Democracy in Islamic Perspective
Shah Abdul
is a commonly known word all over the world. Most of the political movements in
the world have made it their goal to establish this system in their respective
countries. Democracy is the most popular and accepted political system in the
modern world. Yet, there exists some difference of opinion among the Islamic
groups on democracy. Democracy and human rights have occupied very important
position in the political agenda of many of the Islamic parties. However, some
of the parties and people do not accept it, since democracy speaks of
sovereignty of the people.
In this context, we need careful and deep analysis on this issue. We need to
understand the issue avoiding the minor technicalities. As we see, Islamic
parties and Islamic scholars of the modern world think of a political system
wherein government will run the country through Parliament. They also want
freedom of expression, voting right of the people, rule of law, independent &
free judiciary, free press, fundamental human rights etc. These are also the
pre-requisites of the democratic system. It is therefore, apparent on a deeper
analysis that the concept of state and govt. of Islamic Parties are in
conformity with the principles of democracy.
Theoretically speaking, Islam speaks of sovereignty of Allah, while western
democracy advocates that sovereignty belongs to people. However, all political
thinkers do not share the same view of sovereignty. Some political scientists
even argue that there is no need of concept sovereignty at all. Even the concept
of sovereignty is not highlighted in the books which discuss democracy though
sovereignty is discussed in great detail as a political concept in the books of
political science. In this context, we feel it necessary to quote from the
writings of Allama Yousuf Al Qardawi, an eminent Islamic scholar of the present
time. He wrote:
? The fear of some people here that democracy makes the people a source of power
and even legislation (although legislation is Allah?s alone) should not be
heeded here, because we are supposed to be speaking of a people that in its
majority and has accepted Allah as its Lord, Mohammad as its Prophet and Islam
as its Religion. Such a people would not be expected to pass a legislation that
contradicts Islam and its incontestable principles and conclusive rules.?
?Anyway, these fears can be overcome by one article stipulating that any
legislation contradicting the incontestable provisions of Islam shall be null
and void because Islam is the religion of the State and the source of legitimacy
of all its institutions and therefore may no be contradicted, as a branch may
not run against the main stream.?
?It should be known that the acceptance of the principle that legislation or
rule belong to Allah does not rob the Nation of its right to seek for itself the
codes necessary to regulate its ever-changing life and earthly affairs.?
?What we seek is that legislations and codes be within the limits of the
flawless texts and the over all objectives of Sharia and the Islamic Message.
The binding texts are very few, while the area of ?permissibility? or
legislative free space is quite wide and the texts themselves are so flexible
and capacious as to accommodate more than one understanding and accept more than
one interpretation, which leads to the existence of several schools and
philosophies within the expansive framework of Islam.? (Quoted from ?Priorities
of the Islamic Movement in the Coming Phase?, Chapter : The movement and
political Freedom and Democracy)
We find many Islamic scholars accepted the idea of democracy in Islam though
under certain conditions. Dr. Abu Said Nuruddin has written in his book
?Mohakobi Iqbal?, ( Iqbal the Great Poet) that Allama Iqbal, was not happy with
the democratic system because of its secularist stance but he suggested in his
writings that there was no alternative to democracy. In his 6th speech on
?Reconstruction of religious thought in Islam?, Allama Iqbal stated that Islamic
state is established on the principles of freedom, equality, and the absolute
principles of stability. Therefore the principles of democratic rule is not only
similar with the fundamental aspects of Islam rather the executing powers are
enhanced in the Muslim world (Mohakabi Iqbal, Iqbal the Great Poet by Dr. Abu
Said Nuruddin)
Iqbal observed, should the foundation of democracy rests upon spiritual and
moral values, it would be the best political system. He wrote in the "The New
Era" on its 28th July, 1917 issue: that democracy was born in Europe from
economic renaissance that took place in most of its societies??.But Islamic
democracy is not developed from the idea of economic advancement rather it is a
spiritual principle that comes from the principle that everybody is a source of
power whose possibilities can be developed through virtue and character?.
[Mohakabi Iqbal ( Iqbal the Great Poet) by Dr. Abu Said Nuruddin, page -239)
That means according to Iqbal Islam prescribes democracy under the law of Allah.
We see Moulana Maududi, fifty years ago from now, in his book ?Political theory
of Islam? used the term ?Theo-democracy? for Islamic state. He didn?t deny the
term ?democracy?. Rather he accepted democracy while this system will work under
the sovereignty of Allah. We also see that in the first Islamic constitution of
the present world, the term democracy was accepted with the consent of Islamic
scholars (ulema). In the preamble, the term democracy was accepted in the
following manner :
? Wherein the principles of democracy freedom, equality, tolerance and social
justice, as enunciated by Islam, should be fully observed?. (from the preamble
of the constitution of 1956)
In the 1973 constitution the same position was maintained.
