Tuesday, July 28,
Allah has sent us to free those who wish so from the worshipping
of man to the worshipping of the God of man - and from the confines of the
world to its spaciousness, and from the injustice of religions to the justice
of Islam. Islam for Qutb has nothing to feel defensive about, it is other
faiths and ideologies that must explain themselves in front of the one true
faith. There is nothing backwards about it, nothing which is only for a certain
period of history, it is a truth which is valid in all times and places, for
all creeds of humanity. It liberates humans from the limits of ideology, race,
creed and ignorance into the united, very human faith devoted to the worship of
the one true God. Qutb does over-emphasise these views ad nauseum at times, but it
is only to drive home the importance of seeing Islam as it is, of understanding
the actions of the Prophet and his companians as they truly were, and in doing
so, of benefiting humanity, as he believed, and rescuing it from the moral
cesspool it has driven itself into. The book is insightful Islamically, and his
remarkable knowledge and faith truly show in almost every paragraph. But this
book is a polemic, it is not an academic study or theoretical paper where he
expounds his views. Crucial to his belief in a living breathing Islam is his
view of a kind of praxis, a fusion of Quranic understanding and of immediate
application to life in its every day variations. The Quran for Qutb is not a
literary work, not a poetry or history text, it is not a book to be mulled over
intellectually. These features are accidental and not essential to its true
nature, it is the word of God - nothing less. Only once there is a living, breathing embodiment of Muslims on
earth can humanity see an example of a society in which justice between the
genders, political and social justice and environmental and economic stability
are finally addressed. To distract ourselves with any of these side issues is
to doom ourselves to failure. Qutb is adamant that a true Muslim would find
justice in all matters by focusing on the one true paths, and the ill's of
human society are symptoms of the straying from this path. On three occasions, Qutb seemed to emerge from the text, to give
his view on contemporary issues. In his chapter, Islam is civilization, we see
a more personal side to his writing as he describes his struggle in first
attacking notions of "Civilization" as the European man painted it
during his colonial adventures in the world, and as a concept in itself. At
first he felt that to use that term was to submit to the European
"Weltenschauung" of what civilization and modernity were all about.
The soluton came when he realised that whilst the Western empires had tried to
monopolise the term Civilization, their backwardness could not be hidden. It
was, says Sayid Qutb, Islam which was the truly civilising power for man. All
else could truly be called backwards in its most crystal clear meaning. Islam
was Civilization, not the West. In one of his closing chapters, he reflects on the formative
period he spent in the United States. He describes how some Muslims he met
there became apologetic about Islam, arguing that true Islam is not how it is
wrongfully portrayed. Qutb says that he refused to be defensive about his
faith, arguing with those who accused him and placing them in the defendents
seat rather than the other way around. He used as his ammunition the lax morality,
the materiality and the bankruptcy of Western modern life. He referred to the
freedom for men and women to mix as the "freedom for animals". Those
he spoke with would then feel ashamed about the truth of what he had to say
whilst people who claimed to be Muslims held a defeatist attitude, a position
which bewildered and upset Qutb. Overall, Milestones is the expression of a confident and
extremely pious man who seemed deeply worried about the pervasiveness of
Western materialist ideologies throughout the world and the damage they are
causing. In his view, the answer lay in the Quran and could not be simpler.
Interestingly enough Qutb never specifically calls for war - an accusation
commonly levelled against him and Leo Strauss. What he does say though is that
the presence of a truly independent and strong Islamic nation would inevitably
be provocative to those "Kings" of the world who would not tolerate a
nation submitting only to Allah. Here Qutb is clear, there is no backing down
from obligation and no compromise in the faith. It is, I suspect, this
unyielding positon and dramatic revival of Islamic principles which probably
made his thought such a threat to those who opposed him and which would
eventually cost him his life. Posted by
Maysaloon at 9:53 PM Arima
said... great analysis and I do agree with you. But
why do you think Nasser took against him so much? 1:31 AM http://maysaloon.blogspot.com/2009/07/milestones-by-sayid-qutb.html |
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