ALQURAN FOREVER Saturday, June 27, 2009 Respect the Qur'an and the Qur'an speak leave as is, do not
let him curse you ..... Hundreds of thousands of Majlis Al-Quran teaching
spread all over the Reading Al-Quran, of course, the practice of very major,
especially in the month of Ramadan is the month it was revealed Al-Quran. In
addition to a wage increase our wealth, to read Al-Quran is also a psychic
entertainment which is very diverting. Unfortunately, over the development period, when the Al-Quran recitation in the big city is no longer seramai first, smooth and fluent reading Al-Quran is not a skill easily found on the youth of Islam. The growth even Taman Pendidikan Al-Quran and various methods of teaching Al-Quran flash quickly can not afford to compensate the wave and the modernization movement westernisasi culture. Learn Al-Quran-including how to read it - is not easy to reverse the hands. To get the results expected, it takes a special teacher who really have the ability and authority (certificate) of Al-Quran. For the process of learning Al-Quran mensaratkan the talaqqi (meeting the teacher - student directly) in the process. For the Quran ahl ul scholars believe, the only person who can read Al-Quran with a fluent and understand its contents with the Prophet SAW is the teaching that obtained directly from the angels Gabriel. While the reading level of the people than he is good he is only just approaching fluency. That is not many in number. Recognition accuracy will be how to read Al-Quran should get recognition from the Prophet SAW. That is, although at the time of Rasulullah many friends who memorize Al-Quran, but only a few people who just got a mandate to teach the Qur'an. This is their only means of reading Al-Qurannya recognized nearly perfect, so worthy teach others. Similarly, the next generation of the study directly to the Friends of the Prophet. Although the number of students from the tabiin them quite a lot, but only a small part only of the authority (certificate) to teach how to read Al-Quran. So on so forth tabiut tabiin generation and generation after generation, until the modern era, which continues to maintain the order and connection sanad genealogy. They called this the usual scholars ahlul Quran. What about the other students who also completed the lesson, but not to get a diploma of teaching Al-Quran. Of course they can still transmit knowledge, although the value of its goodness is not the same as that obtained a diploma of teaching Al-Quran. At least, can be learned from them how to read Al-Quran correctly, because they also get it from teachers who have a teaching certificate. Estuary Sanad Al-Quran In Places of teaching Al-Quran, and the network, which has a
diploma sanad Al-Quran is usually a boarding tahfizhul Quran (Al-Quran
penghafalan). Unique and almost all pesantren Al-Quran in relation to each
other have a student teacher. For the history, tradition of memorizing the
entire Qur'an in the traditional pesantren-pesantren in K.H. Drs. Muntaha Azhari, provost III Institute for Higher Sciences Al-Quran (PTIQ) Jakarta, who had conducted research in the field is the name of the leader Kiai Moenauwir Krapyak (Yogyakarta), Sheikh Dimyathi Tremas (Pacitan - East Java) and As Sheikh ' ad as the three leaders of some of the tradition penghafalan Al-Quran as well have continued until he sanad. Ahlul scholars of the Koran have sanad most pesantren Al-Quran modern estuary. If you're interested in learning or want to recommend a place to learn and memorize Al-Quran which has continued to genealogical Rasululah SAW (although not all have a teaching certificate), following a brief review places are. The pesantren Al-Quran of the modern can not be separated
from the boarding Krapyak, Because of its versatility in mengaji, qiraat sab'ah his teacher, Sheikh Yusuf Hajar, gave him a diploma sanad qiraah continued until the Messenger of Allah: that is very rarely found students Sheikh Yusuf is very difficult because the requirements. In the genealogy Kiai is on the order Moenauwir third forty five. There are also other sanad the obtaining of Sheikh Abdul Karim bin Umar Al-Badri Ad-Dimyathi, a little shorter. Not now have the name Al-Munawwir are located in the
southern central city of Near Sunan Kudus Still in Meanwhile, in Pesantren Al-Quran in the other major Not far from Kudus, Demak also stand in some pesantren Al-Quran. The most famous is not Bustanul 'Usyaqil Quran, which was established by KH Sheikh Muhammad bin-Tarmasi Mahfudz At the Village Betengan. Now Betengan not care by the second generation, KH Muhammad Harir. There is also the Pesantren Nurul Quran, Sayung, led by KH Masroni. In addition to boarding train Al-Quran, Kiai Masroni also known as a substitute in Thariqah Mursyid Syadziliyyah the diasuh Luthfi by Habib Bin Yahya, Pekalongan. While in the Holy east, precisely in the area Kajen, Pati, Huda Mathali'ul not stand the diasuh by KH Nafi 'Abdillah and his brother-younger brother. Pesantren heritage champion Kiai Abdullah Salam was also known as a place of teaching Thariqah Naqsyabandiyyah Khalidiyyah. Besides, there's more Pesantren Al-Asy'ariyyah Kalibeber in Wonosobo. Pesantren established by the deceased K.H. Muntaha and is now led by K.H. Ahmad Faqih Muntaha education is also a common starting kindergarten to university. Pesantren Al-Quran is very popular in the Pesantren Benda Bumiayu is established by the KH Suhaimi (Munawwir student leader, Krapyak). Outside boarding, teaching Al-Quran Mosque also held Kauman
Semarang. Theory that originally diasuh by al-lah maghfur Kiai Abdullah Umar,
student leader Munawwir Krapyak, Meanwhile, in Scholarships Penghafal Al-Quran In addition to two city teaching tahfizhul also found in the
Quran Manonjaya (Tasikmalaya), Pesantren Darit Tafsir Pagentongan, Meanwhile, in Gress and the most is the Pesantren Darul Quran Bulaksantri
Karangtengah Tangerang, which diasuh by muballigh canal Ustadz Yusuf Mansur.
Program to strengthen the Al-Quran recitation is, with the famous boarding
scholarships penghafal of Al-Quran will bring teachers, teacher Al-Quran of
some pesantren Al-Quran in No less with other provinces in Java, Besides not Tremas Pacitan Krapyak as the estuary is also a
genealogical sanad Pesantren Al-Quran, Quran recitation tahfizhul famous in
Gresik, Jombang, In Jombang, for example, there are boarding Madrasatul Koran
Tebuireng diasuh by KH Musta'in Syafi'i, Pesantren Nurul Quran Bendungrejo (led
by Ruslan Jumail KH), and Pesantren Nurul Jadid Plandi (Afif Abdul led KH).
While in the program Posted by syarifuddin at 4:58 AM http://ponpestebuireng.blogspot.com/2009/06/respect-quran-and-quran-speak-leave-as.html |
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