (ceremonial impurities), major and minor when you memorize and revise Qur'an because of the greatness of what you are reading and reciting -- Allah's words -- and make a realization of what Allah said :


Hajj: 32 which translates: "And whosoever honors the Symbols of Allah, then it is truly from the piety of the heart."


2- Try to chose the most appropriate time and proper place to memorize and to revise.


3- Before memorization and revision you must seek refuge in Allah from the Shaitan by saying "A'oudhu billahi AlSamieul Aleem min Ash-Shaitan Ar-Rajeem".


4- Try to feel or sense the greatness of the words of Allah, and their meaning when memorizing and revising because this will cause good memorization.


5- It is good when reading a quarter or memorizing or revising it in a room or other place to read with a moderate voice, not with high volume or extremely low volume, because reading aloud increases the strength of your memorization; except if you are in a masjid, for example -- under that circumstance you must read in a subdued voice (where you can hear yourself) so as not to disturb others involved in worship or in his salat or reading Qur'an.


6- Try to improve your sound with Qur'an, carrying out the words of the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him [reported by Muslim] "Embellish the Qur'an by your voices".


7- If you can memorize by yourself do so, and if not, agree with one of your companions (brother or sister in Islam) to memorize a particular juz so as to increase your activity.




9- Try not to leave a quarter that you have memorized -- read it in salat as you memorize, and when revising. 10- If you complete the memorization of a new quarter or new surah, do not move on to another one until it is perfectly memorized.


Join Date: Nov 2003

Posts: 3,928  Re: Khutbah Prep: How to memorize Qur'an



There are three basic questions to ask about memory:


how are memories formed? (encoding)

how are memories retained? (storage)

how are memories recalled? (retrieval)

This is from a very interesting journal website:




Bishr Alhaafee, rahimahullah, said, "A servant commits a sin, and is deprived [thereby] of performing tahajjud."    




Here are good guidelines:


Here it is a little detailed:


04-13-2004, 09:06 PM    #6 


Ummat Muhammad


Join Date: Dec 2003

Location: Igloo

Posts: 256   Re: Khutbah Prep: How to memorize Qur'an



Islamic Scholars outlined some things as mentioned on the fatwa site of shaykh Muhammad Salih al Munajid, he said the following about improving memory.


Keeping away from sin, because the bad effects of sin result in a bad memory and the inability to retain knowledge. The darkness of sin cannot co-exist with the light of knowledge. The following words were attributed to al-Shaafa'i, may Allaah have mercy on him:


I complained to [my shaykh] Wakee about my bad memory, and he taught me that I should keep away from sin.


He said that knowledge of Allaah is light, and the light of Allaah is not given to the sinner.”


Al-Khateeb reported in al-Jaami’ (2/387) that Yahya ibn Yahya said: “A man asked Maalik ibn Anas, ‘O Abu ‘Abd-Allaah! Is there anything that will improve my memory?’ He said, ‘If anything will improve it, it is giving up sin.’”


When a person commits a sin, it overwhelms him and this leads to anxiety and sorrow which keeps him busy thinking about what he has done. This dulls his senses and distracts him from many beneficial things, including seeking knowledge.


Frequently remembering Allaah, may He be glorified, by reciting dhikr, tasbeeh (saying ‘Subhan Allaah’), tahmeed (‘Al-hamdu Lillaah’), tahleel (‘Laa ilaaha ill-Allaah’) and takbeer (‘Allaahu akbar’), etc. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): “…And remember your Lord when you forget…” [al-Kahf 18:24]

Not eating too much, because eating too much makes one sleep too much and become lazy, and it dulls the senses, besides exposing one to the risk of physical diseases. Most of the diseases which we see result from food and drink.

Some of the scholars have mentioned certain foods which increase the memory, such as drinking honey and eating raisins and chewing certain kinds of gum resin.

Imaam al-Zuhri said: “You should eat honey because it is good for the memory.”


He also said: “Whoever wants to memorize hadeeth should eat raisins.” (From al-Jaami’ by al-Khateeb, 2/394).


Ibraaheem ibn [sth. omitted] said, “You should chew resin gum, because it gives energy to the heart and gets rid of forgetfulness.” (From al-Jaami’ by al-Khateeb, 2/397).


As they mentioned, too much acidic food is one of the causes of laziness and weak memory.


Another thing that can help the memory and reduce forgetfulness is cupping (hijaamah) of the head, as is well known from experience. (For more information see Al-Tibb al-Nabawi by Ibn al-Qayyim). And Allaah knows best.


Also in The Madaris in North Africa where the strongest memorizers of Quran come from, people write down the Quranic ayats, and memorize from the tablet they write it on, that way it is also easier to memorize, when you write things down.




