AL-JAHIZ AND THE RISE OF BIOLOGICAL EVOLUTIONISM MEHMET BAYRAKDAR Although al-Nazzam made the first steps in the field of biological evolutionary thought in the history of science, for the first time the theory of biological evolution in its complete form was presented by a great early zoologist, al-Jahiz in the ninth century. He was the first to originate it. Al-Jahiz’s theory is an example of scientific revolution and innovation that has had reverberations into the farthest reaches of human thought. It is fair to say that many problems of the philosophy of Nature appeared in a new light after the revolution of al-Jahiz and his successors. Before describing al-Jahiz’s own views and his influence upon Muslim and European thinkers, especially upon Lamarck and Darwin, I want to give some biographical and bibliographical accounts. a. Biographical and Bibliographical Notices Al-Jahiz’s complete name is Abu ‘Uthman Amr bin Bahr al-Fukaymi al- Basri. He owes his sobriquet (al-Jahiz = the goggle-eyed) to
a malformation of his eyes. He was born at animated by philosophical, theological, scientific problems.
His penetrating observation of the various elements in a mixed population
increased his knowledge of human nature, whilst reading books of all kinds
which were beginning to circulate in From then on, without completely abandoning Towards the end of his life, suffering from hemiplegia, he retired to his hometown, where he died in 869 (225) "2". As in politics, so in theology al-Jahiz was a mu’tazili. He was also a famous Muslim prose writer. His place in the development of Muslim thought is far from negligible. He was the founder ofa sect named after him, al-Jahiziyya "3". He was a genius in the science of zoology. And he knew how to obtain ammonia and salmiac from animal offals by dry distillation "4" Being a polyhistor and man of letters, al-Jahiz had a very
great output like many Muslim writers. A catalogue of his works lists nearly
200 titles of which only about a third have been preserved in their entirety;
about fifty thers have been partially preserved, whilst the rest seem
irremediably lost "5". His most important book is The Book of Animals
(Kitab al-Hayawan) "6". Iahiz’s method was empirical and scientific,
not only discursive, as Sarton elieves "7". That is why Asin Palacios
says, “ Miskawayh, and many passages are quoted by Zakariyya’ al-Qazwini (1203-1282) in his ‘A/a’ ib al-Maklzluqat, and by Mustawfial-Qazwini (1281- ?) in his Nuzkat ai-Qulub; and al-Damiri in his Hayat al-Hayawan’ "10". b. Al-Jakiz’s View on Biological Evolution After a long study of animals, Al-Jahiz was the first to put forward his view of biological evolution in his Book ofAnimals, which contains the germs of many later evolutionary theories (animal embryology, evolution, adaptation, animal psychology and sociology) "11". First of all, al-Jahiz’s attempts were made in a truly scientific spirit to classifV animals in a linear series, beginning with the simplest and continuing to the most complex; and at the same time, he arranged them into groups having marked similarities; and these groups were divided into sub-groups to trace the ultimate unit in the species "12" An early exponent of the zoological and anthropological sciences, al- Jahiz discovered and recognized the effect of environmental factors on animal life; and he also observed the transformation of animal species under different factors. And in many remarkable passages of his book, he also described for us the struggle of existences for survival, its aim and mechanisms and value in a scientific way, as well as in a folkloric way. As to know the mechanistiis of evolution, al-Jahiz described three mechanisms. These are Struggle for Existence, Transformation of species into each other, and Environmental Factors. Let us now see the mechanisms, as briefly as possible. Struggle for Existence: al-Jahiz placed the greatest weight on evolution by the struggle for existence, or, in a larger sense, by natural selection. It operates in conjunction with the innate desire for conservation and permanence of the ego. According to al-Jahiz, between every individual existence, there is a natural war for life. The existence are in struggle with each other. Al-Jahiz’s theory of struggle for existence may accordingly be defined as a differential death rate between