Posted April 21, 2009
Filed under: Islamic Education |

Shaykh Bakr Abu Zayd (Rahimahullah) with brief notes by Abdul-Malik
Masculinity and Noble Manners
تمتع بخصال
الرجولة، من
وشدة البأس في
الحق، ومكارم
والبذل في
سبيل المعروف،
حتى تنقطع
دونك آمال
نواقضها، من
ضعف الجأش،
وقلة الصبر،
فإنها تهضم
العلم، وتقطع
اللسان عن
قوله الحق،
بناصيته إلى خصومة
في حالة تلفح
بسمومها في
الصالحين من
“Enjoy masculine qualities; which include bravery, forthrightness, noble
manners and giving for the sake of good causes until the ambitions of men [die]
before reaching your level.
Equally, beware of the qualities that oppose them (i.e. these qualities)
such as being unconfident, impatient and weak in nobility, for they destroy
knowledge, and cut of the tongue from speaking the truth, and they lead him
headlong to his enemies in [such] a state where they [i.e. the opposing
qualities] brush the faces of the pious servants [of Allah] with their poison”
· A man who is
able to adorn himself with masculine qualities, as defined by Islam, will be
able to become brave, forthright and have noble manners that will lead him to
become honourable.
· However bravery and forthrightness are often misunderstood
· While talking about men and masculinity, we do not want to belittle or
exclude our sisters and the importance of womanhood and feminine qualities, as
defined by Islam.
· Sisters too have to attain and enjoy feminine qualities which again will
enable them to become true women, as defined by Islam
· Islam has assigned different roles for men and women, that are fair, based on
their physiological, biological and psychological makeup.
· There are people today who say that men and women should be made equal in all
aspects of life and in everything
· This is a very strange statement as it is impossible to reach such a state of
· Men and women are different from each other, physiologically, biologically
and even psychologically.
· Many sociologists acknowledge this fact but still insist that there should be
attempts to challenge and change ‘gender inequality’ until men and women are
completely equal and are free to do whatever they like.
· For example American sociologist, Juanita Firestone believes that
contraceptive pills have given women a degree of liberty but it’s still not
enough. She believes that women will be fully liberated if only they are able
to become completely equal to their male counterparts and are able to give
birth outside the womb (Haralambos & Holborn, 2008).
· Our understanding of equality is not the same as these people. To us equality
is to maintain balance in everything.
· 70% of the earth’s surface is covered by water (
and the remaining proportion is dry land. Now this is not an equal proportion
of water and land but it is the required proportion of water and land needed to
maintain balance.
· According to Islam, man and woman are two units of a pair.
· When both are taken independent of each other, there will be certain obvious
vacuums in the mental, physical and emotional personalities of each.
· Allah has created men and women in such a way that they complement each other
in different ways.
· For this very purpose, Allah gave different mental, physical and emotional
qualities to the male and the female. These different mental, physical and
emotional qualities, on the one hand complement man and woman, and on the other
establishes for them different spheres of activity in their interpersonal
· The Shaykh talks about positive masculinity
· Some of our youths have misunderstood masculinity
· They think that masculinity is to about showing off by trying to be hard.
· They think masculinity is to oppress the weak by dominating them and by doing
so they hope gain respect of their peers
· However Islam teaches us defend the weak and remain on the side of justice:
انصر أخاك
ظالماً أو
فقال: رجل يا
رسول الله صلى
الله عليه
وسلم أنصره إذ
كان مظلوماً،
أفرأيت إذا
كان ظالماً
كيف أنصره؟!
قال: تحجزه أو
تمنعه من
الظلم، فإن
ذلك نصره.
‘Help your brother, whether he is an oppressor or is oppressed.’ A man
asked: ‘O Messenger of Allah! I (know how to) help him when he is oppressed,
but how can I help him when he is an oppressor?’ He said: ‘You can restrain him
from committing oppression. That will be your help to him.’”
[Al-Bukhari & Muslim]
Some of these youths also think to be masculine is to wear the latest designer
clothes, drive fast cars, have the latest mobile phones
· They forget that Allah does not look at their appearances or their wealth, or
anything else
إن الله
تبارك وتعالى
لا ينظر إلى
صوركم ولا إلى
أجسامكم ولكن
ينظر إلى
قلوبكم وإلى
“Allah does not look at your physical features or your bodies, but He looks
at your hearts and your deeds.” [Reported by Muslim]
In the scale of Islam goodness and true masculinity are measured by Iman,
sincerity and the quality of one’s relationship with Allah.
· A quality of a man who is strong in the sight of Allah is that he is able to
face difficulty, danger and pain in a manner that enables him to maintain control
over different challenging situations through his strength and bravery
· Attaining noble qualities and good manners is one of the objectives of Islam
for which the prophet Muhammmad was sent:
إنما بعثت
لأتمم مكارم
“I have been sent only for the purpose of perfecting good morals.” [Reported by Ahmad]
a brief bio of Imam Abdul Malik please visit: