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Mossad assassinates Iraqi scientists in bomb blasts 

cid:014d01c8f95a$e08e1580$4001a8c0@RajaCAIRO- Israel is constantly seeking to weaken Arab countries on the scientific, technological and intellectual levels. It does this for the purpose of imposing its domination on them after it has failed through lies, in the past decades, to establish itself as the strongest, developed and most destructive state in the region.

Consequently it obstructs any Arab attempt to achieve development in the nuclear field by assassinating Arab scientists and specialists in the nuclear field.

After the US invasion in 2003, Mossad, the national intelligence agency of Israel, launched a massive campaign to eliminate Iraqi scientists in order to end the dream of Iraq becoming a developed nation. According to a British study, Iraq has the largest number of scientists in the world in relation to its population.

Not only did Israel target Iraqi scientists but it also assassinated a large number of Arab scientists. In 1952 the Egyptian atomic research scientist, Sameera Mousa, was assassinated in the US. The Egyptian atomic scientist, Yehya Al Mashad, was killed in 1980 in Paris, the Egyptian microwave scientist, Sayed Bdeer, was eliminated in his house in Alexandria in 1989 and the Egyptian atomic scientist, Sameer Najeeb, was killed in Detroit in 1967.

Israel also exerted pressure on developed western countries to bar Arab students from joining certain specialized institutions. Some countries prevent students from the third world from studying atomic and missile sciences.

A British State Department official said his country was reviewing the opening of sensitive and important specialized institutions (nuclear engineering, missile technology, jet stimulation and chemical and germ technologies that could be used in building nuclear and missiles potentials) before foreign students.

In 2002 the US House of Representatives approved a ban on students of seven countries, including four Arab states, to study in certain specialized fields.



The Egyptian Professor, Yehya Al Mashad, was one of the most important nuclear scientists in Iraq. He was working for the Iraqi Atomic Energy Agency and at the same time he was lecturing at the Engineering Faculty at the University of Baghdad.

Mashad had managed to rebuild the Iraqi nuclear oven which was destroyed in 1979. He also supervised the transfer of the oven from the Port of Toulon in France to Iraq. After that he became the spokesman and president of the Iraqi Nuclear Program. He also facilitated a deal with France to acquire enriched uranium.

In 1980 he was killed by Mossad in a hotel in Paris.

The Egyptian atomic scientist, Professor Sameera Mousa, left Egypt in 1951 for the US to conduct research at Saint Louis University. After a few months, when asked to remain at the university, she replied, "my precious homeland, Egypt, awaits me". Before returning home, on her way back after visiting a nuclear laboratory in the US, she was killed by a truck which crashed into her car.

Mousa was born on March 3, 1917 in the Sinbou Village of Al Gharbeyyeh Governorate. She won many prizes in her primary education. She obtained a Masters degree in gas-thermo communication. She obtained a scholarship in the UK and was able to complete her doctorate dissertation in two years.

Mossad also assassinated Professor Mustafa Mashrefah who was the first Arab scientist taking part in space research and one of Albert Einstein's main assistants. He was called "The Arab Einstein."

The Egyptian scientist Dr. Nabil Al Laqeeni disappeared mysteriously in what was then Czechoslovakia. The Egyptian scientist Dr. Jamal Hamdan was killed by Mossad and all his books and publications have disappeared.

Dr. Salwa Habib was killed by Mossad after publishing her book "The Israeli Influence in Africa." She was found slaughtered in her apartment and the Egyptian police failed to find the killer.

The nuclear Palestinian scientist Nabil Ahmed Fleifel, from Al Am'ari refugee camp, was assassinated by Mossad.

Mossad assassinated the Lebanese Physicist Ramal Hassan Ramal who was one of the 100 best Physics scientists in the world and was dubbed "The Edison of the Arabs."


Mossad kills 350 Iraqi scientists

According to a report, Mossad, in cooperation with the US occupation forces in Iraq, have killed 350 Iraqi nuclear scientists and more than 200 University professors.

The report, prepared by the US Secretary of State and referred to the US President George Bush, said that Mossad and commando groups had been active in Iraq since the invasion in 2003. They targeted Iraqi nuclear scientists after the US had failed to convince them to work for the US or move to the US.

Some of them were forced to work in public research centers in the US but the majority refused to work with American scientists in certain tests, the report added. Many of them fled to other countries.

The scientists who refused to leave Iraq were severely interrogated and were tortured. The report stated that Mossad saw that they had to be eliminated because they posed a threat to the future of Israel.

Mossad found that the best way to assassinate them is through the ongoing violence in Iraq. The report added that the Pentagon was also convinced that this was the best way and special Israeli commando groups were prepared to fulfill this task. The US team gave assistance to the Zionist troops and the team prepared the curriculum vitae of the scientists and provided access to them.

According to the report, the operations have targeted more than 1000 Iraqi scientists and one of the main purposes of the bomb blasts spread in many cities in Iraq is to eliminate the scientists.


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