two variant class of existence, the lesser death rate characterizing the better adapted and stronger class. And for al-Jahiz, the struggle for existence is a divine law; God makes food for some bodies out of some other bodies’ death. He says, “The rat goes out for collecting his food, and it searches and seizes them. It eats some other inferior animals, like small animals and small birds. . . it hides its babies in disguised underground tunnels for protecting them and himself against the attack of the snakes and of the birds. Snakes like eating rats very much. As for the snakes, they defend themselves from the danger of the beavers and hyenas; which are more powerful than themselves. The hyena can frighten the fox, and the latter frightens all the animals which are inferior to it. ... this is the law that some existences are the food for others. . . . All small animals eat smaller ones; and all big animals cannot eat bigger ones. Men with each other are like animals. . . God makes cause of some bodies life, “ "13" from some bodies death and vice versa. And according to al-Jahiz, the struggle does not exist only between the members of different species, but also between the members of the same species "14". From what al-Jahiz has said, we can make an assertion that
God has created Nature in a prodigal reproductive character and He has also
established a law, which is the biological struggle for existence in order to
keep it within a limited ratio. Otherwise, the disorder could appear in Nature
and it could lose some of its riches and species. We can see the germs of And, he adds that God’s will and power is the main causal factor in the transformation, and God can transform any species into another at any time He wants. So al-Jahiz defends the transformation of species and mutation, due to different factors, including God’s will’7, as we have said above. Here al-Jahiz got some of his material from the sayings of different learned men. As for the effect of environmental factors on species, al-Jahiz believes that the food, climate, shelter and other factors have some biological and psychological effects on species. And for him, these factors also lead the species to a hard struggle for survival. In a changed environment, there is also a change in some characters having survival value. The process of changing characters in succeeding generations makes the organisms better adapted to their environment. They thus survive and get a chance to breed and transmit their characteristics to their offspring. So, al-Jahiz based his theory upon the notion of the use and disuse of organs in the adaptation of animals to their environment. Al-Jahiz says, “Without doubt, we have seen that some
Nabatheen navigators resembled the ape in some geographical environment, likely
we have also seen some people from Such are the main mechanisms of al-Jahiz’s biological evolution. Now, I will speak about al-Jahiz’s great influence upon Muslim and European scientists. Al-Jahiz’s zoology and theory of biological evolution have profoundly affected the development of zoology and biology. As we have said before, al-Jahiz’s biological evolution had some direct influences upon Ikhwan al-Safa, and other illustrious philosophers, such as Ibn Miskawayh, al-Biruni, Ibn Tufayl, with whom al-Jahiz’s theory acquired a new sense, in that they made of it two new doctrines: a cosmological one, because it was applied to the phenomena of the whole universe; and a sociological one, because it was applied to social phenomena. Moreover, Ibn Miskawayh and Ibn Khaldun explain the true meaning of Prophecy and prove it by such a theory. Thus, Jahiz’s pure biological evolution became the source of different doctrines in later Islamic thought, such as sociological, metaphysical and cosmological evolutionisms. On the other hand, al-Jahiz’s theory has been repeated by Muslim zoologists and naturalists, especially by al-Zakariyya’ al-Qazwini, in his ‘Aja’ ib al-Makhluqat, Mustawfi al-Qazwini in his Nuzhat al-Qulub, and al- Damiri in his Hayat al-Hayawan, without mentioning other literary persons, such as al-Masudi and Ibn Qutayba. As for the influence of al-Jahiz on European thinkers, it
has become the subject of two main studies: “Der Darwinismus im X und XIX
Jahrhundert” of Fr. Dieterici ( How has Jahiz’s idea been transmitted to the Europeans?
