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Al-Muwatta (the well-trodden path)

Of    Imam Malik Ibn Anas

The First Formulation of Islamic Law

Translated by Aisha Abdurrahman Bewley  Paperback 465 Pages Published by Madinah Press Inverness


The first formulation of Islamic Law based on the behaviour of the people of Madinah during the time of the great Companions, Al-Muwatta is the blueprint for a just and radiant society: the earliest, clearest, cleanest record of early Islam. It is divided into 61 books on different subjects, each book containing many ahadith. The numbering system used by Malik is consecutive per book

Malik's Muwatta ("the well-trodden path") is a collection of two items:


First  is the sayings and deeds of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) (also known as the sunnah). The reports of the Prophet's sayings and deeds are called ahadith.

Second  is  the legal opinions and decisions of the Prophet's Companions, their successors, and some later authorities.


Imam Malik (full name Malik bin Anas bin Malik bin Abu Amir Al-Asbahi) was born in 93 A.H. and died in 179 A.H.  He lived most of his life in Madinah, the city in which the Prophet (pbuh) settled in. He was a preeminent scholar of Islam, and  is the originator of the Maliki judicial school of thought. He is reputed to have had over one thousand students. During Malik's lifetime, he steadily revised his Muwatta, so it reflects over forty years of his learning and knowledge. It contains a few thousand  ahadith.

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