The Issue of the Hijab
Dolly Z. Hassan PhD,
With more focus now (since
September 11th) on the Hijab (head covering worn by Muslim women)
and with an increasing number of our own Guyanese community — young and old —
taking up the Hijab, people are asking, "Is it mandated by Islam?"
The Institute of Islamic Information and Education states that "The answer to
the question is very simple — Muslim women observe HIJAB . . .
because Allah has told them to do so.'' (Brochure Series.)
I recall just a few months ago, I was browsing in an Islamic store on Liberty
Avenue, Richmond Hill, Queens, NY, and was looking for a hijab for someone. The
salesman came by and encouraged me to buy, warning also that "Allah says woman
must wear the Hijab."
But now how can you argue with that? What exactly is this man's source? Did
Allah really say that? What does the Quran say about the hijab as a woman's
headwear, which many Muslim women claim, "protects" and "elevates" them?
The use of hijab or head covering dates back to Greco-Roman civilization. Jews,
Christians, Muslims traditionally covered their heads as a matter of respect —
as they all do even today in places of worship. Arab men and women traditionally
covered their heads even prior to the advent of Islam — it was and is common and
practical in the desert to shield, for example, from the sand.
The word "Hijab" derives from hajaba, that is, to hide or conceal, screen,
shield. Hijab/hibaja is mentioned eight times in the Quran. But Hijab
does not appear in the context of a woman's head covering. Certainly, there is
no detailed direction as to women's precise attire.
One key Quranic verse, 7:26, states: "O children of Adam, we have provided
you with garments to cover your bodies, as well as for luxury. But the best
garment is the garment of righteousness. . . ." Thus, the basic Islamic rule
is that the best dress is that of righteousness — doing the right thing,
behaving appropriately at all times.
Most scholars seem to agree that one specific reference in the Quran on women's
dress code comes from 24:30-31, often quoted as the source of the command for
the veil: "And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze
and guard their modesty; that they should not display their beauty and ornaments
. . . that they should draw their KHIMAR over their bosoms and not display their
beauty except to their husbands. . . . ''
There is much controversy over the translation of the verse and especially the
word Khimar (which loosely means covering). Many translators use the word veil
instead of covering, thus arguing that the Quran requires the veil. However, as
scholars of Arabic have pointed out, Khimar can be any covering, such as a
tablecloth, blanket, dress, or shawl.
What is semantically clear, even after an analysis of various translations and
even if one uses the word veil in translation — and one doesn't have to have a
superb command of the Arabic language for this — is an order that the woman's
bosom be covered, not that the woman's head be covered. The emphasis or concern
is about the exposed bosom, not uncovered head. The woman must take her cloth,
shawl, whatever she is wearing, and cover or shield her bosom from view.
Another frequently cited passage from the Quran is 33:59: "O Prophet! Tell
thy wives and daughters, as well as all other believing women, that they should
draw over themselves some of their outer garments; this will be more conducive
to their being recognized as decent women and not annoyed.. . ." Here the
advice is that properly clad women do not get unwanted attention.
To put it simply, the idea from all these passages on women's dress is what we
have all been told by our parents all along: a decent woman does not wear a
dress with an outrageously low-cut neck, nor does she wear skimpy mini-skirts.
If she does, she calls unwanted attention to herself and sends a message of
Some Muslims cite various sections of the Hadiths, or the teachings of the
Prophet Muhammad (on whom be peace), to buttress their argument that the hijab
is Allah's command. In one tradition (some argue a weak one) Prophet Muhammad is
quoted as saying "If the woman reaches the age of puberty, no part of her
body should be seen but this. . . ." (He allegedly pointed to his face and
The Prophet and his followers, others argue, cannot supersede the Quran, cannot
create new rules and attribute them to Allah. Everyone acknowledges that the
Hadiths do not carry the force and might of the "word" of Allah, and one writer,
has gone as far as to say the following:
Accepting orders from
anybody but God, means idol-worship. That is how serious the matter of Hijab/khimar
is. Women who wear Hijab because of tradition or because they like it for
personal reasons commit no sin, as long as they know that it is not part of this
perfect religion. Those who are wearing it because they think God ordered it are
committing Idol-worship, as God did not order it, the scholars did. These women
have found for themselves another god than the One who revealed the Quran,
complete, perfect and FULLY detailed to tell them they have to cover their heads
to be Muslims."
(Ahmed Okla, Women Dress Code in Islam).
I will not take the
stand that wearing the hijab is akin to idol worship. I heard my father once say
to someone: "Look, I don't know if it's OK to eat crabs — after all, the Saudis
do — but what is wrong if I err on the side of caution and abstain?" So women
who wear the hijab, I prefer to think, want to err on the side of the caution as
long as they recognize that a Muslim woman without the hijab can carry herself
with as much modesty and dignity as one that dons the head wear. And we all know
that there is nothing more irritating than a beautifully clad hijab woman with a
loud, shrill voice and a domineering, masculine manner (sort of the equivalent
of wearing the hijab with a bikini).
Mr. Mohamad Kasim Yusuf, a Guyanese-American, editor of the Islamic periodical
Aalim concludes, "It is simply this: within Islam there is no mandatory wearing
of the hijab. It is all right for a woman to elect to wear or not wear it. The
essential dress code is characterized by simplicity, decency and modesty."
As a lay person reflecting on this topic, I have learned that the argument for
or against the hijab as a religious requirement is complex. The more one splits
hair with semantics, the more one is inclined to adopt a common sense approach.
Having draped myself with the abayya and veil (almost opaque black cloth
covering my entire face, including eyes and nose) for about two years in Saudi
Arabia, I know that I am the same person with or without it. Wearing or not
wearing the hijab does not make an individual any more or less pious.
The argument that the Hijab protects and elevates women brings to mind another
argument I often heard in Saudi Arabia, one that attempts to justify the
oppression of women: A woman is queen of her home; she does not need to venture
out. Leave that to men.
No, I would like to feel the sun and rain upon my head and skin.
Courtesy: Guyana Journal,