Al-Jahiz and other evolutionist Muslim thinkers influenced Darwin and his
predecessors in several ways. Before the flourishing of C. Linnaeus
(1707-1778), Buffon (1707-1788), E. Darwin (1731-1802),J. B. Lamarck
(1744-1829), and Ch. Darwin (1809-1882), and long before the rise of the Al-Jahiz’s theory of evolution was something very new in the history of science, and there was nothing written previous to it. Although Greek philosophers like Empedocles and Aristotle spoke of the change in Nature, in plants and animals, they never made the first steps on the field of the future theory of evolution of the Muslims. Their concept of change was only a concept of simple change and motion, nothing more than that. And by the concept of change, they never designed explicitly or implicitly a concept of evolution: “The World of Nature is thus for Aristotle, a world of self-moving thing, as it is for the Ionians and for Plato. . .. Nature as such is process, growth, change. This process is a development, i.e. the changing takes successive forms, a, b, y, . . . in which each is the potentiality of its successor, but it is not what we call ‘evolution’, because for Aristotle, the kinds of change and of structure exhibited in the world of nature form an eternal repertory, and the items in the repertory are related logically, not temporally, among themselves"25"”. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Pellat ( 2) Ibn ‘Asakir, MMIJ, IX, pp. 203—217. 3) Khaiib Baghdadi, XII, pp. 212-222. 4) Sarton (G.), Iniroduciion in ihe Hisiorp of Science, vol. I, Washington, 1927, p. 597. 5) Pellat ( 6) The Book of .4niinals was published in 7 volumes, in 7) Sarton says: “His most important work is The Book oj.-Inimals, a very discursive compilation, the purpose of which is theological and folkloric, rather than scientific , Sarton, op. cii., p. 597. Sarton’sjudgement is not true; indeed, many of the knowledges given in the 1)00k are the result of his personal observation and his experiences, as al-Jahiz himself says in several chapters. 8) Asin Palacios (M.), “El ‘Libro de los Animales’ deJahiz”, in isi.’;, vol. 14 1930, p. 21. 9) Some parts of’ his book are published by R. Geyer in Wien, in 1887; and by A. Haffner in Wien, in 1895—1896; the book on the creation of man is still unpublished. 10) It is very interesting to notice that a summary of’
al-Damiri’s and other Muslim scientists’ books was translated into Latin by
Abraham Echellensis (d. Italy 1664) and was published under the title “Dc
Proprietatibus et Virtutibus Medicis Animalium” in Paris, in 1617. So, that is
to say, sometime before the appearance ofbarwin’s precursors, such as F. Redi
(1626—1698), C. Linnaeus (1707—1778), Buflon (1707—1788), Lamarck (1744—1829).
the idea of evolution of Muslims was penetrated in West and this explains why
the first evolutionists came from 12) Al-Jahiz, Kiiab al-Ha vawan, Vol. I, 13) ldem., Vol. VI, pp. 133—34; and there are many passages in different volumes illustrating the struggle for existence. See VI, 139; VII, 47, 80. 14. ldem., vol. VII, pp. 47-48. 15) According to some opinions, this original form of animal was lost because of earthquakes and floods. See al-Jahiz, op. cit., vol. IV, p. 24; cf vol. VII, p. 77. 16) ldem, vol. IV, p. 23. 17) ldem., vol. IV, pp. 24-25; c1 vol. VI, pp. 24-26. 18) I think al-Maskh is a kind of ape; see Vol. IV, p. 24. And do not confuse al-Maskh with al-Miskh. 19) ldem., Vol. IV, p. 24; and cf vol. IV, pp. 25-27. 20) See Sarton (0.), op. cii., vol. II, Part 2, pp. 354—355. 21) Mieli (A.), op. cii., p. 152. 22) Cassirer (E.), The Problem of Knowledge, translated by W. H. Woglom and Ch. W. Hendel, Yale University Press, New Haven, 1950, p. 137. 23) Sarton (G.), op. cii., vol. III, part 2, p. 1641. 24) See Darwin (Sir F.), The Life and Letters of’ Charles
Darwin, vol. I, 25) Collingwood (R. C.), The Idea of’ Nature, The Islamic Quarterly, Third Quarter 1983 http://www.salaam.co.uk/knowledge/al-jahiz.php |
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