?Wherein the principles of democracy freedom, equality, tolerance and social
justice, as enunciated by Islam, shall be fully observed?. (from the preamble of
the constitution of 1973)
This means that democracy has been accepted within the limits of Islam so that
in the name of democracy Islamic principles cannot be violated. Islamic Scholars
and Islamic Politicians have come to accept the word democracy and what it means
within these limits.
Allama Yousuf Al Qardawi in his book ? Priorities of the Islamic Movement In the
Coming Phase? has titled one of its chapters as ? The Movement and Political
Freedom and Democracy?. In this book he has shown that Islam does not allow any
kind of autocracy or monarchy. He also showed that Islam spreads through
political freedom. He stated that Islam unlike democracy is a complete code of
life, which encompasses many more vital issues of human needs. Above all, he
thinks democracy is consistent with Islam and the fundamental rights of mankind
prescribed in Islam can be ensured through democracy. He has advocated in favor
of democratic system and political freedom. But he suggested to introduce a
clause in the constitution to the effect that no law will be passed contrary to
the injunctions of the Quran and Sunnah. This clause will act as guarantee
against the fear of some people that anti Islamic law may be passed under the
cover of democracy. Dr. Qardawi writes:
? It is the duty of the ( Islamic) Movement in the coming phase to stand firm
against totalitarian and dictatorial rule, political despotism and usurpation of
people?s rights. The movement should always stand by political freedom, as
represented by true , not false, democracy. It should flatly declare its refusal
of tyrants and steer clear of all dictators, even if some tyrant appears to have
good intentions towards it for some gain and for a time that is usually short,
as has been shown by experience.
The Prophet (SAWS) said , ? When you see my Nation fall victim to fear and does
not say to wrong-doer , ? You are wrong?, then you may lose hope in them. ? So
how about a regime that forces people to say to a conceited wrongdoer, ? How
just, how great you are. O our hero, our savior and our liberator!?
The Quran denounces tyrants such as Nimrudh, Pharoah, Haman and others, but it
also dispraises those who follow tyrants and obey their orders. This is why
Allah dispraises the people of Noah by saying, ? But they follow (men) whose
wealth and children give them no increase but only loss.? [Surat Nuh : 21]
Allah also says of Ad, people of Hud, ? And followed the command of every
powerful, obstinate transgressor?.[ Sura HUD : 59]
See also what the Quran says about the people of Pharoah, ? But they followed
the command of Pharaoh, and the command of Pharoah was not rightly guided.[
Surat Hud : 97] ? Thus he made fools of his people, and they obeyed him : truly
they were a people rebellious (against Allah) .? [ Sura Az- Zukhruf : 54]
A closer look at the history of the Muslim Nation and the Islamic Movement in
modern times should show clearly that the Islamic idea, the Islamic Movement and
the Islamic Awakening have never flourished or borne fruit unless in an
atmosphere of democracy and freedom, and have withered and become barren only at
the times of oppression and tyranny that trod over the will of the people by
force which clung to Islam. Such oppressive regimes imposed their Secularism,
Socialism, or Communism on their people by force and coercion, using covert
torture and public executions, and employing those devilish tools that tore
flesh, shed blood, crushed bone and destroyed the soul.
On the other hand, we saw the Islamic Movement and the Islamic Awakening bear
fruit and flourish at the times of freedom and democracy, and in the wake of the
collapse of imperial regimes that ruled peoples with fear and oppression.
Therefore, I would not imagine that the Islamic Movement could support anything
other than political freedom and democracy.?
? However, the tools and guarantees created by democracy are as close as can
ever be to the realization of the political principles brought to this earth by
Islam to put a leash on the ambitions and whims of rulers. These principles are:
shura (consultation), good advice enjoining what is proper and forbidding what
is evil, disobeying illegal orders, resisting unbelief and changing wrong by
force whenever possible. It is only in democracy and political freedom that the
power of Parliament is evident and that people?s deputies can withdraw
confidence from any government that breaches the Constitution, and it is only in
such an environment that the strength of free press, free Parliament, opposition
and the masses is most felt.?
It is evident from the above discussion that Islamic thinkers and Muslim people
want their right to vote, rule of law, and a government that is to be elected by
the people. The term democracy mean all these things. Taking everything into
consideration, we can say that there is no problem to accept the term democracy
under certain conditions. We see different constitutions and Islamic scholars
conditionally accepted the term ?democracy?. Muslim community can accept this
term. This will help to remove misunderstandings about Islam that it is for
violence and dictatorships.
-Shah Abdul Hannan