These are some tips to improve memory from a non muslim source , a book called Study Smarter not Harder. I added my own comments to the pointers. The facts are based upon empirical studies and tests.


a) This one may seem obvious, but unfortunately not obvious to the extent, people are neglecting it. The concept of understanding what you memorize. Associating meaning with it. Unfortunately we see people speed reading in taraweeh without giving each ayats its due importance. It is easier to remember things or memorize things if they are associated with meaning or deep emotions. Every single ayat of the Quran is associated with deep emotions and incredible meaning. If you lose a friend or something like this, the memory will haunt you forever, as it is registered in your long term memory. Similiarly if you ponder the deep meanings of what your learning, it will be registered in your long term memory insha'allah. Two books can be helpful to purchase in order to do this,


ALLAH made the Quran easy to remember, and he says,

 And We have indeed made the Qur'an easy to understand and remember, then is there any that will remember (or receive admonition)?


ALLAH swt mentions this verse over 3 times in the surah


So learning the word for word meaning what you memorize in my understanding is the best methodology and the most fun for those who dont speak the language ofcourse, not only are you learning arabic but your memorizing at the same time.


b) One thing it is important to review material, According to the author, you can increase your memory of a three hour lecture by up to 500 percent by simply using three minute review sessions, Review the material immediately after the lecture, then repeat the review after one hour, one day, one week, and one month, two months etc...


This will greatly improve your forgetting curve. They also say this fact in Universities, and I tried it, amazingly it worked.


c) Sleep on it, studies show if you learn or revise something before you sleep, when you get up, you'll have it down. The brain actually uses the sleep period to consolidate things in the long term memory. What you review immediately before going to sleep is what your brain will most quickly and efficiently file away. They also do this in madrassa's overseas


d) The more you memorize, the more easier it will be to memorize more.


e) Practising what you learn, by action and by reciting it out loud.


f) chunking things together, so for a longer verse, due a certain portion, then do the next.


g) Repetition this is obvious one.


h) By reciting it in a pleasant voice , you will make it easier to remember.


It is very important, to be studying in a good environment too, preferably sitting by natural sun light, and to get good exercise, and clear your mind from distractions, that way your mind wont wonder off trying to solve other problems while your memorizing. Especially if your living in places with loud distracting noises.


Some ulama you might want to talk about with strong memorization and piety, Imam Bukhari, Imam Ahmed, Imam Ibn Taymiya, Imam Ash-Shafie, for encouragement.      




--'A'ishah, may Allah be pleased with her, reported:

Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) said: One who is proficient in the Qur'an is associated with the noble, upright, righteous angels; and he who falters in it, and finds it difficult for him, will have a double reward.

--Abdullah ibn Amr ibn Al-As may Allah bless him reported: The Prophet peace be upon him said, "The one who was devoted to the Qur'an will be told on the Day of Resurrection: `Recite and ascend (in ranks) as you used to recite when you were in the world. Your rank will be at the last Ayah you recite.''' [Abu Dawud and At-Tirmidhi].

--Othman ibn Affan may Allah bless him reported that the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him said, "The best amongst you is the one who learns the Qur'an and teaches it.'' [Al-Bukhari].


--Rasul Allah (sas) said, "Verily, the example of a possessor (in memory) of the Qur'an is like a possessor of tied camels. If he watches over them carefully, he would keep them; if he lets them break loose, they would run away from him."      

al ilm noor


I think there are two other threads that discuss memorizing Qur'an and hadeeth. I'll try to cut and paste if I can find them.



Approximately eight years ago I attended a workshop about Madeline Hunter's views on memory and retention. The three points I remember now are:


1) If you learn something 70 (different) times it will be forever engraved in your memory. It's not enough to memorize once and think it will stay. One needs to review. I think I could probably recite the first page of Al-Baqarah without review (even if, laa qaddarAllaah, I hadn't read it in ten years). This is probably due to the fact that I've memorized it about seventy times.


2) For information to be kept in long term memory one should review it a lot when he is first memorizing then start to space out the review sessions. For example, you memorize Surat un-Naba' today. You should review the surah several times today, then maybe twice a day for the next few days, then once a day for a week, then once every other day for the week after that, then it can go down to twice a week, once a week, once every two weeks and so on. Once you're down to once a day or every other day on Surat un-Naba', you can start your intensive memorization of the next surah.


3) Higher level thinking helps the information stay in long term memory. I find that reading the tafseer helps in this way. The more "brain" you use while memorizing, the higher your chances are of keeping what you memorized in your long-term memory.


Abu Hidayah mentioned hijaamah in one of the other threads. I'm going to relate some of my personal experience regarding this. Up until last year I used to feel like ever since I became a mother something happened to my ability to concentrate, study, and memorize. Last summer, I had hijaamah done. After eight years of no serious study (what a waste, May Allaah forgive me), I'm finally able to study again. I'm sure the hijaamah wasn't the only factor, but I feel like it has helped clear my mind.

Wallaahu A'lam


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